EU can re-deploy funding from other areas to increase democracy funding to MENA countries
Agence Europe, June 29, 2011, p.factiva
"The joint communication" and "administrative support expenditure"
EU solves Bahrain
Fakhro 2009, The European Union and Islam, p.
"Having examined both the influence" and "partner of the Arab world."
Democracy assistance key to boosting EU soft power
Gerrits, University of Amsterdam professor, 2007, Democracy: Europe's Core Value? eds. by M. van Doorn & R. von Meijenfeldt, [Andre], p. 61-2
"Lacking the military" and "more confrontational policies."
EU soft power is key to solving climate change, WMD proliferation, terrorism, poverty and economic growth
Bildt, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, 2007, The European Union's Soft Power, [Carl], p.
"Again and again, we" and "India, China and Brazil."
Permutation undermines EU effectiveness
Nakhleh, Director of Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program at CIA, 2010, US-EU Partnership and the Muslim World, October, [Emile], p.
"A key challenge facing" and "in those societies. (p.4)"
Perm undermines solvency - EU acting alone solves best
Fakhro 2009, The European Union and Islam, p.
"In the light of US hegemony" and "of the average Arab citizen."
US action trades-off with EU leadership - EU soft power is zero-sum
Berger, 2006, [Bernt], p.
"Conflicting interests and strategies" and "of the private sector."
Experts support comparing US versus EU approaches
Risse, Freie University of Berlin professor of international politics, 2009, Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law, eds. by A. Magen, T. Risse, & M. McFaul, [Thomas], p. 247
"As a result, we can" and "with those of the US."