The Egyptian government uses “contempt for religion” and “debauchery” laws to persecute LGBT.
Ledger, 2011, TORONTO STAR
Article 2 will pass now. This would destroy democracy and create Sharia Law.
Soliman 11
(Samer, Assistant professor of political economy at the American University in Cairo, “Religion and state in the people’s constitutions”,, 07/10/2011)
In squo, separation of church and state in Egypt won’t happen.
LGBT involvement with the revolution and protests in Egypt in an open discourse rendered homosexuality a locatable identity, resulting in an unprecedented vicious backlash.
El Menyawi, Hassan, 06
"Activism from the Closet: Gay Rights Strategising in Egypt" [2006] MelbJlIntLaw 3; (2006) 7(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law 28
Religion was used as a tool to persecute LGBT under Mubarak and this is an essential consideration in current rebuilding efforts.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s increased participation in political life is not conducive to religious freedom and potentially bad for LGBT rights.
CHIBBARO 2011 (Washington Blade)
PLAN: The United States federal government should substantially increase democracy assistance to civil society organizations for the purpose of rewriting the Egyptian constitution without Article 2
Open gay rights activism does not work in Egypt. Thus a closed or hidden gay rights activism pursued by judicial democratic reforms that focus on separation of church and state is necessary.
El Menyawi, Hassan, 06
"Activism from the Closet: Gay Rights Strategising in Egypt" [2006] MelbJlIntLaw 3; (2006) 7(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law 28
US is key to solve separation of church and state.
Snnott 11
(Charles, Vice President, Executive Editor and co-founder of GlobalPost. An award-winning foreign correspondent with 25 years of experience, Sennott has reported on the front lines of wars and insurgencies in at least 15 countries, including the 2011 revolution in Cairo and the Arab Spring, “Thinking about Egypt this Fourth of July,” 7/04/2011)
US is best at creating proper interaction between religion and government because the US is a model for how religion can flourish in a country without state-run faith.
Farmer 9
(Molly, Deseret News, “U.S. is model of how variety of religions can flourish”,, 06/15/2009)
US must act now to solve separation of church and state.
Croucher 11
(Rowland, authored 12 books including "Still Waters Deep Waters", Analyst on religious relations, “The persecution of Egypt’s Christians”,, 06/14/2011)
Constitutional reform is key to preventing an Islamic state.
El-Hennawy 11 (Noha, Senior Analyst at Almasry Alyoum News, master of arts in comparative Middle East Politics from the American Unviersity in Cairo, “After show of force, Islamists debate role of religion in politics”,, 02/08/2011)
Heteronormativity is a powerful form of normalization which is the site of all violence.
Yep, Lovaas, and Elia, Professors @ San Francisco University, 2003.
(Gust, Karen, and John, Journal of Homosexual Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2/3/4 pp. 18, JCE)
Compulsory Heterosexuality is the logic of discrimination which materializes into violence against everyone who is incompatible with their world view. Everyone is at risk.
Gómez, Political theorist on Hate Crimes, 2005 (María Mercedes, On Prejudice, Violence, and Democracy,, ongoing project from 2005 until 2008, pp. 2-3, JAR)
Heterosexism justifies dehumanization and violence as Anti-Semitism did with the Jews in Nazi Germany
Rozdzial, co-chair of the National Council of NOMAS, 2000
Moshe, NOMAS, Anti-Semitism and Heterosexism: Common Constructs of Oppression, Winter 2000,, Accessed 7-8-09, AMG
The normalization of heterosexuality has become a hidden monolith of power that controls all aspects of society. The epitome of domination and oppression is manifested in phallic whiteness' ability to “normalize” and determine the consciousness of individual subjects.
Winnubst 06, philosophy PhD, Penn State University
Shannon, Queering Freedom, 2006. p 125 AJM GoogleBooks