Anthropocentrism K
- Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wayne State LM | Judge: D. Elliott, Koslow, Cooper
The juridical war language of their impact claims mask the species war at the foundation of the law. Kochi 9 species war: law, violence, and animals”, 353-359In everyday speech … resides species war, LIBERAL PEACE THEORY IS BUILT ON A DISCURSIVE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE CIVILIZED AND THE BARBARIAN. Buchan 02 Bruce Buchan B Arts (Hons), M Arts, PhD winner of B Arts (Hons), M Arts, PhD Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities “Explaining War and Peace: Kant and Liberal IR Theory” Alternatives v. 27 The assumption in liberal IR theory...distinction between war and crime. and, the impact is an unending political genocide which captures the apparatus of life and death Kochi and ordan 2k8 An argument for the global suicide of humanity”, vol 7, no 4 Within the picture … is an “external Treblinka.” rejection enables an understanding of the species-being that solves the ethical exceptionalism of their survival politics Hudson 4 The Political Animal: Species-Being and Bare Life, meditations journal We are all equally … politics and society? Block Cites AND, refusal of extinction in the name of survival abandons the incommunicable forms of life. the only ethical move is that which refuses to abandon bare life Dr. Noys 2K7 Benjamin, Professor Literature/Critical Theory at Chichster University, The Culture of Death, 96-97] Agamben is arguing that there is no forget our exposure to death THE US GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN COMMITTING ORCHESTRATED THE ANNUAL ANNIHILATION OF MILLIONS OF BIRDS AND ENCOURAGES PRIVATE FARMERS TO DO THE SAME. CSM 1/20 http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2011/0120/Bye-Bye-Blackbird-USDA-acknowledges-a-hand-in-one-mass-bird-death It's not" fallout from a secret US weapon lab... efficiently and out of sight Agamben. 2004 Professor of Philosophy at the , the in Paris, and the in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. The Open: Man and Animal. 15-16 It is hardly necessary to mention... separates us from the animals The delineation of the foreigner is a move of the anthropological machine that creates a zone of indistinction surrounding the human/inhuman binary Giorgio Agamben 2004 Professor of Philosophy at the , the in Paris, and the in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.The Open: Man and Animal. 37 The contradiction that... be able to stop them AND, THEIR LIBERALISM ENSURES A WEAK FORM OF NONHUMAN INCLUSION THAT CAUSES SUBORDINATION UNDER THE GUISE OF CONSIDERATION STEINER 2K10 gary, prof philosophy at Bucknell, Anthropocentrism and its Discontents, 201-4] The claims of liberalism are significant,... beings and the rest of nature. ONLY THE ALT ALONE CAN SOLVE - REFORMISM FAILS. Best 6 (Steven, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas El Paso, “Revolutionary Environmentalism: An Emerging New Struggle for Total Liberation” 2006) George W. Bush’s feel-good talk of progress and democracy... as the root of the problems. AND, THE JUSTIFICATION OF THE PLAN UPON LIBERAL PEACE THEORY AND ITS CIVILIZATIONAL DISCOURSE ENSURES THE ENDLESS CONTINUATION OF LEGITIMATE VIOLENCE WHICH COMPLETELY CAPTURES THE APPARTUSES OF LIFE AND DEATH. KOCHI 2K9 [tarik, lecturer in law and international security @ U of Sussex, Doctorate in Law from Griffith, “species war: law, violence, and animals”, ‘law, culture, and the humanities’, 353-359] This reflection need not be seen as carried out by every individual... thus a critic of war's normalization.
| 03/30/12 |
Arab Spring K
- Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wayne State LM | Judge: D. Elliott, Koslow, Cooper
THE ARAB SPRING DISCOURSE IS BUILT ON AN ORIENTALIST GRAMMAR WHICH PROMOTES AN ETHNOCENTRIC EVALUATION OF ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN MOVEMENTS. MARMOT 2K11 [angry, Eyes on Egypt and the region, Orientalism, Modernity, and the Arab Spring, apr 7, p google] A strong component of nineteenth-century … made, applied and guarded. and, orientalist discourse employed to justify u.s. policy enables racial superiority culminating in war and genocide. batur 2k7 [pinar vassar college, handbook of the sociology of racial and ethnic relations, “heart of violence: global racism, war, and genocide”] Albert Memmi argued that “We have no idea … with genocide, in Darfur. And, rejection of arab spring discourse is key to creating emancipatory geographies which challenge essentialized Oriental identities. Kearns 2k11 [Oliver, Pambazuka News, March 31, Cote D’Ivoire, Libya, and the Arab Spring, http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/72169] Virgil Hawkins, author of 'Stealth Conflicts', … a Spring across all continents. 2nc cards EVEN TACIT ACCEPTANCE OF THEIR ARAB SPRING DISCOURSE IS AN ACT OF EXTREME INTELLECTUAL RACISM WHICH NORMALIZES IMPERIAL TAXONOMIES AND FORGETS COLONIAL VIOLENCE.
Alik Shahadah 2K5 [Owen director, African academic, writer, musician, photographer and music producer, www.itzcaribbean.com/linguistics_african.php]
The notion of some invisible … (which it annexed in antiquity). the term arab spring is depoliticizing and homogenizes an inherently benevolent concept of liberal democracy. Rooksby 2K11 [“Summer Here and it’s time to call the Arab Spring a Revolution,” June 14th http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/14/arab-spring-revolution But there is a rather coy quality to the media … tyranny known as Saudi Arabia. AND, IT'S BAD. DON'T USE IT ANYMORE. KHOURI 2K11 [rami, “drop the orientalist term ‘Arab Spring’, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Columnist/2011/Aug-17/Drop-the-Orientalist-term-Arab-Spring.ashx#axzz1VWpIH3H6] A fascinating aspect of the current wave of ... Dropping the term “Arab Spring” for something more accurate is my suggested starting point. DISCURSIVE STARTING POINT FOR CRITIQUE SOLVES. Taylor & Hardman, 04 (Anita Taylor & M.J. Hardman, “War, Language and Gender, What New Can be Said? Framing the Issues” Women & Language, Fall2004, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p3-19, Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete) Whatever might have caused the initial shift… upholding patriarchal hierarchies. policymaking requires awareness about how these narratives function. Dryzek 2006 [John S., Policy analysis as critique, Professor of Political Science and Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, former Head of the Departments of Political Science at the Universities of Oregon and Melbourne and the Social and Political Theory program at ANU, and former editor of the Australian Journal of Political Science, Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, pg 194-5] Narrative analysis (Roe 1994) focuses … story would be vastly different.
| 03/30/12 |
Human Security K
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
HUMAN SECURITY PRODUCES POPULATIONS AND PHENOMENA TO CREATE APORIAS OF MEANING TO BE FILLED WITH GOVERNMENTALITY BY MEANS OF A SCOPIC REGIME WHICH MANAGES POTENTIAL THREATS BY PRE-EMPTIVE AGGRESSION UNDER THE GUISE OF PROMOTING HUMAN SECURITY AND DIGNITY. Grayson 2k11 [kyle, lecturer in International Politics at Newcastle University, “human security: sovereignty and disorder” in “critical perspectives on human security: rethinking emancipation and power in international relations” ed. Chandler, Hynek, p. 173-5] In orthodox narratives of the genesis of human security…….. engagement anywhere in the world where human life and dignity were understood to be under threat (UNDP 1995). AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS GOVERNMENTAL SCOPIC REGIME ENSURES ENDLESS ADDICTION TO TARGET SURVEILLENCE AND KILLINGS THAT BECOME THE MASCULINIZED EXTENSION OF HEGEMONIC IDEOLOGY. GRAYSON 2K11 [kyle, lecturer in International Politics at Newcastle University, “Targeted Killing and the Scopic Regime of Counter-Terrorism”] \\ While the centrality of vision to practices of power has been identified by the likes……… produces a form of pleasure that can be addictive for the one with privilege of viewing (Feldman 1997, p. 41). THE ALTERNATIVE IS TO VOTE NEGATIVE TO REJECT HUMAN SECURITY. \\ THE ACT OF REJECTION IS A POLITICIZATION OF THE POTENTIALITY LEFT DISCARDED AND CAPTURED BY THE AFFIRMATIVE’S HUMAN SECURITY APPROACH WHICH SECRETLY PRESERVES THE AUTHORITY WHICH PRODUCES THE CRISIS IT ATTEMPTS TO SOLVE. ONLY TOTAL REJECTION CAN SOLVE. Alt 2k11 [suvi, professor of political science, university of Lapland, finland, “problematizing life under biopower” in “critical perspectives on human security: rethinking emancipation and power in international relations” ed. Chandler, Hynek, 150-1] In contrast to Doucet and de Larrinaga's chapter in this volume, which starts……… a passion for intrigue, it may be less satisfying for those looking for practical political guidance. \\\\\\
| 03/30/12 |
Polyarchy K
- Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: UMW MM | Judge:
The aff’s so called democracy assistance promotes a polyarchic society, depoliticizes resistance to hegemonic exploitation. The transition to “democracy” is only a means to maintain U.S. interests and ensures elite control Yaylaci 2007 Ismail, A democratic realist foreign policy, google, political science and international relations The hegemonic order operates…is aiming to promote. -U.S. democracy assistance fosters growing social inequity based on the convalescence of a form of hegemony and that depoliticizes social conditions in favor of structural political change forcing new populations into social cleansing and destroy the globe. Robinson 1996 William, promoting polyarchy: globalization, us intervention, and hegemony, pg 376-7 The dramatic worldwide increase in poverty…feature of the new world order? -And the 1ac is an act of intellectual production with proports to give an objective, value-neutral description of events towards the end of increasing democracy assistance. This focus on structural policy change a unique historic bloc which allows debaters as expert legitimizers to use the backwards linkage between academia and policy to solidify exploitative hegemony through self-deceptive ideology. The alternative is an act of performing critique by rejecting the 1ac Robinson 1996 William, promoting polyarchy: globalization, us intervention, and hegemony, pg 41-44 intellectual production cannot be separated from…effectively carrying out this intervention.
| 03/30/12 |
Uncivilized K
- Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: UMW MM | Judge:
WE ARE UNCIVILIZED. LEAVE US ALONE. THE AFF IS A SPACE ELEVATOR THAT ONLY GOES ONE WAY. I WOULD RATHER BE A ROCK BURIED IN THE SOIL. the dark mountain manifesto 2k9 ["uncivilization", http://www.dark-mountain.net/] Increasingly, people are restless. … have all trained themselves not to see. AND, THEIR BRILLIANT SOLUTIONS TO THE FACTS OF LIVING IGNORES THAT THE EARTH HAS BEEN EATEN FROM THE INSIDE . YOU SHOULD look down in admiration of how beautiful our blood and bones look streaking down the precipice AS WE FALL INTO ITS ABSENT CENTER[e]. the dark mountain manifesto 2k9 ["uncivilization", http://www.dark-mountain.net/] We imagined ourselves isolated from the source of our existence. … We believe it is time to look down. SO, BECOME UNCIVILIZED. STOP LISTENING TO THE AFFIRMATIVE TEAM. REFUSE TO EVALUATE THEIR REMAINING SPEECHES. the dark mountain manifesto 2k9 ["uncivilization", http://www.dark-mountain.net/] It might perhaps be just as useful to explain what Uncivilised writing is not. … This is the challenge for writing — for art — to meet. This is what we are here for.
| 03/31/12 |
Transparency PIC
- Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: UMW MM | Judge:
TRANSPARENCY IS IMPOSSIBLE – CODING IT AS A GOAL OR METHOD IN STATIST POLITICS CREATES THE FALSE EXPECTATION OF TOTAL TRANSPARENCY WHICH FUTHER OBSCURES ABUSES OF GOVERNANCE – TURNS THE CASE. Fenster 2k10 [mark, seeing the state: transparency as metaphor, administrative law review, 62, 3, summer, american bar association, Prof of Law, UFlorida – Levin College of Law, JD Yale Law, PhD Urbana Champaign] Employed in this way, the term transparency simultaneously describes both an aspirational goal… ediments to transparency caused by the vast territory of the American state, the complexity of its jurisdictional units, and the physical structures that house government offices. Both Parts II and III explain the impediments to the state’s visibility and the imperfect means that have been developed to overcome them. AND, REFUSAL OF THEIR IDEALIZATION OF TRANSPARENCY IS KEY. INSTEAD YOU SHOULD DEMANDS A MORE SELF-REFLECTIVE FORM OF INTELLIGENT ACCOUNTABILITY GROUNDED IN THE ACKNOWLEDGE OF THE INEVITABLE FAILURE OF TRANSPARENCY. Roberts 2k9 [john, “no one is perfect: the limits of transparency and an ethic for intelligent accountability”, accounting, organizations, and society, 32, 957-970, Faculty of Economics and Business, U of Sydney] In setting out to explore the effects of transparency on the subject some clues can be taken from … … of this ideal of a self that is fully transparent to itself and others. AND, TRANSPARENCY CREATES BUREAUCRATIC DEFENSIVENESS WHICH CALCIFIES UNETHICAL SELF-INTEREST. REFRAMING ACCOUNTABILITY WITHOUT TRANSPARENCY AND INSTEAD AS RADICAL COMPASSIONATE ACCOUNTABILITY SOLVES. THERE IS NO RISK OF UNIQUE AFF OFFENSE BECAUSE TRANSPARENCY IS A FORM OF KNOWING IN ADVANCE WHICH CANNOT ESCAPE ITS OWN PARANOIC SELF-EVALUATION. Roberts 2k9 [john, “no one is perfect: the limits of transparency and an ethic for intelligent accountability”, accounting, organizations, and society, 32, 957-970, Faculty of Economics and Business, U of Sydney] What might the potentials of such an alternative form of accountability … Finally, it would be perhaps in all respects a more provisional form of accountability; less certain of the truth, and the relevance or adequacy of existing standards of judgement, and more conscious of my own and others vulnerability.
| 03/31/12 |
Case Round 6
- Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: UMW MM | Judge:
In poor Arab countries like Egypt and Tunisia, Western neo-liberal management has been the root cause of corruption and economic marginalization—Tunisia proves these bargains only buy off reform and democracy can only come from below by itself. Sadiki '11 [Larbi Sadiki is a senior lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, and author of Arab Democratisation: Elections without Democracy. “THE "BIN LADEN" OF MARGINALISATION: The real terror eating away at the Arab world is socio-economic marginalisation.” HYPERLINK "http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/01/201111413424337867.html"http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/01/201111413424337867.html] The armies of 'khobzistes' (the unemployed of the Maghreb) - now marching for bread in the streets and slums of Algiers and Kasserine and who tomorrow may be in Amman, Rabat, San'aa, Ramallah, Cairo and southern Beirut - are not fighting the terror of unemployment with ideology. They do not need one. … He is weak, and the party following and army that has protected him for 24 years may be withdrawing loyalty as the crisis deepens.
| 03/31/12 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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