Binghamton CR Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:17
  • Covert CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • We propose that: …  … be done through behind-the-scenes channels instead of publically.

      The counter-plan competes because public diplomacy is the normal means of communication in international relations

      International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies 12/10/2005 “PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: BASIC CONCEPTS AND TRENDS,” d/l: jl

      Counter-plan also competes based upon net-benefits since its actions wouldn’t be perceived.  Additionally, counter-plan solves plan because action done quietly behind the scenes would prevent the corruption of liberation struggles and best foster democracy

      World Savvy 2008 (a 501c3 national education nonprofit, designed and written for educators, but is a universal tool for deepening content knowledge of world issues.) ( mz

      We’re also net-beneficial since quiet diplomacy in governmental assistance is essential to preventing conflict

      Craig Collins and John Packer 2006 [Master of Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy,T ufts University. He is Coordinator of the Pacific Islands component of the Initiative on Conflict Preven-tion through Quiet Diplomacy] & [Coordinator of the Initiative on Conflict Prevention through Quiet Diplomacy. He is former Director of the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities] “Options and Techniques for Quiet Diplomacy,” jl

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Solvency:

      The role of the US is over in MENA, especially as issues of democracy begin to arise.  European multilateralism and non-Military intervention is preferable because it foregrounds unification and multilateralism.

      Whitehead 10

      Laurence, Official Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, International Dimensions of Political Change in the MENA Region, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Volume 6, No. 1: 1-23


      The EU is … “clash of civilizations.”


      EU democratic policy towards MENA is critical to establishing EU soft power and maintenance of security

      Panebianco 10

      Stefania, University of Catania, “The EU and the Middle East”, in The Foreign Policy of the European Union, edited by Federiga Bindi guy


      It would be a … defends the former.


      The EU’s emergent multilateral soft power is zero sum with the US and checks against US hard power
       Telo 6
       Mario, Jean Monnet Honorary Chair of International relations and European political integration at the Brussels Free University , Europe: a Civilian Power, 2006, pg.

      The existence of … EU’s foreign policy.



      Only EU leadership creates a global, multipolar model necessary to solve global peace and prosperity

      Jessica L. Hawkinson 8 Thesis in Int'l Studies @ Macalester "ESTABLISHING  MULTICULTURAL INTERDEPENDENCE IN EUROPE"


      Placing European developments…, and perpetual peace. 

  • Democracy Derealized K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy’s failure comes from its inability to recognize that its quest for universialism necessitates the creation of subjects on the margins, excluded through the very ideology which purports its inclusion

      Bhabha 3

      Homi, Professor @Harvard, “Democracy De-Realized”, Diogenes 2003 50: 27


      The transformations of …and politi- cal judgment.



      Erased populations/difference cause displacement and terror

      Bhabha, Homi K, The Location of Culture, 1994, Pg 9

      Fannon recognizes the …as it is disorienting.


      The Alternative is to de-realize democracy.  Only by thinking democracy’s inappropriateness can the true political potential emerge.  Any other version of democracy continues the project of global colonization and slavery, reaffirming imperialism.

      Bhabha 3

      Homi, Professor @Harvard, “Democracy De-Realized”, Diogenes 2003 50: 27


      Whose histories, what …  new century lies.

  • T- Quid Pro Quo

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be a quid pro quo – distinctive American approach*
      Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of many books on democracy promotion, January 2009. “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, Volume 20, Number 1

      B. Violation – the plan is unconditional

      C. Standards

      a MECHANISM-based limit is real-world – productive starting point for clash
      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. He has worked as a senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman assistant professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. Dr. Mitchell is also a practitioner of democracy Assistance, 2008. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INSTERESTS, 30: 156-175

  • Spanos K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Through democracy assistance, NGO’s and other means continue US imperialism in the MENA

      Massad 11 (Joseph,, Associate Professor for Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University//TR)

      Clearly in countries where the US...How successful the US and its local allies will be will depend on the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples.


      Spreading legitimate democracy through assistance is what the polity uses to justify it’s imperial actions

      Spanos 8 (William, Distinguished Professor of Literature/Baller, American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization-The Spector of Vietnam, p. 16-19 //TR)


      As the representation of such an all-encompassing... the “textual attitude,”23 leaves a trail of innocent blood in his inexorably undeviating wake. 
      Liberal Capitalist Democracy operates in a panoptic eye that reduces those it looks over into standing reserve

      Spanos 8

      William V., works @BU and you know who he is, “American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization—The specter of Vietnam”, 48-9//The Guy Risko


      This metaphysical epistemology of the liberal capitalist dispensation reifies or, more precisely, “structures” being (its be-ing) in its what Althusser means by the famous but still to be adequately under- stood, phrase “the interpellated subject.19



      Our evidence is comparative- Loss of essence outweighs extinction and makes extinction from nihilism inevitable- Recapturing the essence of being is a prerequisite to reestablishing a proper form of ethics and politics

      de Beistegui, 97 – Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick (Miguel, Heidegger and the Political, ed. by K. Ansell-Pearson and S. Critchely, p.71)


      Yet, at this point, everything happens as if our postmodern condition were nothing but the experience of the unlimited...toward the essence of being, a site in which man would find his proper place. 


      Thus the alternative- Reject the aff’s methodology and embrace the mindset of the nomad- the genealogical path opened by nomadism is the only way to solve for hegemonic imperialism


      Spanos 8 (William, Distinguished Professor of Literature/Baller, American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization-The Spector of Vietnam, p. 28-31 //TR)


      The “political Left” of the 1980s, which inaugurated the momentum “against theory,” was entirely justified in accusing the “theoretical” discourse of the 1970s ...polity. It is, in short, polyvalent in its imperial applications.

       Only a spectral negation from the place of the exile can escape the imperial system and resist interpolation, only a risk perm makes alt be coopted


      Spanos 8 (William, Distinguished Professor of Literature/Baller, American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization-The Spector of Vietnam, p. 23-25 //TR)


      The urgency of the need to break the peace of the Pax Metaphysica—and the general direction that such a project is compelled to take by the contemporary, post-Cold War occasion—is not only the symptomatic...There is then not just the negative advantage of refuge in the emigré’s eccentricitythere is also the positive benefits of challenging the system, describing it in a language unavailable to those it has already subdued.31


  • T- Government Infrastructure

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation – democracy assistance develops governmental infrastructure

      B. Violation – the plan does not interact with the political system of the target. 

      C. This interpretation is predictable and fair – preserves a focus on the core of negative literature and ensures stable assistance mechanisms
      Jennifer Windsor, Executive Director at the Freedom House and Lorne Craner is president of the International Republican Institute, former assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor. A member of the Council  on Foreign Relations, Mr. Craner has testified on numerous occasions before House and Senate committees, “HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY  ASSISTANCE: INCREASING THE  EFFECTIVENESS OF U.S. FOREIGN AID HEARING OF THE HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 10, 2010.

      Key to limits – way too many civil society organizations within the topic countries; explodes neg research burden and skews the debate for the aff.

  • D&G

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • [No Tag]
      Halsey 07 (Mark, “Deleuze/Guattari and the Ada Tree”
      What holds the earth together … residing in our heads.

      The constant replication of forces, specifically the reification of similar apparatuses remove the possibility of explosive or revolutionary creativity necessary to stave off the eventual uprising of violent facism.  

      Guattari 2004 in Deleuze (Desert Islands 269)

      Felix Guattari: Exactly. This is precisely what interests us… look like a joke

      State always needs the potential of war and an outside enemy to be disciplined in order justify its existence.  

      Marzec, 2001 (Robert, “The War Machine and Capitalism”, Rhizomes, 3, 2001,

      Here we come to the root of the problem…incorporated from the ground up by the State.

      Voting negative is the forming of a multiplicity, the activity of a rhizome, and allows for multiple contingent interests and perspectives that defies the reductionist approach of the aff.

      Marzec 99 (Robert, “Enclosures, Colonization, and the English Novel: Inhabiting Land in the British Empire” dist. Pg 301)

      These kinds of questions erupt…than could any epistemic ideology.

      The alternative is liberating because it reveals the crisis politics of the 1AC as an illusion
      Pelevin, 2002 [Victor, Russian author.]. Bomb Magaizine, Interview with Leo Kropywiansky. Vol No. 79, Spring. P.

      Since it happened a long time … of the entire order of things.

  • Anthro

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The word dehumanization reinforces the dualism between human and non-human animals.

      Carol J. Adams, 1994. “Neither Man nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals.”

      Speciesist language underlies a flawed epistemological pathology. This renders their truth claims unverifiable and always leads to disaster.


      Turns their aff and makes oppression inevitable

      Patterson 2002, Ph.D. “Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment f Animals and the Holocaust” 2002

  • T-Elections

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation: Democracy Assistance must directly help the electoral process.
      IFES 2011. (International Foundation for Electoral Systems)

      B. Violation: The affirmative does not effect the electoral process. 

      C. Standards

      1. Limits: Elections directly tie assistance to the core democratic process of contestation. Other targets of aid only indirectly improve demo by changing the political enviro. There are thousands of ways to indirectly promote demo.
        Carothers, 2003.  (Thomas Sr. Associate at Carnegie) “Is Gradualism Possible? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East”

      2. Topic Focus- Including every aff related to demo institutions makes the topic too large—Elections should be the focal point to ground education.
      Wright and Rogers, 2009. (Erik Olin and Joel, Professors of Sociology and Law at the University of Wisconsin) “American Society: How it Really Works”

      D. Voters- Vote neg for ground, fairness and education

  • Terror Talk K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A) The strategic binaries constructed by terror talk escalate into a pathology of fear that demands war and extermination and sanctions every kind of violence in defense of our own collective identity. 

      James Der Derian, 2002, Research Professor of IR @ Brown University and Prof of PoliSci @ UMass Amherst, “9.11: Before, After, and In Between,” p.

      B) Their discursive choice culminates in a state of exception where execution of the law against ‘terrorists’ becomes our sole preoccupation and can take on any form of violence.  This causes continuation of a failed counter-terror policy that encourages more terrorism and risks creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Joseba Zulaika, winter 2003, Prof in Center for Basque Studies @ U of Nevada, “The Self-Fulfilling Prophecies of Counterterrorism,” Radical History Review 85, p EBSCOhost

      C) This sacrificial logic sustains the worst violence, including Nazism, genocide and war – it results in extinction.

      Boaventura de Sousa Santos, April 2003, leading Portuguese social theorist, the director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, “Collective Suicide?” Bad Subjects, Issue 63, p.

      () VOTE NEGATIVE to reject the absolutist mentality of aff’s terrorist discourse and to question our own innocence in relation to global violence – if we don’t change the nature of political discourse about non-state actor violence then we’re doomed to an endless cycle of violence and global oppression.

      Joseba Zulaika, winter 2003, Prof in Center for Basque Studies @ U of Nevada, “The Self-Fulfilling Prophecies of Counterterrorism,” Radical History Review 85, p EBSCOhost

  • Tradeoff DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Food Aid Shell (1 of 2)


      First, newest budget cuts threaten food aid, putting millions of lives at risk


      William Lambers August 15 2011 {author of "Ending World Hunger: School Lunches for Kids Around the World."} Ending World Hunger “Congress: Food Aid Budget Cuts a Disaster” /AP


      Congress is fiercely debating budget cuts to save
      policy now tragically being forged by our representatives.

      And, funding foreign aid ensures trade-offs in other areas like food security


      AFP 2/11/2011 “Foreign aid cuts would be 'devastating:' Clinton,” d/l: jl


      WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned
      , with savings of under one million dollars.

      Food Aid Shell (2 of 2)


      Sadly, plan ensures trade-off since democracy assistance is expensive, and actually weakens the possibility for democracy




      There are many more arguments that demonstrate why


      of democratic assistance on electoral democracy in SADC.


      Ultimately, cutting food aid is the greatest threat to world peace


      William Lambers February 18 2011 {Global Hunger Examiner} “Congress Shows Poor Judgment with Food Aid Cuts”


      The Washington Post's story, "House budget


      sink American foreign policy by cutting food aid.

  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • We propose that the Republic of Turkey … <insert plan-text>
      Turkey is able to disrupt hierarchal relations to promote human rights and democracy throughout the Middle East without the othernizing tendencies of Western approaches, while improving their own record as well

      Kirisci, 2011 [Kemal, Prof. Political Science and Int’l Relations @ Bogazici Univeristy, Insight Turkey,”Turkey’s ‘Demonstrative Effect’ and the Transformation of the Middle East” Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 33-55,] jl

      Turkish leadership key to EU accession, which is essential to prevent war and stability

      Djavadi 2009 (Abbas, associate director of broadcasting at Radio Free Europe, “Turkish Involvement Could Stimulate Middle East Development,” RFE/RL, March 17, jl-cl

      Turkish efforts over the last …preoccupied with immediate concerns closer to home.

      EU accession key to prevent war in Europe

      Akarcali 2005 (Motherland Party (ANAP) Deputy Chairman Bulent Akarcali, “Cyprus PIO: Turkish Press and Other Media,” 2-3-2005, jl-cl

      Answer: The EU should be aware that … only focusing on details, it would turn its back on Turkey.

      European war means global nuclear war

      Charles Glaser 1993 (Assistant Professor in Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago) International Security jl-cl

      However, although the lack of an imminent …should not be unconcerned about Europe’s future.



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