The United States federal government should substantially increase its party development assistance for the Syrian National Council through the Turkish government.
Advantage One is Civil War
The Assad regime will eventually collapse – the only question is when, delaying US action solidifies the risk of civil war, US influence now creates the soft landing necessary for successful regime change
Boot, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, December 5, 2011 [Max, “Assad Must Go,”] SM
{the realist case…otherwise lack}
We’ll isolate three scenarios
First, full blown civil war in Syria will enflame the entire region – instability will spillover inciting increased violence in other Middle Eastern countries that face sectarian divides
Yacoubian, senior program officer for the Middle East at the U.S. Institute of Peace, October 5, 2011 [Mona] SM
{As Syria's uprising … widespread chaos}
Second is Iran, Syria represents a golden opportunity to derail Iran’s regional hegemony – US acting in tandem with Turkey is critical to engineer this outcome – now is the key time
Ben-Meir, prof of IR @ NYU, November 28, 2011 [Alon, “Keystone Influence: Syria’s Arab Spring and The Race for Regional Hegemony,” - The Iranian] SM
{Conversely, Israel is the only regional … indirectly engineering such an outcome?}
An unchecked Iran will serve as a catalyst for nuclear war
Ben-Meir, prof of IR @ NYU, February 6, 2007 [Alon, “Realpolitik: Ending Iran’s Defiance,”] SM
{Feeling emboldened and unrestrained, … halting its nuclear program}
Third is CBWs, a Syrian civil war will allow terrorists to acquire CBWs and cause warring factions to use CBWs against their enemies
Elsner, Huffington Post, November 23, 2011, [Alan, p.] JK
{As Syria teeters … of civilian casualties.}
Hezbullah will use CBWs to attack Israel
, . [Vol. 23, Issue. 12, p. proquest] JK
{Of greater concern … not ratified the CWC}
Syrian chemical weapons attack by Assad or terrorists will cause nuclear retaliation by Israel
Cordesman, Center for Strategic Studies Institute, 2006, [Anthony, “Arab-Israeli military forces in an era of asymmetric wars,” p. 370] JK
{Various experts have … prevent its recovery}
Israeli nuclear retaliation will cause global nuclear war and extinction
Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009, [Dennis Ray, Futures, December, p. 685] JK
{Israeli leaders and Zionist … ecosphere as well}
U.S. aid through Turkey is key to unifying the Syrian National Council and enabling them to oust Assad
Ben-Meir, prof of IR @ NYU, November 28, 2011 [Alon, “Assad's Iranian Shadow - Future of Iran-led "resistance block" in jeopardy,” - The Iranian] SM
{The United States and … could involve Iran and Israel}
Political organizational support for the SNC is key to lead to a transition of power devoid of civil war
Maalouf, oversaw programs on democracy promotion for Freedom House, & Torbey, international lawyer and PhD candidate, 15 yrs+ experience in Contemporary Middle East Studies, December 16, 2011 [Marwan and Khattar, “Breaking the Stalemate in Syria,” - POMED] SM
{The situation in Syria … ongoing bloodshed and humanitarian crisis}
And, US-Turkey collaboration is vital, given Turkey’s lack of expertise in party building
Ülgen, visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, December 2011, [Sinan, “From Inspiration to Aspiration – Turkey in the New Middle East,” Carnegie Foundation for International Peace – Carnegie Europe] SM
{The nature of political … of the Tunisian Islamists}
Advantage Two is U.S.-Turkey Relations
Although US-Turkey relations have improved, deeper engagement and cooperation is key to sustaining the long-term relationship
Kanat, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), December 25, 2011, [Kilic Bugra Sunday’s Zaman,] JK
{With major changes … other geographical regions}
And, unilateralism by Turkey in its dealings with the Arab Spring will harm US-Turkey relations—joint democracy assistance is key to sustaining cooperation
Ülgen, visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, December 2011, [Sinan, “From Inspiration to Aspiration – Turkey in the New Middle East,” Carnegie Foundation for International Peace – Carnegie Europe] SM
{The transformation …lasting success story}
Relations solve Middle East stability, terrorism, oil conflicts, and free trade, Iraq, Russia, Oil dependence
Menon, Monroe J. Rathbone prof of IR, Lehigh University Fellow, New America Foundation and Wimbush, Director, Center for Future Security Strategies, Hudson Institute, March 2007 [Rajan and S. Enders, Hudson Institute: “Is the United States Losing Turkey?” ] SM
{If Turkey, …Turkey’s other neighbors}
Central Asian oil conflicts leads to regional arms races that escalate into great power wars
Klare, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, 2008 [Michael, “The rise of the new energy world order,” ] SM
{A growing risk … control its global distribution}
Turkey supports collaborative democracy assistance toward Syria—they will say yes to the plan
Ignatius, staff writer for the Washington Post, December 7, 2011 [David, “U.S. and Turkey Find a Relationship that Works,”] SM
{They are unlikely .. chiefly at Iran. }
And, Syria is a key test case for US-Turkey cooperation
, Lehigh University professor of international relations, April 26, 2011, [Henri, Turkey and the Arab Spring, p.
{And at the … although certainly messy}
Collaborative democracy assistance will bolster US-Turkey relations
Kirisci, prof of PolySci @ Boğaziçi University, 2011, [Kemal, Insight Turkey, vol 13, no. 2, [], p. 50 ] JK
{The craving for … a common strategy}