Baylor » Baylor Hogan and Nelson Neg

Baylor Hogan and Nelson Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:17
  • GSU 1NC Shells

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Divert CP

      Divert from conflict mitigation to yemen

      It competes- 

      Counterplan is anti-topical any perm doesn’t prove the resolution true

      Increase- to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality;augment; add to: to increase taxes. 11

      for    [fawr; unstressed fer]   Show IPA preposition 1. with the object or purpose of: to run for exercise. 2. intended to belong to, or be used in connection with:equipment for the army; a closet for dishes.
      Marriam Webster’s 11
      Net Benefit
      Conflict mitigation prevents reform and causes instability

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, “ASSESSING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: YEMEN” FRIDE, pdf on google)

      US democracy assistance … provide core support to NDI activities in Yemen.

      Impact is terrorism

      SIRS 7/4/11 (Security Intelligence Resilience Strategy, “Political Instability in Yemen May be the Single Greatest Danger Facing the West”,

      International community must be sure to specifically …  terrorist plots against the West by a stronger AQAP is probable.

      Funding Yemen security forces is the source of the instability.

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, “ASSESSING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: YEMEN” FRIDE, pdf on google)

      Donors need to be aware of the …  of donor policies in Yemen.

      Consult Turkey
       Genuine Consultation with Turkey key to relations- Logalulu ’08
      (O. Faruk is President of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies in Ankara and a Former Turkish Ambassador to the U.S., “The State of U.S. Turkish Relations: A Turkey Perspective,”)

      Repairing the relationship will take much …  regularly held to make sure that the relationship is kept on track.

      Relations key to Balkan stability- Cagaptay ’03
      (Soner is director of Turkish Studies for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy,“Turkey Time,” June 20th)

      If Ankara were to study Turkish-American  … importance — its most valuable possession — available to Washington. 

      Global nuclear war
      Eland 99 [Ivan, Director of Center on Peace & Liberty at Independent Institute, May 27, ]
      U.S. relations with Russia—already …  a new Cold War with two nuclear powers. 

      EU CP

      The EU solves better in affective democracy assistance- and action is key to boost its soft power

      Fakhro 9 (E.A., International institute for democracy and electoral assistance, “The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World”

      Having examined both the influence of …  its presence as a long-term ally and partner of the Arab world.

      EU softpower key to stop warming

      Nye 8 (Joseph, Harvard JFK School, The St. Petersburg Times, March 4, 2008, p. 17)

      U.S. military might is not …  evolution of European policies and power.   

      Capitalism K
      Democracy assistance is politically viable capitalist intervention- welcome to for profit democracy

      Sussman 6 (Gerald, PhD at Portland State, “The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe” Monthly Review,

      U.S. interventionism, except perhaps in  … of electoral legitimacy without running the risks of democratic uncertainty.”30

      Capital accelerates violence threatening extinction.

      Meszaros 95 (Istvan, Philosophy professor at Sussex University, “Beyond Capital: Toward a Theory of Transition” p 115)

      Yet, despite the intellectual greatness of …  of humankind in its entirety: Holocaust and Hiroshima combined on a global scale.

      We have an ethical responsibility to reject capitalism

      Zizek and Daly 4 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek,

      For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this … abject Other to that of a "glitch" in an otherwise sound matrix.

      The alternative is to completely withdraw from the ideology of capital.

      The alternative allows us to see through the ideological fantasies that inform the plan.

      Johnson 4 (Adrian, PhD Emory University, “The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the Dynamics of Belief” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society(2004)9, 259–283, Scribd)

      Perhaps the absence of a detailed political roadmap …  (‘‘Capitalist commodity fetishism or the truth? I choose fetishism’’).

      We need a conceptual framework first- rushing into action risks failure

      Johnson 4 (Adrian, PhD Emory University, “The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the Dynamics of Belief” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society(2004)9, 259–283, Scribd)

      The height of Zˇizˇek’s philosophical traditionalism, …  they either fail to disrupt capitalism or are ideologically co- opted by it.

      Iran DA
      Iran views SQ MENA as offering tremendous opportunity to expand their influence
      Iran Politik 8-28-11

      For the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), … bridge to the Levant and Israel-Palestine is threatened.

      The plan is perceived as just another form of US democracy promotion, and Iran specifically feels threatened by US democracy assistance
      Majumdar '11 (Visiting Foreign Policy Scholar at the University of British Columbia’s Liu Institute, and director of the Hurriya Initiative: Ending Tyranny Through Freedom in 21st Century Statecraft)
      President George W. Bush’s second inaugural address …. This included vocal support for Internet freedoms.

      Reducing Iranian influence causes lashout
      Hammond '11
      Opposition leader Mirhossein …  out numerous long-range missile tests.

      That leads to a region wide firefight—engulfing Iraq, Afghanistan, and global oil supplies

      Blair 5-19-10 [David, “Threat of war across region is unspoken realization”,
      Officials stress war is far from imminent …  Bahrain and the US Central Command presence in Qatar.  

      SKFTA DA
      SKFTA will pass, priority- Hill 8-14
      (“White House Pushes Congress to Prioritize Pushing Trade Deals,”)

      Passing three pending … accords as well as a worker-assistance program. 

      Capital is critical to pass SKFTA – NAFTA negotiations prove
      McLarty and Cunningham, 1/24/2011 (Thomas - chief of staff to Clinton, and Nelson - aide to Clinton, Obama’s free trade opportunity, Wall Street Journal, p.
      In the first two years of President Obama's … —something they probably still understand in Chicago.

      Democracy Assistance gurantees a fight, Bush proves- Mitchell 2-2
      (Lincoln is at the Harman Institute at Columbia University, “Supporting Democracy and Supporting Dictatorship in Egypt,”)

      Outside of a few parts of Eastern Europe … position of being opposed to democracy and freedom.

      SKFTA most important factor for U.S. influence in Asia- Flake & Stangarone 8-17
      (L. Gordon  is the executive director of  the Maureen & Mike Mansfield Foundation, “Why U.S. Needs Korea Trade Deal,” Troy is director of Trade for the Korea Institute )
      Perhaps more important, the ability of the …  in the region, has been the US-Japan alliance. 

      U.S. leadership in Asia solves multiple scenarios for war- Goh 8
      (Evelyn, Lecturer in International Relations in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the Univ of Oxford, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, “Hierarchy and the role of the United States in the East Asian security order,” 2008 8(3):353-377, Oxford Journals Database)

      This is the main structural dilemma: …  could surface as a result of not doing so would appear to be much worse.

  • Currency Bill

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Currency deal has enough votes- but won’t get out now


      Hughes 10/6 (Siobhan, Dow Jones Newswire, “UPDATE:On Currency Bill, Rank-And-File Republicans Buck GOP Leaders”


      The U.S. Senate took … said in a research note on Tuesday.



      Pol cap key to stop it- starts a trade war


      Palmer 9/2 (Doug, “Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall” Reuters,


      Democrats like House Minority Leader …  expend political capital to block it.


      Chinese trade conflicts is the most likely scenario for military conflict.

      Landy 7 (Ben, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, publisher of the Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and Government Executive magazines, April 3, 2007,

      The greatest threat for the 21st century is …  budgets and anti-satellite tests.

      Nuclear war

      (STRAITS TIMES, June 25, 2K, Pg. l/n)


      THE high-intensity scenario postulates …  see the destruction of civilization.

  • UNLV Doubles

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Idaho State | Judge:



      Power works through its opposite. Opposing systems of power just rpo them up

      Chandelr 7 (David, “Baudrillard and IR Panel”)

      For Baudrillard, the framework of theoretical … that purpose it prefers the discourse of crisis …


      Better to be a slave to others than a slave to yourself

      Baudrillard 1993 (The Transparency of evil, p 167-168)

      At all events, it is better … that which we have to seduce.



      Freedom is overrated, we being an object is more liberating.

      Baudrillard (Intelligence of evil)

      Freedom? A dream! … nor a moral and psychological law.


      Alternative is the strategy of the object

      Baudrillard 1993 (The Transparency of Evil, p 146-148)

      The very scale o the efforts … and thus of living itself …

  • Memo

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text --- The Director of the F Bureau of the United States Department of State should issue and publish in the Federal Register a policy memorandum that relevant United States entities should: ____________________________________________________________


      Competes --- policy statements do not make law --- they’re legally distinct from the plan because they’re only position-taking

      Koch 5 (Charles H. Jr., Professor of Law – William and Mary School of Law, “Policymaking by the Administrative Judiciary”, Alabama Law Review, Spring, 56 Ala. L. Rev. 693, Lexis)


      n110 E.g., Consol Edison Co of New York v. FERC, 315 F.3d 316, 323 (D.C. Cir 2003)

      "Policy statements" differ from ... icatory approach . . . Policy statements are binding on neither the public, nor the agency.


      CP avoids politics --- but binding agency action links below congressional radar, circumvents notification requirements and interest group lobbying, solidifies gains before opposition kicks in and even if it triggers the link wouldn’t be until AFTER our DA

      Raso 10 (Connor R., JD – Yale Law School and Ph.D. in Political Science – Stanford University, “Strategic or Sincere? Analyzing Agency Use of Guidance Documents”, The Yale Law Journal, January, 119 Yale L.J. 782, Lexis)


      A. Congressional and Presidential Preferences ...  attractive in cases where Congress and the President are likely to intervene against the agency.


  • Divert CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Divert CP

      Divert from conflict mitigation to yemen

      It competes- 

      Counterplan is anti-topical any perm doesn’t prove the resolution true

      Increase- to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality;augment; add to: to increase taxes. 11

      for    [fawr; unstressed fer]   Show IPA preposition 1. with the object or purpose of: to run for exercise. 2. intended to belong to, or be used in connection with:equipment for the army; a closet for dishes.
      Marriam Webster’s 11
      Net Benefit
      Conflict mitigation prevents reform and causes instability

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, “ASSESSING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: YEMEN” FRIDE, pdf on google)

      US democracy assistance … provide core support to NDI activities in Yemen.

      Impact is terrorism

      SIRS 7/4/11 (Security Intelligence Resilience Strategy, “Political Instability in Yemen May be the Single Greatest Danger Facing the West”,

      International community must be sure to specifically …  terrorist plots against the West by a stronger AQAP is probable.

      Funding Yemen security forces is the source of the instability.

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, “ASSESSING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: YEMEN” FRIDE, pdf on google)

      Donors need to be aware of the …  of donor policies in Yemen.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU CP

      The EU solves better in affective democracy assistance- and action is key to boost its soft power

      Fakhro 9 (E.A., International institute for democracy and electoral assistance, “The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World”

      Having examined both the influence of …  its presence as a long-term ally and partner of the Arab world.

      EU softpower key to stop warming

      Nye 8 (Joseph, Harvard JFK School, The St. Petersburg Times, March 4, 2008, p. 17)

      U.S. military might is not …  evolution of European policies and power.   

  • Bahrain Pressure CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States federal government should communicate to the government of

      Bahrain that it will substantially reduce security assistance unless Bahrain promptly releases jailed opposition leaders and makes measurable progress towards constitutional monarchy.


      The counterplan is the only way to accelerate the reform process and restore US credibility


      Hilterman, 9/7

      (Deputy Program Director for Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group,


      How Washington should now proceed is an open question. If Crown Prince .......................

      double standards in its approach to the Arab Spring.

      Bahrain will say yes – US Military support gives huge leverage – zero risk it spurs base kickout


      Bryan, 11 (Josh, litigator with Dorsey & Whitney, an international law firm, Consultant to Human Rights Watch,  4/11, )


      The Obama administration must do all it can so that ............... island with a strategically important military base.


  • Saudi DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Relations are recovering, but the wound’s fresh – the US must continue appeasing the Saudis


      Hannah 11 (John, senior fellow at The Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Bandar’s return.” Foreign Policy, April 22, 2011.


      To minimize the risk that any of these........ will need to be sustained.    


      Lack of democracy assistance is preserving relations with Saudi Arabia

      McClatchy ’11  (Warren, Spokesman Review, May 6th, Nexis, mg)


      With Libya teetering on the edge of civil war ......... democracy assistance programs

      for the Middle East.

      Collapse of U.S.-Saudi relations causes Saudi proliferation


      Lippman 8/5/11 (Thomas, senior adjunct scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Policy.” August 5, 2011.


      So let us suppose that Saudi Arabia’s .....that Saudi Arabia might emerge less secure, rather than more.

      Saudi prolif spurs regional arms race


      Bowman 08 (Bradley, International Affairs Fellow at the CFR. “Chain Reaction: Avoiding a Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East.” Report to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, February 2008.


      A Saudi nuclear weapon might ........tates assess the likelihood that Saudi Arabia would pursue a nuclear weapon and take steps to decrease this likelihood. 

      Saudi cooperation key to prevent oil prices spikes and economic collapse


      Telhami ‘02

      [Shibley Telhami, a nonresident senior fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, is a former advisor to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, December 2002,]


      The Persian Gulf region ....remains heavily dependent on energy revenues and subsidies.

  • Wake Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg:Baylor HN
      Round #  7 Tournament:Shirley
      Vs Team: SoFlorida St GS
      Judge: Brian Manuel



      Off Case Args:

      Cap K

      XO cp

      EU cp

      China Bashing DA


      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:





      2nr Strategy:



      Round 1 vs Cal GW

      Judge: Warden

      1NC: T-IMET

      Cap K

      Court/CIA cp

      UK CP

      Russia DA

      China currency politics

      Case: heg d, rule of law/hr assistance increases crackdowns, other defense

      2NC/1NR: court cp, case, politics, russia

      2NR: politics and case

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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