CSU Northridge » CSUN Lindo-Islam

CSUN Lindo-Islam

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:21
  • Sac State 1AC

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    • Contention 1 is Inherency


      All their Disads are terminally non-unique - Civic Education in Tunisia is not working they are falling behind

      Faour 11 (Muhammad, October 31,2011, “Will the Arab Spring lead to a revolution in education?”,http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/31/wll_tharab_spring_lead_to_a_revolutionneducation)BAL

      Authoritarian Arab governments have long used education as a tool...dropping from 339 to 327, a score significantly lower score than the global average of 500.


       Thus the following plan: The United States Executive Branch should have the Middle Eastern Partnership Initiative (MEPI) increase Civic Education reform for Tunisia

      Advantage 1 is Credibility


      U.S Credibility is in shambles but Tunisia provides a unique opportunity for the U.S

      Prince 11 (Rob, December 14,2011, “Notes from Tunisia: Did the US give green light for Ben Ali’s overthrow?” http://nawaat.org/portail/2011/12/14/notes-from-tunisia-did-the-us-give-green-light-for-ben-alis-overthrow/)BAL

      The U.S. Middle East policy has been in crisis for some time...degree and to identify with the historic movement of the Arab peoples, rather than against it.


      U.S Assistance is Tunisia is necessary to preserve U.S foreign policies and preventing an increase in Islamic force in Tunisia.

      Carpenter 11 (Scott, Foreign policy is an online journal that dedicates to reporting news both domestic and abroad 2/24/2011 “Help Tunis First” http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/24/help_tunisia_first?page=0,1)BAL

      The U.S. Embassy in Tunis was staffed to manage a sleepy relationship ...Obama and Clinton should publicly reassure their Tunisian counterparts of American support. 


      Decline of United States global dominance risks multiple scenarios for major global conflict, a resurgent imperial Russia, terrorism, and energy crisis

      Brzezinsky 12 (Zbigniew, national security advisor for Jimmy Carter, The Record, “Eight nations are on the endangered list” http://www.therecord.com/opinion/columns/article/650388--eight-nations-are-on-the-endangered-list) BAL

      With the decline of American global pre-eminence, weaker countries ...with violence potentially spreading to China, India, and Russia.



      And MEPI plus credibility is key to preserving US-Tunisia relations. Success in Tunisia will spill over to the rest of the region.

      Carpenter 11 (Scott, Foreign policy is an online journal that dedicates to reporting news both domestic and abroad 2/24/2011 “Help Tunis First” http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/24/help_tunisia_first?page=0,1)BAL

      The United States should make at least $50 million available immediately for democratic.... The United States should do everything in its power to help Tunisia along this path.


       And US-Tunisian relations are key for counter terrorism efforts against Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb. (AQIM)

      Pike 11 (John,  leading experts on defense, space and intelligence policy, is Director of GlobalSecurity.org,provided insight and understanding of world affairs, military, space and satellite technology to policy makers, the press and the public at large, 5/08/11, “U.S - Tunisian relations”, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/tunisia/forrel-us.html)

      US-Tunisian relations reflected the realities of the Ben Ali regime...Tunisia is one place where, in time, the US might find it.

      Lack of Assistance Means AQIM will retaliate and this leads to Extinction

      Sid-Ahmed ‘4

      (Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, “Extinction!” August 26-September 1, Issue no. 705, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/705/op5.htm)

      A nuclear attack by terrorists will be much more critical than Hiroshima and Nagazaki...When nuclear pollution infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.

      Advantage 2 is Israel                                                              


      The Tunisian elections failed – The New Arab Democracy will inevitably revert to Islamist extremist control in the Status Quo

      Huffington Post 12 (“Christopher Reeve: The Inevitable Islamist Domination in the New Arab Democracies”, February 1, 2012, http://scrollpost.com/blog/2012/02/01/christopher-reeve-the-inevitable-i)BAL

      On Wednesday of last week, Egyptians commemorated the first anniversary of their January 25 Revolution....as the demographic, financial, and political reality is overwhelmingly in its favor.

      Islamist controlled Tunisia will threaten Israel with Extinction.                                   

      IPT 11 (Word press, Tunisian Islamist Leader who calls for the Extinction of “the bacillus of Israel” to attend ‘Arab Spring’ conference on Capitol Hill”, November 29,2011, http://normal.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/tunisian-islamist-leader-who-calls-for-the-extinction-of-the-bacillus-of-israel-to-attend-arab-spring-conference-on-capitol-)BAL

      — A radical Tunisian Islamist leader, denied an entry visa into the United States during the....calls into question the wisdom of government partnerships which legitimize MPAC as mainstream.


       This causes Israel to launch a pre-emptive strike in 2012 against Iran to retaliate against the growing Islamic threat in the Middle East

      Kahill 11 (Reza, author for the Washington Times, December 29,2011, “The coming war with Iran”, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/de/29/the-coming-war-with-iran-191694701/)BAL

      Iran’s tyrannical leaders, determined to make the Islamic regime a nuclear-armed state,...of a military option on the table, we must realize that the only possible solution to this dilemma is a


      Israel-Iran war causes the Middle East, China, and Russia to retaliate, forcing Iran to close the Straight of Homuz causing Oil shocks.

      Payne 12 (Michael, Michael Payne is an independent progressive activist who writes articles about social, economic and political matters as well as American foreign policy. He is a U.S. Army veteran with expertise in foreign relations, “A Reckless, Misguided Attack on Iran could Set the Middle East Ablaze”, January 25, 2012, http://www.opednews.com/articles/1/A-Reckless-Misguided-Atta-by-michael-payne-120125-172.html)BAL

      The dark clouds of war hang over the Middle East as Israel prepares to launch an attack....with Israel and the U.S. the world could witness a devastating war of untold dimensions 

      Middle East war goes Global

      London 10 (Herbert I. London, President of the Hudson Institute, a New York University based political think tank, and professor of Humanities at New York University, Hudson New York, 6/28/10, http://www.hudson-ny.org/1387/coming-crisis-in-the-middle-east)

      The coming storm in the Middle East is gaining momentum; like conditions...Sunni "tent" must stand on two legs: if one, falls, the tent collapses.

      And Oil shocks empirically collapse growth—Kill consumption and spike inflation

      Roubini & Setser 4 (Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Business, Brad Setser, Research Associate, Global Economic Governance Programme, University College, Oxford, August 2004, online)

      Oil prices shocks have a stagflationary effect on the macroeconomy...The 2003 spike associated with the invasion of Iraq is a good example.


      A collapsing world economy will lead to mass nuclear war culminating in Extinction – Outweighs all their Disads.

      Bearden 2000 (Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, PhD, MS, BSCo-inventor - the 2002 Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - a replicated overunity EM generator Listed in Marquis' Who'sWho in America, 2004)

      Just prior to the terrible collapse of the World economy, with...a 99% chance of that scenario or some modified version of it, resulting.

      The Ennhada party is only winning a majority out of the Minority active political participation is key to level the playing field

      Bradley ’12 (John, accredited journalist specializing in Middle East affairs, After the Arab Spring, p.64   )BAL

      Only Civic Education is key to a successful democracy.

      Alijenfawi 09 (Khaled, ‘Civic Education Vital to Spreading tolerance in Middle East”, September 10,2009, http://www.civnet.org/2009/09/civic-education-vital-to-spreading-tolerance-in-middle-east/) BAL

      We can achieve “tolerance” in a typical Middle-Eastern society through “civic education.” ...Civic education will continue to be the viable result of hoping to achieve the democratic environment in the Middle East.

      Contention 2 is Solvency


      Past Education Reforms have failed only Civic education reform can encourage political participation to allow real democracy to prosper in Tunisia.

      Faour 11 (Muhammad, author for the Carnegie Endowment, October 31,2011, “Will the Arab Spring lead to a revolution in education?”,http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/31/wll_tharab_spring_lead_to_a_revolutionneducation)BAL

      Past education reform in both Tunisia and Egypt failed to improve student learning or to equip students..., but without it, the future of democracy will remain tenuous at best.

      MEPI can increase political participation and provide successful education reform.

      Powell 02’ (Sec. of State Colin Powell: American statesman, retired four-star general in U S Army, “THE MIDDLE EAST PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE: PROMOTING DEMOCRATIZATION IN A TROUBLED REGION” Pg. 82, http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa85842.000/hfa85842_0f.htm] BAL

      The MEPI seeks to lay a foundation for stability and freedom...access to higher education for young people and raise the quality of education in local schools

      Only MEPI solves they can engage with Tunisia and provide civic education to the people of Tunisia.

      MEPI 11 (“The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) – “Supporting the Democratic Aspirations of the Tunisian people” http://mepi.state.gov/mepi-highlights/tunisia.html)

      MEPI continues to be a part of the US Government’s robust efforts to support the Tunisian people during ...the country to promote civic engagement with youth from the capital and coastal cities to the interior of the country.

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