Baylor » NDT Aff - Baylor Hogan & Kaut

NDT Aff - Baylor Hogan & Kaut

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:17
  • Prisons 1NC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • And our advocacy should be understood as part of an intellectual struggle against the racialized practices that justify colonialism, imperialism and fascism, and hence allow for the existence of the prison system. A failure to confront contemporary displays of the state’s history of sovereign domination threatens the entire world.

      Nikhil singh 2006,

      Professor of History at the Universty of Washington,

      South atlantic Quarterly “The afterlife of fascism”

      The philosopher Giorgio Agamben has. . .  placed the entire world in danger.


      We must seek to understand imprisonment as a practice of social ordering that creates the conditions underwhich exceptional examples of US domination can occur.

      Dylan Rodriquez, Professor University of California Riverside, November 2007

      Kritika Kultura “American Globality and the U.S. prison regime: state violence and white supremacy from Abu Graib to Stockton to Bagong Diwa” Available online at http://www.ateneo. edu/ateneo/www/UserFiles/121/docs/KK09.pdf

      To consider the U.S. prison. . . simultaneously mobilized, proliferating, and global.


      Our focus on a kritik of the white supremacist prison system allows an understanding of the ways in which difference is produced and regulated across the entire reach of the united states. This is key to ending the practices that manage and enslave people of color all over the world.

      Dylan Rodriquez, Professor University of California Riverside, November 2007

      Kritika Kultura “American Globality and the U.S. prison regime: state violence and white supremacy from Abu Graib to Stockton to Bagong Diwa” Available online at http://www.ateneo. edu/ateneo/www/UserFiles/121/docs/KK09.pdf

  • Cap 1nc

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  Cards missing

      Their academic criticism is one that inevitabloy gives into cultural “studies chic” and makes their activism simply apart of living a cozy life in the towers of academia – they fit perfect with the vision of global capital

      Zizek 02


      The alternative is to completely withdraw from the ideology of capital

      The alternatives allow us to see through the ideological fantasides that inform the plan

      Johnson 4

  • Cap 1nr

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • nSome of these cards might've been in the 1nc

      The affirmative move to change things only happens within the limit of the economy they destroy the ability to criticize capital offered by our alternative

      Zizek 2001


      Focus on cultural criticism accepts the underlying political economy – it prevents analysis for the relations between particulars and localities

      Refusing to act forces thought and reflection denying the ability to scapegoat capital and transversing the ideological coordinates of our current order

      Butler and Stephens


      The perm is an act of interpasivity – reentrenching capitalism

      Zizek 2


      Impact class  oppression

      Class oppression is uniquely terrible – and structures other forms of oppression

      Kovel 2


      Capitalism is root cause of racism

      IBT No Date

  • Terrorism adv rd 4

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • yaTerror by 2013

      Kanani 11

      We should be…put their minds to it.


      AQIM rising from Libya poses the greatest risk of terrorism

      Alexander 12

      Last year,…ground for its activities.


      Only US signal solves terror

      Gordon and Zarate 11

      Admittedly, in many quarters,…the beginning of the end of the long war.


      The Meghreb is key, key to sustained engagement

      Alexander 12

      In sum,…even further.


      US democracy aid for Libya that reduces civil war eliminates al qaeda globally

      Gordon and Zarate 11

      Another immediate….yet to be radicalized.


      Nuclear terror attack causes ext

      Hellman 8

      The threat of…not an option.


      Independently causes bioterror attack on US

      Maginnis 9

      The report that some…before they mature.


      Bioterror causes ext

      Ochs 2

      Of all the weapons…damage bioweapons could cause.

  • Mobro Aff

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The President of the United States should issue an executive order to substantially increase political party assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood.

      Terrorism Advantage

      Engaging the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood key to check terrorism.


      Pack & Barfi 12

      (Jason, president of and doctoral student at Cambridge University, he holds a master’s degree in imperial history from St. Antony’s College, Oxford University; Barak, research fellow with the New America Foundation, specializing in Arab and Islamic affairs; February, “In War’s Wake: The Struggle for Post-Qadhafi Libya,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy – kurr)


      Work with moderate Islamists …  the loss of U.S. prestige.


      AQIM rising from Libya poses the greatest risk of terrorism


      Alexander 12

      (Yonah, Director, International Center for Terrorism Studies, and Senior Fellow, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, “Special Updated Report: Terrorism in North, West, & Central Africa: From 9/11 to the Arab Spring”


      Last year, intelligence reports …  destabilize the region even further.

      The Meghreb is key, key to sustained engagement


      Alexander 12

      (Yonah, Director, International Center for Terrorism Studies, and Senior Fellow, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, “Special Updated Report: Terrorism in North, West, & Central Africa: From 9/11 to the Arab Spring”


      In sum, a coherent and firm …  remainder of the 21st century.


      Al Qaeda poses a high risk of nuclear terrorism.

      Kanani 11

      (Editor of World Affairs Commentary, Rahim, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent” Forbes,


      Rigid, arrogant, unpopular ...  they put their minds to it.”

      Nuclear Terror Attack causes Extinction

      Hellman 8

      [Martin E. Hellman, emeritus prof of engineering @ Stanford, “Risk Analysis of Nuclear Deterrence” SPRING 2008 THE BENT OF TAU BETA PI,]


      The threat of nuclear terrorism looms …  a necessity—not an option.


      Independently, causes a bioterror attack on the US


      Maginnis 9 (Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, and a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, “Al-Qaeda and The Plague,” )


      The report that some forty … threats before they mature. 




      Richard Ochs, Chemical Weapons Working Group Member, 2002

      [“Biological Weapons must be Abolished Immediately,” June 9,]


      Of all the weapons of mass destruction…  EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE. 



      Cred Advantage


      Engaging the Muslim Brotherhood is key to credibility


      Seib 1/13/2012

      (Philip, Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California, and is director of USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy, “U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Arab Islamists” Political Machine, Lexis – kurr)


      U.S. public diplomacy followed …  elections and build new relationships.


      America’s strategy of leading from behind in Libya destroys regional credibility.


      Hamid 10/1 Shadi Hamid, 10/1/11, What Obama and American Liberals Don’t Understand About the Arab Spring,,0


      Throughout the Arab spring ... for “stable,” repressive regimes.


      That’s key to effective hegemony

      Finnemore 9 – Martha Finnemore, professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, January 2009, “Legitimacy, Hypocrisy, and the Social Structure of Unipolarity: Why Being a Unipole Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be,” World Politics, Volume 61, Number 1


      The strength of a unipolar system … building armies or bank accounts.

      Key to solve extinction- multilateral coalitions key to resolve every major global dispute

      Feffer 9 (co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies John Feffer February 2009 “A Multipolar Moment”


      But times have changed, argues FPIF …e sound of dirt hitting a coffin lid?

      Obama is key- perception of leading from behind is creating a perception of weakness.


      Hulett, 9/3

      (Sue, Richard P. and Sophia D. Henke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and chair of the Political Science Department at Knox College, 2011, “Sue Hulett: Has Obama abandoned global leadership?”,

      We also know a bit more … evolve promoting democracy and liberty.

      Strong Obama solves Indo-Pak conflict and North Korea aggression


      Hanson 9

      Victor Davis Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History @ Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Interview with the Oregon Patriots,, December 7,

      BC: Are we currently sending a … whom it will bite or when.


      Indo-Pak war causes extinction


      Chaffin 11

      Greg Research Assistant at Foreign Policy in Focus, July 8, 2011, “Reorienting U.S. Security Strategy in South Asia,” online:

      The greatest threat to … the two that could quickly escalate.


      North Korea conflict causes extinction


      Hayes, 10

      [Peter & Michael Hamel-Green, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Western partner of the Council on Foreign Relations; and the US Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia” Nautilus, Special Report, 10-001: January 5th, 2010,]

      A Korean Nuclear Weapons Free … could similarly be intercepted.

      Advantage 3 Engagement


      Islamist movements win now


      Nikolas 1/21

      (Katerina, “Libyan Islamists demand sharia law”


      Libyan Islamists staged … Abdel Hakim Belhaj is a realistic prospect.


      Engage Key to moderate


      The Economist 2/18

      (“Dialogue is the best defence”


      WHEN revolutionaries first …  could become self-fulfilling.


      U.S. party assistance’s key to secular-Islamist coalitions- solves moderation


      Yacoubian 7

      (Mona, Special Advisor, Muslim World Initiative – U.S. Institute of Peace, “Engaging Islamists and

      Promoting Democracy”, August,


      Cross-Party Cooperation. A crucial …  important insights to be emulated elsewhere.


      Libyan Mobro leads to war with Israel


      NTEB News Desk 11

      (“Shock! Muslim Brotherhood Orders ‘Hit’ On Gaddafi” 2/21, ?p=2418)


      We have warned you from the …  leader remains in Tripoli.” source – All Voices


      Leads to broad retaliation


      Eberhart 1

      (David, Newsmax, “Samson Option: Israel's Plan to Prevent Mass Destruction Attacks” Oct. 16, 2001,


      After decades of living among … the Samson option was still realistically an option.


      Leads to global nuclear war


      Nawash 9

      (Kamal , Founder of the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism, Fmr White House Representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1/15/200 (


      Israel/Palestine Conflict The answer is YES but time is running out.


      Doesn’t need to draw in great powers – Israel alone has enough to cause extinction.


      Casey ’6

      Mingus Casey, Scoop News, 10-9-6 “On the History of Nuclear Arms, the Arms trade, and one very small very vulnerable very beautiful planet” online


      The ecological effects of … sea life will probably die out.

      Branding aid as official and from the federal government is key to reverse anti-Americanism


      Lord 9

      (Kristin M., Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for a New American Security, “FLAG ON THE BAG? BRANDING FOREIGN ASSISTANCE AND THE STRUGGLE AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM,”


      Anti-American attitudes remain … opinion because of that assistance. 5



      The impact’s nuclear and biological war in every global hotspot


      Asali 9 (Ziad, President and Founder – American Task Force on Palestine, et al., “Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World”, February, p. 9-16)


      Improving relations with Muslim … or other critical challenges abroad.




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