Arizona State » ASU Marcus & Vered Neg

ASU Marcus & Vered Neg

Last modified by michellevered on 2012/01/10 16:31
  • vs Yemen Opposition Aid (Texas BK)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Texas Bhattacharjee/Koneru | Judge: Burr

    • EU CP 1NC

      Text: The European Union should increase assistance to political opposition parties for Yemen to foster political reform.

      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";
      it is only...catalyst or teacher.

      EU CP 2NC

      Yemen is a priority partner for the EU and the EU is capable of delivering assistance.

      EEAS 11, “Political & economic relations” from the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Yemen,
      The European Union enjoys longstanding relations with Yemen
      international meeting held in London on 27 January 2010

      EU’s new foundation solves consolidated approach

      EFPD, 2008 (European Foundation for Democracy
      _press_release.pdf, SRM)
      A new European foundation will "assist democracy
      the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD).

      Zizek 1NC Shell

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      Ontology, 1999, pg.  213-214
      However, there is another tension, the
      based on the repression of previous local traditions.

      B. Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4
      While this book is philosophical in its basic
      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.

      C. Alternative- vote negative use the affirmative’s empty Master-Signifier to place a demand on the state- this can be a rallying point for radical change

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university
      and Related Matters, 1996, pg. 142
      Therein resides the fundamental enigma of the symbolic
      notion of what ‘our Nation’ means.54

      Zizek K 1NR


      The affirmative’s fantasy leads to objectification and violence-turning the case. The “reality” proposed by the affirmative team is a simple fantasy. Only the alternative has any hope of escaping the system and preventing Capital from destroying the world.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      Culture, 1991, pg. 4-5
      The same may be said of the other
      bites into food, it changes to gold.

      They say util good

      Language has a dialectic relationship which mediates social relations of domination. Analysis of master rhetoric is key to understanding the interworkings of international order – we problematize their knowledge claims which means we’re a prereq to util.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for
      Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 212
      Ernesto Laclau was quite right to remark that
      counter¬part is of course wealth as the embodiment,

      AT: Perm

      1. Only a full recognition of the flawed nature of politics can avoid capitalist totalitarianism – our particular struggle is key.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for
      Ideology, 1989, pg. 4-5
      Psychoanalytic ‘essentialism’ is paradoxical in so far
      of this basic antagonism, this basic impossibility.

      3. Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university
      Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231
      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted
      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.

      5. The permutation perverts our complaint to legal obligation. It leads to surplus enjoyment and destruction

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  361
      The specific feature of the ‘culture of
      obscene Other as the instrument of jouissance) .‘

      Cap Impacts

      2. Hegemonic Emancipation can solve for totalitarian beginnings by challenging its underlying assumptions

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      Popular Culture, 1991, pg  128-129

      We come across the same phenomenon of the
      isolating the heinous kernel of its idiotic enjoyment.

      4. The alt is a prerequiste to the plan  empty concepts can provide the filler for diverse political interests to operate-only by affirming this concept can change be created

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the
      Ontology, 1999, pg. 177-178
      The struggle for ideologico-political hegemony is
      which should link them beyond all political differences.

      Politics 1NC Shell

      1. Will pass – GSP bill

      Roll Call 9/7 (
      Eager to shift their focus to the economy
      has made a pillar of its jobs messaging.

      2. Political capital is key to skfta

      Kim 7/6 (Sukhan, senior
      , 7.6.11, SWolff)
      Four years after striking an initial deal with
      whether he can succeed in his audacious gamble.

      3. Aid perceived as funding al-Qaeda

      Analysis Intelligence 11 (“Yemen on the Brink: President Saleh, the Opposition and the AQAP”, 3/2,

      The central problem for Western governments is that
      activities than Mr. Saleh’s ruling GPC party. 

      4. SKFTA key to US-South Korea alliance, regional stability, global free trade and heg

      Washington Post 10 [Fred, Washington Post
      , accessed 6-30-11]
      In a world of dangerously failed states and
      S., in that regard, are timeless."

      5. Asian instability triggers massive impacts – nuclear escalation, climate chaos, economic collapse and prolif

      Hamel-Green 10 [Peter & Michael
      , accessed 7-1-11]
      The consequences of failing to address the proliferation
      that warrants priority consideration from the international community.

      Politics 2NC

      Skfta Will Pass

      Skfta will pass – Reid and Boehner agreed on TAA

      The Hill 9/8 (
      President Obama is expected to call for,
      it was possible that something could go awry. 

      Will pass – deal on TAA

      Bloomberg 9/7 (
      House action on the Generalized System of Preferences
      Otherwise, we won’t do the trade bills.”

      South Korea will ratify the bill when the US does

      Hankyoreh 9/2 (Kim,

      During a full meeting of the National Assembly’s
      future clashes or physical fighting over its introduction.”

      Obama pushing the Free Trade Agreements now to spur job growth.

      Barkley and Peterson, 9-02-2011
      [Tom and Kristina, US Business Groups Optimistic About Trade Pacts, Nasdaq]
      President Barack Obama in recent weeks has been
      Assistance be voted on alongside the three pacts.

      Obama has enough capital to get SKFTA done

      Reuters, 11 Palmer and Cowan,
      (Doug and Richard – Reuters, Boehner says Obama push needed to pass trade deals, 5/5/11, AC
      (Reuters) - The U.S
      it would soon be sent to Capitol Hill. 

      A2: Winners win

      Backlash when Obama tries to regain capital

      Goldberg 10(Jonah, Syndicated Journalist, February 26, "A Hidden Cost of the Health-Care Summit",
      It seems that I wasn’t alone in finding
      -night jokes and basis of SNL parodies.

      Takes a long time to rebuild capital

      Schaller 9
      Tom, five thirty eight, 8/18/09, Is Obama Spending his Political Capital, Wasting It ... or Wuz He Robbed?
      Obama is investing now with an eye toward
      rise back to pre-Summer '09 levels.

      GOP not swayed by Obama’s polcap- means it’s irrelevant

      Gvosdev 10(Nikolas, World Politics Review Columnist, November 19, "The Realist Prism: Hard Realities, Hard Choices for Obama",
      It is very likely that come the end
      any sort of success for his administration. ... 

      Wins don’t generate capital

      Nicholas and Hook 10(Peter and Janet, Tribune Washington Bureau, July 30, "Obama the Velcro president",
      Through two terms, Reagan eluded much of
      he could achieve and what government could accomplish.

      Victories build opposition- wins create resentment for Obama

      Purdum 10 (Todd, Award winning journalist  for the NYT, Vanity Fair Columnist, December 20, "Obama Is Suffering Because of His Achievements, Not Despite Them",
      With this weekend’s decisive Senate repeal of the
      sensibly and simply, to the American public.

      assistance - bureaucracy

      Rogin 11 (Josh, 4/6 “Lugar Holding Up State Department Funds for Tunisian Democracy”
      That leaves Lugar's office as the only one
      [State] Department should make that case."  

      Lugar opposes DA – trades off with other programs

      Rogin 11 (Josh, 4/6 “Lugar Holding Up State Department Funds for Tunisian Democracy”
      The State Department wants to shift resources toward
      ranking Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN).

      Lugar is key to the agenda, especially Skfta

      McLaughlin 11 (Seth, writer for Washington Diplomat, April 26, "Key foreign policy players try to master capitol hill,"
      Richard Lugar, the ranking member of the
      Bush are also submitted to Congress for approval.

      Egypt & Yemen link UQ

      Fight coming now over maintaining current Egypt and Yemen funding levels

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,
      When the U.S. House of
      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance. 

      2NC Link Wall- Yemen

      DA splits the GOP because of budget battles- their bipartisan link turn can’t overwhelm because the GOP will do whatever they can to block new spending

      Traub 2/18/11 (James, “Slash and Burn” Foreign Policy Online 2/18/11)
      The administration's commitment
      national security priority.    

      Congress supports the old regime in Yemen

      Karman 11 (Tawakkol, 6/8 Leader of the Yemen Democratic Youth Movement, “Yemen’s Unfinished Revolution” The New York Times)
      This is because the United States and Saudi
      Yemen. This would be a grave mistake. 

      GOP hates plan- funding

      National Journal 7/27. “Debt Ceiling Vote Postponed; Obama's Battleground Blues” 7-27-2011 ( ) JCP
      review is expected to be released in 2012. 

      Congress says no- terror condition

      Warrick and Sheridan 7/27 (Joby and Mary Beth, “House subcommittee approves foreign-aid cuts”. Joby Warrick writes about the Middle East, diplomacy and national security for The Post’s National desk. Mary Beth Sheridan is a diplomatic correspondent for The Washington Post. 7-27-2011.
      Legislation that would sharply cut U.S
      funding by about 11 percent from current levels.


      AQAP is now top priority for US counterterrorism efforts

      NYT 7/26 (, Greg Miller, NYT, U.S. officials believe al-Qaeda on brink of collapse, JOB)
      Officials said that al -Qaeda’s offshoot in
      it can begin flying armed drones over Yemen. 

      Turn – Democratic transitions strengthen terrorist organizations; Iraq and Lebanon prove

      McFaul & Fukuyama 08 (The Washington Quarterly, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?”,
      In retrospect, this reading of the sources
      are hostile to the United States and Israel.

      Turn - US involvement prods AQAP to attack

      Raghavan 11. (Sudarsan Raghavan, Febreruary 2011, “Yemens Unrest Could Embolden Al-Qaeda or Sideline it Admid Democratic Hopes”)
      SANAA, YEMEN - The populist uprising in
      secessionist movement in the south and immense poverty. 

      Alt cause – AQAP is strong due to surgical strikes, not due to lack of stable democracy

      Johnsen 10 (Gregory D., a former Fulbright fellow in Yemen, is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, “Ignoring Yemen at Our Peril,” Foreign Policy, October 31,,1)
      The United States, faced with a difficult
      that luck holding is not a safe bet. 

      Obama won’t retaliate - he knows the costs

      Crowley, Senior Editor the New Republic, 10 [Michael, January, “Obama and Nuclear Deterrence”,]
      The Los Angeles Times ran an important story
      that matter-would go through with it.

      Nuclear terrorist threats are exaggerated

      Gertz and Lake 10 (Bill and Eli, Washington Times,, dw:4-14-2010, da: 7-6-2011, lido)
      But Henry Sokolski, a member of the
      . giving up its weapons seems less risky.

      No nuclear terrorism – requires too much equipment

      Levi 7 (Michael, CFR Fellow for Science and Technology and ,, dw: 4-17-2007, da: 7-6-2011, lido)
       A nuclear weapon requires highly enriched uranium
      groups might expect to benefit from nuclear terrorism.


      Yemen receiving financial support for stability now

      Lewis 11 (Alexandra, Alexandra Lewis is a doctoral student and a researcher working at thePost-War Reconstruction and Development Unit (PRDU) of the University of York, “Stabilizing Yemen”, BAL
      While Yemen is classed as a least developed
      where its ideological predecessor, democratization, failed.

      Yemen on the road to stability – RTI assistance

      RTI 10 (RTI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute that provides research and technical services to government and commercial clients worldwide, “Responsive Governance for a more stable Yemen” BAL
      Citizens around the world expect their governments to
      , health, water, and economic growth.

      Turn - Democracy promotion destabilizes regions

      CRS 07 (Report for Congress: “Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of US Policy”, 12-6,
      Another concern about democracy promotion is that it
      has weak democratic institutions or a weak military. 

      Turn - US assistance predicated on security tank stability

      Hill 08 (Ginny, Freelance journalist, Chatham House, “Yemen: Fear of Failure” January,
       Future stability depends on political and economic
      assassination of suspected terrorists have provoked violent retaliation. 

      Yemen distrustful of U.S; large-scale military presence will destabilize regime

      Terrill 10 (W. Andrew, Research Professor of National Security Affairs, SSI, “The Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. National Security” Strategic Studies Institute, TM
      Yemen is also an especially distrustful and wary
      in U.S.-Yemeni secu¬rity relations.

      JMP will coopt regime, preventing stable transition

      Baroud 11 (Ramzy, Editor, “Yemen Continues to Inspire Amid Great Odds” Foreign Policy Journal, TM
      In order for such thoughtful demands to be
      influential outside parties led by the United States.

      Decentralization makes national reform useless

      Boucek 2010
      [Dr. Christopher, Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Written Testimony U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs February 3, 2010 YEMEN ON THE BRINK: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY,]
      Still, Yemen boasts a relatively resilient society
      make little difference to much of the population.

      A Mideast war would not escalate or go nuclear

      Elizabeth Stevens, September 19, 2002,
      Thus far, Israel has confronted continuous hostility
      that Israel does not need a nuclear arsenal.

      Middle East war won’t escalate

      Prof. Li Shaoxian, an expert in the Middle East and a senior researcher in the Institute of Contemporary International Relations, August 17, 2001,, accessed March 9, 2007
      Although the situation in the Middle East is
      have neither the capablities or means for war.  

      No war in the Middle East Obama administration sets the framework for direct negotiations

      The Irish Times 8
      [“Syrian President upbeat on sealing peace with Israel” 12/23 l/n]
      DAMASCUS - Syrian president
      to be Iraq. - (Reuters)


      Arab Spring dismissed widely held terrorist ideologies

      Zarate and Gordon 11 ( Juan, Senior Adviser @ CSIS and the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, and David, Program Manager and a Research Assistant with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, The Battle for Reform with al-Qaeda,, JOB)
      Even the very nature of the protests discredited
      withering indictment of bin Laden’s far enemy strategy.

      Turn - US democracy-assistance empowers terrorist organizations

      McFaul & Fukuyama 08 (The Washington Quarterly, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?”,
      Some realists argue not from a world-
      spur the political transformation of the Middle East. 

      Turn - US involvement causes terrorism

      Cohn. 10 (Julie Cohn,  June 2010, “Islamic Radicalism in Yemen”,
      The United States: Beginning in late 2009
      education, and agricultural reform and other areas.

      AQAP members directly oppose U.S., their sentiments won’t be solved by U.S. action

      Raston 10 (Dina, Adding to the coverage of NPR's national security team, Dina Temple-Raston reports about counterterrorism at home and abroad for NPR News. Her reporting can be heard on NPR's newsmagazines. She joined NPR in March 2007 fresh from a two year sabbatical in which she completed two books, learned Arabic and received a Master's Degree from Columbia, “For Al-Qaida In Yemen, Targeting U.S. Is Personal”, BAL
      While counterterrorism officials absorb Wednesday's mixed verdict in
      its members' negative and direct connections to America.

      Democracy Promotion not highly effective

      McFaul & Fukuyama 08 (The Washington Quarterly, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?”,
      A further problem with the sequencing strategy is
      The toolbox for democracy pro¬motion is more modest.

      Terrorists won’t get nukes

      Gertz and Lake 10 (Bill and Eli, Washington Times,, dw:4-14-2010, da: 7-6-2011, lido)
      However, Brian Jenkins, author of the
      Syria and instability in nuclear-armed Pakistan.

      Nuclear Terrorist failure is very probable – technology and funding

      Levi 7 (Michael, CFR Fellow for Science and Technology and ,, dw: 4-17-2007, da: 7-6-2011, lido)
      We should not, however, underestimate the
      quick to ignore small chances of terrorist failure.

      A ton of technological hurdles must be jumped through before getting a nuclear weapon – low probability of impact

      Sterngold 4 (James, Staff,, dw: 4-18-2004, da: 7-9-2011, lido)
       Michael May, a former director of
      to this possibility for years," May said.  

      U.S. does not respond radically to terrorist attack

      Bremmer 4 (Ian, President of Eurasia Group and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute,, AD: 7/7/10) jl
      What would happen if there were a new
      support it enjoyed for the invasion of Afghanistan.

      The U.S. will not retaliate with nuclear weapons—it makes no sense

      SPRING 2001 (Baker, Research Fellow at Heritage Foundation, Heritage Backgrounder 1477, Sept 20,
      Nuclear retaliation is not appropriate for every kind
      to be able to resort to defensive options.

  • vs Yemen Decentralization assistance (Gonzaga DH)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: Gonzaga DiSanza/Harper | Judge: J Cheek

    • T

      1. Interpretation: resolution says democracy assistance
        2. Violation: plan says to provide “assistance”
        3. Abuse: they can shift out of democracy assistance in the 2AC which kills 1NC predictable strategy. Damage already done.
        4. It’s a voter.

      EU CP 1NC (see above)

      Text: The European Union should increase assistance to political opposition parties for Yemen to foster political reform.

      Zizek K 1NC (see above)

      Zizek in the Block

      1. Language has a dialectic relationship which mediates social relations of domination. Analysis of capital’s master rhetoric is key to understanding the interworkings of international order.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 212
      Ernesto Laclau was quite right to remark that
      counter¬part is of course wealth as the embodiment,

      Alternative Work

      2. Hegemonic Emancipation can solve for totalitarian beginnings by challenging its underlying assumptions

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg  128-129
      We come across the same phenomenon of the
      isolating the heinous kernel of its idiotic enjoyment.

      4. The alt is a prerequiste to the plan  empty concepts can provide the filler for diverse political interests to operate-only by affirming this concept can change be created

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 177-178
      The struggle for ideologico-political hegemony is
      which should link them beyond all political differences.

      Answers to Metaphysical innocence

      2. We must use the basis of understanding the universe in terms of the real and the symbolic because they are the driving force behind human experience – policy conclusions that do not take this into account are doomed to fall into Capital’s continual trap.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  227-228
      Is not this virtual state of an electron
      enable us to conceive it as ‘actual’.

      Politics – SKFTA (see above for 1NC)

      Obama Pushing

      Obama pushing the Free Trade Agreements now to spur job growth.

      Barkley and Peterson, 9-02-2011
      [Tom and Kristina, US Business Groups Optimistic About Trade Pacts, Nasdaq]
      President Barack Obama in recent weeks has been
      Assistance be voted on alongside the three pacts.

      Polcap K2 SKFTA

      Obama’s capital is key

      McLarty & Cunningham 11 – *chief of staff to Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort, AND Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden (1/24/11, Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham, “Obama's Free Trade Opportunity,” Factiva)
       Much has been written about Bill Daley's
      the Democratic base, but it is essential.

      AT Impact D

      Any aggressive behavior would become global

      Rozoff 11  (Rick, Free-lance columnist for various organizations like The Global Realm and Liberty News, 5 January 2011, “U.S. Builds Military Alliance With Japan, South Korea For War In The East Posted”,, Accessed 7.7.11, SWolff)
      Last week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton summoned
      . And not only on the Korean Peninsula.

      SKFTA key to Asian stability

      Hill, 07 – Assistant Secretary for Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Christopher, 6/13. “The United States-South Korea FTA: The Foreign Policy Implications.”
      While the agreement achieves many of our economic
      that we’ve neglected this part of the world.


      McCain opposes publicly funded democracy aid

      Lubold 11  (Gordon, 5/20,  “John McCain: US Must Sustain Momentum for Arab Spring”)
      In Libya, Sen. McCain would like
      help sustain their flagging economies, he said. 


      Locl councils abuse women

      YWT Published: November 1, 2007 Yemeni Tribal Norms: Better To Kill A Woman Than To Beat Her
      In Yemen’s rural areas, where 75 percent
      punishment for the same aggression against a man.

      Women’s rights must be considered—women face unique forms of oppression and generic human rights are male-centered.

      Jaggar 9 (Alison M., Professor of Philosophy and Women Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, “Abortion Rights and Gender Justice Worldwide: An Essay in Political Philosophy,” in Abortion: Three Perspectives, published January 2009)
      At first sight, this slogan may be
      inspire a more inclusive understanding of human rights.

      Turn – local councils support AQAP.

      Raghavan 11. (Sudarsan Raghavan, Febreruary 2011, “Yemens Unrest Could Embolden Al-Qaeda or Sideline it Admid Democratic Hopes”)
      After Pakistan and Afghanistan, nowhere is the
      secessionist movement in the south and immense poverty. 

      Local councils are controlled by Al-Qadea

      UPI, 11(4/28,Yemen: Secession drive becomes violent, )
      "The longer southern frustration is allowed to
      threatens his regime but the West as well.

  • vs Libya Linguistic Citizenship (Oregon BG)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: Oregon Bergus/Gaffney | Judge: Polin

    • T

      A. Interpretation – The aff has to take direct, active, positive measures to support or strengthen democratization in the target country through USfg action.

      Huber, 08 Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations
      Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62,  March 2008, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, p. 45-6,, accessed 6-3-11
      What is Democracy Assistance? Similarly, the
      initiating democratization, supporting democratization or strengthening democracy.

      B. Violation

      The aff isn’t a direct, active, positive measure to improve democratization in Libya because embracing the notion of linguistic citizenship is not democracy assistance.

      C. Reasons to prefer

      1. Predictable ground
        2. Better limits on aff ground
        3. Superior resolutional context

      4. Practitioners of Democracy Assistance support our interpretation AND this limited definition is key to make the research and education manageable

      Burnell, Professor of Politics @ University of Warwick, England, 2000
      [Peter, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13]
      All things considered, it follows that if
      9 per cent of development assistance in 1998.
      D. Topicality is a Voting Issue for Fairness and Education

      EU CP 1NC (see above)

      Text: The European Union should embrace the notion of linguistic citizenship for Amazigh population in Libya.

      SKFTA 1NC – See above

      3. Libya assistance is controversial and will cost Obama capital– (specifically, Frank).
      “Congress could resist additional aid to Libya” By Theo Emery, Globe Staff  () 08/23/2011 8:11 PM (RCM)
      Senator John F. Kerry, the chairman
      we going to build in any one time?”

      Zizek 1NC – see above


      Policy analysis should precede discourse – most effective way to challenge power

      Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”, p pq
      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "
      agencies, and the budgets that fuel them. 

      Treating security as a speech act means there are an infinite number of security threats, making it impossible to solve. The word “security” is not itself harmful, only when used by actors in positions to make security choices, it doesn’t apply to us.

      Williams 3 (Michael C., university of Whales, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and
      International Politics”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 4) CC
      This stance allows the Copenhagen School to argue
      draw in attempting to securitize a given issue. 

      Security discourse isn’t inherently bad—presenting it in debate allows the negative attributes to be avoided.

      Williams 3 (Michael, Professor of International Politics at the University of Wales, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics,” International Studies Quarterly, 47(4), AD: 7-10-9) BL
      I have argued thus far that recognizing the
      of the most common criticisms leveled against it.  

      Predictions are imperfect but inevitable and critical to preventing major war

      Kagan & Kagan 2k (Donald & Frederick, American Enterprise, While America Sleeps, p. 5)
      Predicting the future is a difficult and uncertain
      will be seen well before the threat materializes.

      We have an ethical obligation to act – if the future is uncertain, we must do everything we can to intervene.

      Kurasawa 4 (Fuyuki, Professor of Sociology @ York University of Toronto, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight,”, AD: 7/11/09) jl
      In addition, farsightedness has become a priority
      of the question that we need to tackle.

      Realism must be used strategically because real-world actors rely on it

      Guzzini 98 (Assistant Professor at Central European Univ., Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy, p. 235)
      Third, this last chapter has argued that
      best way to tacitly and uncritically reproduce it.

      Their refusal to defend the consequences of the plan replicates a totalitarian disregard for life – they sacrifice political responsibility on the altar of morality, which turns the case

      Isaac 02 (James. H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Jeffrey C., Social Research, “Hannah Arendt on human rights and the limits of exposure, or why Noam Chomsky is wrong about the meaning of Kosovo,” Summer)
      What does Arendt mean here? She does
      see Arendt, 1971: 50-54).

      Realism is inevitable – states will always seek to maximize their power

      Mearsheimer 01 (professor of political science at University of Chicago, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, pg. 2)
      The sad fact is that international politics has
      , the only great power in the system.

      Groups go to war for materialistic gain

      Thayer 2k (Bradley, political scientist and an associate professor in Missouri State University's Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, the MIT Press, International Security, Vol. 25, No. 2(Autumn 2000), pp. 124-151, "Bringing in Darwin: Evolutionary Theory, Realism, and International Politics”)
      WARFARE AND FITNESS. For humans, there
      if population size is increasing faster than resources. 


      Equating states and individual morally is a misappropriation of ethical analysis; while it may be possible for individuals to follow strict moral codes of conduct, states can only justify their decisions consequentially.

      Tim Stelzig, Attorney Advisor in the Competition Policy Division of the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau, former associate with Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, March 1998, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 146 U. Pa. L. Rev. 901, p. 959
      This observation forms the basis for a deep
      that it results in harm to fewer individuals. 

      Governments are uniquely obligated to rely on consequentialism

      Harries 5 (Visiting Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, Australia, and editor emeritus of The National Interest, a leading Washington-based foreign policy quarterly, 2005Owen, Orbis, p. 64 NB)
      The same point, expressed in different terms
      giving preference to the former but to resign. 

      We must evaluate the consequences of institutional implementation of plan; political accountability and deliberation require decision.

      Gundersen 2k (Adolph G., Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 98-9)
      Deliberation, however closely tied to action,
      individuals" to "the many as one."

      You’re responsible for the plan’s consequences – if we win our impact, moral rules should be suspended

      Shafer-Landau 97(Russ, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Ethics, Vol 104, No. 4)
      Even Nozick, a staunch absolutist, allows
      the prohibition on intentionally killing innocents is absolute.

      Realism occurs because it’s the only way to ensure security and it’s backed up by evolution

      Thayer 04 (Thayer has been a Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and has taught at Dartmouth College and the University of Minnesota [Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict, University of Kentucky Press, 2004, pg. 75-76 adi)
      The central issue here is what causes states
      for food, shelter, or other resources).

      In the face of nuclear annihilation – an ethic of responsibility to future generations must come first – it’s the only ethical choice.

      Krieger 7 (David, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, “Responsibility in an Era of Consequences,” May 17,, AD: 6/30/09) jl
      The inaugural meeting of the World Future Council
      for the elimination of these instruments of annihilation.” 

      War is inevitable – only realist scenario planning can solve conflict

      Walt 91 (Stephen Walt, University of Chicago, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, 1991, p.229., MHSOLT1289)
      A recurring theme of this essay has been
      policies cannot be evaluated and stopped in time. 

      Threats aren’t arbitrary.  Can’t throw out security or wish away threatening postures—we have to develop strategies for coping with threat perceptions.

      Knudsen 01 (Olaf F., Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 360)
      During the Cold War, peace research was
      find adequate democratic procedures for dealing with them.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //


      //Email me at with questions about cites, etc.


      Round 2 vs. Stanford (Bahrain Advisory Support)

      1NC: Payroll Tax Cuts, Threaten CP, Fem K

      CP Text: The United States federal government should inform Bahrain that it will suspend all security assistance to Bahrain unless Bahrain initiates a genuine political dialogue, meets explicit human rights benchmarks including the release of political prisoners, and initiates a democratic constitutional reform towards constititional monarchy.

      The United States federal government should offer necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including active public and government internal monitoring, for Tunisia on the condition that corruption prevention measures are established or in the process of being established, including: a free press, independent judiciary, a counter-corruption commission, an ombudsman, audit agencies, and guarantee these all have the legal authority and resources to monitor conduct and punish wrongdoing.  The United States federal government should provide technical assistance for the creation of these institutions.

      2NR: Fem IR


      Round 1 vs. Towson EM (Race Performance)

      1NC: Critical T, Zizek, Lat Crit K
      2NR: Zizek

      Round 3 vs. Emory KH (Syrian Opposition Aid)

      1NC: Payroll Tax Cuts, EU CP, Fem K
      CP Text: The European Union should substantially increase support to strengthen capacity for Syrian political opposition groups.
      2NR: Payroll Tax Cuts & Case

      Round 6 vs. Oklahoma MT (Derrida Democracy to Come/Give Aid to Terrorists)

      1NC: Payroll Tax Cuts, Zizek, Anti-Semitism CP
      TEXT: The United States federal government should increase political party assistance for terrorists in Egypt that denounce anti-Semitism.
      2NR: Anti-Semitism CP


      Round 2 vs. CalPolySLO CY (Yemen Talk with Opposition)

      1NC: T-Assistance is not Diplomacy, Saudi DA, Politics, Fem IR, Drone Strikes CP
      Drone Strikes CP: Increases drone strikes and other military operations in Yemen (for a full CP text see the specific round)
      2NR: T

      Round 3 vs. UNLV CK (Egypt Unregistered NGOs)

      1NC: Politics, Fem IR, EU CP
      2NR: Politics & Case

      Round 5 vs. UNLV JP (Egypt Unregistered NGOs)

      1NC: Politics, Fem IR, EU CP
      2NR: Politics & Case

      Semis vs. Weber GO (Orientalism)

      1NC: Critical T, Zizek, Topic PIC, Slaughterhouse K, Case Turns
      Topic PIC: Vote negative to embrace our rhetorical criticism of the Orientalist meta-narrative
      2NR: Case Turns


      Round 1 vs. KState EH (Ableism Aff)

      1NC: Critical T, Zizek, Slaughterhouse K
      2NR: Critical T

      Round 4 vs. North Texas MM (Bahrain Internet Aff)

      1NC: Zizek, Politics, Social Media K, End Aid CP
      End Aid CP: The United States should abandon any support for Sunni regimes and should not pursue anti-Iran grand strategy. The US should not deploy shadow internet or other internet technology in any regime.

      2NR: Politics, End Aid CP, Case

      Round 6 vs. UTSA CM (Hip Hop Aff)

      1NC: Framework, Zizek, Slaughterhouse K, Syria CP, Resolution CP
      Syria CP: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for one or more of the following: Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen.
      Resolution CP: We embrace their advocacy but refuse the resolution.
      2NR: Resolution CP and Case Turns


      Round 2 vs. Los Rios CS (Indian NED in Egypt)

      1NC: T-in the target country, Politics, Israel DA, Advantage CP, Fem IR
      Advantage CP: The United States federal government should cooperate with India to launch a new global Internet freedom initiative.
      2NR: Advantage CP, Israel DA

      Round 3 vs. UNLV EN (Egypt Unregistered NGOs)

      1NC: Fem IR, EU CP, Politics
      2NR: EU CP, Politics

      Round 6 vs. KcKcc GM (Egypt Non-violent NGOs)

      1NC: Conditions CP, Politics, Israel DA, Zizek
      Conditions CP: The United States federal government should offer political training for legally registered nonviolent parties in Egypt on the condition that it doesn’t support terrorism and that if elected it would support the peace treaty with Israel and work to destroy tunnels into Gaza.
      2NR: Conditions CP, Politics

      Round 7 vs. Fullerton AT (Civilized/Uncivilized Conceptions of Environment)

      1NC: Critical T, Pessimism K, Zizek K, Slaughterhouse K
      2NR: Slaughterhouse K

      Doubles vs. Trinity MV (Rethink Democracy Assistance)

      1NC: Critical T, Assistance PIC, Zizek K, Slaughterhouse K
      Assistance PIC: Michelle and I advocate a rethinking of democracy.
      2NR: Assistance PIC

      Idaho State

      Round 1 vs. Idaho State DJ (Bahrain Securitization)

      1NC: Saudi DA, Framework, Zizek
      2NR: Framework

      Round 4 vs. Wyoming CJ (Muslim Brotherhood Aid)

      1NC: EU CP, Politics, Israel DA, Conditions CP, Zizek
      Conditions CP: The United States federal government should offer the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt a substantial amount of assistance for political party development on the condition that it doesn’t support terrorism and that if elected it would support the peace treaty with Israel and work to destroy tunnels into Gaza.
      2NR: Conditions CP, Politics

      Round 5 vs. Weber GO (Orientalism Aff)

      1NC: FX Topicality, Framework, Zizek, "Prerequisite" CP
      Prereq CP: Vote negative to embrace our rhetorical criticism of the Orientalist meta-narrative.
      2NR: "Prerequisite" CP

      Semis vs. UNLV CK (Egypt Unregistered NGOs)

      1NC: Politics, Zizek, EU CP
      2NR: Politics & Case


      Round 1 vs. Texas BK (Yemen Opposition Aid)

      1NC: EU CP, Zizek, Politics
      2NR: Zizek

      Round 4 vs. Gonzaga DH (Yemen Decentralization Assistance)

      1NC: T-Assistance, EU CP, Zizek, Politics
      2NR: EU CP, Politics

      Round 5 vs. Oregon BG (Lingustic Citizenship)

      1NC: T-Democracy Assistance, EU CP, Politics, Zizek
      2NR: T


  • vs Bahrain Securitization (Idaho State DJ)

    • Tournament: ISU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Idaho State Doty/Johnston | Judge: J Cheek

    • 1NC T


      1.     Interpretation: The Aff must increase democracy assistance.

      1NC Saudi Disad

      US-Saudi relations high now – nuclear cooperation

      AFP 11 (“US, Saudi Arabia to discuss nuclear cooperation”, AFP – Jul 30, 2011, lexis)


      The United States plans talks with Saudi Arabia


      of moving forward on a nuclear cooperation agreement."

      Pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations

      Tarpley 11 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions", SRM)


      Webster Griffin Tarpley: Well, I think


      of those are means to destabilize the kingdom.

      Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate

      Guzansky 11 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES", LEXIS, SRM)


      UNTIL recently it appeared that US security guarantees


      a cost of more than $US300 billion.

      Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif

      Center for Contemporary Conflict 4  (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century”


      James Russell from the Naval Postgraduate School presented


      means to ensure U.S. engagement?

      Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war

      Heurlin 5 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3)


      Arms control and non-proliferation regimes have


      cost-enhancing MD project.


      Saudi DA 2NC

      Realism is inevitable – states will always seek to maximize their power

      Mearsheimer 01 (professor of political science at University of Chicago, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, pg. 2)

      The sad fact is that international politics has


      , the only great power in the system.


      Groups go to war for materialistic gain

      Thayer 2k (Bradley, political scientist and an associate professor in Missouri State University's Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, the MIT Press, International Security, Vol. 25, No. 2(Autumn 2000), pp. 124-151, "Bringing in Darwin: Evolutionary Theory, Realism, and International Politics”)

      WARFARE AND FITNESS. For humans, there


      if population size is increasing faster than resources.


      Equating states and individual morally is a misappropriation of ethical analysis; while it may be possible for individuals to follow strict moral codes of conduct, states can only justify their decisions consequentially.

      Tim Stelzig, Attorney Advisor in the Competition Policy Division of the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau, former associate with Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, March 1998University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 146 U. Pa. L. Rev. 901, p. 959 

      This observation forms the basis for a deep


      harm to fewer individuals.


      Realism occurs because it’s the only way to ensure security and it’s backed up by evolution

      Thayer 04 (Thayer has been a Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and has taught at Dartmouth College and the University of Minnesota [Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict, University of Kentucky Press, 2004, pg. 75-76 //adi)

      The central issue here is what causes states


      for food, shelter, or other resources).


      In the face of nuclear annihilation – an ethic of responsibility to future generations must come first – it’s the only ethical choice.

      Krieger 7 (David, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, “Responsibility in an Era of Consequences,” May 17,, AD: 6/30/09) jl

      The inaugural meeting of the World Future Council


      for the elimination of these instruments of annihilation.”


      War is inevitable – only realist scenario planning can solve conflict

      Walt 91 (Stephen Walt, University of Chicago, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, 1991, p.229., MHSOLT1289)

      A recurring theme of this essay has been


      policies cannot be evaluated and stopped in time.

      Threats aren’t arbitrary.  Can’t throw out security or wish away threatening postures—we have to develop strategies for coping with threat perceptions.

      Knudsen 01 (Olaf F., Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 360)

      During the Cold War, peace research was


      find adequate democratic procedures for dealing with them.

      Framework 1NC


      A. Our framework – debate should be a site for contest over political proposals. This requires that the affirmative present a predictable plan of action and defends that their policy should be adopted by the United States federal government.


      B. Our interpretation most predictable given the wording of the resolution:


      1. The topic is defined by the phrase following the colon – the USFG is the agent of the resolution, not the individual debaters


      Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing – 2000


      Use of a colon before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself. Think of the colon as a gate, inviting one to go on… If the introductory phrase preceding the colon is very brief and the clause following the colon represents the real business of the sentence, begin the clause after the colon with a capital letter.


      2. “Resolved” expresses intent to implement the plan


      American Heritage Dictionary 2000

      To find a solution to; solve  To bring to a usually successful conclusion


      3. “Should” denotes an expectation of enacting a plan


      American Heritage Dictionary2000 []

      Used to express probability or expectation


      4. “The USFG” is the government in Washington D.C.

      Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 []

      The federal government of the United States is centered in Washington DC.”


      And, our definition excludes action by smaller political groups or individuals.


      Black’s Law Dictionary Seventh Edition Ed. Bryan A. Garner (chief) 1999

      Federal government 1. A national government that exercises some degree of control over smaller political units that have surrendered some degree of power in exchange for the right to participate in national political matters.


      C. Violation – The affirmative is not an instrumental affirmation of the resolution – they affirm the topic as





      D. Reasons to prefer –


      (           ) Ground – The aff will always win that the principles of their advocacy are good in the abstract – we can only debate the merits of their framework if they defend the specific consequences of political implementation


      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 20-1


      As for moral perfectionism, this would be


      one right might lead us to betray another.


      Without predictable ground debate becomes meaningless and produces political strategy that is wedded to violence and fails to achieve productive change.

      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 182-3

      The point may seem trite, as surely


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.


      Restricting ground to arguments about the consequences of institutional adoption is a revolutionary conception of the political that re-orients citizen agency and invigorates social interdependence


      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 108-9

      Will deliberation work the same way among ordinary


      be resuscitated as an allegiance to democratic deliberation.


      This deliberation toward democratic engagement preserves collective peace


      Thomas A. Spragens, Professor of Polisci at Duke, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 90-1


      In another equally important respect, however,


      to the democratic enterprise of self-governance.



      This is an independent reason to vote negative – the fairness of the affirmative’s advocacy must precede consideration of its merits or else all contestation is meaningless

      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      contestation rests on some basic agreement or harmony.



      (           ) Topical Education – By manipulating the topic to access their political project they skirt debate about the implementation of policies by the government. Their education is distrusting of institutional study and pragmatic reform. Even if their intentions are noble, their message results in fascist totalitarianism


      Martin Lewis, Assistant Professor at George Washington, 1992 Green Delusions p. 258


      A majority of those born between 1960 and


      immorality, and constitutional refinements become inconvenient niceties.


      This argument is an independent reason to vote negative


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 186

      To sum up the argument thus far,


      conditions necessary to political contest require these judgments.


      Our interpretation solves – education through participation in policy debates is essential to check manipulation of the government by powerful private interests


      Donald S. Lutz, Professor of Polisci at Houston, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 36-7


      The position argued here is that to the


      marrying justice with power in the long run.


      This education is uniquely important because post 9-11 responses to terror makes some government violence inevitable – the only way to ensure that violence doesn’t escalate out of control is by rejecting the impulse of utopianism and learning to debate about the consequences of political adoption


      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 18-19


      To insist that justified exercises of coercion can


      submit to their judgment as to their correctness.


      (           ) Limits – there are limitless contexts or avenues through which they could purport to advocate the plan. Our interpretation limits debate to promote politically relevant dialogue and structured communication.


      Donald S. Lutz, Professor of Polisci at Houston, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 39-40


      Aristotle notes in the Politics that political theory


      the moral vision of the non-theorist.


      Exploding predictable limits neutralizes the discursive benefits to debate and renders their advocacy meaningless – only our interpretation preserves the revolutionary potential of a deliberative activity


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 180


      'Thus far, I have argued that if


      or ex­clude those who reject civility and democracy.


      (           ) This argument provides a-priori reasons to vote negative. You must use your ballot to ratify constraints on discourse to preserve a politically-enabling discussion


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 179

      To put this point another way, it


      and firm support that we can give them.


      The deliberative implications of their advocacy are a prior question – pre-conditions of agreement are necessary for your decision to have any political value


      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 104-5


      Indirect political engagement is perhaps the single most


      are to an important extent the same question.


      2NC Framework

      Information overload destroys decision-making abilities are key – oasis debate teaches these skills

      Coverstone 95 (Alan, BRILLIANT DEBATE THEORIST, "An Inward Glance: A Response To Mitchell's Outward Activist Turn," DRG, URL:

      Mitchell's argument underestimates the nature of academic debate


      skills. Teaching these skills is our virtue.

      Non-activist debate key to true testing of political theories – solves political activism better

      Coverstone 95 (Alan, BRILLIANT DEBATE THEORIST, "An Inward Glance: A Response To Mitchell's Outward Activist Turn," DRG, URL:

      As we enter the twenty-first century


      that discourse to our own level of deliberation.

      Politicization of the debate community is horrible – laundry list

      Coverstone 95 (Alan, BRILLIANT DEBATE THEORIST, "An Inward Glance: A Response To Mitchell's Outward Activist Turn," DRG, URL:

      My third, and final reaction to Mitchell's


      that there are people trying to break out.

      Policy involvement is inevitable- we need to proactively engage in the language of policy making for movements to be effective

      Makani 2k Themba-Nixon, Executive Director of The Praxis Project, Former California Staffer,  Colorlines. Oakland: Jul 31, 2000.Vol.3, Iss. 2; pg. 12

      The flourish and passion with which she made


      we must be committed to making it so.

      Theory can impact policymakers, but only if it focuses on practical policy issues

      Lepgold and Nincic 1 (Joesph, associate professor of Government at Georgetown and Miroslav professor of Poly Sci at UC-Davis, Beyond the Ivory Tower: International Relations Theory and the Issue of Policy Relevance pg. 11-12)JFS

      In some areas, foreign-policymakers have


      to write almost exclusively for their own colleagues.

      Multiculturalism 1NC

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology1999, pg.  213-214

      However, there is another tension, the


      based on the repression of previous local traditions.


      B. Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      C. Alternative- vote negative use the affirmative’s empty Master-Signifier to place a demand on the state- this can be a rallying point for radical change

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg. 142

      Therein resides the fundamental enigma of the symbolic


      notion of what ‘our Nation’ means.54


      Multiculturalism 1NR

      Language has a dialectic relationship which mediates social relations of domination. Analysis of democracy’s master rhetoric is key to understanding the interworkings of international order.


      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 212


      Ernesto Laclau was quite right to remark that


      counter­part is of course wealth as the embodiment,

      We must use the basis of understanding the universe in terms of the real and the symbolic because they are the driving force behind human experience – policy conclusions that do not take this into account are doomed to fall into the Master Nation’s continual trap.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  227-228


      Is not this virtual state of an electron


      enable us to conceive it as ‘actual’.

      Only a full recognition of the flawed nature of politics can avoid capitalist totalitarianism – our particular struggle is key.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 4-5

      Psychoanalytic ‘essentialism’ is paradoxical in so far


      of this basic antagonism, this basic impossibility.

      Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231

      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted


      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.

      The permutation perverts our complaint to legal obligation. It leads to surplus enjoyment and destruction

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  361

      The specific feature of the ‘culture of


      obscene Other as the instrument of jouissance) .~‘

      Democracy positions governments as able to ignore the people – non-elected governments are more responsive without this excuse. The tie between democracy and capitalism is thus despotic – it is inherently incapable of controlling wild capitalism.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      On the other hand, no matter how


      more threatening to the dominant global order of things

      Their “non-traditional” approach to debate ensures that real “resistance” is trapped in the cycle of a thirsty person drinking coke – no matter how much you drink, it only makes you thirstier. The system feeds off of their radical approach, ensuring that instead of overthrowing it, they only strengthen it.


      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 23-25


      This example brings home the inherent link between


      fully integrated into the established artistic market.”’

      The affirmative’s fantasy leads to objectification and violence-turning the case. The “reality” proposed by the affirmative team is a simple fantasy. Only the alternative has any hope of escaping the system and preventing Capital from destroying the world.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 4-5

      The same may be said of the other


      bites into food, it changes to gold.

      Hegemonic Emancipation can solve for totalitarian beginnings by challenging its underlying assumptions


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg  128-129


      We come across the same phenomenon of the


      isolating the heinous kernel of its idiotic enjoyment.

      The alt is a prerequiste to the plan -- empty concepts can provide the filler for diverse political interests to operate-only by affirming this concept can change be created

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 177-178

      The struggle for ideologico-political hegemony is


      which should link them beyond all political differences.


      The aff fails - even if they win threats aren’t real, other nations will still construct the U.S. as a threat. Failure to recognize security competition results in war.

      Snyder 1 (Glenn, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Mearsheimer’s World— Offensive Realism and the Struggle for Security,” International Security, 27(1), AD: 7-10-9) BL

      Mearsheimer draws from Herz’s analysis the “implication


      usually essential to a full explanation of outcomes.

      Value to life is not a reason to vote Neg – Extinction renders life-value claims meaningless. Existence precedes ethics.


      Ethical policymaking requires predicting consequences – even if we’re uncertain the alternative is a morally-deficient nihilism that promotes chaos


      Mary Dietz, Professor of Polisci at Minnesota, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 124-6


      In responding to this question, I want


      ; nothing predestines it for a final harmony.


      The danger of irresponsible political advocacy is magnified by the post 9-11 War on Terror – responsible citizen debate about ideal political outcomes is the only way to preserve deliberative democratic accountability

      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 168-9

      The major ethical problem in liberal democracies is


      I do not doubt that we will prevail.


      Public participation in policy discussions motivates rigorous testing of actual laws, keeping democracy alive.

      Christopher J. Peters (bigelow teaching fellow and lecturer in law) March 1997 “adjudication as representation” Columbia law review 97 colum. L. Rev. 312

      Decisionmaking Through Reasoned Deliberation.  - A final


      human well-being."   n104


      Role-playing in a competitive format fosters deep and rewarding education.

      Christopher C. Joyner (prof. of International law at Georgetown) Spring 1999 “teaching international law: views from an international relations political scientist” ILSA journal of international & comparative law 5 ILSA J Int’l & Comp L 377

      Confronting international law in practice is critical to


      be attained through a lecture-format course.


      Life-like policy simulations produce comparatively better education.

      Christopher C. Joyner (prof. of International law at Georgetown) Spring 1999 “teaching international law: views from an international relations political scientist” ILSA journal of international & comparative law 5 ILSA J Int’l & Comp L 377

      By assessing the role of international law in


      perceptions to fit the merits of their case.


      The education they promote causes bad political advocacies– the affirmative’s interpretation of debate defends a pathology that forecloses any possibility of infusing state policy with ethical limits

      Donald S. Lutz, Professor of Polisci at Houston, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 43-4

      To the extent that critical theorists have attacked


      mutual yet sterile stance of rhetorical moral superiority.



      Role-playing is a form of defiant deliberative politics that reclaims the political sphere

      Jessica Kulynych, Asst Professor of Political Science at Winthrop University, Polity, Winter, 1997, n2 p315(32)

      When we look at the success of citizen


      possibilities for an actually diverse and participatory democracy.




      The global war on terror and the proliferation of WMD demands an ethic of prudence – policymakers need to be able to weigh moral implications against destructive consequences

      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 5-8

      These debates are also about whether some measures


      measures with basic commitments to full public justification.



      Debating the consequences of state policies promotes ethical prudence

      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 21-22

      A lesser evil morality is antiperfectionist in its


      of whistle-blowers to tell the truth.



      The war on terror will strain democracy – we need to maintain an ethic of adversarial political justification to avoid unprecedented acts of evil

      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 8-12

      If a war on terror may require


      the vitality of its capacity for adversarial review.



      Real-world debates about a pre-determined topic promote superior education through research and critical thinking.

      Christopher C. Joyner (prof. of International law at Georgetown) Spring 1999 “teaching international law: views from an international relations political scientist” ILSA journal of international & comparative law 5 ILSA J Int’l & Comp L 377

      For collaborative learning experiences to be especially meaningful


      collaborative intra-group learning.



      Policy analysis should precede discourse – most effective way to challenge power

      Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”, p pq

      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "


      agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.


      Treating security as a speech act means there are an infinite number of security threats, making it impossible to solve. The word “security” is not itself harmful, only when used by actors in positions to make security choices, it doesn’t apply to us.

      Williams 3 (Michael C., university of Whales, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and

      International Politics”, , Vol. 47, No. 4) CC

      This stance allows the Copenhagen School to argue


      draw in attempting to securitize a given issue.


      Security discourse isn’t inherently bad—presenting it in debate allows the negative attributes to be avoided.

      Williams 3 (Michael, Professor of International Politics at the University of Wales, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics,” International Studies Quarterly, 47(4), AD: 7-10-9) BL

      I have argued thus far that recognizing the


      of the most common criticisms leveled against it. 


      Predictions are imperfect but inevitable and critical to preventing major war

      Kagan & Kagan 2k (Donald & Frederick, American Enterprise, While America Sleeps, p. 5)

      Predicting the future is a difficult and uncertain


      will be seen well before the threat materializes.


      We have an ethical obligation to act – if the future is uncertain, we must do everything we can to intervene.

      Kurasawa 4 (Fuyuki, Professor of Sociology @ York University of Toronto, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight,”, AD: 7/11/09) jl

      In addition, farsightedness has become a priority


      of the question that we need to tackle.


      Realism must be used strategically because real-world actors rely on it

      Guzzini 98 (Assistant Professor at Central European Univ., Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy, p. 235)

      Third, this last chapter has argued that


      best way to tacitly and uncritically reproduce it.


      Their refusal to defend the consequences of the plan replicates a totalitarian disregard for life – they sacrifice political responsibility on the altar of morality, which turns the case

      Isaac 02 (James. H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Jeffrey C., Social Research, “Hannah Arendt on human rights and the limits of exposure, or why Noam Chomsky is wrong about the meaning of Kosovo,” Summer)

      What does Arendt mean here? She does


      see Arendt, 1971: 50-54).


      Governments are uniquely obligated to rely on consequentialism

      Harries 5 (Visiting Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, Australia, and editor emeritus of The National Interest, a leading Washington-based foreign policy quarterly, 2005Owen, Orbis, p. 64 NB)

      The same point, expressed in different terms


      giving preference to the former but to resign.


      We must evaluate the consequences of institutional implementation of plan; political accountability and deliberation require decision.

      Gundersen 2k (Adolph G., Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 98-9)

      Deliberation, however closely tied to action,


      individuals" to "the many as one."


      You’re responsible for the plan’s consequences – if we win our impact, moral rules should be suspended

      Shafer-Landau 97(Russ, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Ethics, Vol 104, No. 4)

      Even Nozick, a staunch absolutist, allows


      the prohibition on intentionally killing innocents is absolute.

  • vs Eygpt Muslim Brotherhood (Wyoming CJ)

    • Tournament: ISU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wyoming Craig/Jones | Judge: Odekirk

    • 1NC EU CP

      CP: The European Union should offer the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt a substantial amount of assistance for political party development.

      The EU can work with the Muslim Brotherhood

      Kessler and Reuters 11 (Oren, Jersusalem Post middle east correspondent and the news company,


      The European Union is amenable to holding talks


      . "It is important that everybody is given

      the time to form political parties Êso when elections happen it is pluralistic," he said.

      KORUS 1NC

      1. KORUS will pass – tentative TAA agreement has been reached

      Devaney 9/22 (Tim, national reporter who covers business and international trade for The Washington Times, 2011,


      The Senate on Thursday took a big step


      said Sen. Orrin Hatch, Utah Republican.


      2. Political capital is key to passage of Skfta

      Kim 11 (Sukhan, senior partner at the law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP in Washington, D.C., 30 June 2011, “[Viwepoint] Endgame for Korus”,


      Four years after striking an initial deal with


      whether he can succeed in his audacious gamble.

      3. Republicans oppose aid to the Muslim Brotherhood

      Jerusalem Post 11 (July 1st, “US to hold 'limited' contacts with Muslim Brotherhood. Secretary of State Clinton welcomes dialogue with 'all peaceful parties' ahead of Egypt's elections”, lexis)


      Several members of Congress have already warned that


      in an interview with the Post this spring.


      4. SKFTA key to US-South Korea alliance, regional stability, global free trade and heg

      Washington Post 10 [Fred, Washington Post, 4-12-10, “Will the U.S. commit to free trade with South Korea?”, , accessed 6-30-11]


      In a world of dangerously failed states and


      S., in that regard, are timeless."


      5. Asian instability triggers massive impacts – nuclear escalation, climate chaos, economic collapse and prolif

      Hamel-Green 10 [Peter & Michael, 1-5-10, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1-5-10, , accessed 7-1-11]


      The consequences of failing to address the proliferation


      that warrants priority consideration from the international community.

      2NC Korus

      Will pass – Senate passed TAA

      Reuters 9/22 (2011,


      The Senate appeared set to approve on Thursday


      finish its work on the legislation on Thursday.


      Will pass – Democrats are on board for compromise

      AP 9/19 (2011, worker_aid_program_key_to_passing_free_trade_deals/)


      WASHINGTON—A half-century-old


      hurdle to considering the bill for developing countries.


      Will pass – Bipartisan support for the FTA

      Goudie 9/22 (Doug Goudie is director of international trade policy, National Association of Manufacturers, 2011,


      Today’s vote by the U.S.


      be transmitted. They should be sent immediately.

      1.    The Jobs bill is delayed – the FTAs will come first

      ABC News 9/21 (


      Almost two weeks after President Obama spoke on


      first item up after that is Chinese currency.

      1.    The FTAs are the top agenda item on jobs – they’re the one thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on on

      AP 9/22 (2011,


      U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk


      year and support tens of thousands of jobs.

      Obama’s capital is key

      McLarty & Cunningham 11 – *chief of staff to Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort, AND **Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden (1/24/11, Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham, “Obama's Free Trade Opportunity,” Factiva)


       Much has been written about Bill Daley's


      the Democratic base, but it is essential

      Political capital is key to SKFTA passage – Dems & Tea Partiers

      Knowledge@Wharton, 11 (Wharton Business School, UPenn, 1-12-11, “U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports?,” , accessed 7-1-11]


      With Portman now in the Senate and other


      the China trade" as a key target.

      McCain opposes the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood

      Der Spiegel 11 (2/6/11,,1518,743819,00.html)


      SPIEGEL: How optimistic are you that the


      it would be a mistake of historic proportions.

      McCain is key to the agenda

      CQ Weekly 8 (Rebecca Adams, 11/8/08 (“CQ Weekly Vantage Point: Farewell or a Future? McCain Still Has Role as Bipartisan Dealmaker,” LN)


      A likelier scenario, observers say, is


      last years in the Senate reinforcing that image.”

      1.    China would be drawn into a North Korean conflict

      Shirk 7 (Susan Shirk, served as deputy assistant secretary for China at the U.S. State Department from 199 to 2000.CHINA: FRAGILE SUPERPOWER, 2007,Text Box:  p. 4)


      China's neighbor and former ally, North Korea


      -to ­eyeball confrontation with the United States.

      1.    Korean war would escalate, pulling in the the US and Japan

      Chol 2 (Kim Myong, The Agreed Framework is Brain Dead,


      The second choice is for the Americans to


      reduced to a second-class nuclear power.

      1NC Israel DA

      US-Israeli relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.

      AFP 11 (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.


      WASHINGTON — The United States on Thursday reiterated


      administration has sought progress in Middle East peace.

      Israel is threatened by the Muslim brotherhood and the prospect of democratization – opposes US assistance
      Byman 11 (Daniel Byman is a Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University andthe Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, Summer 2011 (Israel's Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring, Washington Quarterly,


      Hamas’ history is rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood


      Gaza or another crisis again dominates the headlines.


      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.

      Byman 11

      (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.

      These apocalyptic predictions and Israel’s doom-and


      regional transformation is peaceful and that democratization succeeds.


      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.

      Kramer 6

      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,

      My answer, to anticipate my conclusion, is this: United States support for Israel is not primarily the result of Holocaust guilt or shared democratic values; nor is it produced by the machinations of the “Israel Lobby.” American support for Israel -- indeed, the illusion of its unconditionality – underpins the pax Americana in the eastern Mediterranean. It has compelled Israel’s key Arab neighbors to reach peace with Israel and to enter the American orbit. The fact that there has not been a general Arab-Israeli war since 1973 is proof that this pax Americana, based on the United States-Israel alliance, has been a success. From a realist point of view, supporting Israel has been a low-cost way of keeping order in part of the Middle East, managed by the United States from offshore and without the commitment of any force. It is, simply, the ideal realist alliance. In contrast, the problems the United States faces in the Persian Gulf stem from the fact that it does not have an Israel equivalent there, and so it must massively deploy its own force at tremendous cost. Since no one in the Gulf is sure that the United States has the staying power to maintain such a presence over time, the Gulf keeps producing defiers of America, from Khomeini to Saddam to Bin Laden to Ahmadinejad. The United States has to counter them, not in the interests of Israel, but to keep the world’s great reserves of oil out of the grip of the West’s sworn enemies.

      These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.

      Moore 9

      (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,

      Israel is especially dangerous because its leaders and


      Only a worldwide disarmament movement can stop it.




      1NC Conditions CP

      CP: The United States federal government should offer the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt a substantial amount of assistance for political party development on the condition that it doesn’t support terrorism and that if elected it would support the peace treaty with Israel and work to destroy tunnels into Gaza.

      Republicans support conditions on aid to Egypt

      Feteha 11  (Ahmed Monday 25 Jul 2011, writer for Ahram Online, Ahram Online is the English-language news web site published by Al-Ahram Establishment, Egypt’s largest news organization, and the publisher of the Middle East’s oldest newspaper, the daily Al-Ahram, in publication since 1875. ttp://


      The US House of Representatives passed a bill


      , indicating the inclination of Congress’ lower house.


      They would say yes – Solves perception of disengagement with Islamic groups

      Byman 11 (Feb 4, Egypt 2012: What If the Muslim Brotherhood Comes to Power? Egypt, The Arab Spring and Middle East Unrest, Middle East, Foreign Policy, North Africa Daniel L. Byman, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy Wall Street Journal, MV


      To encourage future moderation, the United States 


      encouraging them to adopt even more radical policies.


      Multiculturalism Short 1NC


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology1999, pg.  213-214


      However, there is another tension, the


      based on the repression of previous local traditions.


      B. Impact-the Master Nation’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the environment.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      C. Alternative- vote negative use the affirmative’s empty Master-Signifier to place a demand on the state- this can be a rallying point for radical change


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg. 142


      Therein resides the fundamental enigma of the symbolic


      notion of what ‘our Nation’ means.54



      1NC US Credibility FL

      1. The Middle East mistrusts any US assistance – can’t improve credibility

      Lappin 10 [Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade,Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]


      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests


      involved only a limited engagement in democracy promotion.


      2. Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment

      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,

      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18,,CMR)


      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and


      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.


      3. Alt causes to anti-US backlash – Turkey, Pakistan, Libya, Iran – their author

      Maginnis 8-17 [11, Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, Human Events Online, “Muslim World More Anti-American Than Ever”, lexis]


      Second, Turkey is on a glide path


      , and assume tougher political and military policies.


      5. No internal link to a power vacuum – Their Rosen evidence indicts a total US troop withdrawal from the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Plan doesn’t affect US military presence.

      6. Heg doesn’t solve war and a power vacuum wouldn’t cause an arms race

      Fettweis 10  Professor of national security affairs @ U.S. Naval War College.

      (Christopher J. “Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy,” Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2010 , pages 59 – 82informaworld) CMR


      One potential explanation for the growth of global


      world peace and US military expenditure are unrelated.

      7. Biological agents can’t cause extinction

      Gladwell 99 [Malcolm, The New Republic, Jul 17, “Epidemics: Opposing Viewpoints,” p. 31-2]


      Every infectious agent that has ever plagued humanity


      point out the limitations of microscopic life forms.


      8. Strong US heg in the Middle East is impossible

      Miller 11  Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”, CR


      Finally, if the tumultuous changes in the


      cannot remake and from which it cannot retreat.


      1NC MB FL

      Both their Philpott and Guseynov evidence cites Coptic Christians as an alt cause to terror – the Muslim Brotherhood wants to politically – and sometimes physically – eliminate them. That makes terror inevitable.

      1. The MB is like Ron Paul – they have dedicated base and get a lot of hype, but they won’t win

      Fisher 11 (Mark, associate editor for the Atlantic,


      But does the Muslim Brotherhood actually have that


      in Egypt than it is on Fox News.

      2. Legimitizing the MB allows it to take over - military checks it now

      Phillips 11 (James Phillips, Senior Research Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs, analyst for the Heritage Foundation, “Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Lurks as a Long-Term Threat to Freedom,” 2/8/11,


      To limit the Muslim Brotherhood’s ability to undermine


      a vital role as a bulwark against Islamism.

      3. American appeasement towards groups like the Muslim Brotherhood encourages terrorist movements

      Glick 9/9 (Caroline, an American-Israeli journalist and is the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. She is also the Senior Fellow for Middle East Affairs of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy, in the Jersualem Post, “The war America fights,” lexis) MV


      In the face of the rising political instability


      drying out their support structure at its roots.


      Muslim Brotherhood will shut down the Suez Canal causing massive oil shocks

      Hilliker 11 (Joel Hilliker, February 2, 2011, “Will the Muslim Brotherhood Close the Suez Canal?,” The Trumpet,


      Almost immediately after angry Egyptians took to the


      to Nasser’s provocation by combining forces to invade.


      Suez closure causes US intervention and escalatory nuclear war

      Nazemroaya 11 (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), February, 13, 2011, “THE DIVISION OF EGYPT: THREATS OF US, ISRAELI, AND NATO MILITARY INTERVENTION?”


      Recall the 1956 Invasion of Egypt? There


      global empire through militarism overseas and domestic militarization.

      Even brief closure of the Suez Canal collapses the world economy

      Brockmeyer 11 (Peter Brockmeyer, studied in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and the Economics Department at the London School of Economics, February 1, 2011, PolicyMic, “The Suez Canal: What Happens If Egypt Shuts It Down?,”


      In the midst of the unrest, the


      the longer route will impair supplies, too.


      Oil shocks empirically collapse growth—Kill consumption and spike inflation

      Roubini & Setser 4 (Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Business, Brad Setser, Research Associate, Global Economic Governance Programme, University College, Oxford, August 2004, online)


      Oil prices shocks have a stagflationary effect on


      the invasion of Iraq is a good example.

      Economic collapse causes nuclear war

      Bearden 2k (Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, PhD, MS, BSCo-inventor - the 2002 Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - a replicated overunity EM generator Listed in Marquis' Who'sWho in America, 2004)


      Just prior to the terrible collapse of the


      or some modified version of it, resulting.



  • vs Orientalism (Weber GO)

    • Tournament: Idaho State | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber Gomez-Olson | Judge: Partlow Lefevre

    • Framework 1NC

      Same as above

      Framework 2NC

      Spanos misconceptualizes the dialogic student-teacher relationship

      Devyne 96 (John, NYU Ed School, Maximum Security: The Culture of Violence in Inner City Schools, p. 191)JFS

      I argue that Spanos’ epistemology should be challenged


      Constructivism is splendid, but it has limits.


      No offense – even though debate might be flawed, switch-side checks all offense

      Muir 93 (Department of Communications at George Mason,  Star, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 26(4), Gale Academic)JFS

      Contemporary debateeven in the context of


      impressionable soul that we insist on their utility.


      Roleplaying lets us learn about other’s opinions – this refines our strategy – Malcolm X proves

      Branham 95 (Robert, Professor Rhetoric at Bates College, Argumentation and Advocacy, "`I Was Gone On Debating': Malcolm X's Prison Debates And Public Confrontations," Winter, vol. 31, no. 3, p.117)JFS

      As Malcolm X sought new outlets for his


      each debate included four or five practice sessions.


      Switch-side debate doesn't encourage relativism – it fosters tolerance without committing students to active moral irresponsibility

      Muir 93 (Department of Communications at George Mason,  Star, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 26(4), Gale Academic)JFS

      A final indictment of values clarification education is


      validate their hypothetical value structure through immoral actions.


      Framework doesn’t cause U.S. exceptionalism – It solves it

      Stannard 6 (Matt, U of Wyoming,

      If it is indeed true that debate inevitably


      chance of being exposed to truly oppositional ideas.

      CP 1NC

      TEXT: Vote negative to embrace our rhetorical criticism of the Orientalist meta-narrative

      There are no justifications for the topic that avoid Orientalism – all notions of democratic support from the US are based on imperialist liberal stereotypes and assumptions that can’t be undone by the aff

      Hassan, Knowledge Officer at Hivos, where he coordinates Knowledge Programme Civil Society in West Asia, 3-11

      Kawa, Rethinking Civil Activism in the Middle East, Policy Paper #1,, pp. 9-10

      In his working paper on civil society in


      threats and cultural factors (adapted from Junne 2009 and Diamond 2010).

      The reference to the topic in their advocacy means they confine their criticism to the USFG – this makes the US a convenient scapegoat that allows the West off the hook; turns the case

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 17-18]

      Parasitical, murderous, and sick, America


      the other colonial powers had called it quits.

      CP 2NC

      “Prerequisite” means you are going to carry out that function

      Merriam Webster Online no date


      something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function

      Particularly true in the context of a proposed course of action

      Brainy Quote no date


      Previously required; necessary as a preliminary to any proposed effect or end; as, prerequisite conditions of success.

      Something previously required, or necessary to an end or effect proposed.

      “Prerequisite” necessarily means the “topical action” is to be done

      The Free no date


      n / adj prerequisite [priəˈrekwizit]

      (something that is) necessary for something else to be done or happen

      “Prerequisite” means the “topical action” part of their advocacy IS implemented

      The Free no date

      pre·req·ui·site  (pr-rkw-zt)


      Required or necessary as a prior condition: Competence is prerequisite to promotion.


      Something that is prerequisite, as a course that is required prior to taking an advanced course.

      Prerequisite means something will follow – that’s “topical action” according to their advocacy

      Business no date

      Qualification required as a necessary condition for something to follow

      Democracy has been hijacked by the Bush Administration to justify a suspension of civil liberties at home and pre-emptive war abroad.

      Said, Palestinian Activists and Former Professor at Columbia University, 4/20/2003

      [Edward, “Give Us Back Our Democracy,” ZNet,]


      [In a speech in the Senate on


      the ones who must have our democracy back.

      There should be NO Western action after the criticism – the whole point of Said’s argument is a fundamental challenge to Western authority.

      Prakash 95 Orientalism Now  Author(s): Gyan Prakash  Source: History and Theory, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Oct., 1995), pp. 199-212  Published by: Blackwell Publishing for Wesleyan University  Stable URL:  Accessed: 15/09/2009 16:05 

      Orientalism's lasting influence can be attributed to the


      , that has breathed sedition into its life

      Their advocacy of the whole topic is an attempt to understand ‘the Orient’ through a new lens – this is just another link to the aff because it centers the West.

      Sered, Rhodes Scholar in Postcolonial Studies at Emory, 1996

      [Danielle, “Orientalism,” p. o/l: ]


      Said calls into question the underlying assumptions that


      representation on the part of the 'Oriental.’

      FX T 1NC

      A. Interpretation – The aff should defend the topic. They should defend democracy assistance as it is now.

      B. Violation – The aff attempts to reform democracy assistance rather than implementing it.

      AND “Prerequisite” in the advocacy text means they are prior to the topic by definition

      Brainy Quote no date


      Previously required; necessary as a preliminary to any proposed effect or end; as, prerequisite conditions of success.

      Something previously required, or necessary to an end or effect proposed.

      C. Reasons to Prefer

      1. Allowing the aff to be prior to the topic creates an infinite number of affs

      The literature is full of different ideas to re-fashion democracy assistance. On top of that, K affs that reform democracy assistance add a whole larger pile of affs.

      2. Fundamentally changes the nature of link ground on the topic

      If the aff can reform democracy assistance, negative link arguments concerning the problems with democracy assistance disappear as viable neg arguments. The contemporary literature about democracy assistance discusses costs and benefits based on how it currently operates. If the aff can make these changes, the literature available to be neg dries up.

      3. Makes the topic bidirectional

      Allowing reforms of democracy assistance grants the aff the ability to make democracy assistance more right wing (like intervention) or more left wing (like funding indigenous movements). Their solvency evidence proves our argument – they claim to open up alternate understandings and space for resistance with no direction attached whatsoever.

      D. Topicality is a Voting Issue for Fairness and Education

      Zizek 1NC

      See above


      The 1AC describes all interaction with the Middle East as a product of US Imperialism – this belief replicates imperialism itself by positioning the West as the center of Evil

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 117-118]

      A century ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote a


      source of all the horror in the world.

      Their rejection of European intellectual domination does not create the possibility of understanding – difference is ineradicable. The attempt to eliminate difference requires the eradication of the Other. Instead, we should simply refuse to attempt to know the Other at all.

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 151-152]

      It might seem that I have undertaken the


      human race to itself is an unrealizable dream.

      Their advocacy of the topic after their criticism double turns the aff. While the aff claims to be a way to make the West create a new “non-Orientalist” relationship with the Middle East, they are really just a stronger allegiance with the core of the West.

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 143-144]

      This little peninsula on the tip of Asia


      tried to destroy Europe as an antagonistic entity.

      Embracing the aff desire to reject European knowledge is tantamount to embracing the end of everyone and the entire world.

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 146-147]

      The foregoing teaches us this: that hatred


      negativity that envisions the end of the world.

      Evil West presumes innocent Third World leaders, wipes clean their atrocities

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 133-135]

      To excuse the atrocities of new nations by


      its peoples deserve"32 (Jean Rous).

      Their criticism of European thought is built on a history rife with guilt that vacates all moral relationships

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 20-21]

      In commitment to the Third World, what


      is its claim to total freedom from condemnation.

      Their obsession with the Guilt of the West eliminates all value to life; culminates in self-destruction

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 63-66]

      For the prophets of guilty conscience, the


      future of the West is self-destruction.

      Their guilt denies all human agency to the Third World – they replicate the very imperialist obsession they critique

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 126-127]

      Because they are former colonial peoples, the


      it has all the characteristics of colonialist thinking.

  • vs Egypt Unregistered NGOs (UNLV CK)

    • Tournament: ISU | Round: Semis | Opponent: UNLV Cottrell/Kosmach | Judge: Pointer, Schultz, J Cheek

    • Zizek 1NC

      see above

      EU CP 1NC

      see above

      Politics 1NC

      see above

      Politics 2NC

      Aid will be cut now – even maintaining current levels drains political capital

      VOA News 8/8 (David Arnold, VOA News, 8-8-11, “US Debt Struggle Puts Middle East Aid Commitments in Question,”


      When lawmakers in the U.S.


      East issue when the House bill was passed.

      They don’t assume the current political climate - makes avoiding cuts more controversial

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,


      When the U.S. House of


      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance.



      Will pass – Senate passed TAA

      Reuters 9/22 (2011,


      The Senate appeared set to approve on Thursday


      finish its work on the legislation on Thursday.


      Will pass – Democrats are on board for compromise

      AP 9/19 (2011, worker_aid_program_key_to_passing_free_trade_deals/)


      WASHINGTON—A half-century-old


      hurdle to considering the bill for developing countries.


      Will pass – Bipartisan support for the FTA

      Goudie 9/22 (Doug Goudie is director of international trade policy, National Association of Manufacturers, 2011,


      Today’s vote by the U.S.


      be transmitted. They should be sent immediately.


      Obama has political capital – more voter support than GOP Congress on almost every issue

      Politico 9/5

      [Celinda Lake & Daniel Gotoff & Kristin Pondel, “Democratic Analysis: Jobs Plan Key”, <>]


      Currently, voters are statistically tied over to


      up for the middle class (+34 Obama).

      1.    The Jobs bill is delayed – the FTAs will come first

      ABC News 9/21 (


      Almost two weeks after President Obama spoke on


      first item up after that is Chinese currency.

      2.    The FTAs are the top agenda item on jobs – they’re the one thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on on

      AP 9/22 (2011,


      U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk


      year and support tens of thousands of jobs.


      Obama’s capital is key

      McLarty & Cunningham 11 – *chief of staff to Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort, AND **Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden (1/24/11, Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham, “Obama's Free Trade Opportunity,” Factiva)


       Much has been written about Bill Daley's


      the Democratic base, but it is essential.


      Political capital is key to SKFTA passage – Dems & Tea Partiers

      Knowledge@Wharton, 11 (Wharton Business School, UPenn, 1-12-11, “U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports?,” , accessed 7-1-11]


      With Portman now in the Senate and other


      the China trade" as a key target.


      1.    Backlash when Obama tries to regain capital

      Goldberg 10 (Jonah, Syndicated Journalist, February 26, "A Hidden Cost of the Health-Care Summit",


      It seems that I wasn’t alone in finding


      -night jokes and basis of SNL parodies.

      2.    Takes a long time to rebuild capital

      Schaller 9 (Tom, five thirty eight, 8/18/09, Is Obama Spending his Political Capital, Wasting It ... or Wuz He Robbed?


      Obama is investing now with an eye toward


      rise back to pre-Summer '09 levels.

      3.     Wins don’t generate capital

      Nicholas and Hook 10(Peter and Janet, Tribune Washington Bureau, July 30, "Obama the Velcro president",


      Through two terms, Reagan eluded much of


      he could achieve and what government could accomplish.


      Rogin 11 (Josh, 4/6 “Lugar Holding Up State Department Funds for Tunisian Democracy”


      The State Department wants to shift resources toward


      ranking Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN).


      B. Lugar is key to Korus

      McLaughlin 11 (Seth, writer for Washington Diplomat, April 26, "Key foreign policy players try to master capitol hill,"


      Richard Lugarthe ranking member of the


      Bush are also submitted to Congress for approval.


      Case 1NR

      The Egyptian military will crush independent NGO’s if U.S. funds them; turns Aff


      In response to an invitation from the U


      left his post Thursday, Aug. 11.


      U.S. has already lost leadership in Middle East over Palestine

      Seale 9/20 New geopolitical map of the Middle East is being drawn Patrick Seale, Agence Global, September 20, 2011,

      America’s most grievous mistake, however — the


      diplomacy. Will Europe take up the challenge?



      History proves American leadership is unsustainable.


      Christopher Layne (Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University) 2007 “American Empire: A Debate” p 63


      States are ever-vigilant when it comes


      have striven to dominate the international political system.

      Leadership doesn’t solve conflict

      Hachigan and Sutphen 2008

      (Nina and Monica, Stanford Center for International Security, The Next American Century, p. 168-9)

       In practice, the strategy of primacy


      then question why China is modernizing its military.


      Bribes won’t work; as long as the US backs Israel over Palestine, democracy cred can’t be rebuilt.

      Arab News, 5-20-11

      [Eurasia Review News & Analysis, Arab News is Saudi Arabia's first English-language newspaper. It was founded in 1975 by Hisham and Mohammed Ali Hafiz. Today, it is one of 29 publications produced by Saudi Research & Publishing Company (SRPC), a subsidiary of Saudi Research & Marketing Group (SRMG).

      Obama thinks that he can rebuild trust in


      it more than we do.

      Must Cut funding to Middle East Militaries to solve the leadership advantage

      McInerney ‘10

      [Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy, ―The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011,‖]

      Support for democracy goes far beyond funding levels


      power spending in the region must be reconsidered.

      Continued relations with authoritarian regimes means DA can’t improve US leadership

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]

      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests


      in democracy promotion.


      Contradictions, inconsistency, and growing public opposition make US leadership ineffective

      Miller, Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations, Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”,, CMR

      During most of the time it has been


      well prove to be more an Arab Winter.



      Diplomacy that contradicts the purpose of DA wipes out all of the “signal” benefits to DA

      United Nations, 5/9/11


      Better integration between democracy assistance and diplomatic efforts


      in freedom and civil rights around the world.


      Economic Constraints and Politics Kills U.S. Leadership Role

      Layne 09 Robert M. Gates Chair in Intelligence and National Security at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.

      Christopher, International Security, Volume 34, Number 1, Summer 2009, pp. 147-172 (Review), The Waning of U.S. Hegemony—Myth or Reality? A Review Essay

      In particular, Global Trends predicts that over


      the world’s leader are reassessed by American voters”


  • vs Egypt Indian NED (LosRios CS)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: Los Rios Chowdhury/Stanfield | Judge: Jim Hanson

    • 1NC T

      A. Interpretation

      Democracy assistance must be in the target country

      Toornstra, European Parliament Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy Director, 10

      [Dick, “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance”‖, p.7-8, accessed 5-17-11, TP]

      Democracy assistance – one of the tools of


      democratisation, in particular socio-economic assistance.

      B. Violation

      The plan is aid to a non-Egyptian NGO

      C. Reasons to prefer

      Explodes aff ground

      If the affirmative can train governments, CSOs, or NGOs “off-site”, it expands the available advantages. This is particularly true if they can include governments of 3rd countries as the “off-site” recipient of aid.

      D. Topicality is a Voting Issue for Fairness and Education


      1NC Politics

      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise

      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)


      To be sure, the supercommittee still has


      , but we have to get to one.”


      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,


      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing


      State Department he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, SB10001424052970203914304576628882195814642.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)


      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.


      4. The impact is global nuclear war

      Thayer 6 [Bradley A., Prof of Defense and Strategic Studies @ Missouri State University, “In Defense of Primacy.,” National Interest; Nov/Dec2006 Issue 86, p32-37]


      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been


      for advancing the interests of the United States. 

      2NC Politics

      Will reach deal – Begich and other Republicans willing to compromise

      Bradner 9/1 (Tim, 2011, Alaska Journal of Commerce,

      Alaska U.S. Sen. Mark


      ,” in the tax code, Begich said.

      Israel INC

      US-Israeli relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.

      AFP 7/28

      (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.

      WASHINGTON — The United States on Thursday reiterated


      administration has sought progress in Middle East peace.


      History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.

      Waxman 11

      (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online

      Israeli antipathy towards Arab democracy is not just


      Egypt now might well give them that chance.


      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.

      Byman 11

      (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.

      These apocalyptic predictions and Israel’s doom-and


      regional transformation is peaceful and that democratization succeeds.


      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.

      Kramer 6

      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,

      My answer, to anticipate my conclusion,


      of the grip of the West’s sworn enemies.

      These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.

      Moore 9

      (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,

      Israel is especially dangerous because its leaders and


      Only a worldwide disarmament movement can stop it.

      2NC Israel DA

      Relations high – security assistanceMiller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)

      In his fiscal year 2011 budget submission to


      Israel's regional strategic security in a turbulent area.


      Relations high - Gates

      Miller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)

      At a time such as now — when


      , to the mutual benefit of both nations".


      Relations high – science collaboration

      Miller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)

      Israeli research technology has also produced solutions to


      demonstrates the collaboration between these two countries.


      Democratic transition rolls back Camp David accords – angers Israel

      Newsweek 11 “Egypt Boils Over” July 24, 2011

      Egyptians' antipathy toward Israel was palpable. Only


      the landmark peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.


      Democracy will hurt Eyptian relations with Israel

      Aaron 11 (David, senior fellow at the RAND Corporation specializing in the Middle East and former White House Deputy National Security Adviser, “Is the Arab World Changing for the Better?”, RAND Commentary, accessed online p.

      One can hope the turmoil is a good


      . But celebrations are not yet in order.


      US assistance is pro-Israel now

      Sharp 10 (Jeremy M., Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs @ FAS, “US Foreign Assistance to the Middle East:  Historical Background, Recent Trends, and the FY2011 Request”, June 15, FAS, p.

      For policymakersforeign assistance plays a key


      a trend that has continued to this day.



      TEXT: The United States federal government should cooperate with India to launch a new global Internet freedom initiative.


      Collaboration on Internet Freedom initiatives solves US-India relations and is less controversial than democracy assistance

      Twining, Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and Fontaine, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, 2011

      [Daniel and Richard, Each previously handled South Asia policy at the U.S. Department of State and served as a foreign policy adviser in the U.S. Senate, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation,” The Washington Quarterly, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Spring 2011, 34:2, 200-201]

      Internet Freedom

      As open societies that benefit greatly from unfettered


      more active, targeted forms of democracy promotion.


      Fem 1NC Shell


      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.


      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.


      1NC Case FL

      No warming – data from satellites, balloons and past records prove

      Singer 0 (S. Fred, Professor emeritus of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and the founder and president of The Science & Environmental Policy Project, June 18, ) LL

      1. There is no Appreciable Climate Warming


      20th century is the warmest in 1000 years.


       No warming – warming is an alarmist approach based off exaggerated data

      Lewis 7 (Institute of Economic Affairs, Mar 6, ) LL

      The government claim that global warming is more


      through increased government intervention and world energy planning.


      IPCC is a politicized institution

      Marshall 7 (Andrew, Center for Research on Globalization, Mar 15, ) LL

      Claude Allegre, a leading French scientist,


      frost, are relegated to the business pages”.


      Effects of warming are exaggerated


      Fuller 10 (Thomas, SF Environmental Policy Examiner, Mar 3, ) LL

      Temperatures have risen 0.7 degrees Celsius


      Is Not Likely To Be As Desperate As We


      Relative to the ability of humans to adapt, climate change is slow


      Tennekes 8 (Hendrick, former director of research at The Netherlands' Royal National Meteorological Institute, Jul 15, ) LL

      “Fortunately, the time rate of climate


      may cause some cooling in the foreseeable future.


      17,000 scientists agree – warming is not a concern and climate models not accurate

      Singer 0 (S. Fred, Professor emeritus of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and the founder and president of The Science & Environmental Policy Project, June 18, ) LL

      We hold a skeptical view on the climate


      and have no place in a scientific debate.


      Several sources indicate that global warming is a solar-system wide phenomenon

      Marshall 7 (Andrew, Center for Research on Globalization, Mar 15, ) LL

      First off, it is very important to


      that is resulting in our current climate change.


      Warming is a natural phenomenon


      Gary 7 (William, Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Oct 28, ) LL

      The role of anthropogenic CO2 as a causal


      ) to periods of global warming and cooling.



      1. International Law doesn’t prevent states from using force.


      Arend, 03.

      [Anthony Clark, professor in the Department of Government and the School of Foreign Service, an adjunct professor of law, and a director of the Institute for International Law and Politics at Georgetown, “International Law and the Preemptive Use of Military Force,” The Washington Quarterly, 26:2 pp. 89-103]

      When the UN Charter was adopted as a


      in violation of the basic UN Charter paradigm


      2. iLaw is violated all the time.

      A. The death penalty.


      Cole, 98.

      [David, prof of constitutional law at GeorgetownUniversity, April 28, The U.S. Plays by it's own rules; as a nation, We view international law in wholly instrumental terms, p. 1]

      On April 14.the United States openly


      , in areas far beyond the death penalty.


      B. Other countries – Turkish invasion of Iraq.


      BBC Monitoring, 07.

      [“Russian MPs condemn Turkish invasion of northern Iraq,” Oct. 24, BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union, ProQuest]

      Moscow, 24 October: Deputies of the


      the State Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovskiy, said.


      C. American unilateralism – makes other countries skeptical of new U.S. foreign policies.


      Drezner, 07.

      [Daniel W., Associate Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2007, Vol. 86, Iss. 2, pg. 14, “The New New World Order,” ProQuest]

      This unheralded effort is well intentioned and well


      and China in the concert of great powers.


      3. No impact – U.S. doesn’t have to approve – it’ll become customary international law, making the effects universal.


      4. ILaw doesn’t change state behavior


      Aread, 99.

      [Anthony Clark, Legal Rules and International Society, p. 4]

      In a 1990 essay on recent works on


      political and economic factors that really affect behavior.

      Alt Cause- There are human rights abuses everywhere from refuses refugees to the war on terror

      Heale 10 (Jack, July , the Director of the Human Rights Action Center accessed 7/9) CM

      Much like the flowers in the Peter,


      enhanced interrogation methods in the war on terror.  


      1.  The U.S. Navy won’t be matched.


      Daniel, 2002.

      [Donald C.F., Globalization and Maritime Power, Editor – Sam J. Tangredi, Ch. 27, ]


      The United States will possess the world’s premier


      should move significantly down the road toward achievement.


      2. The U.S. will maintain naval dominance for decades because of carriers.


      Daly, 07.

      [John C K, consultant and adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute, “US Naval Power Wanes,” 27/08,]

      The most important maritime lesson that the US


      Sao Paulo; and Thailand - HTMS ChakriNareubet.


      3. U.S. allies are building up their navies too, including carriers – no impact to losing naval supremacy.


      Daly, 07.

      [John C K, consultant and adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute, “US Naval Power Wanes,” 27/08,]

      The silver lining in this dark cloud for


      amphibious assault vessel and a VSTOL aircraft carrier.



      India and Pakistan want to cooperate – they’re having talks


      AP 10 (Associated Press, 2/25/10, GAT

      India and Pakistan held wide-ranging discussions


      the people of our region," she said.


      Obama is gently putting pressure on them to reduce tensions


      Reuters 4/29 (4/29/10, GAT

      President Barack Obama sees reducing tensions between India


      the parties that we can," he said.


      Pakistan admits they will not start a nuclear war


      Kristensen 9 (Hans  M., “Strategic Security Blog,, AD: 7/1/09)  GAT

      Actually, most other nuclear weapons states don’t


      rejected a no-first-use policy.



      1.  New confidence building measures solve.


      AP of Pakistan, 07.

      [“Pak-India talks on CBMs are aimed at reaching resolution of Kashmir issue,” Oct. 17,]

      NEW DELHI, Oct 17 APP: Pak


      on ballistic missiles and reduction of nuclear risk.


      2. Relations are at an all time high.


      The Hindu, 07.

      [Nirupama Subramanian, “Ties with India have never been so good: Pakistan,” Oct. 23,]

      ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Foreign Ministry says the


      said at the weekly briefing here on Monday.


      3. The risk of nuclear war is low – dialogue and U.S. involvement can prevent war.


      Ahmed, 03.

      [Samina, “Avoiding an India-Pakistan Nuclear Confrontation,” March, Pugwash Conference, ]

      From December 2001 until July 2002,Indian


      dialogue is the first step towards crisis deescalation.


      4.  No war – it didn’t happen when tensions were at their highest point –deterrence prevents it.


      Ahmed, 03.

      [Samina, “Avoiding an India-Pakistan Nuclear Confrontation,” March, Pugwash Conference, ]

      There was near unanimity among participants that tensions


      first use over no-first use postures.




      Nuclear deterrence and ideological barriers prevent conflict


      Malik 3 (Mohan, “The stability of nuclear deterrence in South Asia: the Clash Between State and Antistate Actors,” Asian Affairs: An American Review September 22, 2003) GAT

      The presence of nuclear weapons certainly makes states


      secure transport of sensitive items. (27)  


      Indo-Pak conflict doesn’t go nuclear except in incredibly unlikely scenarios that they can’t defend


      Markey 10 (Daniel, writer for Council on Foreign Relations, “Terrorism and Indo-Pakistani Esclation”) GAT

      A military exchange



      it authorizes a first strike.



      Even if nuclear weapons are involved, India-Pakistan war doesn’t escalate beyond that region


      Dyer 2 (Gwynne, “Nuclear war a possibility over Kashmir,” Hamilton Spectator, May 24, 2002) GAT

      For those who do not live in the


      grave harm to the wider world from fallout. 



      Even if deterrence fails and a conventional conflict breaks out, Kargil proves that nuclear warfare isn’t an option


      Chandrasekharan 99 (Dr. S., writer for South Asia Analysis,\papers\paper71.html) GAT

      If a fundamental tenet of proliferation optimism is


      the ink on the Lahore Declaration was dry.


      No risk of escalation

      Quinlan 5 (Michael Conflict Writer, Vol. 47, Iss. 3; pg 103. ProQuest) jl

      Since the 1999 Kargil conflict and the 2002


      , have global responsibilities in the non-proliferation


      India and Pakistan will prevent accidental nuclear launches

      Goncharov 8 (Pyotr, Russian News and Information Agency,, AD: 7/10/10) jl

      A Muslim state with nuclear weapons and extremists


      the development of reliable nuclear arms control systems.



      The US is pushing human rights now Clinton China speech proves

      Heale 10 (Jack, July , the Director of the Human Rights Action Center accessed 7/9) CM

      Somehow, the pretense that the United States


      kept. Deeds are needed, not rhetoric. 


      Alt cause predator drones are a violation of human rights

      Callam 10 (Andrew, 2/21,  writer for the International Law Review, International Law review (XIX) accessed 7/9) CM

      It is also unclear whether the CIA’s Predator


      greater scrutiny regarding its compliance with international law.


      Human rights do not exist

      Hamilton 04 ( Charles, 4-14, speaker and writer on human rights, speaker @ the Midwest Political Science Conference, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the The Midwest Political Science Association<>

      Human rights do not exist. Human rights


      have to be founded on an alternative basis.


  • vs Egypt Unregistered NGOs (UNLV EN)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNLV Eriksen/Nelson | Judge: Coleman

    • Fem IR 1NC


      Classical democratic theory ignores feminism – we account for the effects of social movements on the public sphere and military regimes

      Waylen 94 (Women and Democratization: Conceptualizing Gender Relations in Transition Politics Author(s): Georgina Waylen Source: World Politics, Vol. 46, No. 3 (Apr., 1994), pp. 327-354 Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 31/05/2011 22:26)


      First, the narrow concentration by analysts such


      democratization does not necessarily entail any wider changes.



      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.


      Fem IR 1NR

      We can’t merely add women to the affirmative’s theoretical framework- feminist scholarship requires reframing our theory of international relations. The lens of the aff and the lens of the K contradict.


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p.245-6 in the same epistemological…international relations


      In the same epistemological vein, feminist scholarship


      conceptualize international relations (Crenshaw 1989; 2000).


      The “add-and-stir” method of incorporating women into IR fails. It’s not about adding women, it’s about changing the entire frame of IR.


      Warren & Cady 94 Karen & Duane, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections”, Hypatia Volume: 9. Issue: 2, pp 1, DJ


      What do feminism and peace have to do


      feminist scholarship informs mainstream philosophical discussions of peace.


      Working within the realm of the state only makes it more possible to maintain current oppressive systems because the bases of all law and the idea of the state exclude women by putting them in a separate sphere of being.


      Charlesworth, Chinkin, and Wright, 91 (Christine Chinkin - Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Shelley Wright - Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Law School, Hilary Charlesworth, 1991, “Feminist Approaches to International Law,” American Journal of International Law,, CM)


      States are held responsible for torture only when


      by the state to achieve national goals.9


      Even if you don’t buy that the alt will solve, we must reject the global, transcendental claims about masculinity before we can open our minds to correct forms of knowledge and correct, non-biased ideals.


      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 80)

      In reading the project of feminist epistemology along


      can productively transform the field of theoretical knowledge.


      Your ballot is key: we must each chose to self-endorse the idea of feminist epistemologies to promote checks and balances on masculine ideologies.


      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 54)


      These are all empirical questions. By framing


      -formation mechanisms and enabling the reliable ones.

      EU CP 1NC

      The European Union ought to provide technical support for transparent democratic governance in Libya.


      EU can provide DA to MENA countries

      E. A. Fakhro, 2009, (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, "The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World,"

      Having examined both the influence of Islamist actors


      term ally and partner of the Arab world.

      2NC EU CP

      The EU should take the lead in Libya

      Serwer 11 (Daniel [Daniel Serwer is a professorial lecturer and senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a scholar at the Middle East Institute. He blogs at and tweets at @DanielSerwer.] Council on Foreign Relations “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya” CONTINGENCY PLANNING MEMORANDUM NO. 12  August 2011. 


      Should the Qaddafi regime fall, uncertainty over


      initial stages after Muammar al-Qaddafi falls.


      The EU is comparatively more effective than the US at democracy promotion - Arab perception

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)


      Finally, the Arab world desperately needs a


      Islamic traditions of tolerance, diversity and justice.


      First of all, Germany AND France oppose Eurobonds – second, the current plan being pursued will work better than Eurobonds. Third, Eurobonds will come after European integration anyway.


      “Analysis: France, Germany set out next stage of EU integration” By Mike Peacock

      LONDON | Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:33pm EDT


      The joint initiative by French President Nicolas Sarkozy


      their constitutions would be obligatory, not optional.


      And, the EU Is onboard with a new plan PROPOSED by Germany and France that will fix the financial issue.


      BRUSSELS | Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:21pm EDT EU executive welcomes French, German policy push.


      The European Union executive said on Tuesday that


      sector makes a fairer contribution to public accounts."


      Politics 1NC

      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise

      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)


      To be sure, the supercommittee still has


      , but we have to get to one.”


      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,


      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing


      State Department he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, SB10001424052970203914304576628882195814642.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)


      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.


      4. The impact is global nuclear war

      Thayer 6 [Bradley A., Prof of Defense and Strategic Studies @ Missouri State University, “In Defense of Primacy.,” National Interest; Nov/Dec2006 Issue 86, p32-37]


      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been


      for advancing the interests of the United States. 

      Politics 2NC

      Aid will be cut now

      VOA News 8/8 (David Arnold, VOA News, 8-8-11, “US Debt Struggle Puts Middle East Aid Commitments in Question,”


      When lawmakers in the U.S.


      East issue when the House bill was passed.

      They don’t assume the current political climate - makes avoiding cuts more controversial

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,


      When the U.S. House of


      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance.


      Investors are on the verge of panic, and need the Super Committee to agree to a measure to calm them

      IBT 11 [International Business Times, ”U.S. Debt Deal: Could Super Committee Help Calm Markets with Deficit Reduction?”, August 11, 2011,]


      Institutional investors fear that the U.S


      trillion in additional deficit reduction over 10 years.


      Instability 1NC


      Libya going to stabilize – squo solving

      RIA Novosti 8/8/2011 (“Opposition makes plan for ‘post-Gaddafi’ Libya” The Libyan Youth Movement, August 8, 2011.


      The Libyan opposition has developed a plan to


      use of the existing state and government structures.”


      Libya won’t implode – Too many resources

      Bloomberg 8/24/11 (Alaa Shahine and Vivian Salama [reporters for Bloomberg] “Oil-Rich Libyans Won’t Need Foreign Financial Backing in Post-Qaddafi Era” August 24, 2011.


      Airstrikes and logistical support from forces helped reverse the tide in , stopping the advance of Qaddafi’s troops on rebel strongholds and allowing the opposition to score military victories that culminated in a sweep into Tripoli this week.

      As the rebels hunt Qaddafi and his remaining


      after popular revolts ousted their leaders this year.

      “We don’t need loans,” former Libyan Central Bank Governor Farhat Bengdara, who broke with Qaddafi’s regime in February, said in an interview in Dubai. “Libya has huge financial resources and oil reserves. What it needs is the cooperation of the international community to lift the freeze on Libya’s assets aboard.”



      TNC doesn’t need US assistance

      Democracy Now ’11 (“NATO Commander: Troops Could Enter Libya” March 30, 2011.

      As President Obama refused to rule out U


      for liberation–we will liberate our country."


      Libya must stabilize itself – ANY US involvement leads to “Iraq-like” disaster.

      Benson 11 (David “Libya at a Turning Point” Chicago Project On Security and Terrorism [CPOST] August 24, 2011.


      Already with regards to Libya, we see


      risk upsetting whatever stable balance may be achieved.


      Status quo stabilizing Libya - Canada

      Clark 11 (Campbell [writer for The Globe and Mail] “Canada will stick with Libya mission until it’s done, Harper says” The Globe and Mail, September 2, 2011. )


      Canada is boosting its support for Libya’s interim


      to a request on Thursday for updated figures.





      Oil 1NC



      High oil prices key to the Russian economy

      Andrew E. Kramer 11, New York Times, “Russia Cashes In on Oil Supply Anxiety”, March 8,

      Whatever the eventual outcome of the Arab world’s


      less vulnerable to an outbreak of social unrest.


      Global nuclear conflict

      David, Prof Poli Sci – Johns Hopkins University, ‘99
       (Steven, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb)

      At no time since the civil war of


      chaos that would follow a Russian civil war.


      Squo solving now – Oil companies back in Libya

      Pasadena-Star News 9/5/11 (“Business briefs: Foreign oil companies back in Libya” Pasadena-Star News August 5, 2011.

      At least five foreign oil and gas companies


      a halt during this year's insurgency against Gadhafi.


      Oil flow stabilizing now - IOCs

      Oil and Gas Eurasia ’11 (“NTC Says IOCs Return to Libya” September 7, 2011. )


      Officials from Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC


      also aid in restoring production from offshore fields.


      Oil Peak inevitable

      Foster 09

      [John Bellamy Foster m o n t h l y r e v i e w / j u l y - a u g u s 2009Peak Oil and Energy Imperialism]

      Publicly of course the peak oil problem has


      market says, Let’s fuel the cars.”31


      Oil won’t return for 3 years

      Pfeifer 11 (Sylvia, Energy editor for the Financial Times, 6/16, “IEA forecasts slow recovery for Libyan oil”,

      ’s oil production faces a “long haul


      foreign operators, may need to be renegotiated.



      Libyan oil recovery doesn’t impact the market – slow market response

      National Journal 8-22, ("Could We See a ‘Libya Stimulus’?" 2011,

      In other words, an oil shock fueled


      clue in which direction it’s going to be.”


      Oil shocks don’t cause economic collapse – empirically denied

      Taylor, CATO senior fellow, and Van Doren, senior fellow and expert in the regulation of housing, land, energy, the environment, transportation, and labor, 2007

      [Jerry Taylor & Peter Van Doren, “Be Not Afraid,” CATO Institute, September 28, ]

      During the last week of September, 2003


      is, for the most part, incorrect.


      Speculation is an alternate cause to change in oil prices - comparison with gold prices proves

      [Mohsin S. Kahn, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, “The 2008 Oil Price “Bubble”, August 2009, <>]

      Another way to get a sense of speculative


      environment of extreme banking and financial system uncertainty.


      The economy can withstand oil shocks - market adaptations solve

      Gholz and Press 7 (Eugene and Daryl G., University of Texas public affairs assistant prof. and Dartmouth government associate professor "Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil”, 4-5, ) atw


      In the five major oil supply shocks caused


      refiners, and major consumers to smooth risks.


      Oil shocks don’t cause war

      Klare 8 (Michael, Five Colleges professor of Peace and World Security Studies “The Impending Oil Shock: An Exchange”, Survival (00396338); Aug/Sep2008, Vol. 50 Issue 4, p61-82, 22p, ebsco) atw


      Today, we are better equipped to deal


      , sudden losses in fuel on several occasions.


      Changes in demand and production make oil price swings and financial burdens inevitable

      Roberts 4 (Paul Roberts, energy expert and writer for Harpers,2004, The End of Oil, pg. 99)


      For as the international oil companies had learned


      of adjustment by pushing it onto the other.


  • vs Egypt Political Party Training (KCKCC GM)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 6 | Opponent: KCKCC Garvey/Miller | Judge: Albiniak

    • 1NC Conditions CP
      CP: The United States federal government should offer political training for legally registered nonviolent parties in Egypt on the condition that it doesn’t support terrorism and that if elected it would support the peace treaty with Israel and work to destroy tunnels into Gaza.
      Republicans support conditions on aid to Egypt
      Feteha 11  (Ahmed Monday 25 Jul 2011, writer for Ahram Online, Ahram Online is the English-language news web site published by Al-Ahram Establishment, Egypt’s largest news organization, and the publisher of the Middle East’s oldest newspaper, the daily Al-Ahram, in publication since 1875. ttp://

      The US House of Representatives passed a bill
      , indicating the inclination of Congress’ lower house.

      They would say yes – Solves perception of disengagement with Islamic groups
      Byman 11 (Feb 4, Egypt 2012: What If the Muslim Brotherhood Comes to Power? Egypt, The Arab Spring and Middle East Unrest, Middle East, Foreign Policy, North Africa Daniel L. Byman, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy Wall Street Journal, MV

      To encourage future moderation, the United States
      adopt even more radical policies.

      1NC Politics
      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise
      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)

      To be sure, the supercommittee still has
      , but we have to get to one.”

      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending
      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,

      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing
      he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy
      McKeon 10/14 (2011, SB10001424052970203914304576628882195814642.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)

      What principles should guide the congressional super committee
      protector of our prosperity.

      4. The impact is global nuclear war
      Thayer 6 [Bradley A., Prof of Defense and Strategic Studies @ Missouri State University, “In Defense of Primacy.,” National Interest; Nov/Dec2006 Issue 86, p32-37]

      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been
      for advancing the interests of the United States.  

      Israel INC
      US-Israeli relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.
      AFP 7/28
      (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.
      WASHINGTON — The United States on Thursday reiterated
      administration has sought progress in Middle East peace.

      History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.
      Waxman 11
      (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online
      Israeli antipathy towards Arab democracy is not just
      Egypt now might well give them that chance.

      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.
      Byman 11
      (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.
      These apocalyptic predictions and Israel’s doom-and
      regional transformation is peaceful and that democratization succeeds.

      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.
      Kramer 6
      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,
      My answer, to anticipate my conclusion,
      sworn enemies.

      These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.
      Moore 9
      (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,
      Israel is especially dangerous because its leaders and
      Only a worldwide disarmament movement can stop it.

      Israel DA 2NC
      Relations high – security assistance
      Miller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)
      In his fiscal year 2011 budget submission to
      Israel's regional strategic security in a turbulent area.

      Relations high - Gates
      Miller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)
      At a time such as now — when
      , to the mutual benefit of both nations".

      Relations high – science collaboration
      Miller 11 (Elissa, Februrary, “The Strategic US-Israel relationship”, Tufts Daily, p. lexis)
      Israeli research technology has also produced solutions to
      , demonstrates the collaboration between these two countries.

      Democratic transition rolls back Camp David accords – angers Israel
      Newsweek 11 “Egypt Boils Over” July 24, 2011
      Egyptians' antipathy toward Israel was palpable. Only
      the landmark peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.

      Democracy will hurt Eyptian relations with Israel
      Aaron 11 (David, senior fellow at the RAND Corporation specializing in the Middle East and former White House Deputy National Security Adviser, “Is the Arab World Changing for the Better?”, RAND Commentary, accessed online p.
      One can hope the turmoil is a good
      . But celebrations are not yet in order.

      US assistance is pro-Israel now
      Sharp 10 (Jeremy M., Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs @ FAS, “US Foreign Assistance to the Middle East:  Historical Background, Recent Trends, and the FY2011 Request”, June 15, FAS, p.
      For policymakers, foreign assistance plays a key
      a trend that has continued to this day.

      Two-state solution prolongs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
      Nafaa 8  (Hassan, professor of political science at Cairo University, Weekly Al Ahram, 2-12-2008,
      After all, the concrete existence of a
      met today or even in the foreseeable future.

      1NC EU CP
      Text: The European Union should provide substantial political training for legally registered nonviolent parties in Egypt.

      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world
      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)

      It is only with knowledge of the local
      play the role of either catalyst or teacher.

      Zizek K 1NC
      The affirmative’s Capitalist order uses democratic multiculturalism utilizes violently imposed identities to establish human rights
      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  213-214
      However, there is another tension, the
      local traditions.

      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.

      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]

      In film, a modest, not quite
      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.

      1NR Zizek K

      They say ROB is for or against the plan –The K is a lens through which to view the plan. We must use the basis of understanding the universe in terms of the real and the symbolic because they are the driving force behind human experience – policy conclusions that do not take this into account are doomed to fall into Capital’s continual trap.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder:

      An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  227-228

      Is not this virtual state of an electron
      enable us to conceive it as ‘actual’.
      Their util args are irrelevant -- -Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment. That outweighs and turns the aff.
      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4
      While this book is philosophical in its basic
      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.

      Their representations of the so-called “ecological catastrophe” and potential nuclear conflicts are simply the ideological result of the overlapping of aesthetics and commodification – the drive to secure ourselves from catastrophes that threaten to implode the entirety of symbolic space is merely a symptom of the symbolic space’s breakdown.

      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 39-40
      And the task of historical materialist analysis here
      none other than a row of Coke bottles.

      . Only a full recognition of the flawed nature of politics can avoid capitalist totalitarianism – our particular struggle is key.
      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 4-5
      Psychoanalytic ‘essentialism’ is paradoxical in so far
      of this basic antagonism, this basic impossibility.

      Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve
      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231
      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted
      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.

      1NC Muslim Brotherhood FL
      1. The MB is like Ron Paul – they have dedicated base and get a lot of hype, but they won’t win
      Fisher 11 (Mark, associate editor for the Atlantic,

      But does the Muslim Brotherhood actually have that
      in Egypt than it is on Fox News.
      2. Legimitizing the MB allows it to take over - military checks it now
      Phillips 11 (James Phillips, Senior Research Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs, analyst for the Heritage Foundation, “Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Lurks as a Long-Term Threat to Freedom,” 2/8/11,

      To limit the Muslim Brotherhood’s ability to undermine
      a vital role as a bulwark against Islamism.
      3. American appeasement towards groups like the Muslim Brotherhood encourages terrorist movements
      Glick 9/9 (Caroline, an American-Israeli journalist and is the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. She is also the Senior Fellow for Middle East Affairs of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy, in the Jersualem Post, “The war America fights,” lexis) MV

      In the face of the rising political instability
      drying out their support structure at its roots.
      4. Terrorism risks extinction
      Sid-Ahmed 4 (“Extinction!” Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, staff writer, Al-Ahram Issue 705, September 1, 2004,

      We have reached a point in human history
      pollution infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.

      1NR Muslim Brotherhood

      No world war three – no one will risk war and superpowers wouldn’t be drawn in.

      Ferguson, 06.
      [Niall, professor of history at Harvard, “NIALL FERGUSON; WWIII? No, but still deadly and dangerous” July 24, LA Times, LN]
      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah over
      to meet the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.
      War in the Middle East doesn’t result in world war three – religious affiliations prevent.

      Simpson, 06.
      So,does Afghanistan plus Iraq plus Israel
      , appalling and frightening though they may be.

      1NC US Credibility FL
      1. The Middle East mistrusts any US assistance – can’t improve credibility
      Lappin 10 [Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade,Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]

      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests
      involved only a limited engagement in democracy promotion.

      2. Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment
      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,
      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18,,CMR)

      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and
      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.

      3. Alt causes to anti-US backlash – Turkey, Pakistan, Libya, Iran – their author
      Maginnis 8-17 [11, Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, Human Events Online, “Muslim World More Anti-American Than Ever”, lexis]

      Second, Turkey is on a glide path
      assume tougher political and military policies.

      Biological agents can’t cause extinction
      Gladwell 99 [Malcolm, The New Republic, Jul 17, “Epidemics: Opposing Viewpoints,” p. 31-2]

      Every infectious agent that has ever plagued humanity
      point out the limitations of microscopic life forms.

      Muslim Brotherhood will shut down the Suez Canal causing massive oil shocks
      Hilliker 11 (Joel Hilliker, February 2, 2011, “Will the Muslim Brotherhood Close the Suez Canal?,” The Trumpet,

      Almost immediately after angry Egyptians took to the
      to Nasser’s provocation by combining forces to invade.

      Suez closure causes US intervention and escalatory nuclear war
      Nazemroaya 11 (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), February, 13, 2011, “THE DIVISION OF EGYPT: THREATS OF US, ISRAELI, AND NATO MILITARY INTERVENTION?”

      Recall the 1956 Invasion of Egypt? There
      global empire through militarism overseas and domestic militarization.
      Even brief closure of the Suez Canal collapses the world economy
      Brockmeyer 11 (Peter Brockmeyer, studied in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and the Economics Department at the London School of Economics, February 1, 2011, PolicyMic, “The Suez Canal: What Happens If Egypt Shuts It Down?,”

      In the midst of the unrest, the
      the longer route will impair supplies, too.

      Oil shocks empirically collapse growth—Kill consumption and spike inflation
      Roubini & Setser 4 (Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Business, Brad Setser, Research Associate, Global Economic Governance Programme, University College, Oxford, August 2004, online)

      Oil prices shocks have a stagflationary effect on
      the invasion of Iraq is a good example.
      Economic collapse causes nuclear war
      Bearden 2k (Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, PhD, MS, BSCo-inventor - the 2002 Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - a replicated overunity EM generator Listed in Marquis' Who'sWho in America, 2004)

      Just prior to the terrible collapse of the
      or some modified version of it, resulting.

  • vs Environment/Agamben Aff (Fullerton AT)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: Fullerton Alvarado/Thach | Judge: Fitzmier

    • 1NC Critical T


      INTERPRETATION.  The affirmative should have to defend a plan that endorses democracy assistance to Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, or Tunisia.


       “Should” primarily expresses a duty or obligation to act.  A policy action statement meets that duty, while speculation does not.


      ____American Heritage® Dictionary 96

       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company,, accessed 4/2/01]

      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.

                 1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.

      Democracy Assistance means grant-aided support for local pro-democracy initiatives, even the broadest interpretations of what this means should not include indirect consequences if we want the topic to have any meaning

      Burnell, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, 2007

      [Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” German Development Institute, Discussion Paper,, p. 4-5]

      All things considered, however, there is


      simpler question: does direct democracy assistance work?


      You must hold them accountable for the resolution – the best way to access topic specific education and all education derived from the affirmative is by having a common starting point for discussion.

      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-183]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.



      Pessimism K 1NC Shell

      If the history of previous debates is any guide, Their aff will produce a form of ACADEMIC MCCARTHYISM. Fearing all Western influence creates AMMUNITION which assumes that ALL criticisms of the Middle East or support for democracy are imperialism.  This creates a reverse form of Orientalism that turns the West into a scapegoat and silences legitimate scholars

      Teitelbaum & Litvak, 6 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/ /Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/

      Another problem, noticed mostly by Said's Arab


      or an agent of American imperialism.[74]


      The aff’s politicalization does violence to real-life policy formation.  Their criticism over-exaggerates a uniformity that is not present on the ground.  While only some democracy assistance is geared towards US interests, the filter of critical theory assumes that all democratization is the same.

      Youngs 11 (Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6)

      There are many eloquent critiques that have added


      the renovations needed are more subtle in nature.


      Democratization theory is under-going massive self-reflection.  The decision to throw it out as Western imposition is a worse form of imperialism at a critical time.

      Youngs 11 (Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6)

      It is self-evident that liberal democracy


      ‘liberal’ tenets – and thus contradicting themselves.


      Your aff is a luxury that’s hostile to lived experience.  Criticizing the relevance of the law and political freedoms from afar is easy to do when you’re already protected by the law.  Many activists in Arab countries actually want the protection of the law. Their stereotyping of capitalism and statism is no different than Islamophobia

      Kacem 11 M.B., French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. A Tunisian Renaissance. <>

      As a Tunisian, I was already tired


      now elsewhere, claim to see Islamism everywhere.


      The alternative is to be open to future possibilities of democratization, to conclude that assisting and paying attention to other countries doesn’t have to mean imperialism. The alternative is a form of similarity that does not attempt to cordon off Arab populations as some radical other who is separate from Western culture.  Instead of assuming that Arab populations are just of bunch Western-democracy-sellouts and they can’t handle themselves when the West offers democracy, we should affirm Arab participation with Western democratization as a form of mimicry and similarity.


      Supporting non-western mimicry is the best way to destabilize normalized knowledge and disciplinary power and is a strategy for combating colonialism.

      Bilgin 8 /Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey/ /Pinar, “Thinking past 'Western' IR?”, Third World Quarterly, Volume 29, Issue 1 February pp. 5 – 23/

      For those who remain curious about the emergence


      forms—including a search for ‘similarity’.



      Multiculturalism 1NC

      A. They remain trapped in the ideological components of the Real of catastrophe – fascination with securing an insulated, artificial world against an abstract threatening presence ensures that their fixation on crisis is driven solely by jouissance.

      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2002, Revolution at the Gates, p. 232-33

      It is precisely now, when we are


      , even if they play themselves for real.


      B. Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite

      AND explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.



      Zizek 1NR

      Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231


      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted


      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.


      The permutation perverts our complaint to legal obligation. It leads to surplus enjoyment and destruction

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  361

      The specific feature of the ‘culture of


      obscene Other as the instrument of jouissance) .~‘


      The claims of ecological crisis necessitate a violent attempt to achieve our “true” relationship with nature

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 34-35


      Is not the ultimate form of the answer


      to its rhythms, taking root in it.




      2. The affirmative’s fantasy leads to objectification and violence-turning the case. The “reality” proposed by the affirmative team is a simple fantasy. Only the alternative has any hope of escaping the system and preventing Capital from destroying the world.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 4-5

      The same may be said of the other


      bites into food, it changes to gold.



      4. Fantasies are continually reproduced - the affirmative can only create more problems as the master rhetoric of capital is reproduced and even glorified by the affirmative’s benevolent calls to USfg action.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 8

      Where exactly, in this futile circular movement


      the break is nonetheless well worth the trouble.



      Slaughterhouse K 1NC

      Time is a block that makes suffering meaningless

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

          'The most important thing I learned on


      , which is "so it goes."'


      The alt is to reject the aff because it focuses on future impacts that are either inevitable or are impossible and instead to concentrate only on the good times

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      Billy expected the Tralfamadorians


      concentrate on the good ones.'



      Slaughterhouse 2NC

      Free-will doesn’t exist

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      'Where am I?' AND

      any talk of free will.'



      There is no time and no endpoint

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      Billy licked his lips, thought a while, inquired at last: 'Why me?

      'That is a very Earthling question


      trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why.'

      1NC CASE


      Prioritizing Epistemology/Ontology creates a vacuous and inaccurate conception of international relations

      Owen 2 David Owen Professor of Social & Political Philosophy @ U Southampton “Re-orienting International Relations: On Pragmatism, Pluralism and Practical Reasoning” Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2002 31: 653 Sage Journals Online MM

      Pictures, Illusions and the Threat of Theoreticism


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.


      Discursive analysis leads to political paralysis and fails to change the world.

      Jarvis ‘00 (Darryl Jarvis is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of British Columbia, International relations and the challenge of postmodernism, p. 190

      The simple and myopic assumption that social change


      perversely as the search for "thinking space."


      Objective factors shape discourse and the discourse the alt reject could be replaced by an even more violent discourse

      Mearsheimer 95 (John, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “The False Promise of International Institutions,” International Security, 19(3), AD: 7-11-9)

      It would be understandable if realists made such


      will not emerge as the new hegemonic discourse.


      Their rejection of European intellectual domination does not create the possibility of understanding – difference is ineradicable. The attempt to eliminate difference requires the eradication of the Other.

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 151-152]

      It might seem that I have undertaken the


      human race to itself is an unrealizable dream.


      We have an obligation to advocate democracy at the University level to combat the very global instrumental ordering Orientalism criticizes

      Giroux, Global TV Network chair professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, 2009

      [Henry, Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University, vol 9, no 5, October, p. 671-672]

      Educators such as Hannah Arendt, John Dewey


      toward an engaged, thoughtful, global citizenry.


      Turn: All policies are not the same—biopower within a democratic context is radically different than their fascism examples. Power is driven by the people, thus biopolitical concentrations are distributed, avoiding their impacts.


      Dickinson 04 - Associate Professor, History Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley - 2004 (Edward Ross, “Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About “Modernity,” Central European History, vol. 37, no. 1, 1–48)


      In the Weimar model, then, the


      was too heavily slanted toward inclusion and tolerance.


      Their impact will still be prevented by localized resistance.


      Dickinson 04 - Associate Professor, History Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley - 2004 (Edward Ross, “Biopolitics, Fascism,  Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About “Modernity,” Central European History, vol. 37, no. 1, 1–48)


      In the current literature, it seems that


      into practice at multiple levels throughout modern societies.


      2NC Case

      The tension between the ideal of democracy and the flaws of actual democracy drive improvements in democratic practice

      Cintron, associate professor of English Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies, U of Illinois @ Chicago, 2010

      [Ralph, Democracy and its Limitations, in The Public Work of Rhetoric, eds. Ackerman & Coogan, p. 105-106]

      Readers at this point may reasonably


      of oligarchic-democracy comes into being.14

  • vs Rethink Democracy Assistance (Trinity MV)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Trinity Murray/Vail | Judge: Magallon, Guevara, Bausch

    • 1NC Counter-advocacy



      Michelle and I advocate a rethinking of democracy.


      The net benefit is two-fold:

      FIRST is topic specific education.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 188-189 ]

      In defining democracy assistance, it is paramount


      instrument within a broader democracy promotion paradigm.



      It closes any avenue to learn about whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea and come to understand its effects within the world.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 194 ]

      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      likelihood of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable



      SECOND, Democracy assistance is key to women’s right’s movements – Programs like US assistance to YWU projects to stop child marriages would become a casualty in the wake of the aff.

      USAID 9, YEMEN BASIC HEALTH SERVICES (BHS) PROJECT Mid-Term Evaluation September 2009 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Joy Riggs-Perla, Nahed Matta, and Nevine Hassanein through the Global Health Technical Assistance Project.


      This is a new USAID activity started in


      post-intervention survey (see section V).

      Child marriage leads to a laundry list of impacts.

      By: Rati Bishnoi 11, Special Projects Intern at Women Deliver Celebrate Solutions: Community educators change perceptions of child marriage in Yemen May 31st, 2011


      Nearly one-half or 48 percent of


      . Now they see they can have both.


      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy

      Sabbagh, former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, , p. 67]


      The women’s movement


      potential as the harbingers of a better future.


      1NC Critical T

      See above round versus Fullerton

      2NC Critical T

      Switch-side debate doesn't encourage relativism – it fosters tolerance without committing students to active moral irresponsibility
      Muir 93 (Department of Communications at George Mason,  Star, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 26(4), Gale Academic)JFS
      A final indictment of values clarification education is
      validate their hypothetical value structure through immoral actions.

      Framework doesn’t cause U.S. exceptionalism – It solves it
      Stannard 6 (Matt, U of Wyoming,
      If it is indeed true that debate inevitably
      chance of being exposed to truly oppositional ideas.

      Taking multiple perspectives simultaneously and strategically is key to policy debate – better than all of their theory arguments
      Cox 81
       (J. Robert, Professor @ UNC Chapel Hill – Department of Communication Studies and the Curriculum in the Environment and Ecology, Ph.D. (1973), M.A. (1968) University of Pittsburgh, Department of Speech and Theatre Arts
      B.A. (1967) University of Richmond (Phi Beta Kappa), fellow @ institute of arts and sciences, “Investigating Policy Argument as a Field”)

      There is, nonetheless, considerable ambiguity in
      never fixed, and adapted to situations.” 29

      Multiculturalism 1NC

      See above round versus Fullerton

      Multiculturalism 2NC

      Only a full recognition of the flawed nature of politics can avoid capitalist totalitarianism – our particular struggle is key.
      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 4-5
      Psychoanalytic ‘essentialism’ is paradoxical in so far
      of this basic antagonism, this basic impossibility.

      Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve
      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231
      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted
      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.

      The permutation perverts our complaint to legal obligation. It leads to surplus enjoyment and destruction
      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  361
      The specific feature of the ‘culture of
      the instrument of jouissance) .

      Representation relies on the element that eludes representation requiring a shifting reference to object

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg. 79
      To recapitulate: two things are worth bearing
      guaranteed by a reference to objet petit a.

      They say no roadmap kills the alt, but we can’t commit ourselves fully to the cause without breaking away from cap. We’re cornered in a room and we have to make the radical action – it’s try or die against capitalism. The affirmative’s fantasy leads to objectification and violence - turning the case. The “reality” proposed by the affirmative team is a simple fantasy. Only the alternative has any hope of escaping the system and preventing Capital from destroying the world.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 4-5

      The same may be said of the other
      bites into food, it changes to gold.

      1NC Slaughterhouse K

      See above round versus Fullerton


      1NC CASE


      Prioritizing Epistemology/Ontology creates a vacuous and inaccurate conception of international relations

      Owen 2 David Owen Professor of Social & Political Philosophy @ U Southampton “Re-orienting International Relations: On Pragmatism, Pluralism and Practical Reasoning” Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2002 31: 653 Sage Journals Online MM

      Pictures, Illusions and the Threat of Theoreticism


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.


      Discursive analysis leads to political paralysis and fails to change the world.

      Jarvis ‘00 (Darryl Jarvis is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of British Columbia, International relations and the challenge of postmodernism, p. 190

      The simple and myopic assumption that social change


      perversely as the search for "thinking space."


      Objective factors shape discourse and the discourse the alt reject could be replaced by an even more violent discourse

      Mearsheimer 95 (John, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “The False Promise of International Institutions,” International Security, 19(3), AD: 7-11-9)

      It would be understandable if realists made such


      will not emerge as the new hegemonic discourse.


      Their rejection of European intellectual domination does not create the possibility of understanding – difference is ineradicable. The attempt to eliminate difference requires the eradication of the Other.

      Bruckner 1986

      [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 151-152]


      It might seem that I have undertaken the


      human race to itself is an unrealizable dream.


      We have an obligation to advocate democracy at the University level to combat the very global instrumental ordering Orientalism criticizes

      Giroux, Global TV Network chair professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, 2009

      [Henry, Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University, vol 9, no 5, October, p. 671-672]

      Educators such as Hannah Arendt, John Dewey


      toward an engaged, thoughtful, global citizenry.


      West has been focused on the restoration not destruction of culture

      David Pryce-Jones is a senior editor at National Review January 2008 Enough Said A review of Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism by Ibn Warraq On Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism by Ibn Warraq.

      More than that, intellectual curiosity on the


      monuments of India in his years as viceroy.



      If the history of previous debates is any guide, Their aff will produce a form of ACADEMIC MCCARTHYISM. Fearing all Western influence creates AMMUNITION which assumes that ALL criticisms of the Middle East or support for democracy are imperialism.  This creates a reverse form of Orientalism that turns the West into a scapegoat and silences legitimate scholars

      Teitelbaum & Litvak, 6 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/ /Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/

      Another problem, noticed mostly by Said's Arab


      or an agent of American imperialism.[74]


      The US isn’t characterized as an empire now, and it would be conceptually impossible to attempt to become one

      Motyl 6 (Alexander J., Prof of Poli-Sci at Rutgers Univ, Foreign Affairs, “Empire Falls”, , p. 3) MAT

      Not only is the United States not an


      The issues it purported to clarify will remain.

      The US doesn’t fall under the definition of an empire, and it can’t be characterized as possessing an empire either

      Motyl 6 (Alexander J., Prof of Poli-Sci at Rutgers Univ, Foreign Affairs, “Empire Falls”, , p. 2) MAT

      So does the United States qualifyIt


      scholars of empire -- would notice the difference.



      Spanos’s theory has no real-world applcations.

      Lewandowski, 94 - Associate Professor and Philosophy Program Coordinator at The University of Central Missouri – 1994 (Joseph D. Lewandowsi, Philosophy and Social Criticism, “Heidegger, literary theory and social criticism,” ed. David M. Rasmussen, P. 119)


      Spanos rightly rejects the 'textuality' route in Heidegger


      oriented critical theory it can and should be.


      The aff’s politicalization does violence to real-life policy formation.  Their criticism over-exaggerates a uniformity that is not present on the ground.  While only some democracy assistance is geared towards US interests, the filter of critical theory assumes that all democratization is the same.

      Youngs 11 (Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6)


      There are many eloquent critiques that have added


      the renovations needed are more subtle in nature.


      Democratization theory is under-going massive self-reflection.  The decision to throw it out as Western imposition is a worse form of imperialism at a critical time.


      Youngs 11 (Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6)


      It is self-evident that liberal democracy


      ‘liberal’ tenets – and thus contradicting themselves.




      Generalizing the US as an empire is untrue; doing so would allow many others to be characterized similarly.


      Motyl in 6 (Alexander J., Prof of Poli-Sci at Rutgers Univ, Foreign Affairs, “Empire Falls”, , p. 1) MAT


      Matthew Connelly begins his contribution to the SSRC's


      draw lessons from their experiences with equal justification?


      Saids critique is just factually incorrect- totalizing claims that essentialize the west turn back on themselves

      A.J. Caschetta lecturer in the English department at the Rochester Institute of Technology Middle East Quarterly Winter 2009, pp. 77-79 Defending the West A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism

      It is now five years after the death


      an "essentialized" portrayal of the West.


      Orientalism Inevitable – too deeply imbedded in western thought

      Steven L. Rosen Faculty of Intercultural Communication Hiroshima Women's University Japan as Other:

      Intercultural Communication, ISSN 1404-1634, 2000, November, issue 4.  Orientalism and Cultural Conflict

      This paper argues that so-called Orientalism


      and projections." ( Said 1993:90)


      Turn—Orientalism’s flawed account empowers militants and fundamentalists.

      Warraq 07 (Ibn, Founder of the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Study and senior research fellow at the Center for Inquiry, “Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism” pg. 49-50)

      For a number of years now, Islamologists


      account of classical Western Orientalism really is."72

  • vs Ableism (KState EH)

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: 1 | Opponent: KState Edwards/Hodges | Judge: Easley

    • 1NC Critical T


      INTERPRETATION.  The affirmative should have to defend a plan that endorses democracy assistance to Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, or Tunisia.


       “Should” primarily expresses a duty or obligation to act.  A policy action statement meets that duty, while speculation does not.


      ____American Heritage® Dictionary 96

       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company,, accessed 4/2/01]


      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.


                  1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.

      Democracy Assistance means grant-aided support for local pro-democracy initiatives, even the broadest interpretations of what this means should not include indirect consequences if we want the topic to have any meaning

      Burnell, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, 2007

      [Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” German Development Institute, Discussion Paper,, p. 4-5]

      All things considered, however, there is


      public policy for things like managing the economy.

      In view of the complexity of the issue


      question: does direct democracy assistance work?


      You must hold them accountable for the resolution – the best way to access topic specific education and all education derived from the affirmative is by having a common starting point for discussion.

      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-183]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.

      2NC Critical T

      Using the debate space for social change creates backlash and fractures coalitions. The neg becomes a scapegoat for the movement

      Atchison and Panetta 9 (Jarrod, PhD. In Speech Communication.  Edward, Ph.D. in Communication. “Intercollegiate Debate Speech Communication: Historical Developments and Issues for the Future”; The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies, Pg. 28-9)JFS

      The larger problem with locating the "debate


      tremendous effort by a great number of people.


      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 178-181]

      The first point here is that the ambiguists


      reject civility and democracy.

      Multiculturalism 1NC

      Their resistance is like trying to satisfy your thirst by drinking Coke – thirst becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because the nature of Coke is to make you thirsty. Likewise, their resistance is a self-fulfilling prophecy that only traps them in a never-ending loop because the nature of debate is to engender resistance without substantially changing things.


      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 22-23


      The unexpected result of this feature is not


      in effect merely an envelope of a void.


      B. Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.


      1NC Slaughterhouse K

      Time is a block that makes suffering meaningless


      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)


          'The most important thing I learned on


      , which is "so it goes."'


      The alt is to reject the aff because it focuses on future impacts that are either inevitable or are impossible and instead to concentrate only on the good times


      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)


      Billy expected the Tralfamadorians to be baffled and


      , and concentrate on the good ones.'

  • vs Bahrain Internet (North Texas MM)

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: 4 | Opponent: North Texas Martinek/Martinez | Judge: Moore

    • 1NC Payroll Tax Cuts

      1. Payroll Tax cuts will pass

      Brayton 10/20 (


      David Espo of the Associated Press says that


      million Americans will lose those benefits by February.

      2 DA is unpopular – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama’s political capital is key passing payroll tax cuts and unemployment insurance

      Philladelphia Inquirer 9/8 (9-8-2011, “POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth

      Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles”


      Republicans and the president should be able to


      offshore, and dare Republicans to defend them.

      4. Payroll tax cuts are key to economic recovery

      Weller 9/12 (Christian E. Weller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress.,


      The centerpiece of the jobs plan unveiled by


      but sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

      5. Economic collapse leads to nuclear war

      Mead 92 (Walter Russell Mead, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, World Policy Institute, 1992)


      Hundreds of millions – billions – of people


      than Germany and Japan did in the 30s.

      2NC Tax Cuts


      Threats aren’t arbitrary.  Can’t throw out security or wish away threatening postures—we have to develop strategies for coping with threat perceptions.

      Knudsen 1 (Olaf F., Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 360)


      During the Cold War, peace research was


      find adequate democratic procedures for dealing with them.


      Predictions Good Predictions are imperfect but inevitable and critical to preventing major war

      Kagan & Kagan 2k (Donald & Frederick, American Enterprise, While America Sleeps, p. 5)


      Predicting the AND

      the threat materializes.

      Preventing widespread death through the aff takes precedence to ontological questioning

      Davidson 89 (Arnold I. Davidson, coeditor of Critical Inquiry, Assoc Prof of Philosophy, U of Chicago, Critical Inquiry, Winter 1989. p.426)


      I understand Levinas’ work to suggest another path


      and it is here that questioning must stop.

      It’s impossible to determine an answer to being – ontological questioning results in an infinite regress and total political paralysis

      Levinas & Nemo 85 (Emmanuel Levinas, professor of philosophy, and Philippe Nemo, professor of new philosophy, Ethics and Infinity, 1985, pg. 6-7)


      Are we not in need of still more


      escape itself, to escape being and essence.


      Tax Cuts will pass

      AP 10/19 (2011,


      Congress will almost certainly approve the parts of


      increases and higher federal spending on the other.


      1NC Advantage CP

      TEXT: The United States should abandon any support for Sunni regimes and should not pursue anti-Iran grand strategy. The US should not deploy shadow internet or other internet technology in any regime.

      CP Solves the aff: Contention 1 establishes that the problem is US strategy in Syria and Libya is all part of a grand strategy against Iran. That’s their Glanz and Markoff evidence and their Hughes evidence.

      Net Benefit: The internet is bad for oppositions and regime change. – that’ll be our social media K and the case debate.

      2NC Counterplan


      CP solves their ethical claim – you should prefer less harm when we solve the case

      John Finnis, deontologist, teaches jurisprudence and constitutional Law. He has been Professor of Law & Legal Philosophy since 1989,1980, Natural Law and Natural Rights, pg. 111-2

      The sixth requirement has obvious connections with the


      maximize the satisfaction of those preferences or wants.


      Internet K

      Their faith in internet training and access means we never examine the root of the problem – US support for dictatorships worldwide. This turns the case.

      Morozov 11, Schwarz Fellow @ New America Foundation


      [Evgeny, “America’s Internet Freedom Agenda,” New Perspectives Quarterly, vol 28, no 6, Spring, p. 63]

      And yet the


      deeply cynical realpolitik foundations of US foreign policy.

      The alternative is to reject internet-centrism – Only by doing so can we avoid the increases in repression that will inevitably result from the aff’s hubris

      Morozov 11 (Evgeny Morozov, Schwartz Fellow @ New America, “The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom” PublicAffairs, 2011, p. xvi-xvii)


      While most utopians are Internet-centrists,


      us to play with the latest fancy gadgets.


      1NR K

      No matter how liberatory technology can be, repressive governments still control everything – your social media revolution will be crushed in short order by the state

      De Vaney and Gance 2000

      [Ann and Stephen, Technology and Resistance: digital communications and new coalitions around the world, Ed. De Vaney, Gance, Ma, p. 2-3]

      The proliferation of digital communications and the growing


      the major flow of information around the world.

      oppressive or not.

      Multiculturalism K

      Democracy positions governments as able to ignore the people – non-elected governments are more responsive without this excuse. The tie between democracy and capitalism is thus despotic – it is inherently incapable of controlling wild capitalism.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      On the other hand, no matter how


      more threatening to the dominant global order of things


      B. Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.



      Solvency 1NC

      Aff increases hypocrisy – Your authors don’t even advocate the aff – the result of the plan is that the US supports Bahrain at the same time that it deploys shadow internet to undermine Bahrain.

      Glanz and Markoff, NYT Staff, 2011

      [James and John, U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors, June 12,]

      That distinction is difficult to maintain, said


      to undermine them.

      They aren’t radical democracy, they are the opposite. Their representation of technology as a mechanism to overthrow authoritarian regimes hollows out all meaning of democracy.

      De Vaney 2000

      [Ann, Technology and Resistance: digital communications and new coalitions around the world, Ed. De Vaney, Gance, Ma, p. 15-16]

      Democracy as a modern sign is diffuse and


      some newspaper editorials were censored by that government.

      There’s no ethical value to the aff – all their claims to ethics are voided by the reality that the US will continue to fund the police forces that will crack down on


      Morozov, Schwarz Fellow @ New America Foundation, 2011

      [Evgeny, “America’s Internet Freedom Agenda,” New Perspectives Quarterly, vol 28, no 6, Spring, p. 63]


      And yet the toughest unacknowledged challenge to the


      cynical realpolitik foundations of US foreign policy.

      We should assume the worst – dictators manipulate technology to suppress people

      Sutter, CNN, 2011

      [John, “When social media ‘hinders’ revolution”, CNNTech, August 31,]

      Evgeny Morozov, a visiting


      better off assuming the Internet will strengthen dictators."

      The aff pacifies protestors – Lack of communication methods encourages physical presence and protests.


      Hassanpour, grad student in politics at Yale, 2011

      [Navid, “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest: Evidence from Mubarak’s Natural Experiment, p. 3-4]


      The debate on the role of the media


      of events can grow to unanticipated dimensions.2

      They’ll say that the growth of technology is inevitable – but if we’re right that internet dissemination undermines the opposition’s ability to challenge the regime in Bahrain, then we should delay any dissemination of that tech as long as possible.

      They build exclusive democracy – A revolution on the founded on technology will exclude many from the newly emerging democracy

      De Vaney and Gance 2000

      [Ann and Stephen, Technology and Resistance: digital communications and new coalitions around the world, Ed. De Vaney, Gance, Ma, p. 4-5]

      Whose voices are heard? The Internet,


      of initial efforts, of fledgling democratic strategies.

      Egypt proves we’re right

      Hassanpour, grad student in politics at Yale, 2011

      [Navid, “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest: Evidence from Mubarak’s Natural Experiment, p. 2]

      Following three days of unrest and to counter


      opportunity to put such a hypothesis to test.

      US aid literally threatens the lives of those working on the internet fringe

      MacKinnon, Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation, 2011

      [Rebecca, ‘Internet Freed’ in the Age of Assange, Foreign Policy, February 17,,2]

      Clinton defended her department's more holistic approach in her speech, arguing that there is no "silver bullet" for Internet freedom. Because the threats to a free and open online public discourse are "increasingly complex," she said that the United States should support "a portfolio of technologies, tools, and training" to aid activists across the world.

      It is also true, however, that


      by nasty regimes of acting as foreign agents.


      Failure to pressure Bahrain for reforms means their Shiites will turn to Iran

      International Crisis Group 2011



      The U.S. is unlikely to


      opposite of what Washington purportedly wishes to accomplish.

      Facebook anonymity rules undermine social media protests

      Howard, associate professor of communication at the U of Washington, and Hussain, doctoral student in comm at UW, 2011

      [Philip and Muzammil, “The Role of Digital Media,” Journal of Democracy, vol 22, no 3, July, p. 46]

      In times of political crisis, technology firms


      anonymity, but no such feature currently exists.


      Digital media alone can’t produce change – situation must be ripe for change first

      Howard, associate professor of communication at the U of Washington, and Hussain, doctoral student in comm at UW, 2011

      [Philip and Muzammil, “The Role of Digital Media,” Journal of Democracy, vol 22, no 3, July, p. 46]

      It is a mistake to build a theory


      must together make or break a political uprising.


  • vs Hip Hop (UTSA CM)

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: 6 | Opponent: UTSA Calhoun/Montee | Judge: Mose

    • Framework 1NC

      Debate requires that the affirmative present a predictable plan of action and defends that their policy should be adopted by the United States federal government.


      The USFG is the agent of the resolution, not the individual debaters


      Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing – 2000


      Use of a colon before a list or


      clause after the colon with a capital letter.


       “Resolved” expresses intent to implement the plan


      American Heritage Dictionary 2000

      To find a solution to; solve  To bring to a usually successful conclusion


       “Should” denotes an expectation of enacting a plan


      American Heritage Dictionary2000 []

      Used to express probability or expectation


       “The USFG” is the government in Washington D.C.

      Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 []

      The federal government of the United States is centered in Washington DC.”


      And, our definition excludes action by smaller political groups or individuals.


      Black’s Law Dictionary Seventh Edition Ed. Bryan A. Garner (chief) 1999

      Federal government 1. A national government that


      the right to participate in national political matters.


      Without predictable ground debate becomes meaningless and produces political strategy that is wedded to violence and fails to achieve productive change.

      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 182-3

      The point may seem trite, as surely


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.



      Topical Education – By manipulating the topic to access their political project they skirt debate about the implementation of policies by the government. Their education is distrusting of institutional study and pragmatic reform. Even if their intentions are noble, their message results in fascist totalitarianism


      Martin Lewis, Assistant Professor at George Washington, 1992 Green Delusions p. 258


      A majority of those born between 1960 and


      immorality, and constitutional refinements become inconvenient niceties.


      Limits – there are limitless contexts or avenues through which they could purport to advocate the plan. Our interpretation limits debate to promote politically relevant dialogue and structured communication.


      Donald S. Lutz, Professor of Polisci at Houston, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 39-40


      Aristotle notes in the Politics that political theory


      the moral vision of the non-theorist.



      1NR Framework

      Taking multiple perspectives simultaneously and strategically is key to debate.

      Cox 81

       (J. Robert, Professor @ UNC Chapel Hill – Department of Communication Studies and the Curriculum in the Environment and Ecology, Ph.D. (1973), M.A. (1968) University of Pittsburgh, Department of Speech and Theatre Arts

      B.A. (1967) University of Richmond (Phi Beta Kappa), fellow @ institute of arts and sciences, “Investigating Policy Argument as a Field”)


      There is, nonetheless, considerable ambiguity in


      never fixed, and adapted to situations.” 29


      Switch-sided debate is by its nature more suited to political deliberation than intellectual interrogation

      *gender modified

      Mary Dietz, Professor of Polisci at Minnesota, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 117-8

      Against this Vaclavian politics of truth, Ash


      Ash 1995, 36, italics mine). *




      No Turns - Education among students in this fashion can create new and radical political understandings


      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 112-3


      A new via media will also encourage a


      so far off as we might think. &



      Ground – The aff will always win that the principles of their advocacy are good in the abstract – we can only debate the merits of their framework if they defend the specific consequences of political implementation


      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 20-1


      As for moral perfectionism, this would be


      one right might lead us to betray another.




      They can only win on what their policy option does.

      Narahiku Inoue (Ph.D Kyushu Univ.) 2000 debate – a process of inquiry and advocacy

      Debate considers two choices but discussion may consider


      two choices: adopting or rejecting the proposal.



      Their interpretation lets them shield their aff from interrogative criticism by refusing to furnish it with a defense of practical application


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 186-7

      In response to these arguments, the ambiguists


      to present their reasons for this alternative vision.


      Underlimiting debate is unethical because they ruin the ability to debate in a fashion that can effectuate political change


      Mary Dietz, Professor of Polisci at Minnesota, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 131-2

      If another of the imperatives of the political


      the citizento "live" them.


       (         ) This argument provides a-priori reasons to vote negative. You must use your ballot to ratify constraints on discourse to preserve a politically-enabling discussion


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 179

      To put this point another way, it


      and firm support that we can give them.


      The deliberative implications of their advocacy are a prior question – pre-conditions of agreement are necessary for your decision to have any political value


      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 104-5


      Indirect political engagement is perhaps the single most


      are to an important extent the same question.


      1NC Syria PIC

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for one or more of the following: Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen.

      Not interfering with Syria is the only logical option—Syria’s opposition must have more time to unite organically to avoid a catastrophic civil war and power vacuum when Assad inevitably collapses


      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, 8-10-11

      [Joshua, “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, Islam Daily, p. ] acs

      Washington would be wiser to allow Syria to


      struggle on our own.".


      Multiculturalism 1NC

      Same as above – see Bahrain Internet round

      1NC Resolution PIC


      We embrace their advocacy but refuse the resolution.


      The first net benefit is Orientalism: The aff mission to bring order and democracy is the very Orientalist logic that is the root of intervention and destruction throughout the history of the Middle East

      SAID 3 (Edward, Prof. of English/Comparative Lit., Columbia U., “Preface.” Orientalism. p. xx-xxi. )

      So from the very same directorate of paid


      brought by the latest mission civ-ilizatrice.

      Two impacts – (1) there is no epistemological basis for the aff – they’ve functionally made ZERO claims in the 1AC and (2) the aff propogates oppressive racist ideology

      Strong 7

      Edward Strong February 22, 2007

      Every anti-war activist is familiar with


       and subject to “our” rule.

      These racist dichotomies grant states the power to exterminate – this is the root of all war

      Mendieta 2

      Eduardo Mendieta, 2002, “To Make Live and to Let Die – Foucault and Racism

      This is where racism intervenesnot from


      these threat and foes are biological in nature.


      The 2nd net benefit is biopower There is very little difference between democratic and totalitarian states – the difference lies within the State’s ability to conceal its violent biopolitical nature and legitimize atrocity in the name of life preservation.


      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, philosopher and professor of aesthetics at University of Verona Italy, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1998, p. 121-121)


      The contiguity between mass democracy and totalitarian states


      fascism in Europe also have their roots here.



      AND, that puts us on the edge of extinction.

      Bernauer 90 (James, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight, 1990, p. 141-142)


      This capacity of power to conceal itself cannot


      has tightened around each of our own necks.



      2NC Resolution PIC

      Policy analysis should precede discourse – most effective way to challenge power

      Taft-Kaufman 95 (Jill, Speech prof @ CMU, , Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”)


      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "


      agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.


      We must evaluate the consequences of institutional implementation of plan; political accountability and deliberation require decision.

      Gundersen 2k (Adolph G., Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 98-9)


      Deliberation, however closely tied to action,


      individuals" to "the many as one."


      Their refusal to defend the consequences of the plan replicates a totalitarian disregard for life – they sacrifice political responsibility on the altar of morality, which turns the case

      Isaac 2 (James. H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Jeffrey C., Social Research, “Hannah Arendt on human rights and the limits of exposure, or why Noam Chomsky is wrong about the meaning of Kosovo,” Summer)


      What does Arendt mean here? She does


      see Arendt, 1971: 50-54).

      1NC Slaughterhouse K

      Time is a block that makes suffering meaningless

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

          'The most important thing


      , which is "so it goes."'


      The alt is to let the good times roll – the aff focuses on future impacts that are either inevitable or are impossible and instead to concentrate only on the good times


      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      Billy expected the Tralfamadorians to be baffled and


      , and concentrate on the good ones.'


      1NC Case


      Democracy rhetoric will be coopted – equating democracy with social equality is particularly dangerous

      Rai, assistant professor at U of Washington, 2010

      [Candace, Power, Publics, and the Rhetorical Uses of Democracy, in The Public Work of Rhetoric, eds. Ackerman & Coogan, p. 39-40]

      In this essay, I argue that rhetorics


      strictly from a god's-eye view.


      Fall of communism proves the aff’s democracy rhetoric is empty – it will be used to justify the old forms of power that the Arab Spring supposedly toppled.

      Cintron, associate professor of English Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies, U of Illinois @ Chicago, 2010

      [Ralph, Democracy and its Limitations, in The Public Work of Rhetoric, eds. Ackerman & Coogan, p. 107-108]


      At the beginning of this essay I suggested


      were tethered to very little.


      Material resource demands and cooption by the elite mean the realization of your democratic ideals is impossible

      Cintron, associate professor of English Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies, U of Illinois @ Chicago, 2010

      [Ralph, Democracy and its Limitations, in The Public Work of Rhetoric, eds. Ackerman & Coogan, p. 106-107]

      Let me at this juncture speculate about the


      others in the infinite game of inclusion/exclusion.


      More democracy won’t fix the fundamental tensions

      Rai, assistant professor at U of Washington, 2010

      [Candace, Power, Publics, and the Rhetorical Uses of Democracy, in The Public Work of Rhetoric, eds. Ackerman & Coogan, p. 43-44]

      However, tensions within democratic society are not


      stakeholders might discover through more refined dialectical practice.


  • vs Yemen Opposition Talks (CalPolySLO CY)

    • Tournament: ASU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Cal Poly SLO Curtain/Young | Judge: Thomas

    • Topicality 1NC

      Interpretation - Assistance is a sub-set of Democracy Promotion, a description of any form of action designed to support democracy in a country. Democracy assistance is only one form of promotion, a form that involves providing funds or direct assistance for democracy.


      Azpuru, Finkel, Perez-Linan, and Seligson, Vandy, Pitt, Pitt, Vandy, ‘08

      (“What has the United States Been Doing?” Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008 pp. 150-159)


      In the post–Cold War era,


      12 (August 2005): 439–60.

      A lack of precision undermines the ability to rigorously test whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea – it destroys the educational value of the topic.


      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 194 ]


      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable.


      Saudi DA 1NC

      US-Saudi relations high now – nuclear cooperation

      AFP 11 (“US, Saudi Arabia to discuss nuclear cooperation”, AFP – Jul 30, 2011, lexis)


      The United States plans talks with Saudi Arabia


      of moving forward on a nuclear cooperation agreement."

      Pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations

      Tarpley 11 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions", SRM)


      Webster Griffin Tarpley: Well, I think


      of those are means to destabilize the kingdom.

      Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate

      Guzansky 11 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES", LEXIS, SRM)


      UNTIL recently it appeared that US security guarantees


      a cost of more than $US300 billion.

      Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif

      Center for Contemporary Conflict 4  (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century”


      James Russell from the Naval Postgraduate School presented


      means to ensure U.S. engagement?

      Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war

      Heurlin 5 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3)


      Arms control and non-proliferation regimes have


      addition to the cost-enhancing MD project.


      1NC Payroll Tax Cuts

      1. Payroll Tax cuts will pass

      Brayton 10/20 (


      David Espo of the Associated Press says that


      million Americans will lose those benefits by February.

      Spending on democracy assistance is a tough fight for Obama – causes Republican backlash

      VOA News 8/8 (David Arnold, VOA News, 8-8-11, “US Debt Struggle Puts Middle East Aid Commitments in Question,”


      When lawmakers in the U.S.


      East issue when the House bill was passed.

      3. Obama’s political capital is key passing payroll tax cuts and unemployment insurance

      Philladelphia Inquirer 9/8 (9-8-2011, “POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth

      Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles”


      Republicans and the president should be able to


      offshore, and dare Republicans to defend them.

      4. Payroll tax cuts are key to economic recovery

      Weller 9/12 (Christian E. Weller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress.,


      The centerpiece of the jobs plan unveiled by


      but sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

      5. Economic collapse leads to nuclear war

      Mead 92 (Walter Russell Mead, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, World Policy Institute, 1992)


      Hundreds of millions – billions – of people


      than Germany and Japan did in the 30s.


      2NC Politics

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."

      Congress supports the old regime in Yemen

      Karman 11 (Tawakkol, 6/8 Leader of the Yemen Democratic Youth Movement, “Yemen’s Unfinished Revolution” The New York Times)


      This is because the United States and Saudi


      .888 This would be a grave mistake.

      They don’t assume the current political climate - makes avoiding cuts more controversial

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,


      When the U.S. House of


      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance.


      DA is unpopular – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      Payroll tax cuts are key to reduce unemployment and sustain economic recovery

      Arslan 10/19 (Kristie Arslan President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), 2011,


      I think we can all agree that the


      and do not have to go it alone!

      Fem IR 1NC


      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.



      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.


      1NC Drone Strikes CP

      TEXT: The US should increase light footprint drone strikes and SOF operations in Yemen against AQAP, implement a deliberate information campaign, and deploy a dedicated information campaign consistent with counterinsurgency doctrine signaling to Yemeni tribes that removal of AQAP members from their territories will bring an end to U.S. engagements. The US should also offer a more robust training program for Yemen's security services, concentrating on both its conventional forces and counterterrorism units. In particular, U.S. trainers should be embedded with Yemeni units deployed in the provinces. The State Department, United States Agency for International Development, and the U.S. military should extend the tours of selected personnel at the U.S. embassy in Sana'a and develop a "Yemen Hands" program modeled after the “Afghan Hands” program.

      Increased Drones and SOF missions are the ONLY way to solve Yemeni terrorism

      Cilluffo and Watts 2011 [1AC author]

      [Frank J. Cilluffo is the director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at The George Washington University and Clinton Watts is a principal consultant at PA Consulting Group and a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute. He is a former U.S. Army Officer and former Special Agent with the FBI., Homeland Security Policy Institute, “Yemen & Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting a Window of Counterterrorism Opportunity”, June 24, 2011, , p. 5-6]


      Light-footprint drone and special operations force


      unencumbered by the immediate terrorist threat of AQAP.

      Our informational campaigns solve increased intel needs and reduce alienation

      Cilluffo and Watts 2011 [1AC author]

      [Frank J. Cilluffo is the director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at The George Washington University and Clinton Watts is a principal consultant at PA Consulting Group and a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute. He is a former U.S. Army Officer and former Special Agent with the FBI., Homeland Security Policy Institute, “Yemen & Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting a Window of Counterterrorism Opportunity”, June 24, 2011, , p. 6]

      Successfully implementing a drone and SOF approach in


      an end to U.S. engagements.

      Green, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute, 2011

      [Daniel, "The al-Qaeda Crescent in Yemen," The Washington Institute, June 22,]


      Much like AQAP, the U.S


      it may be planning on the United States.

      2NC CP

      Lack of governance makes US drone strikes particularly effective – the permutation is bad because it undermines US flexibility

      Cilluffo and Watts 2011 [1AC author]

       [Frank J. Cilluffo is the

      AND , p. 4]

      Saleh’s removal presents the U.S.


      government politics and trapped in Yemen’s dual insurgencies.

      Small units of elite troops are highly effective against AQAP

      Terrill, Research Professor in National Security Affairs, 2011

      [Andrew, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute, , p. 76-77]

      2. The United States needs to continue


      above an “Operation Scorched Earth” mentality.

      1NC Solvency

      Yemen’s going to dry up – qat, corruption, and a falling water table ensures terror and instability.


      Posted by Krista Mahr Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 5:40 am

       What If Yemen Is the First Country to Run Out of Water?



      Experts cited by CNN say Yemen could be


      find recruits in disgruntled communities very happy indeed.


      New regime won’t solve Yemen instability

      Ruhe, a senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, 2011

      [Jonathan, The Horror of a post-Saleh Yemen, June 9



      Though he is likely on his way out


      citizens never see a dime from their government.

      Yemeni regime change will trigger an all-out civil war, causing a Saudi Arabia-Iran proxy war and energy shipping lanes will be shut down

      Ruhe, a senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, 2011

      [Jonathan, The Horror of a post-Saleh Yemen, June 9



      The struggle for the regime’s future has shifted


      The United States had best prepare itself.

      No chance of a smooth transition in Yemen

      Ruhe, a senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, 2011

      [Jonathan, The Horror of a post-Saleh Yemen, June 9


      It is hard to imagine


      exploit differences among the opposition to defeat them.

      1NR Solvency

      Yemen oil collapse means no political reforms can succeed

      Choucair-Vizoso, as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      [Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 252]


      The precariousness of Yemen's economic situation cannot be


      priority for the government for quite some time.


      Decentralization makes national reform useless

      Boucek 2010

      [Dr. Christopher, Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Written Testimony U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs February 3, 2010 YEMEN ON THE BRINK: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY, ]

      Still, Yemen boasts a relatively resilient society


      make little difference to much of the population.


      Tribes block political openings and reforms

      Phillips, Ph.D. from the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University, and lecturer at the Centre for International Security Studies at The University of Sydney, 2008

      [Sarah, Yemen: The Centrality of Process, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 253-254]

      Desire for Tribal Autonomy


      One frequently cited prerequisite to democratization is that


      have limited reasons to accept the state's sovereignty.


      Saleh will use the aff as an excuse to tighten control in other areas.

      Phillips, Ph.D. from the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University, and lecturer at the Centre for International Security Studies at The University of Sydney, 2008

      [Sarah, Yemen: The Centrality of Process, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 231]


      Since the Republic of Yemen was created in


      for the Yemeni government, domestically and internationally.


      Regime backlash – Decentralization threatens the regime

      Choucair-Vizoso, as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      [Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 250]


      The process of decentralization poses a considerable problem


      donors attempting to hold him to his word.



      1NC Terrorism FL

      Turn – Democratic transitions strengthen terrorist organizations; Iraq and Lebanon prove

      McFaul & Fukuyama 08 (The Washington Quarterly, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?”,

      In retrospect, this reading of the sources


      are hostile to the United States and Israel.

      Turn - US democracy-assistance empowers terrorist organizations

      McFaul & Fukuyama 08 (The Washington Quarterly, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?”, )


      Some realists argue not from a world-


      spur the political transformation of the Middle East.


      No US/China war – interdependence and Chinese in US

      Hans M. Kristensen, Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, Robert S. Norris, senior research associate at the NRDC nuclear program, and Matthew G. McKinzie, Ph.D. and scientific consultant to ther Nuclear Program at the Natural Resrouces Defense Council, November 2006, “Chinese Nuclear Forces and U.S. Nuclear War Planning,” The Federation of American Scientists & The Natural Resources Defense Council, p. 198


      The Pentagon often depicts the Chinese military in


      in the U.S.- Soviet relationship.

      Nuclear terrorist threats are exaggerated

      Gertz and Lake 10 (Bill and Eli, Washington Times,, dw:4-14-2010, da: 7-6-2011, lido)

      But Henry Sokolski, a member of the


      . giving up its weapons seems less risky.

      U.S. does not respond radically to terrorist attack

      Bremmer 4 (Ian, President of Eurasia Group and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute,, AD: 7/7/10) jl

      What would happen if there were a new


      support it enjoyed for the invasion of Afghanistan.



      1NC Stability FL

      Collapse inevitable – Saleh’s return pulls tribal leaders in and crushes any hope of peaceful transition


      Guardian, Staff and agencies, Saturday 24 September 2011 05.59 EDT Yemen government troops kill renegade soldiers Forces loyal to president battle 1st Armored Division, which sided with opposition protesters, killing 11 and wounding 100


      Troops loyal to the Yemeni president, Ali


      draw Yemen's powerful tribal leaders into the fray.


      When Saleh was airlifted to Saudi Arabia for treatment after an explosion at his compound in June, Sadeq Al-Ahmar, the sheikh at the head of Yemen's most influential tribe, the Hashed, swore "by God" that he would never let Saleh rule again. The last time hostilities between the Saleh and Ahmar families turned violent in May, a week's worth of mortar battles erupted, flattening an entire neighbourhood in east Sana'a and killing hundreds.

      Turn - Democracy promotion destabilizes regions

      CRS 07 (Report for Congress: “Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of US Policy”, 12-6,

      Another concern about democracy promotion is that it


      has weak democratic institutions or a weak military.



  • vs Egypt Unregistered NGOs (UNLV CK)

    • Tournament: ASU | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNLV Cottrell/Kosmach | Judge: Thiele

    • Politics 1NC Shell

      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise

      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)


      To be sure, the supercommittee still has


      , but we have to get to one.”


      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,


      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing


      State Department he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Investors are on the verge of panic, and need the Super Committee to agree to a measure to calm them

      IBT 11 [International Business Times, ”U.S. Debt Deal: Could Super Committee Help Calm Markets with Deficit Reduction?”, August 11, 2011,]


      Institutional investors fear that the U.S


      trillion in additional deficit reduction over 10 years.


      4. Economic collapse leads to nuclear war

      Mead 92(Walter Russell Mead, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, World Policy Institute, 1992)


      Hundreds of millions – billions – of people


      than Germany and Japan did in the 30s.


      2NC Politics

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."


      Major crises will cause backsliding

      Choucair-Vizoso, as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      [Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 276]

      This reality, however, does not imply


      to further openings, let alone democratic breakthroughs.


      Aid will be cut now – increasing aid in the future will drain political capital

      VOA News 8/8 (David Arnold, VOA News, 8-8-11, “US Debt Struggle Puts Middle East Aid Commitments in Question,”


      When lawmakers in the U.S.


      East issue when the House bill was passed.

      They don’t assume the current political climate - makes avoiding cuts more controversial

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,


      When the U.S. House of


      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance.




      Link: Portman opposes plan – needs “Dollar for Dollar Rule” on new spending

      Portman 8-4-11 (Rob, Republican Senator from Ohio, director of the Office of Management and Budget)

      Congress and the president have


      generations from inheriting this unconscionable burden.


      Rob Portman is make-or-break for the deficit commission deal – crucial to overcoming partisan gridlock

      Fiscal Times 11 [Kirk Victor, The Fiscal Times, “Portman May Be Pivotal to ‘Super Committee’ Success”, August 22, 2011, <>]


      When the Senate’s “Gang of Six”


      His resume is fairly thick,” Stewart says.


      Backlash when Obama tries to regain capital

      Goldberg 10 (Jonah, Syndicated Journalist, February 26, "A Hidden Cost of the Health-Care Summit",


      It seems that I wasn’t alone in finding


      -night jokes and basis of SNL parodies.

      Takes a long time to rebuild capital

      Schaller 9 (Tom, five thirty eight, 8/18/09, Is Obama Spending his Political Capital, Wasting It ... or Wuz He Robbed?


      Obama is investing now with an eye toward


      rise back to pre-Summer '09 levels.

      Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, SB10001424052970203914304576628882195814642.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)


      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.

      EU CP 1NC

      Text: The European Union should substantially increase civil society direct grants to democratic unregistered non-governmental organizations in Egypt.

      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 10 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)


      It is only with knowledge of the local


      play the role of either catalyst or teacher.

      1NC Fem K

      Same as above Cal Poly SLO round

      1NR Fem K

      The negative views body counts as the inevitable consequence of a Middle Eastern war, but their use and abuse of these people as an impact to their disadvantage is an expression of masculine politics. The affirmative’s feminist geopolitics solves both their political damnation and their impact.


      Jennifer  Associate Professor Simon Fraser University February  Feminist Geopolitics Revisited: Body Counts in Iraq


      ConcludingWords on Concluding War In both Iraq and


      generates more epistemologically embodied ways of seeing.’

      Our K is required: we must discuss feminist ideologies before all else to prevent bias in the scientific and political communities which will harm future studies and endorse false values.


      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 56)


      The symbolic identification of the scientific with a


      to be invested in it than in alternatives.



      We can’t merely add women to the affirmative’s theoretical framework- feminist scholarship requires reframing our theory of international relations. The lens of the aff and the lens of the K contradict.


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p.245-6 in the same epistemological…international relations


      In the same epistemological vein, feminist scholarship


      conceptualize international relations (Crenshaw 1989; 2000).


      The “add-and-stir” method of incorporating women into IR fails. It’s not about adding women, it’s about changing the entire frame of IR.


      Warren & Cady 94 Karen & Duane, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections”, Hypatia Volume: 9. Issue: 2, pp 1, DJ


      What do feminism and peace have to do


      feminist scholarship informs mainstream philosophical discussions of peace.


      Working within the realm of the state only makes it more possible to maintain current oppressive systems because the bases of all law and the idea of the state exclude women by putting them in a separate sphere of being.


      Charlesworth, Chinkin, and Wright, 91 (Christine Chinkin - Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Shelley Wright - Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Law School, Hilary Charlesworth, 1991, “Feminist Approaches to International Law,” American Journal of International Law,, CM)


      States are held responsible for torture only when


      by the state to achieve national goals.9



      Masculine IR causes hegemonic aggression that is directly linked to war. This aggression is carried out during wartime and displaced on civilians through translated militaristic violence such as homophobia, sexism, rape, and prostitution. Furthermore, masculine IR serves as a breeding ground for hostility in forums besides war that can be avoided by the alt.


      Morgan 94 (David, David taught in the Sociology department at the University of Manchester for almost 35 years. Since retiring he holds an Emeritus Professorship at Manchester together with visiting Professorships at Keele University and NTNU, Trondheim),Theorizing masculinities pp 167-168


      One way of understanding military life and its


      military as a major site linking emodiment with masculinities


      The knowledge produced by our alternative in this debate is uniquely better than what the affirmative offers: the method by which feminists formulate knowledge does not adhere to a particular standard, rather it is flexible and ongoing- this framework for analysis is critical to comprehend and change the gender and power hierarchies that oppress people


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, J. Ann Ticker: Professor, School of IR at USC, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p. 21-22 feminists cliam…changing them


      Feminists claim no single standard of method of


      ; and a commitment ot knowledge as emancipation.



      Specifically, feminist perspectives are better able to understand the gendered politics of war and everyday life- this exposes the truth that gender inequalities are the building blocks upon which international relations are built. The acceptance and realization of this truth is critical to sustainable peace.


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, J. Ann Ticker: Professor, School of IR at USC, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p. 24 feminist questions are challenging…varying degrees


      Feminist questions are challenging the core assumptions of


      which they continue to operate to varying degrees.

      1NC Inherency

      Plan has already been done

      Sharp 11 (Jeremy M., Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, June 17th, “Egypt in Transition” Congressional Research Service JJN

      Between February and May 2011, U.


      support to encourage private sector investment in Egypt.


      Egypt is progressing steadily, no breakdown

      The Washington Post, 7-20-11

      POST-REVOLUTIONARY Egypt often appears to be


      charter to ensure that basic freedoms are protected.


      Keeping distance is best; involvement in Egypt only risks negative perceptions

      Miller 11 (Aaron David, public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and former advisor to Republican and Democratic secretaries of state. His forthcoming book is Can America Have Another Great President? Who Lost Egypt: Not Obama for Sure, Foreign Policy, Who Lost Egypt: Not Obama for Sure, February 11, 2011, , MCL)

      If we're lucky this time around, we'll


      the current crisis -- has few good options.


      1NC Signaling

      No hegemony collapse - unilateral leadership is sustainable and counterbalancing will only help preserve unipolarity.


      Stephen G. Brooks, Assistant Professor at Dartmouth, and William C. Wohlforth, Associate Professor in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College, August, 2002Foreign Affairs


      MANY WHO ACKNOWLEDGE the extent of American power


      and has only become more pronounced since then.


      The U.S. will be multilateral in the future – allows us to address global problems.


      Nye, 07.

      [Joseph, professor at HarvardUniversity, Oct. 17, “Say goodbye to the Americans going it alone,”]

      A key lesson that the next US president


      countries. All of them require multilateral cooperation.


      That solves hegemony indefinitely.  And no one will challenge the current order anyways.



      [G. John, January 22, professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, “Liberal International Theory in the Wake of 911 and American Unipolarity,”]

      For half a century, the United States


      -style liberal hegemonic order can last indefinitely.


      The early ‘70s prove collapse of U.S. hegemony would be slow.


      Wallerstein, 03.

      [Immanuel, May/June, “Entering Global Anarchy,”]

      The period of 1967–73 represents the


      overnight; there was a late summer glow.


      Terrorists prefer conventional weapons


      Parachini, 01.

      John Parachini, policy analyst in the Washington office of RAND, October 2001, Arms Control Today,

      In the last 25 yearsterrorist use


      means in ever more dramatic and deadly ways.


      Terrorists won’t pursue or use nuclear weapons


      Waltz, 03.

      Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, 2003, p. 130

      For terrorists who abandon tactics of disruption and


      threats they would not want to execute anyway.


      Threat of US retaliation prevents WMD use


      Campbell, 98.

      James Campbell, United States Navy, Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on technology, terrorism and government information, April 22, 1998

      Perhaps a much more compelling constraint to terrorist


      WMD use can be convincingly self-defeating.


      The impact of nuclear terrorism would not be catastrophic


      Mueller, 99.

      John Mueller, Professor of Political Science at the University of Rochester and Karl Mueller Assistant Professor of Comparative Military Studies at the School of Advanced Airpower Studies at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Foreign Affairs, May/June 1999

      Nuclear weapons clearly deserve the "weapons of


      it would hardly threaten the end of civilization.


      Terrorists couldn’t build a nuclear bomb without getting caught.


      Milhollin, 02.

      Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, 2/1/2002, Commentary

      THERE ARE thus definite prospects in Russia.


      mistake in design could wreck the whole project.


      No impact to dirty bombs


      Milhollin, 02.

      Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, 2/1/2002, Commentary

      WHAT OPTIONS remain? Stymied in their plan


      would be an increased risk of cancer decades later


      2NC Signaling

      Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment

      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,

      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18,,CMR)


      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and


      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.


      Any U.S. involvement is percieved as imperialist intervention - causes backlash and resentment

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      Support for democracy in the Middle East trades off with hard power goals

      Nye 11 [former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and professor at Harvard University

      Joseph S. Jr. “Obama’s Tightrope”, 3-8, nye92/English, CMR]


      CAMBRIDGE – According to a United States State


      through banking, commercial, and cultural networks.



      Contradictions, inconsistency, and growing public opposition make US leadership in the Middle East ineffective

      Miller 11 (Summer, public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations, Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”,, CMR


      What abound in America’s policy aren’t failures so


      well prove to be more an Arab Winter.




      1NC Elections FL

      The MB is like Ron Paul – they have dedicated base and get a lot of hype, but they won’t win

      Fisher 11 (Mark, associate editor for the Atlantic,

      But does the Muslim Brotherhood actually have that


      in Egypt than it is on Fox News.

      Brotherhood is viewed favorably but won’t win close to a majority

      Masoud 11 (Tarek Masoud is assistant professor of public policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government “The Road to (and from) Liberation Square” Journal of Democracy Volume 22, Number 3, July 2011 Project Muse MM)

      Recent polling data shed some light on the


      system that magnified the MB's organizational advantages.7

      State department already solving

      Sennott 11 (Charles, Vice President, Executive Editor and co-founder of GlobalPost. An award-winning foreign correspondent with 25 years of experience, Sennott has reported on the front lines of wars and insurgencies in at least 15 countries, including the 2011 revolution in Cairo and the Arab Spring, “Thinking about Egypt this Fourth of July,” 7/04/2011)

      At the core of the debate in Egypt


      It’s a confident and practical thing to do.


      No war in the Middle East; Obama administration sets the framework for direct negotiations

      The Irish Times 8

      [“Syrian President upbeat on sealing peace with Israel” 12/23 l/n]

      DAMASCUS - Syrian president Bashar al-Assad  


      have to be Iraq. - (Reuters)


      The Military has already put provisions in place that prevent democratic rule

      Tansey 11 (Oisin, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, where he also obtained his DPhil, July 22, “Egypt and its transitions,” JJN


      Egypt’s ongoing political evolution serves as a potent


      a hybrid regime that precludes fully democratic rule.


      A Mideast war would not escalate or go nuclear

      Elizabeth Stevens, September 19, 2002,

      Thus far, Israel has confronted continuous hostility


      that Israel does not need a nuclear arsenal.


      Turn - Democratic transition threatens peace with Israel

      Sharp 11 (Jeremy Sharp, CRS February 11, 2011. “Egypt: The January 25 Revolution and Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy” )

      According to Eli Shakedformer Israeli


      declined in recent years.  


      No risk of war – no one wants to take Israel on.


      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Of the dangers presented by the conflict between


      , a terrorism expert at the RAND Corp.


      No chance of war – Israel won’t attack Syria and Iran because it fears retaliation and U.S. presence in the region deters Iran.


      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Even though Israel accuses Syria and Iran of


      a circuitous and difficult oversea route to Iran.


      No world war three – no one will risk war and superpowers wouldn’t be drawn in.


      Ferguson, 06.

      [Niall, professor of history at Harvard, “NIALL FERGUSON; WWIII? No, but still deadly and dangerous” July 24, LA Times, LN]

      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah over


      to meet the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.


      War in the Middle East doesn’t result in world war three – religious affiliations prevent.


      Simpson, 06.


      So,does Afghanistan plus Iraq plus Israel


      , appalling and frightening though they may be.




      1NC Solvency FL

      NGOs in Egypt reject democracy assistance

      Democracy Digest, 6-14-2011


      The Egyptian authorities are reportedly incensed that democracy


      can take care of ourselves,” another said.

      Egypt democracy will either be co-opted by military and radicals or will take decades to transition

      Pipes 11, Director, Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, 2011

      [Daniel, Egypt: This house believes that Egypt will become a democracy within a year, The Economist,]

      Two reasons lead me to assert


      , without the prospect of choosing their leaders.

      No solvency – economic turmoil will cripple Egypt’s transition

      El-Tablawy 11 (Tarek, AP Journalist, 7/5, “'So, this is democracy': Frustration rife in new Egypt,” JJN

      The man's complaint over the continuing disruption of


      worsens problems  that long festered under Mubarak's rule.

      Low U.S. credibility means plan gets rejected – IMF loans prove

      RT News 11 (June 30, “Egyptians are not going to forgive the US – journalist,” JJN

      Afshin Rattansi believes the US seems to want


      have wanted, particularly the loss of sovereignty.”


      The Egyptian military will block U.S. assistance to protect sovereignty – its stance on election assistance proves

      Hendawi and El Deeb 11 (Hazma and Sarah, AP journalists, 7/21, “Egypt refuses international election monitors,” JJN

      Egypt's council of military rulers will not allow


      "we reject anything that affects our sovereignty."


      Last time the U.S.F.G. enacted their plan, SCAF backlashed.

      El-Din 11 US aid to Egypt's civil society: a need, a blessing and a curse Ahram Online amal Essam El-Din , Friday 5 Aug 2011

      America’s deep interest in playing a role in


      NGOs that are not licensed by the government.


      The Egyptian military will crush independent NGO’s if U.S. funds them; turns Aff


      In response to an invitation from the U


      left his post Thursday, Aug. 11.


      International Aid Makes Up for U.S. Slack

      Sharp 11 (Jeremy M. Sharp Middle East policy analyst at the Congressional Research Service “Egypt in Transition” June 17, 2011, MM)

      Despite some criticism aimed at the United States


      $5 billion for Egypt and through 2013.


      The UNDP does electoral assistance now; better than plan

      Abdoun 11 (Safaa, UNDP discusses electoral assistance in Egypt, Daily News Egypt, May 3, 2011,

      The UNDP’s Community of Practice on Electoral Assistance


      elections are but one part,” she noted.

  • vs Egypt Unregistered NGOS (UNLV JP)

    • Tournament: ASU | Round: 5 | Opponent: UNLV Jallits/Pregman | Judge: Gordon

    • 1NC Off-Case

      Same as above UNLV round vs. Cottrell/Kosmach

      2NC Supercommittee Politics

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."

      Will pass - compromise

      Catholic News Consurtium 10/27 (


      With the news focused on the Occupy Wall


      analysts believe a compromise will ultimately be found.


      Will pass – Murray

      The Hill 10/26 (


      Kerry said he is looking for as big


      panel’s first in public since Sept. 22.


      The appearance of deadlock is a form of political posturing, while real compromises are made behind closed doors.

      Bernstein 10/10 [Jonathan Bernstein, “The supercommittee: super-stalled”, Washington Post, Editorial, October 10, 2011, <>]


      Meanwhile, there’s no reason for either side


      to expect anything except for public stubbornness now.


      Aid will be cut now – increasing aid in the future will drain political capital

      VOA News 8/8 (David Arnold, VOA News, 8-8-11, “US Debt Struggle Puts Middle East Aid Commitments in Question,”


      When lawmakers in the U.S.


      East issue when the House bill was passed.

      They don’t assume the current political climate - makes avoiding cuts more controversial

      VOA News 8/16 (2011,


      When the U.S. House of


      aid and a smaller amount for economic assistance.



      Deal can be reached – but only if every are of the budget is up on the chopping block – new funding derails deal

      Goldwein 7/24 ( Budget Path: How Feds Can Avert the Fiscal Crisis June 24, 2011; By Marc Goldwein The Public Manager | June 24, 2011)


      Many experts have suggested that the political system


      which their fellow Americans are doing the same.


      Budget debates make calls for increasing aid to Egypt controversial

      Guttman 11 (Nathan, 5/17 “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East”)


      At the same time, the administration turned


      raise the issue in Congress, he said.


      Plan links to politics – aid for Egypt is controversial and will be lumped with other bills

      Sharp 11 (Jeremy M., Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, June 17th, “Egypt in Transition” Congressional Research Service JJN

      On May 19, at his address on


      of the private sector in Egypt and Tunisia)




      Link: Portman opposes plan – needs “Dollar for Dollar Rule” on new spending

      Portman 8-4-11 (Rob, Republican Senator from Ohio, director of the Office of Management and Budget)

      Congress and the president


      to save future generations from inheriting this unconscionable burden.


      Rob Portman is make-or-break for the deficit commission deal – crucial to overcoming partisan gridlock

      Fiscal Times 11 [Kirk Victor, The Fiscal Times, “Portman May Be Pivotal to ‘Super Committee’ Success”, August 22, 2011, <>]


      When the Senate’s “Gang of Six”


      His resume is fairly thick,” Stewart says.

      Reaching is a deal is key to prevent a global depression

      Ornstein 9/14 (Norman, 2011, a long-time observer of Congress and politics. He writes a weekly column for Roll Call and is an election analyst for CBS News. He serves as codirector of the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project and participates in AEI's Election Watch series. He also serves as a senior counselor to the Continuity of Government Commission. Mr. Ornstein led a working group of scholars and practitioners that helped shape the law, known as McCain-Feingold, that reformed the campaign financing system.,


      Lachman is one of the economists who say


      to do something remarkable. Don’t blow it.


      Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, SB10001424052970203914304576628882195814642.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)


      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.

      2NC EU Counterplan

      The U.S. is negatively perceived in Egypt while the E.U. is not

      Kausch 10 “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Egypt” Kristina Kausch2 May 2010 Researcher at FRIDE

      Often, impact potential was reduced by a


      highly critical of their donor and its agenda.

      1NC Solvency

      Status quo solves - egypt is progressing steadily, no breakdown

      The Washington Post 11 (7-20-11, )


      POST-REVOLUTIONARY Egypt often appears to be


      charter to ensure that basic freedoms are protected.

      Funding non-registered NGO’s will cause the Egyptian government to reject the aid entirely

      Fisher 11 Egypt Rejects US AID Offer By The Public Record May 5th, 2011

      Egypt has rejected an offer of $150


      Egyptian law, in contravention of international norms.

      The Egyptian military will crush independent NGO’s if U.S. funds them; turns Aff


      In response to an invitation from the U


      left his post Thursday, Aug. 11.


      Egypt democracy will either be co-opted by military and radicals or will take decades to transition

      Pipes 11 Director, Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, 2011, Daniel, Egypt: This house believes that Egypt will become a democracy within a year, The Economist,]

      Two reasons lead me to assert that the Arab Republic of Egypt will not boast a democratic political system this time next year.


      First, democracy is more than holding elections


      , without the prospect of choosing their leaders.


      Last time the U.S.F.G. enacted their plan, SCAF backlashed.

      El-Din 11 US aid to Egypt's civil society: a need, a blessing and a curse Ahram Online amal Essam El-Din , Friday 5 Aug 2011

      America’s deep interest in playing a role in


      NGOs that are not licensed by the government.

      NGOs in Egypt reject democracy assistance

      Democracy Digest 6/14


      The Egyptian authorities are reportedly incensed that democracy


      can take care of ourselves,” another said.


      1NC Signaling

      Support for democracy in the Middle East trades off with hard power goals

      Nye 11 [former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and professor at Harvard University

      Joseph S. Jr. “Obama’s Tightrope”, 3-8, nye92/English, CMR]


      CAMBRIDGE – According to a United States State


      through banking, commercial, and cultural networks.


      Soft power cannot maintain U.S. hegemony – Britain circa 1930 has already proven this

      Ferguson 3 (Niall, Herzog Professor of History at the Stern School of Business, New York University and a Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford) 9/22/2003 “an empire in denial: the limits of US imperialism” Harvard International Review No. 3, Vol. 25; Pg. 64


      One argument sometimes advanced to distinguish US "


      sense is more limited than is generally assumed.

      Democracy assistance can’t improve soft power - history of failed democracy programs

      Lappin 10 [Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade,Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]


      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests


      involved only a limited engagement in democracy promotion.

      Any U.S. involvement is percieved as imperialist intervention - causes backlash and resentment

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      The U.S. will not retaliate—there are no strategic targets to hit and weapons are too hard to trace

      DOWLE 2005

      (Mark, Teaches at the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley, California Monthly, September,

      Because terrorists tend to be stateless and well


      could claim that the material had been stolen.

      Terrorists won’t pursue or use nuclear weapons


      Waltz, 03.

      Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, 2003, p. 130

      For terrorists who abandon tactics of disruption and


      threats they would not want to execute anyway.


      Terrorists couldn’t build a nuclear bomb without getting caught.


      Milhollin, 02.

      Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, 2/1/2002, Commentary

      THERE ARE thus definite prospects in Russia.


      mistake in design could wreck the whole project.


      1NR Signaling

      US soft power inevitably fails in the Middle East – stigma from US intervention and Palestine overwhelms any effect from democracy

      Mulvany 11 (7/19/11, graduate student at University of Missouri studying convergence journalism, Lydia, “Why don't Arabs love Obama anymore?” /19/3023947/why-dont-arabs-love-obama-anymore.html#ixzz1TY5XoqVe, CMR]


      WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama isn't living up


      . "We are now reduced to interference."

      Egyptians oppose US aid – sparks backlash

      Gallup 11 (6/8, Abu Ghabi Gallup Center,


      Egyptians oppose the U.S. sending


      in Egypt-U.S. relations.

      Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment

      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,

      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18,,CMR)


      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and


      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.

      1NC Elections FL

      The MB is like Ron Paul – they have dedicated base and get a lot of hype, but they won’t win

      Fisher 11 (Mark, associate editor for the Atlantic,

      But does the Muslim Brotherhood actually have that


      in Egypt than it is on Fox News.

      Brotherhood is viewed favorably but won’t win close to a majority

      Masoud 11 (Tarek Masoud is assistant professor of public policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government “The Road to (and from) Liberation Square” Journal of Democracy Volume 22, Number 3, July 2011 Project Muse MM)

      Recent polling data shed some light on the


      system that magnified the MB's organizational advantages.7

      Even if the Muslim Brotherhood wins, elections will temper their ambition and SCAF will check their expansion

      Nelson 11 (Rick “Ozzie” Nelson, Director of the Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program CSIS, “UNREST IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: RAMIFICATIONS FOR U.S. HOMELAND SECURITY,” April 6, 2011)

      Egypt, meanwhile, faces a much different


      moved to become a state sponsor of terrorism.

      Suez Canal closure would only spike oil prices by 1 cent

      Learsy 11 (Risks to the Suez Canal Set the Stage for Falsely Hyping the Price of Oil Scholar and author, "Over a Barrel: Breaking Oil's Grip on Our Future" Posted: February 6, 2011,


      Over the past days, the airwaves and


      in the media and our friends at OPEC.

      No war in the Middle East; Obama administration sets the framework for direct negotiations

      The Irish Times 8

      [“Syrian President upbeat on sealing peace with Israel” 12/23 l/n]

      DAMASCUS - Syrian president Bashar al-Assad  


      have to be Iraq. - (Reuters)


      A Mideast war would not escalate or go nuclear

      Elizabeth Stevens, September 19, 2002,

      Thus far, Israel has confronted continuous hostility


      that Israel does not need a nuclear arsenal.


      Turn - Democratic transition threatens peace with Israel

      Sharp 11 (Jeremy Sharp, CRS February 11, 2011. “Egypt: The January 25 Revolution and Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy” )

      According to Eli Shakedformer Israeli ambassador to Cairo, “the only people in Egypt who are

      committed to peace are the people in Mubarak’s


      as oil revenues have declined in recent years.  


      No risk of war – no one wants to take Israel on.

      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Of the dangers presented by the conflict between


      , a terrorism expert at the RAND Corp.


      No chance of war – Israel won’t attack Syria and Iran because it fears retaliation and U.S. presence in the region deters Iran.

      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Even though Israel accuses Syria and Iran of


      a circuitous and difficult oversea route to Iran.


      No world war three – no one will risk war and superpowers wouldn’t be drawn in.


      Ferguson, 06.

      [Niall, professor of history at Harvard, “NIALL FERGUSON; WWIII? No, but still deadly and dangerous” July 24, LA Times, LN]

      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah over


      to meet the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.


      War in the Middle East doesn’t result in world war three – religious affiliations prevent.


      Simpson, 06.


      So,does Afghanistan plus Iraq plus Israel


      , appalling and frightening though they may be.



  • vs Orientalism (Weber GO)

    • Tournament: ASU | Round: Semis | Opponent: Weber Gomez/Olson | Judge: Gordon, Thiele, Cochran

    • 1NC Critical T


      INTERPRETATION.  The affirmative should have to defend a plan that endorses democracy assistance to Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Syria, or Tunisia.


       “Should” primarily expresses a duty or obligation to act.  A policy action statement meets that duty, while speculation does not.


      ____American Heritage® Dictionary 96

       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company,, accessed 4/2/01]


      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.


                  1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.

      Democracy Assistance means grant-aided support for local pro-democracy initiatives, even the broadest interpretations of what this means should not include indirect consequences if we want the topic to have any meaning

      Burnell, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, 2007

      [Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” German Development Institute, Discussion Paper,, p. 4-5]

      All things considered, however,


      simpler question: does direct democracy assistance work?


      You must hold them accountable for the resolution – the best way to access topic specific education and all education derived from the affirmative is by having a common starting point for discussion.

      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-183]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.


      Multiculturalism 1NC

      Their advocacy of Islam as a culture is inherently racist super-ego demand that entrenches multicultural violence.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      One of the most irritating liberal-tolerant


      , still exhibit a prodigious lust for life.



      Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.



      TEXT: Vote negative to embrace our rhetorical criticism of the Orientalist meta-narrative

      The reference to the topic in their advocacy means they confine their criticism to the USFG – this makes the US a convenient scapegoat that allows the West off the hook; turns the case

      Bruckner 86 [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 17-18]


      Parasitical, murderous, and sick, America


      the other colonial powers had called it quits.


      1NC Slaughterhouse K

      Time is a block that makes suffering meaningless

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

          'The most important thing I learned on


      which is "so it goes."'


      The alt is to let the good times roll -- the aff focuses on future impacts that are either inevitable or are impossible and instead to concentrate only on the good times


      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      Billy expected the Tralfamadorians to be baffled and


      , and concentrate on the good ones.'


      1NR Slaughterhouse

      Free will is a myth produced by our consciousness only after our unconscious selves have determined the outcome predicated on genetic dispositions

      Zyga 10 (Lisa Zyga, March 3, 2010, Phys Org, “Free will is an illusion, biologist says”

      In a recent study, Cashmore has argued


      in magic),” Cashmore told

      Choice and intention are determined by physiology; the illusion of free-will is merely an after-thought

      Harris 11“You Do Not Choose What You ChooseMr. Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of , a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA “

      The second concern also misses the point:


      of free will an enduring problem for philosophy.


      Even subjectively asserting that there is free will lacks substantive explanations for causality

      Harris 11“You Do Not Choose What You ChooseMr. Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of , a nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA “

      As I have argued, however, the


      . And where is the freedom in that?

      1NC Orientalism Adv. F/L

      1. Their guilt denies all human agency to the Third World – they replicate the very imperialist obsession they critique

      Bruckner 86 [Pascal, Tears of the White Man, p. 126-127]


      Because they are former colonial peoples, the


      it has all the characteristics of colonialist thinking.

      2. The aff produces a form of academic McCarthyism that stifles any productive debates about US policy or violence occuring in in the Middle East

      Teitelbaum & Litvak 6 [Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/ /Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/]


      Another problem, noticed mostly by Said's Arab


      critical thinking and self-criticism…."[73]

      3. We have an obligation to advocate democracy at the University level to combat the very global instrumental ordering Orientalism criticizes

      Giroux 9 [Global TV Network chair professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, Henry, Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University, vol 9, no 5, October, p. 671-672]


      Educators such as Hannah Arendt, John Dewey


      toward an engaged, thoughtful, global citizenry.

      4. Their tracing of the historical victimization of the Orient at the hands of America essentializes West and East, replicates colonialism

      Teitelbaum, and Litvak 6 [Senior Fellows, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, Joshua and Meir, Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, "Students, Teachers and Edward Said: Taking Stock of Orientalism," Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10, No 1, p. 33-34]




      , which is surely not the case. 53

      5. They erase the multi-racial history of the US under the rubric of the East-West binary – this reinforces whiteness

      McAlister 1 [Associate Professor of American Studies and International Affairs George Washington University, Melani, Epic Encounters: Culture, Media & U. S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000. Berkeley, CA, USA: University of California Press, p. 11]


      Two factors in particular have complicated Orientalism in


      whiteness was privileged in discourses of Americanness.


      6. Their K is bad – it masks patriarchal representations of women and family that are used to mobilize nationality and imperialism

      McAlister 1 [Associate Professor of American Studies and International Affairs George Washington University, Melani, Epic Encounters: Culture, Media & U. S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000. Berkeley, CA, USA: University of California Press, p. 11-12]


      A second problem is Orientalism’s neat mapping of


      represent the nation itself in its public mode.


      7. The aff is complicit in Anti-Semitism

      Teitelbaum and Litvak 6 (Senior Fellows, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, Joshua and Meir, Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, "Students, Teachers and Edward Said: Taking Stock of Orientalism," Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10, No 1, p. 38]


      Henry Munson criticized the fact that many American


      or an agent of American imperialism.[74]

      8. We Must reject complicity with anti-Semitism – no instance is too small

      Gordon and Gordon 95 [senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 118]


      One conclusion can already be mentioned. Since


      him or her immediately, on the spot.


      9. Orientalist criticism ignores radical Islamic discourse – leaving the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks

      Teitelbaum, and Litvak, Senior Fellows, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2006

      [Joshua and Meir, Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, "Students, Teachers and Edward Said: Taking Stock of Orientalism," Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10, No 1, p. 35-36]

      By ignoring the importance of religion in the


      supplies" as "highly exaggerated stereotyping."60

      10. By blaming the West, the K deflects change in the Middle East, increases Western Guilt, and leaves us defenseless against radical Islam

      Warraq 7 [founder of the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society (ISIS), 2007, Ibn, Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism, p. 246-247]


      In cultures already immune to self-criticism


      threat that it has faced since the Nazis.

      1NC Solvency F/L

      1. Prioritizing epistemology or ontology creates a vacuous and inaccurate conception of international relations

      Owen 2 (David Owen Professor of Social & Political Philosophy @ U Southampton “Re-orienting International Relations: On Pragmatism, Pluralism and Practical Reasoning” Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2002 31: 653 Sage Journals Online MM)


      Pictures, Illusions and the Threat of Theoreticism


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.

      Confronting Americans with US imperialism causes MORE violence, not less

      Colla 3 Director of Middle East Studies at the Watson Institute for International Studies and Professor of Comparative Literature at Brown, Elliott Colla, Power, knowledge, and investment: United States foreign policy in the Middle East and the US public sphere, Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 116]


      Both Chomsky and Ali adhere to models of


      investments that are thoroughly imbricated in such interests.


      Orientalism Inevitable – too deeply imbedded in western thought

      Rosen 2k (Steven L. Rosen Faculty of Intercultural Communication Hiroshima Women's University Japan as Other: Intercultural Communication, ISSN 1404-1634, 2000, November, issue 4.  Orientalism and Cultural Conflict )

      This paper argues that so-called Orientalism


      and projections." ( Said 1993:90)

      2NC Case

      Discursive analysis leads to political paralysis and fails to change the world.

      Jarvis 2k (Darryl Jarvis is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of British Columbia, International relations and the challenge of postmodernism, p. 190


      The simple and myopic assumption that social change


      perversely as the search for "thinking space."

      We must promote democracy in the university as much as possible to fight the corporatization of knowledge and improve human life

      Giroux, Global TV Network chair professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, 2009

      [Henry, Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University, vol 9, no 5, October, p. 680]

      As university leaders increasingly appeal to the corporate


      justice, and not simply for creating profits.


      Corporatization of education destroys all external value to education

      Giroux, Global TV Network chair professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, 2009

      [Henry, Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University, vol 9, no 5, October, p. 674-675]

      Why should we care? Colleges and universities


      for public action” (p. B7).


  • vs Race Performance (Towson EM)

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: Towson EM | Judge: Odekirk

    • //




      Critical T


      On Wiki already

      Multiculturalism 1NC

      Fighting against racism in a Capitalist world disguises the forces of capitalism as racism.


      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute of sociology at the university of Ljubljana, The Plague of Fantasies, 1997. pg.   162-163

      A further thing to note about the white


      social administration, is the historical Real itself.


      Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.


      LatCrit 1NC

      The aff only describes one facet of race but claims that it is a universal approach – this renders anyone outside of Black/White invisible

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1254]


      My objection to the state of most current


      . Accordingly, they reproduce a serious harm.

      Turns the aff – we can never solve white racism

      Perea 10 [Cone, Wagner, Nugent, Johnson, Hazouri & Roth Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, Juan, AN ESSAY ON THE ICONIC STATUS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND ITS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, Vol. 18:1, Fall, p. 57-58,]


      Lastly, recognizing a fuller scope of civil


      , further forward, and to the side.

      Thus the alternative: reject the aff’s Black/White binary of race.

      This is crucial to build democratic alliances that challenge all oppression.

      West 93 [ultimate badass, Cornel, Race Matters, p. 103-104]


      If we are to build on the best


      of this country may well depend on it.



      1NC Case FL


      Local struggle is precisely the wrong place to begin. The only way to establish affective ties to one another is through the political. To do otherwise allows the Right to marginalize the struggle altogether.

      Grossberg, Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies, 1992

      [Lawrence, We gotta get out of this place, p. 365-366]


      Identity politics is an extension of feminists' argument


      liberties and civil rights as "special interests."

      The aff’s Politics of Personal Identity forecloses any possibility real social change. If you are concerned with real bodies in pain and suffering, effective advocacy demands that you move beyond yourself to understand the structures in society that make these impacts inevitable. Vote negative to reject this myopic brand of politics.

      Minow 97 [Martha, Not Only For Myself: Identity, Politics, and the Law, Professor of Law @ Harvard, p. 56-57]


      Identity politics tends to locate the problem in


      or causes that effectively mobilize people against oppression.


      Their politics is bad because it reduces the struggle to a language contest in an academic forum – ONLY by engaging democracy can we extend beyond the classroom and into areas where we can introduce real change

      Bush 11 [Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology & Sociology @ Adelphi University, Melanie, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, p. 235]


      This call, for deepening the curricular emphasis


      variety of public spaces. (Giroux 1999)


      In the university context we need to advocate specific changes and commit ourselves to democracy to solve – turns the aff

      Bush 11 [Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology & Sociology @ Adelphi University, Melanie, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, p. 238-239]


      This book suggests both concrete and theoretical implications


      research measured the effectiveness of this ideological campaign.


      Democracy is good – it is a fight against oppression

      West, Badass, 2004 [Cornel, Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight against Imperialism, p. 13-15]


      If we are to grapple critically with the


      brilliant indictments laid down by hip-hop.


      Obsession with White Supremacy is bad – white racists have mastered that game. The result of their project is to reinscribe whites as the principal point of reference.

      West, ultimate badass, 1993 [Cornel, Race Matters, p. 98-99]


      The project of black separatism -- to which


      opposed and imitated with his black supremacy doctrine.


      Their demand for absolute adherence to their framework is the principal reason that Left politics fail – we must adapt our politics to everyone’s personal and social commitments, not force them to adapt to ours

      Grossberg, Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies, 1992

      [Lawrence, We gotta get out of this place, p. 385]


      But while it is necessary to connect politics


      appears to outweigh any pragmatic sense of politics.


      Refusing to engage in public policy debates means they conflate racial prejudice with racism – this makes racism inevitable and unsolvable

      Dr. Karenga, one of the scholars who pressed for Black studies in the late 60's and early 70s, founder of Kwanzaa, and currently professor and chair of the Black studies department at California State University-Long Beach, 1999

      [Dr. Maulana, “Whiteness Studies: Deceptive or Welcome Discourse?,” Black Issues in Higher Education, May 13,]


      White studies can also begin to cultivate misunderstanding


      policy initiatives and struggles necessary to end it.


      Only through the theory AND practice can we begin to make a real difference

      Bush, Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology & Sociology @ Adelphi University, 2011

      [Melanie, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, p. 227]


      Theoretical discussions or analyses of structural inequality do


      group, most vehemently defend the status quo.


      Student debates over MENA policy good

      Anderson, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia, former President of the Middle East Studies Association, 2003

      [Lisa, Scholarship, Policy, Debate and Conflict: Why We Study the Middle East and Why It Matters,

      2003 MESA Presidential Address, November 2003, online:]

      Yet, there is far more that we


      Saudi Arabia or Egypt or the United States.




      Lat Crit

      We must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout

      Gordon and Gordon 95  senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)


      Consider the widespread oppression of women. Every


      , exploit, debase, and degrade women.


      B. Their characterizations of race that categorize everything as part of a Black/White paradigm – this excludes Latinas from analysis, which reproduces racism

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1214-1216]


      [*1214] This Article is about how


      the Black/White binary paradigm of race.

      C. They reify negative racial categories

      Leong, Assistant Professor, William and Mary School of Law, 2010



      Multiracial individuals have long vexed courts and commentators


      preventing society from moving beyond these arbitrary categories.



      Rejecting sovereignty is a link – they ignore groups that strive for sovereignty

      Perea, Cone, Wagner, Nugent, Johnson, Hazouri & Roth Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, 2010

      [Juan, AN ESSAY ON THE ICONIC STATUS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND ITS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, Vol. 18:1, Fall, p. 57,]


      There are important reasons to recognize the Chicano


      it differs from the African-American struggle.

      Attempting to understand Latino/as through analogies to black oppression erases specific forms of oppression

      Perea, Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, 1997

      [Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race:

      The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1239]


      Robert Blauner, writing in 1972, recognized


      through analogs with the Afro-American. n119

      Claiming Whiteness structures all relations with the Middle East erases the complex multi-racial history of the US. In particular, it denies African-American connections to the Arab world, designed to challenge US nationalism

      McAlister 1 [Associate Professor of American Studies and International Affairs George Washington University, Melani, Epic Encounters: Culture, Media & U. S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000. Berkeley, CA, USA: University of California Press, p. 11]


      Two factors in particular have complicated Orientalism in


      whiteness was privileged in discourses of Americanness.

      Understanding of the Black-White relationship doesn’t promote understandings of other racisms

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1237]

      The very conscious recognition and use of White


      of White-against-Black racism. n114

      Racism against Latinas is different – structuring it through the lens of Black/White racism reinforces ignorance about Latinas

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1253-1254]


      One could defend the Black/White paradigm


      that the latter is the more accurate explanation.


      Perea, Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, 1997

      [Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race:

      The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1257-1258]


      Paradigmatic descriptions and study of White racism against


      both history and demographic reality, needs reworking.



      First, Breaks down us-them binaries.

      English et. al. led work on this DAWG essay, while the co-authors each contributed substantially in areas of conceptual design, research, and writing. 2007.

      Eric, Stephen Llano ,Assistant Professor;

      Accessed 6/29/09, TAZ)

      Given the switch-side


      debate so threatening.

      1NR Cap K

      Language has a dialectic relationship which mediates social relations of domination. Analysis of capital’s master rhetoric is key to understanding the interworkings of international order.


      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 212

      Ernesto Laclau was quite right to remark that


      counter­part is of course wealth as the embodiment,


      We must use the basis of understanding the universe in terms of the real and the symbolic because they are the driving force behind human experience – policy conclusions that do not take this into account are doomed to fall into Capital’s continual trap.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  227-228

      Is not this virtual state of an electron


      enable us to conceive it as ‘actual’.


      Race oppression is used by capital to ideologically justify economic exploitation—the eradication of racism requires a totalizing critique of capitalism.


      Young, 06

      (Robert, Red Critique, “Putting Materialism Back into Race Theory,” Winter/Spring,  , Accessed 7-11-09, PAK)


      This essay advances a materialist theory of race


      , ultimately, requires the transformation of capitalism.


      Even if you grant them the no link args they make IN CROSS X, Their concept of reality is not a victimless crime -- it links to our criticism. It is a misperception that causes violent encounters with the real


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg. 111-112

      Therein lies the properly ontological role of imagination


      kernel of ‘reality-in-itself.


      The affirmative’s fantasy leads to objectification and violence-turning the case. The “reality” proposed by the affirmative team is a simple fantasy. Only the alternative has any hope of escaping the system and preventing Capital from destroying the world.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 4-5

      The same may be said of the other


      bites into food, it changes to gold.


      Fantasies are continually reproduced - the affirmative can only create more problems as the master rhetoric of capital is reproduced and even glorified by the affirmative’s benevolent calls to USfg action.


      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, 1991, pg. 8

      Where exactly, in this futile circular movement


      the break is nonetheless well worth the trouble.

      I’ll pre-empt the solvency argument he starts to make in cross-X of the 1NC. Struggling IS success: our alt is a principled rebellion on behalf of freedom. Try or die for the neg: better to risk it then to vegetate in suffering.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      Though one may be tempted to oppose these


      we usually pay for survival is our lives.



  • vs Syria Opposition Aid (Emory KH)

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory KH | Judge:

    • 1NC Politics

      1. Payroll Tax cuts will pass

      Brayton 10/20 (


      David Espo of the Associated Press says that


      million Americans will lose those benefits by February.

      2. DA is unpopular – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama’s political capital is key passing payroll tax cuts

      Philladelphia Inquirer 9/8 (9-8-2011, “POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth

      Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles”


      Republicans and the president should be able to


      offshore, and dare Republicans to defend them.

      4. Payroll tax cuts are key to economic recovery

      Weller 9/12 (Christian E. Weller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress.,


      The centerpiece of the jobs plan unveiled by


      but sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.


      2NC Politics

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."

      Pay roll tax cuts will pass – rare area of agreement with Republicans

      AP 11/9 (GOP candidates: Fix US economy or fail like Europe, By Kasie Hunt, Associated Press / November 9, 2011, articles/2011/11/09/gop_candidates_fix_us_economy_or_fail_like_europe/)

      On one specific issue that Congress must address


      100 billion in the Social Security trust fund."


      Tax cuts will pass – Republicans supported in the past

      Youngman 11/10 (Sam, The Hill, White House thinks Obama has regained 'upper hand' with GOP on economy, 11/10/11,

      The officials said the White House will ratchet


      Obama has proposed to extend and deepen it.


      Fresh tactics mean Democrats will narrowly succeed in getting payroll tax cuts extended now – that’s key to the US economy

      Beutler 11-1-11 [Brian, Senate Dems Face Major Challenge On Key Part Of Obama Jobs Bill,]


      Senate Democrats will continue to force Republicans to


      than half the cost of Obama’s jobs bill.


      Obama is pushing the payroll tax cut extension

      Stein 11/10 (Sam Stein is a Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, based in Washington, D.C. Previously he has worked for Newsweek magazine, the New York Daily News and the investigative journalism group Center for Public Integrity.,

      WASHINGTON -- Top officials in the Obama administration


      and Congress should work to make it permanent.

      Soft stance on Syria massively controversial

      Baen et. al 11 (“Exploring Engagement: US Policy Toward Syria and Hamas” Advisor: ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, The Woodrow Wilson School’s Graduate Policy Workshop)


      There are many challenges to compelling Syria and 


      the U.S. House of Representatives. 

      Foreign policy victories don’t help Obama in battles over domestic issues

      Friedman 9/20 (George, 2011, Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities, n American political scientist and author. He is the founder, chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO of the private intelligence corporation Stratfor, weekly/20110919-obamas-dilemma-us-foreign-policy-and-electoral-realities?utm_source=freelistf&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20110920& utm_term=gweekly&utm_content=readmore&elq=5b5fbcb16ffe4179abd4ca1cdacac4b0)


      His primary victory, health-care reform


      presidency will force him away from foreign policy.


      Backlash when Obama tries to regain capital

      Goldberg 10 (Jonah, Syndicated Journalist, February 26, "A Hidden Cost of the Health-Care Summit",


      It seems that I wasn’t alone in finding


      -night jokes and basis of SNL parodies.

      Takes a long time to rebuild capital

      Schaller 9 (Tom, five thirty eight, 8/18/09, Is Obama Spending his Political Capital, Wasting It ... or Wuz He Robbed?


      Obama is investing now with an eye toward


      rise back to pre-Summer '09 levels.

      Failure to renew payroll tax cuts would cripple the economy

      The Ledger 10/21 (


      Most new employment in our country comes from


      . This would cripple our economy in 2012.


      US Econ Key to Global Econ

      Freedomyou 07 (“USA's Future Economic Collapse” Freedomyou February 19, 2007 acessed 07/03/07 )

      America's unquenchable materialistic appetite is the machine that


      and wailing in horror for Babylon has fallen.


      1NC Fem

      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.


      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.



      1NC EU

      Text: The European Union should substantially increase support to strengthen capacity for Syrian political opposition groups.


      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)


      It is only with knowledge of the local


      play the role of either catalyst or teacher.


      2NC EU

      EU solves Syria better – Soft power


      Wittes and Young 09 (January, Tamara Cofman, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, Richard, director of the democratisation programme at the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) in Madrid, and lecturer at the University of Warwick, “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” , atw)


      Another notable difference is between the European willingness


      the exiled head of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.


      The EU should work separately from the US – cooperation undermines solvency

      Fakhro 9 (E.A., Master of Law Student in International Human Rights Law at Harvard Law School and LLM from Queen Mary College, University of London, recipient of several awards, including the Drapers Company Prize and the R.M. Goode Award, The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World,


      In the light of US hegemony in the


      to lecture in Bahrain (Nelson, 2008).



      1NC Iran Advantage

      Foreign assistance hurts US influence – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment

      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,

      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18,,CMR)


      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and


      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.


      Any U.S. involvement is percieved as imperialist intervention - causes backlash and resentment

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      Support for democracy in the Middle East trades off with hard power goals

      Nye 11 [former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and professor at Harvard University

      Joseph S. Jr. “Obama’s Tightrope”, 3-8, nye92/English, CMR]


      CAMBRIDGE – According to a United States State


      through banking, commercial, and cultural networks.

      Democracy assistance percieved negatively – hurts US cred - history of failed democracy programs

      Lappin 10 [Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade,Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]


      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests


      involved only a limited engagement in democracy promotion.

      US power inevitably fails in the Middle East – stigma from US intervention and Palestine overwhelms any effect from democracy

      Mulvany 11 (7/19/11, graduate student at University of Missouri studying convergence journalism, Lydia, “Why don't Arabs love Obama anymore?” /19/3023947/why-dont-arabs-love-obama-anymore.html#ixzz1TY5XoqVe, CMR]


      WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama isn't living up


      . "We are now reduced to interference."


      Strong US heg in the Middle East is impossible

      Miller 11  Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”, CR


      Finally, if the tumultuous changes in the


      cannot remake and from which it cannot retreat.


      Decline in Middle East influence inevitable – gaps between values and policies, public opinion, and US reliability

      Miller 11 (Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”,, CMR]


      We can, however, say with greater


      they too are pressed hard by their publics.


      U.S. Hegemony is over

      Karaganov 10 (Sergei, head of Council of Foreign and Defense Policy) 'Russia's Choice', Survival, 52:1, 5 – 10 February 2010)


      Today, the Euro-Atlantic world seems


      States will never completely regain its former status.



      1NR Iran

      No Iranian influence in Syria-it’s a lose/lose situation for Iran

      Ignatius, Former Frank Knox Fellow at Harvard. Associate editor and columnist for The Washington Post, 2011

      [David, Syria’s turmoil shakes Iran and Hamas, 4/29/11,]

      The turmoil in Syria already appears to be


      regime that will be more hostile to Iran.

      US assistance to the Syrian opposition causes Iranian intervention and war

      Kotsev, journalist and political analyst based in Tel Aviv, 2011

      [Victor “Iran crisis close to climax?” Asia Times, July 2,]

      On the chess-like field of Realpolitik


      ), it could easily spiral into a war.

      Turn – Isolating Iran leads to lashout

      Fisher, associate editor at The Atlantic, 2010

      [Max “The Risks of Isolating China,” The Atlantic, September 23, 2010,]

      Isolation is self-reinforcingAn isolated


      isolation more severe, and the cycle repeats.


      No impact: Iran is already picking fights


      By Francis Matthew, Editor at Large Published: 00:00 September 15, 2011 Ahmadinejad looks for confrontation with the US UN General Assembly to be the stage for Iran's determination to maintain leadership of anti-American thinking


      The imminent General Assembly of the United Nations


      not increased since the last report in May.


      No world war three – no one will risk war and superpowers wouldn’t be drawn in.


      Ferguson, 06.

      [Niall, professor of history at Harvard, “NIALL FERGUSON; WWIII? No, but still deadly and dangerous” July 24, LA Times, LN]

      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah over


      to meet the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.

      War in the Middle East doesn’t result in world war three – religious affiliations prevent.


      Simpson, 06.


      So,does Afghanistan plus Iraq plus Israel


      , appalling and frightening though they may be.



      1NC Civil War Advantage

      No Syrian civil war coming

      Abdul-Hussain, Washington bureau chief, Alrai newspaper, 9-8-11

      [Hussain, “There Will Be No Civil War in Syria,” Huffington Post,]

      Despite all the doom and gloom by analysts


      in the sun without fear from Assad's repression.

      The status quo is the only logical option—Syria’s opposition must have more time to unite organically to avoid a catastrophic civil war and power vacuum when Assad inevitably collapses

      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, 8-10-11 [Joshua, “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, Islam Daily, p. ] acs


      Washington would be wiser to allow Syria to


      this struggle on our own.".

      US assistance is the kiss of death [and any other actor is superior] – their Slim evidence is Shady.

      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, 8-10-11

      [Joshua, “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, Islam Daily, p. ] acs


      Randa Slim proposes a Doran-lite sanctions


      "lighter footprint."  This is wise advice..

      Organizing the opposition is bad—allows Assad to better target and crush it. Process must be organic

      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, 8-10-11

      [Joshua, “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, Islam Daily, p. ] acs


      Syria's opposition does not have leadersRami


      And they will decide. No one else."


      US support fractures the opposition, makes the new regime undemocratic, and causes a power vacuum that results in civil war


      Lust-Okar, associate professor of political science and chair of the Council on Middle East Studies at Yale University. She is author of Structuring Conflict in the Arab World, 2008

      [Ellen, REFORM IN SYRIA: STEERING BETWEEN THE CHINESE MODEL AND REGIME CHANGE, in Beyond the Façade: Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottoway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 90-91]


      The West must thus prepare for the possibility


      by fragmented sectarian groups with access to weapons.

      Even if the plan does cause a regime overthrow, that will only increase violence—Leaks are likely and any US fingerprints on the new government will ignite a civil war

      Gosztola author and documentarian, 8-8-11

      [Kevin, “US Lacks Credibility to Help Syrian Protesters”, ] acs

      The extent to which the US is aiding


      should be leading the efforts to assist Syrians.

      Hezbollah will perceive the plan as US intervention- spurs Hezbollah-Israel war

      Karouny, Reuters, 2011

      [Mariam, “Lebanon's Hezbollah may fight Israel to relieve Syria,” 6-22-11,, accessed 10-20-11] acs


      Analysis - Lebanon's Hezbollah may fight Israel to


      Lebanon-based Arab official close to Syria.

      They’ll use chemical and biological weapons

      Cordesman, CSIS Arleigh A. Burke Strategy chair, 2007

      [Anthony, "Israel and Syria: The Military Balance and Prospects of War," CSIS, 8-15-7,, accessed 10-20-11] acs

      Israel could never be sure, however,


      CBR capabilities to be use asymmetrically against Israel.

      Nuclear war

      Joshi, Ph.D. candidate, 2000

      [Sharad, "Israel's Nuclear Policy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis," March 2000,, accessed 10-20-11] acs


      The Syrian chemical arsenal should be considered,


      scenario would be ripe for a nuclear Armageddon.


      1.  Israel’s overwhelming conventional superiority deters any conflict with Syria.


      Cordesman 07 – Burke Chair in Strategy @ CSIS

      [Anthony H.; Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy; “Israel and Syria: The Military Balance and Prospects for War,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, WashingtonD.C.; Working Draft: August 15, 2007;]

      Figure 2.3 reflects seems to be


      far behind in force quality.


  • vs Aid to Terrorists/Derrida (Oklahoma MT)

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 6 | Opponent: Oklahoma MT | Judge:

    • Politics 1NC

      1. Payroll Tax cuts pass

      Brayton 10/20 (


      David Espo of the Associated Press says that


      million Americans will lose those benefits by February.

      2. DA is unpopular – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama’s political capital is key passing payroll tax cuts

      Philladelphia Inquirer 9/8 (9-8-2011, “POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth

      Some steps could help, but don't expect




      Republicans and the president should be able to


      offshore, and dare Republicans to defend them.

      4. Payroll tax cuts are key to economic recovery

      Weller 9/12 (Christian E. Weller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress.,


      The centerpiece of the jobs plan unveiled by


      but sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.

      2NC Politics

      Turns case - economic decline tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."



      Political capital is critical to overcoming all obstacles to passage

      Harvey et al 3 (Michael Harvey is the Dean and Hearin Chair of Global Business, School of Business Administration University of Mississippi, The development of political skill and political capital by global leaders through global assignments The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 15, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 1173 - 1188 EBSCO TJL )


      Political capital is as critical to leaders in


      to represent diverse interests in the global organization.



      Political support key to agenda – collapse of support crushes agenda

      Ornstein 3 (Norman J., American Enterprise Institute fellow and political analyst, Roll Call, 9-10-3, “As Issues Pile Up; Bush Needs New Approach With Hill”, Lexis)


      When a president operates with sky-high


      , and the ability to exercise power attenuates.


      Political capital determines the agenda



      Political capital, based on external resources “


      that the Democrats’ strategy was successful (281).



      In the face of nuclear annihilation – an ethic of responsibility to future generations must come first – it’s the only ethical choice.

      Krieger 7 (David, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, “Responsibility in an Era of Consequences,” May 17,, AD: 6/30/09) jl


      The inaugural meeting of the World Future Council


      for the elimination of these instruments of annihilation.”


      Preventing widespread death takes precedence to ontological questioning

      Davidson 89 (Arnold I. Davidson, coeditor of Critical Inquiry, Assoc Prof of Philosophy, U of Chicago, Critical Inquiry, Winter 1989. p.426)


      I understand Levinas’ work to suggest another path


      and it is here that questioning must stop.

      Threats aren’t arbitrary.  Can’t throw out security or wish away threatening postures—we have to develop strategies for coping with threat perceptions.

      Knudsen 1 (Olaf F., Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 360)


      During the Cold War, peace research was


      find adequate democratic procedures for dealing with them.




      CP 1NC

      TEXT: The United States federal government should increase political party assistance for terrorists in Egypt that denounce anti-Semitism.

      Will say yes to avoid looking like the pariah that isolates Egypt

      Byman 11 (Feb 4, Egypt 2012: What If the Muslim Brotherhood Comes to Power? Egypt, The Arab Spring and Middle East Unrest, Middle East, Foreign Policy, North Africa Daniel L. Byman, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy Wall Street Journal, MV

      To encourage future moderation, the United States 


      encouraging them to adopt even more radical policies.

      Net Benefit: Anti-Semitism

      The US has an obligation to speak out against the Muslim Brotherhood’s anti-Semitism. Anti-semitism provides a convient excuse to escape critical self-examination, which turns their aff.

      Herf, professor of modern European history at the University of Maryland, College Park. His most recent book, Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, received the Bronze Prize from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in 2010, 2011 [Jeffrey, Scapegoat, The New Republic, May 12,]


      The Muslim Brotherhood’s history of anti-Semitism


      about the risks they pose to its democracy.

      Must confront racism immediately – no instance is too small

      Gordon, senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 118]

      One conclusion can already be mentioned. Since


      him or her immediately, on the spot.


      2NC CP

      There’s no solvency deficit. Making ALL hospitality unconditional renders the aff unintelligible – The very foundations of the society providing hospitality will be eliminated by the CP

      Thomson, Department of English Literature @ Glasgow, 2005

      [Alex, What’s to Become of “Democracy to Come”?, Postmodern Culture, 15.3]

      So the idea of the autoimmunitary can help


      state, territory, people, or nation.

      Zizek 1NC

      Democracy positions governments as able to ignore the people – non-elected governments are more responsive without this excuse. The tie between democracy and capitalism is thus despotic – it is inherently incapable of controlling wild capitalism.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      On the other hand, no matter how


      more threatening to the dominant global order of things


      Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the


      of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.


      Case 1NC

      Realism must be used strategically because real-world actors rely on it

      Guzzini 98 (Assistant Professor at Central European Univ., Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy, p. 235)


      Third, this last chapter has argued that


      best way to tacitly and uncritically reproduce it.


      Derrida’s theory of democracy is politically debilitating – the philosophy can’t differentiate between two moral choices, making Nazism inevitable.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 233-234)


      From his very first texts, Derrida has


      to my hostility and even my hatred.”38


      Terrorism represents a war against peace – we must struggle against it or slide into a state of perpetual war.


      Noorani, Yaseen. @ Middle Eastern Studies, University of Arizona. CR: The New Centennial Review, Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2005, pp. 13-41 (Article) Published by Michigan State University Press DOI: 10.1353/ncr.2005.0036 “The Rhetoric of Security “ Yaseen Noorani holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the University of Virginia and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago. He has previously taught at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Michigan. His research centers on how social norms and ideals such as virtue, nationality, and the public/private division, have been imagined and represented in Middle Eastern culture in both premodern and modern eras. He has also published articles on modernism in Arabic literature. He is the co-editor of Counterhegemony in the Colony and Postcolony and the author of Culture and Hegemony in the Colonial Middle East.


      A key element of the U.S


      and with whom no normative relations are possible.


      Derrida’s rejection of social values props up racism, homophobia, and misogyny and can only be negative.


      Fejfar, 07 (Anthony J, B



      I have heard that Derrida has deconstructed Derrida


      it’s very terms cannot support any positive statements.  


      Derrida’s linking of metaphysics to violence is problematic and can’t explain global oppression. It invalidates his entire worldview.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 225-226)


      Throughout his career, Derrida has been keen


      exaggerated—if it ever existed at all.

      Derrida is more concerned with homophones than politics


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      from Nietzsche to postmodernism, p. 229)


      The question of deconstruction’s relationship to contemporary politics


      pages on analogous linguistic slippages and fissures.25


      Derrida’s philosophy denies itself – can’t overcome a fundamental paradox of truth. Either they can’t access any truth claims, or they have no philosophical ground to stand on.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 222-223)


      Ironically, one detects a lethal self-


      founders under the weight of its own cleverness.


      Derrida’s phobic aversion to logic fails to produce political strategies – burden of proof is on them.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 223-225)


      Yet, assuming for the sake of argument


      clearly specified—citizens of a better world.


      Derrida’s deconstructionist attitude denies women their reproductive agency which is just as oppressive as defining women in terms of reproduction.


      Nilsson, 09 (Magnus, Director of




      Fraser doesn’t view deconstruction of collective identities as


      and/or ethnicity are categories worth rescuing.  


      We must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout


      Gordon and Gordon 95  senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)


      Consider the widespread oppression of women. Every


      , exploit, debase, and degrade women.


      Derrida’s rejection of law is ahistorical – law is key to attaining social justice.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 235-236)


      Yet contrary to Derrida's rash supposition that justice


      '" an allusion to Michel de Montaigne.


      Commitment to the rule of law is vital in preventing global nuclear conflict


      Rhyne 58

      (Charles, fmr president @ American Bar


      , gender modified)


      The tremendous yearning of all peoples for peace


      mechanism to achieve and maintain peace between nations.




      Deconstructionism disempowers resistance by removing texts from their genealogical contexts, creating an all-powerful sovereign.


      Wolin 04 (Richard, B.A


      to postmodernism, p. 229-230)


      One of the first to raise such charges


      an exclusive orientation toward politically pointless textual analysis.


      Without critical checks against biopower an unstoppable sovereign force can build viruses that are universally destructive, removing all power relations from our control.


      Foucault 76 Michel Foucault, chair at the College de France and all-American hero, 1976. Society Must Be Defended, p 253-254.


      We are, then, in a power


      will put it beyond all human sovereignty.



      Democracy and deconstructionism are incompatible: their philosophy leads to a search for madness that prevents us from understanding our agency with democracy.


      Wolin, 04 (Richard, B.


      from Nietzsche to postmodernism, p. 21)


      Over the last ten years Derrida has made


      not yet" of the gods to come


      Derrida’s argument is a misleading red herring designed to distract us from Zionist Imperialism.


      Wise, Christopher. Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East. New York, New York. Palgrave. Published 2009.  Christopher Wise (born 1961) is a scholar and professor of English and Comparative Literature at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. His research interests include comparative literature, postcolonial studies, critical theory, and Africa (particularly the Sahel), and the Middle East.


      In Specters of Marx, Derrida criticizes Francis


      " form of territorial conquest" (275).


      We should reject Derrida’s Zionistic politics as an attempt to know the Middle East.


      Wise, Christopher. Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East. New York, New York. Palgrave. Published 2009.  Christopher Wise (born 1961) is a scholar and professor of English and Comparative Literature at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. His research interests include comparative literature, postcolonial studies, critical theory, and Africa (particularly the Sahel), and the Middle East.


      In this chapter, I explore Jacques Derrida's


      than absolute or e"en historical event.

  • vs Bahrain Advisory Support (Stanford)

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: Stanford | Judge:

    • 1NC Payroll Politics

      1. Payroll tax cuts will pass now – both sides feel pressured to agree

      Washington Post 12/27 (2011, “Will the payroll tax conference committee be ‘Supercommittee 2.0’?”


      Failure is not an option (or is


      to work out an eleventh-hour deal.

      2. DA is controversial – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama has the upper hand on payroll tax cuts, but only if he doesn’t get tangled in partisan bickering over other legislation

      Washington Post 1/1 (2012, “Obama taking fight to Congress”, lexis, MV)


      After taking his lumps during the summer's bitter


      hanger" vote on Obama's domestic jobs agenda.

      4. Extension key to stop double dip

      Guardian 12/28 (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”, , DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However, research from the non-partisan


      -home pay at the worst possible time.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.

      1NC Threaten CP

      The United States federal government should inform Bahrain that it will suspend all security assistance to Bahrain unless Bahrain initiates a genuine political dialogue, meets explicit human rights benchmarks including the release of political prisoners, and initiates a democratic constitutional reform towards constititional monarchy.

      Conditioning security assistance to Bahrain on HR reforms benchmarks solves

      International Crisis Group 11 [POPULAR PROTEST IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST (VIII): BAHRAIN’S ROCKY ROAD TO REFORM, Middle East/North Africa Report N°111 – July 28, p. 23



      As the previous, partially successful U.


      exploring alternative options for basing the Fifth Fleet.

      Conditioning security assistance to Bahrain avoids the link to politics

      Francis, reporter based in Berlin and Washington, DC. In addition to repoting for the Fiscal Times, David is a correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, Financial Times Deutschland, and Deutsche Welle, 2011

      [David, The Financial Times, 3/16 2011, “Foreign Aid Dilemma: Dictators on our Dole,”]

      As violence rages in Libya and antigovernment protests


      governments to adopt reforms in this explosive region.


      Fem 1NC Shell


      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.

      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.

      5th Fleet

      1. Turn – kickout spurs a transition to better sea basing - 5th Fleet is not key to power projection

      Koplovsky 6 (PhD-Naval War College,


      Despite adamant arguments outlining the essential nature of


      improvements made to realize a flagship command posture.

      2. Fifth fleet won’t leave due to unrest - their claims are based on rumors without reliable sources

      Toumi 11 (7-22, Habib, MA  Mass Communications, University of Leicester, “US Navy dismisses reports it is moving out of Bahrain,” atw


      The US Navy has denied media reports it


      the Gulf, has little desire to move.

      3. Turn - Large footprint increases terrorist recruitment - generates resentment

      Koplovsky 6 (Michael Koplovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission @ U.S. Embassy Lusaka, Career Foreign Service Office, October 23, 2006, Precipitating the Inevitable: the Surprisingly Benign Impact of Losing Basing Rights in Bahrain, precipitating-inevitable-surprisingly-benign-impact/18387)


      Forward operating bases can carry unintended risks,


      the U.S. facilities in Bahrain.


      4. Turn - Fifth fleet makes conflicts worse – prevents US flexiblity in dealing with regional crises and emboldens allies

      Jones 11 (Toby C. Jones - Toby C. Jones is assistant professor of history at Rutgers University. He is author of Desert Kingdom: How Oil and Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia and an editor at Middle East Report, June 10, 2011,


      It is widely believed that the Fifth Fleet


      patrons in the U.S. military.


      5. Heg doesn’t solve war – no arms race or power vacuum

      Fettweis 10  Professor of national security affairs @ U.S. Naval War College.

      (Christopher J. “Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy,” Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2010 , pages 59 – 82informaworld) CMR


      One potential explanation for the growth of global


      world peace and US military expenditure are unrelated.

      6. Strong US heg in the Middle East is impossible

      Miller 11  Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”, CR


      Finally, if the tumultuous changes in the


      cannot remake and from which it cannot retreat.

      7. Fifth fleet loss is good – less Iran hostilities, better naval cooperation for other issues, and boosts diplomatic image

      Gresh 10 [Geoffrey F Gresh, research fellow and doctoral candidate at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. “Traversing the Persian Gauntlet: U.S. Naval Projection and the Strait of Hormuz”. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. Medford: Winter 2010. Vol. 34, Iss. 1; pg. 41. ProQuest.]


      However, the United States is able to


      confront more pressing situations at home and abroad.


      The economy can withstand oil shocks - market adaptations solve

      Gholz and Press 7 (Eugene and Daryl G., University of Texas public affairs assistant prof. and Dartmouth government associate professor "Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil”, 4-5, ) atw


      In the five major oil supply shocks caused


      refiners, and major consumers to smooth risks.





      Multiple alt causes – There’s no way for the aff to bolster US cred in the Middle East through democracy assistance

      Choucair-Vizoso 8 [as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 272-273]


      U.S. rhetoric since 2002 has


      international democracy promotion less controversial and more effective.


      US involvement causes backlash and resentment - perceived as imperialist intervention

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      Alt cause: their Stanley 7 evidence is about making a consistant US nuclear and proliferation policy. They don’t solve. <Here’s the conclusion of their article>


      Stanley 7—Elizabeth Stanley, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Security Studies in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Department of Government, 7 “International Perceptions of US Nuclear Policy” Sandia Report,


      If soft power is important in today’s security


      the US as a heightened insecurity as well. 

      Soft power support for democracy in the Middle East trades off with hard power goals

      Nye 11 [former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and professor at Harvard University

      Joseph S. Jr. “Obama’s Tightrope”, 3-8, nye92/English, CMR]


      CAMBRIDGE – According to a United States State


      through banking, commercial, and cultural networks.


      No risk of war – no one wants to take Israel on.


      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Of the dangers presented by the conflict between


      , a terrorism expert at the RAND Corp.





      Any concession to reformists would cause hardliner backlash and instability.

      Gengler 11 [Justin Gengler, Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan, “ A Parliament Without Opposition,” 8-13-11



      The other question, of course, is


      Slogans!!" So this is a heartening development.


      Say no – radicals derail and constitutional monarchy is absolute red line

      Ghezali 11 [Rabah Ghezali, member of the Transatlantic Network 2020, and special to CNN, 9-13-2011, CNN, ]


      Inside the regime, the gap has widened


      Minister are red lines.


      No solvency - Obama already pushed a dialogue and it didn’t work

      Aslan Media 11 (Aslan Media, Columnist, 5/24/11, Obama's Stand on Bahrain ,


      Before the speech, pundits from various news


      to a policy of reform rather than repression.”


      Government initiated reforms don’t work – those in power will protect themselves

      Ottaway 8 Director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and senior associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project, 2008

      [Marina, Evaluating Middle East Reform: Significant or Cosmetic?, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 8-9]


      What leads to political paradigm shifts? In


      , unlikely to trigger a political paradigm shift.



      2NC Politics

      Disad Turns Case – Failure to reverse the current economic decline will result in multiple scenarios for global war and the isolationist collapse of American hegemony

      Ferguson 9 (Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard, 3-14-2009 The Times “Introducing the axis of upheaval”)


      The bad news for his successor, Barack


      three. The age of upheaval starts here.


      Econ decline turns their heg advantage

      Chicago Tribune 9 (“Realities and Obama's diplomacy” By Robert A. Pape,  )


      For nearly two decades, 


      ambitious goals than merely maintaining the status quo. 

      Links to politics -- Congress will inevitably get involved

      Mayer 01 (Kenneth, Proff. Of Polt. Science Univ. of Wisconsin, Princeton Univ., “With the Stroke of a Pen: Executive Orders and Presidential Power”, p. 222-223, CBC

      The ultimate check on executive energy is


      of just how much executive power is enough.


      A longer extension of payroll tax cuts is key to the economy – increased spending and consumer confidence

      The Washington Times 11/29 (2011, “Economists fear withdrawal symptoms if payroll-tax cut vanishes”, lexis, MV)


      It was the tax cut that nobody noticed


      lost considerable purchasing power without the tax cut.

      Payroll tax cuts are key to economic recovery

      Weller 11 (Christian E. Weller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress.,


      The centerpiece of the jobs plan unveiled by


      but sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

      Social Security is doomed

      New York Times 10 (March 24th,


      The bursting of the real estate bubble and


      more than its balance in any given year.


      2NC CP

      Your ev says ONLY the CP solves your middle east cred advantage – plan can’t

      Ottaway, Analyst @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2011

      [Marina, Bahrain: Between the United States and Saudi Arabia, Commentary, April 4,]

      But U.S. concerns in dealing


      of its conflicting interests it wants to protect.

      They’d obviously say yes – zero risk of base kickout

      Colangelo-Bryan, Politico Columnist, 2011

      [Joshua, 4/11, Politico, ,]

      The Obama administration must do all it can so that the people protesting for freedom do not view Washington as the monarchy’s enabler, particularly because the monarchy is losing legitimacy with a majority of its people.

      Washington should speak out, making clear that


      must have a say in their country’s future.

      Dependence on US security relationship means they’ll say yes

      Al-Ahmed, Director-Institute for Gulf Affairs, 2011

      [Ali Policy Brief: The Crisis in Bahrain, May, p. 19]

      It is important that the United States begin


      real political reform.

      Keeping the threat private is normal means – still solves anti-americanism and US cred and avoids Saudi disad – solves better by avoiding Iran meddling while solving the turns

      Leigh, Journalist at Time and Hindustan Times, 2011

      [The U.S. and Bahrain:, Wednesday, June 08, 2011, Time,,8599,2076559,00.html]

      At stake going forward is the U.


      and tear gas stops raining down on Manama.


      1NR Case

      The Supreme Leader of Iran will take all steps to prevent war, including removing Ahmadinejad, and internal resistance to the president is increasing to check the president.


      Escobar, 07.

      [Pepe, “Attack Iran and you attack Russia,” 10/25,]

      The apparent internal controversy on how exactly Putin


      Supreme Leader may simply get rid of him.



  • vs Prison Industrial Complex/Race (Fullerton)

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge:

    • 1NC Critical T


      The affirmative should have to defend a plan that endorses democracy assistance to Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, or Tunisia.


       “Should” primarily expresses a duty or obligation to act.  A policy action statement meets that duty, while speculation does not.


      ____American Heritage® Dictionary 96

       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company,, accessed 4/2/01]


      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.


                  1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.

      Democracy Assistance means grant-aided support for local pro-democracy initiatives, even the broadest interpretations of what this means should not include indirect consequences if we want the topic to have any meaning

      Burnell, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, 2007

      [Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” German Development Institute, Discussion Paper,, p. 4-5]

      All things considered, however, there is


      direct democracy assistance work?


      You must hold them accountable for the resolution – the best way to access topic specific education and all education derived from the affirmative is by having a common starting point for discussion.

      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-183]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.


      Lat Crit 1NC

      The aff only describes one facet of race but claims that it is a universal approach – this renders anyone outside of Black/White invisible

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1254]


      My objection to the state of most current


      . Accordingly, they reproduce a serious harm.

      Turns the aff – we can never solve white racism

      Perea 10 [Cone, Wagner, Nugent, Johnson, Hazouri & Roth Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, Juan, AN ESSAY ON THE ICONIC STATUS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND ITS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, Vol. 18:1, Fall, p. 57-58,]


      Lastly, recognizing a fuller scope of civil


      , further forward, and to the side.

      Thus the alternative: reject the aff’s Black/White binary of race.

      This is crucial to build democratic alliances that challenge all oppression.

      West 93 [ultimate badass, Cornel, Race Matters, p. 103-104]


      If we are to build on the best


      of this country may well depend on it.


      Democracy CP

      Text: Abolish the prison-industrial complex by embracing a radical abolitionist pedagogy.


      The net benefit is biopower. There is very little difference between democratic and totalitarian states – the difference lies within the State’s ability to conceal its violent biopolitical nature and legitimize atrocity in the name of life preservation.


      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, philosopher and professor of aesthetics at University of Verona Italy, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1998, p. 121-121)


      The contiguity between mass democracy and totalitarian states


      fascism in Europe also have their roots here.



      AND, that puts us on the edge of extinction.

      Bernauer 90 (James, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight, 1990, p. 141-142)


      This capacity of power to conceal itself cannot


      has tightened around each of our own necks.



      Zizek 1NC

      Identity-based struggles can never come to grips with the Real of Capital because today’s global capitalism relentlessly fragments identities to ensure that capital’s homogenizing force will prevail.

      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 11-15

      So where are we, today, with


      is purely ‘objective’, systemic, anonymous.

      Impact-Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite appropriate recent example would be Kevin Kline's blurting out 'I'm gay' instead of 'Yes!' during the wedding ceremony in In and Out: openly admitting the truth that he is gay, and thus surprising not only us, the spectators, but even himself 51 In a series of recent {commercial) films, we find the same surprising radical gestw·e. In Speed, when the hero (Keanu Reevesis confronting the ter0rsist blackmailer partner who holds his partner at gunpoint, he shoots not the blackmailer , but his own partner in the leg - this apparently senseless act momentarily shocks the blackmailer, who lets go of the hostage and runs away .. .. In Ransom, when the media tycoon (Mel Gibson) goes on television to answer the kidnappers request for two million dollars as a ransom for his son, he surprises everyone by saying that he wiU offer two million dollars to anyone who will give him any information about the kidnappe rs, and announces that he will pursue them to the end, with all his resources, if they do not release his son immediately. This radical gesture stuns not only the kidnappers - immediately after accomplishing it, Gibson himself almost breaks down, aware of the risk he is courting .... And finally, the supreme case: when, in the flashback scene from The Usual Suspects, the mysterious Keyser Soeze (Kevin Stacey) returns home and finds his wife and small daughter held at gunpoint by the members of a rival mob, he resorts to the radical gesture of shooting his wife and daughter themselves dead this act enables him mercilessly to pursue members of the rival gang, their families, parents, friends, killing them all .... What these three gestures have in common is that, in a situation of the forced choice, the subject makes the crazy, impossible choice of, in a way, striking at [them] himself, at what is most precious to [them] himself. This act, far from amounting to a case of impotent aggressivity turned on oneself, rather changes the co-ordinates of the situation in which the subject finds [them] himselfby cutting [them] himself loose from the precious object through whose possession the enemy kept [them]him in checkthe subject gains the space of free action. Is not such a radical gesture of ‘striking at oneself’ constitutive of subjectivity as such? Did not Lacan himself accomplish a similar act of ‘shooting at himself’ when, in 1979, he discovered the Ecolejreudienne de Paris, his agalma, his own organization, the very space of his collective life? Yet he was well aware that only such a ‘self-destructive’ act could clear the terrain for a new beginningIn the domain of politics proper, most of today’s Left succumbs to ideological blackmail by the Right in accepting its basic premises (‘the era of the welfare state, with its unlimited spending, is over’, etc.) – ultimately, this is what the celebrated ‘Third Way’ of today’s social democracy is about. In such conditions, an authentic act would be to counter the Rightist agitation apropos of some ‘radical’ measure (‘You want the impossible; this will lead to catastrophe, to more state intervention…) not by defending ourselves by saying that this is not what we mean, that we are no longer the old Socialists, that the proposed measures will not increase the state budget, that they will even render state expenditure more ‘effective’ and give a boost to investment, and so on and so forthbut by a resounding ‘Yes, that is precisely what we want! Although Clinton’s presidency epitomizes the Third Way of today’s (ex-) Left succumbing to Rightist ideological blackmail, his healthcare reform programme would none the less amount to a kind of act, at least in today’s conditions, since it would be based on the rejection of the hegemonic notions of the need to curtail Big State expenditure and administration – in a way, it would ‘do the impossible.’ No wonder, then, that it failed: its failure – perhaps the only significant, albeit negative, event of Clinton’s presidency – bears witness to the material force of the ideological notion of ‘free choice.’ That is to say: although the great majority of so-called ‘ordinary people’ were not properly acquainted with the reform programme, the medical lobby (twice as strong as the infamous defence lobby!) succeeded in imposing on the public the fundamental idea that with universal healthcarefree choice (in matters concerning medicine) would be somehow threatened – against this purely fictional reference to ‘free choice’, any enumeration of ‘hard facts’ (in Canada, healthcare is less expensive and more effective, with no less free choice, etc.) proved ineffectual. As for the subject’s (agent’s) identity: in an authentic act, I do no simply express/actualize my inner nature – rather, I redefine myself, the very core of my identity. To evoke Butler’s often-repeated example of a subject who has a deep homosexual ‘passionate attachment’, yet is unable openly to acknowledge it, it make it part of his symbolic identity: in an authentic sexual act, the subject would have to change the way he relates to his homosexual ‘passionate attachment’ – not only in the sense of ‘coming out’, of cully identifying himself as gayAn act does not only shift the limit that divides our identity into the acknowledged and the disavowed part more in the direction of the disavowed part it does not only make us to accept as ‘possible’ our innermost disavowed ‘impossible’ fantasies: it transforms the very coordinates of the disavowed phantasmic foundation of our beingAn act does not merely redraw the contours of our public symbolic identity, it also transforms the spectral dimension that sustains this identity, the undead ghosts that haunt the living subject, the secret history of traumatic fantasies transmitted ‘between the lines’, through the lacks and distorios of the explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.


      Slaughterhouse 1NC

      Time is a block that makes epistemic suffering meaningless

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

       'The most important thing I learned on


      , which is "so it goes."'

      The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative.

      Only by embracing the deterministic nature of events can we eliminate epistemic suffering

      Vonnegut 69 (Kurt, Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade, , 1969)

      Billy expected the Tralfamadorians to be baffled and


      , and concentrate on the good ones.'


      Assistance PIC 1NC

      We endorse the 1AC except for any references to "assistance"


      The net benefit is two-fold:

      FIRST is topic specific education.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 188-189 ]

      In defining democracy assistance, it is paramount


      promotion paradigm.



      It closes any avenue to learn about whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea and come to understand its effects within the world.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 194 ]

      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      likelihood of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable



      SECOND, Democracy assistance is key to women’s right’s movements – Programs like US assistance to YWU projects to stop child marriages would become a casualty in the wake of the aff.

      USAID 9, YEMEN BASIC HEALTH SERVICES (BHS) PROJECT Mid-Term Evaluation September 2009 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Joy Riggs-Perla, Nahed Matta, and Nevine Hassanein through the Global Health Technical Assistance Project.


      This is a new USAID activity started in


      post-intervention survey (see section V).

      Child marriage leads to a laundry list of impacts.

      By: Rati Bishnoi 11, Special Projects Intern at Women Deliver Celebrate Solutions: Community educators change perceptions of child marriage in Yemen May 31st, 2011


      Nearly one-half or 48 percent of


      they can have both.


      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy

      Sabbagh, former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, , p. 67]


      The women’s movementis the detonator


      potential as the harbingers of a better future.

      2NC CP


      We must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout

      Gordon, senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)


      Consider the widespread oppression of women. Every


      , exploit, debase, and degrade women.


      It closes any avenue to learn about whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea and come to understand its effects within the world.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 194 ]

      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      likelihood of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable


      2NC Lat Crit


      Their characterizations of race that categorize everything as part of a Black/White paradigm – this excludes Latinas from analysis, which reproduces racism

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1214-1216]


      [*1214] This Article is about how


      the Black/White binary paradigm of race.

      They reify negative racial categories

      Leong, Assistant Professor, William and Mary School of Law, 2010



      Multiracial individuals have long vexed courts and commentators


      preventing society from moving beyond these arbitrary categories.



      Understanding of the Black-White relationship doesn’t promote understandings of other racisms

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1237]

      The very conscious recognition and use of White


      of White-against-Black racism. n114

      Rejecting sovereignty is a link – they ignore groups that strive for sovereignty

      Perea, Cone, Wagner, Nugent, Johnson, Hazouri & Roth Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, 2010

      [Juan, AN ESSAY ON THE ICONIC STATUS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND ITS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, Vol. 18:1, Fall, p. 57,]


      There are important reasons to recognize the Chicano


      it differs from the African-American struggle.

      **A2: White Supremacy structures all other relationships

      Perea 97 [Professor of Law, University of Florida College of Law, Juan, RACE, ETHNICITY & NATIONHOOD: ARTICLE: The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought, California Law Review, October, 1997, 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, p. 1237]

      The very conscious recognition and use of White


      of White-against-Black racism. n114


      1NR Zizek




      Zizek 2k

      [Slavoj, American Hero, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, p. 325-6]


      I fully agree with Laclau that after the


      heart liberals as Linkgaschismus, so be it!


      1. Only a full recognition of the flawed nature of politics can avoid capitalist totalitarianism – our particular struggle is key.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute for sociology at Ljubljana, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989, pg. 4-5

      Psychoanalytic ‘essentialism’ is paradoxical in so far


      of this basic antagonism, this basic impossibility.


      3. Relying on hard reality only leads to an inability to attain primordial Freedom- the aff’s advocacy of their advantage impacts means they can’t solve

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at university of Ljubljana, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, 1996, pg.  230-231

      The emergence of human freedom can be accounted


      created universe regains the abyss of primordial Freedom.


      The permutation perverts our complaint to legal obligation. It leads to surplus enjoyment and destruction

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  361

      The specific feature of the ‘culture of


      obscene Other as the instrument of jouissance) .~‘


      Democracy positions governments as able to ignore the people – non-elected governments are more responsive without this excuse. The tie between democracy and capitalism is thus despotic – it is inherently incapable of controlling wild capitalism.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      On the other hand, no matter how


      more threatening to the dominant global order of things



      They say the alt doesn’t solve because it puts anti-Blackness on the backburner. They’ve got it backwards – anti-Blackness puts capitalism on the backburner. Fighting against racism in a Capitalist world disguises the forces of capitalism as racism.


      Slavoj Zizek, researcher at the institute of sociology at the university of Ljubljana, The Plague of Fantasies, 1997. pg.   162-163

      A further thing to note about the white


      social administration, is the historical Real itself.


      Race oppression is used by capital to ideologically justify economic exploitation—the eradication of racism requires a totalizing critique of capitalism.


      Young, 06

      (Robert, Red Critique, “Putting Materialism Back into Race Theory,” Winter/Spring,  , Accessed 7-11-09, PAK)


      This essay advances a materialist theory of race


      , ultimately, requires the transformation of capitalism.


  • vs Tunisia Good Governance (Mary Washington)

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 6 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge:

    • 1NC Payroll Politics

      1. Payroll tax cuts will pass now – both sides feel pressured to agree

      Washington Post 12/27 (2011, “Will the payroll tax conference committee be ‘Supercommittee 2.0’?”


      Failure is not an option (or is


      to work out an eleventh-hour deal.

      2. DA is controversial – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama has the upper hand on payroll tax cuts, but only if he doesn’t get tangled in partisan bickering over other legislation

      Washington Post 1/1 (2012, “Obama taking fight to Congress”, lexis, MV)


      After taking his lumps during the summer's bitter


      hanger" vote on Obama's domestic jobs agenda.

      4. Extension key to stop double dip

      Guardian 12/28 (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”, , DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However, research from the non-partisan


      -home pay at the worst possible time.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.

      CP 1NC

      Text:  The United States federal government should offer necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including active public and government internal monitoring, for Tunisia on the condition that corruption prevention measures are established or in the process of being established, including: a free press, independent judiciary, a counter-corruption commission, an ombudsman, audit agencies, and guarantee these all have the legal authority and resources to monitor conduct and punish wrongdoing.  The United States federal government should provide technical assistance for the creation of these institutions.

      We should condition democracy assistance on corruption reform – corruption makes democratic backsliding inevitable – the counterplan is key to winning hearts and minds on the ground, which proves recipients would say yes.

      Diamond 8 (Larry, “End Foreign Aid As We Know It”, Democracy Journal, Issue #8, Spring, accessed online p.


      After more than four decades and $500


      own security–by showing that we agree.


      Conditioning assistance avoids the link to politics

      Francis, reporter based in Berlin and Washington, DC. In addition to repoting for the Fiscal Times, David is a correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, Financial Times Deutschland, and Deutsche Welle, 2011

      [David, The Financial Times, 3/16 2011, “Foreign Aid Dilemma: Dictators on our Dole,”]

      As violence rages in Libya and antigovernment protests


      governments to adopt reforms in this explosive region.


      Fem 1NC Shell


      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.


      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.



      1NC Credibility Adv

      US working to undermine Iran now – democracy assistance not key

      Barnes et al, WSJ, 9-6-11

      [Julian, Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman, “US Eyes Covert Plan to Counter Iran in Iraq,” 9-6-11,, accessed 10-20-11] acs

      WASHINGTON -- Military commanders and intelligence officers are


      is Tehran's increased arms smuggling to its allies.


      Tunisia will say no – they don’t want foreign intervention – that kills cred.

      Barnett, Policy Mic, 6-24-11

      [Carolyn, “When We Don't Need U.S. Aid”, accessed 10-20-11] acs

      The real question is not what form assistance


      form could ultimately harm our image and influence.

      Multiple alt causes – There’s no way for the aff to bolster US cred in the Middle East through democracy assistance

      Choucair-Vizoso 8 [as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 272-273]


      U.S. rhetoric since 2002 has


      international democracy promotion less controversial and more effective.


      US involvement causes backlash and resentment - perceived as imperialist intervention

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.



      1NC Tunisia Adv

      China is watching the Middle East now – over-exerting US policy would terminally collapse cooperation

      Paal 11 (Feb 26th, Douglas, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase International (2006–2008), and as unofficial U.S. representative to Taiwan as director of the American Institute in Taiwan (2002–2006). He was on the National Security Council staffs of Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush between 1986 and 1993 as director of Asian Affairs, and then as senior director and special assistant to the President. (China Reacts to Middle East Unrest, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,, MCL)


      Beijing is very far from Tunis, Cairo


      aside, with little prospect for an upside.

      U.S.-Sino relations solves economic decline and is a prereq to solving every impact – creates the foundation for global interests

      Cohen 9 (William S., Center for Strategic and International Studies Counselor and Trustee

       , “Smart Power in U.S.-China Relations,”


      The evolution of Sino-U.S


      in the midst of the current global financial crisis

      Global economic recovery key to prevent nuclear World War III

      O'Donnell 9 [2009 Baltimore Republican Examiner writer and Marine Corps Reserve squad leader, 9

      [Sean, 2-26-2009, The Baltimore Republican Examiner, "Will this recession lead to World War III?," 3108-Baltimore-Republican- Examiner~y2009m2d26-Will-this- recession-lead-to-World-War- III]


      Could the current economic crisis affecting this country


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.


      Fears of political division are all based on rhetorical hype by parties trying to garner support -politicians agree the assembly won’t be slanted in one direction

      Alexander, Davidson College's McGee director of the Dean Rusk International Studies Program, an associate professor of political science, and author of Tunisia: Stability and Reform in the Modern Maghreb, 2011

      [Christopher, From the Foreign Policy online article “Suspicion and Strategy in Free Tunisia” June 20th ] acs


      Poll numbers have shifted in recent weeks,


      parties and the large stable of new ones.


      Tunisian transition democracy is inevitable—multiple warrants

      Hamdan, former DPA correspondent in Cairo and the Gulf, was the founding executive director of the Arab Human Rights Fund, 8-30-2011

      [Fouad, “Tunisian Progress to Democracy Unstoppable”, Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Arab Spring Issue 28,]

      Despite continuing protests and efforts by Ben Ali


      they never give up.”


      No risk of war – no one wants to take Israel on.


      Sappenfield, 06.

      [Mark, “Wider war in Middle East? Not likely.” July 18,]

      Of the dangers presented by the conflict between


      , a terrorism expert at the RAND Corp.



      1NC Solvency

      US non-intervention in Tunisia is key to a successful democratic transition there and in the Arab world

      Nasser, Senior Journalist reporting overseas for the Palestine Journal, 2011

      Nicola, “United States has a Choice in Tunisia” January 21st

      The U.S. risks


      more a wishful thinking than a realpolitik expectation.

      US-led democratization backfires and causes authoritarianism – Iraq proves

      Larison, contributing editor to The American Conservative, 8-15-11

      (Daniel, ““Iraq the Model” Sides with Assad,”, accessed 10-20-11] acs

      Paul Pillar observes that U.S.-


      .-led democracy promotion in the previous decade.


      No solvency – Ben Ali crushed the soul out of the opposition. Empirics prove the plan fails

      Heydemann, United States Institute of Peace vice president, 1-26-2011

      [Steven, “Tunisia and the future of democracy promotion in the Arab world”, accessed 10-20-11] acs

      If Arab regimes are learning from and adapting


      at containing the arbitrary power of authoritarian regimes.


      No solvency – the public thinks the transition is incomprehensible

      Valdmanis, Reuters, 9-7-11

      (Richard, “Analysis - Confusion reigns ahead of Tunisia vote,”, accessed 9-9-11, CMM)

      TUNIS (Reuters)- - After standing up


      military-backed interim authority," he said.



      2NC Payroll

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."

      Disad turns case – Economic strength key to hard and soft power

      Scott 9 (David, Democratic Member Of The Us House Of Representatives, “Foreign Policy Implications Of U.S. Efforts To Address The International Financial Crisis: Tarp (Troubled Asset Relief Program), Talf (Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility) And The G-20 Plan;”, June 10, 2009, Federal News Service, Lexis) 


      The United States has been and certainly still


      in our economic might, real and perceived.

      Huffington Post 11 (5/18,


      The president’s speech will focus largely on the


      surface with similar objections to erasing Egypt's debt.


      Republicans oppose reprogramming DA – trades off with programs they like

      Rogin 11 (Josh, 4/6 “Lugar Holding Up State Department Funds for Tunisian Democracy”


      The State Department wants to shift resources toward


      ranking Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN).


      Payroll tax cuts will pass – Republicans don’t want them to expire and the Tea Party will behave

      The Hill 1/2 (2012, “McConnell, Boehner face tough job of smoothing tensions when they return”, MV)


      The GOP strategist said it will be difficult


      they haven’t dealt with the politics as much.”

      Opposition is just grandstanding – the sides are close together and Republicans fear completely blocking an extension will make them look bad

      CSM 12/27 ('Payroll Tax, The Sequel': Did either side learn any lessons from Part 1?; 
      The impasse over the payroll tax cut sent the public approval rating for Congress to new depths even as it gave Obama a corresponding boost. But as negotiators reopen discussions for a longer deal, all bets are off., 2011, lexis, MV)


      After a raucus caucus meeting on Tuesday,


      faith, this can be resolved rather easily."



      The conference committee is just a media showcase – passage is likely because the GOP leadership will have to give in

      Dayen 1/2 (David, writer for FiredogLake and the American Prospect, 2012, MV)


      On the contrary, Crapo voted for the


      But it’s not really a conference committee decision.





      Foreign policy victories don’t help Obama in battles over domestic issues

      Friedman 9/20 (George, 2011, Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities, n American political scientist and author. He is the founder, chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO of the private intelligence corporation Stratfor, weekly/20110919-obamas-dilemma-us-foreign-policy-and-electoral-realities?utm_source=freelistf&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20110920& utm_term=gweekly&utm_content=readmore&elq=5b5fbcb16ffe4179abd4ca1cdacac4b0)


      His primary victory, health-care reform


      presidency will force him away from foreign policy.



      Victories build opposition- wins create resentment for Obama

      Purdum 10 (Todd, Award winning journalist  for the NYT, Vanity Fair Columnist, December 20, "Obama Is Suffering Because of His Achievements, Not Despite Them",


      With this weekend’s decisive Senate repeal of the


      sensibly and simply, to the American public.

      2NC Counterplan

      Normal means is *incentive* based aid, not *conditioned* aid – these are distinct.

      Santiso ‘1

      (Carlos, John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, “International Cooperation for Democracy and Good Governance:  Moving Toward a Second Generation?”, European Journal of Development Research, Volume 13, Number 1, June 2001, p. 154-180, available online

      Most bilateral donors are increasingly relying on incentive


      or used to promote ‘good policies’.5


      Severs out of resolved – it means to be firmly determined.

      The Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd edition revised), 2005

      resolved adjective

      [predic., with infinitive] firmly determined to do something


      Severs out of should – means mandatory standards.

      A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, Bryan A Garner, scholar of the English Language, March 2001

      Should. Oddly, should, like may


      ...” See ought (b) & shall.


      Counterplan is predictable – it’s one of the three methods to do the aff.

      Santiso ‘1

      (Carlos, John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, “International Cooperation for Democracy and Good Governance:  Moving Toward a Second Generation?”, European Journal of Development Research, Volume 13, Number 1, June 2001, p. 154-180, available online

      Aid donors use three general approaches to help


      democratisation, but which lack resources or expertise.



      1NR Fem IR

      We can’t merely add women to the affirmative’s theoretical framework- feminist scholarship requires reframing our theory of international relations. The lens of the aff and the lens of the K contradict.


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p.245-6 in the same epistemological…international relations


      In the same epistemological vein, feminist scholarship


      conceptualize international relations (Crenshaw 1989; 2000).


      The “add-and-stir” method of incorporating women into IR fails. It’s not about adding women, it’s about changing the entire frame of IR.


      Warren & Cady 94 Karen & Duane, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections”, Hypatia Volume: 9. Issue: 2, pp 1, DJ


      What do feminism and peace have to do


      feminist scholarship informs mainstream philosophical discussions of peace.


      Working within the realm of the state only makes it more possible to maintain current oppressive systems because the bases of all law and the idea of the state exclude women by putting them in a separate sphere of being.


      Charlesworth, Chinkin, and Wright, 91 (Christine Chinkin - Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Shelley Wright - Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Law School, Hilary Charlesworth, 1991, “Feminist Approaches to International Law,” American Journal of International Law,, CM)


      States are held responsible for torture only when


      by the state to achieve national goals.9


      Questions of method come first – status quo empiricism constructs an image of the world that it equates with truth. This refactors women into sex objects. Their reliance on objectivity and empirics is a link because they conflate a prospective with a non-prospective.


      MacKinnon 82 Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory Author(s): Catharine A. MacKinnon Reviewed work(s): Source: Signs, Vol. 7, No. 3, Feminist Theory (Spring, 1982), pp. 515-544 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 10/11/2011 16:57 University of Michigan (Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law, 1989–) York University (Professor of Law, 1988–1989) various universities (Visiting Professor, 1984–1988) University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor of Law, 1982–1984)


      Through consciousness raising, women grasp the collective


      , an unreal thing with very real consequences.



      Patriarchy eliminating matriarchy disrupts a balance and perpetuates war and risks the destruction of humanity. All their impact claims are inevitable in a world where patriarchy wins this final war.

      Werlhof 7 [Claudia von, Feminist philosopher, Toronto. “Women and the Gift Economy. A Radically Different World View is Possible,” in CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY AND THE NEGATION OF MATRIARCHY: THE STRUGGLE FOR A “DEEP” ALTERNATIVE 2007 (Inanna), pp. 139-153 ]


      Patriarchal society as we know it, did


      nature and women has almost never been recognized.



  • vs Affirm the topic as it is (Idaho State DJ)

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 2 | Opponent: Idaho State DJ | Judge: Sam Maurer

    • 1NC


      The topic is defined by the phrase following the colon – the USFG is the agent of the resolution, not the individual debaters


      Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing – 2000


      Use of a colon before a list or


      clause after the colon with a capital letter.


      “Resolved” expresses intent to implement the plan


      American Heritage Dictionary 2000

      To find a solution to; solve  To bring to a usually successful conclusion


      “Should” denotes an expectation of enacting a plan


      American Heritage Dictionary2000 []

      Used to express probability or expectation


       “The USFG” is the government in Washington D.C.

      Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 []

      The federal government of the United States is centered in Washington DC.”


      our definition excludes action by smaller political groups or individuals.


      Black’s Law Dictionary Seventh Edition Ed. Bryan A. Garner (chief) 1999

      Federal government 1. A national government that


      the right to participate in national political matters.


      Ground – The aff will always win that the principles of their advocacy are good in the abstract – we can only debate the merits of their aff if they defend the specific consequences of political implementation


      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 20-1


      As for moral perfectionism, this would be


      one right might lead us to betray another.


      Topical Education – By manipulating the topic to access their political project they skirt debate about the implementation of policies by the government. Their education is distrusting of institutional study and pragmatic reform. Even if their intentions are noble, their message results in fascist totalitarianism


      Martin Lewis, Assistant Professor at George Washington, 1992 Green Delusions p. 258


      A majority of those born between 1960 and


      immorality, and constitutional refinements become inconvenient niceties.


      This argument provides a-priori reasons to vote negative. You must use your ballot to ratify constraints on discourse to preserve a politically-enabling discussion


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 179

      To put this point another way, it


      and firm support that we can give them.



      Democracy positions governments as able to ignore the people – non-elected governments are more responsive without this excuse. The tie between democracy and capitalism is thus despotic – it is inherently incapable of controlling wild capitalism.


      Slavoj Zizek 2011, Living in the End Times. “The most dangerous philosopher in the West” and professor at the European Graduate School.


      On the other hand, no matter how


      more threatening to the dominant global order of things


      Capital’s destructive cycle will lead to the end of humanity as global capital begins to try to create an international supercommunity – the uber-capitalist force will destroy the enviroment.

      Slavoj Zizek, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg. 4

      While this book is philosophical in its basic


      Not guilty!’ for the Cartesian subject.


      Like the Tunisian fruit seller, the alt is to run into the fire: our batshit insane attack against the multiculturalist fantasy gives us the space for free action. Only this allows us to authentically redefine our identity.


      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, pg. 122-124 gjm. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies. Ljublijana, Slovenia]



      In film, a modest, not quite


      explicit symbolic texture of his or her identity.


      1. Payroll tax cuts will pass now – both sides feel pressured to agree

      Washington Post 12/27 (2011, “Will the payroll tax conference committee be ‘Supercommittee 2.0’?”


      Failure is not an option (or is


      to work out an eleventh-hour deal.

      2. DA is controversial – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama has the upper hand on payroll tax cuts, but only if he doesn’t get tangled in partisan bickering over other legislation

      Washington Post 1/1 (2012, “Obama taking fight to Congress”, lexis, MV)


      After taking his lumps during the summer's bitter


      hanger" vote on Obama's domestic jobs agenda.

      4. Extension key to stop double dip

      Guardian 12/28 (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”, , DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However, research from the non-partisan


      -home pay at the worst possible time.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.



      We endorse the affirmative’s advocacy except for any references to "assistance"


      The net benefit is topic specific education.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 188-189 ]

      In defining democracy assistance, it is paramount


      promotion paradigm.




      Political approaches to democracy aid solve – Focus on competition, catalytic activism, and organization solves best

      Carothers 9 (Thomas, Pres-Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace, “Democracy assistance: political vs. developmental?”, J of Democracy, web)


      The political approach has two principal strengths.


      civic resistance to the manipulation of an election.


      You’re responsible for the plan’s consequences – if we win our impact, moral rules should be suspended

      Shafer-Landau 97(Russ, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Ethics, Vol 104, No. 4)


      Even Nozick, a staunch absolutist, allows


      the prohibition on intentionally killing innocents is absolute.

      Equating states and individual morally is a misappropriation of ethical analysis; while it may be possible for individuals to follow strict moral codes of conduct, states can only justify their decisions consequentially.

      Stelzig 98 (Tim Stelzig, Attorney Advisor in the Competition Policy Division of the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau, former associate with Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, March 1998, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 146 U. Pa. L. Rev. 901, p. 959)


      This observation forms the basis for a deep


      that it results in harm to fewer individuals.


      Criticism rooted in the commitment to and expansion of majoritarian democracy is superior to your criticism

      West, Badass, 2004

      [Cornel, Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight against Imperialism, p. 59-62]


      The fundamental question of any serious engagement of


      have the courage and vision to do so.



      Threats aren’t arbitrary.  Can’t throw out security or wish away threatening postures—we have to develop strategies for coping with threat perceptions.

      Knudsen 1 (Olaf F., Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 360)


      During the Cold War, peace research was


      find adequate democratic procedures for dealing with them.


      Treating security as a speech act means there are an infinite number of security threats, making it impossible to solve. The word “security” is not itself harmful, only when used by actors in positions to make security choices, it doesn’t apply to us.

      Williams 3 (Michael C., university of Whales, “Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and

      International Politics”, , Vol. 47, No. 4) CC


      This stance allows the Copenhagen School to argue


      draw in attempting to securitize a given issue.

      War is inevitable – only realist scenario planning can solve conflict

      Walt 91 (Stephen Walt, University of Chicago, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, 1991, p.229., MHSOLT1289)


      A recurring theme of this essay has been


      policies cannot be evaluated and stopped in time.



      It closes any avenue to learn about whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea and come to understand its effects within the world.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 194 ]

      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      likelihood of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable



      We should exploit the gap between the ideals and realities of democracy as they

      Bush, Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology & Sociology @ Adelphi University, 2011

      [Melanie, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, p. 218]

      Strong beliefs in the principles of equality,


      crack, or an opening, therefore exists.


      Majoritarian democracy is a tool of the oppressed

      West, Badass, 2004 [Cornel, Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight against Imperialism, p. 68-69]

      The deep democratic tradition did not begin in


      sacred but the integrity of your own mind.



      Our framework solves this violence best -- Without predictable ground debate becomes meaningless and produces political strategy that is wedded to violence and fails to achieve productive change.

      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 182-3

      The point may seem trite, as surely


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.


      And, education about policy implementation key to training us against violence -- This education is uniquely important because post 9-11 responses to terror makes some government violence inevitable – the only way to ensure that violence doesn’t escalate out of control is by rejecting the impulse of utopianism and learning to debate about the consequences of political adoption


      Michael Ignatieff, Carr professor of human rights at Harvard, 2004 Lesser Evils p. 18-19


      To insist that justified exercises of coercion can


      submit to their judgment as to their correctness.

      Instrumental policy debate is key to solve totalitarianism

      Douglas Torgerson, professor of poli sci, 1999 “The promise of Green Politics” p. 154-6

      One rationale for Arendt’s emphasis on the intrinsic


      contained in the comic dimension of green politics.


      Role-playing is a form of defiant deliberative politics that reclaims the political sphere – means our interp solves the aff.

      Jessica Kulynych, Asst Professor of Political Science at Winthrop University, Polity, Winter, 1997, n2 p315(32)

      When we look at the success of citizen


      possibilities for an actually diverse and participatory democracy.

      Switch-sided debate is by its nature more suited to political deliberation than intellectual interrogation

      *gender modified

      Mary Dietz, Professor of Polisci at Minnesota, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 117-8

      Against this Vaclavian politics of truth, Ash


      Ash 1995, 36, italics mine). *


      No Turns - Education among students in this fashion can create new and radical political understandings


      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 112-3


      A new via media will also encourage a


      so far off as we might think. &


      They can only win on what their policy option does.

      Narahiku Inoue (Ph.D Kyushu Univ.) 2000 debate – a process of inquiry and advocacy

      Debate considers two choices but discussion may consider


      two choices: adopting or rejecting the proposal.



      Their interpretation lets them shield their aff from interrogative criticism by refusing to furnish it with a defense of practical application


      Ruth Lessl Shively, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 186-7

      In response to these arguments, the ambiguists


      to present their reasons for this alternative vision.

      Underlimiting debate is unethical because they ruin the ability to debate in a fashion that can effectuate political change


      Mary Dietz, Professor of Polisci at Minnesota, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 131-2

      If another of the imperatives of the political


      the citizento "live" them.






  • vs Bahrain Civil Society (George Mason LN)

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 4 | Opponent: George Mason LN | Judge: Jacob Polin

    • 1NC

      1NC Threaten CP

      The United States federal government should inform Bahrain that it will suspend all security assistance to Bahrain unless Bahrain initiates a genuine political dialogue, meets explicit human rights benchmarks including the release of political prisoners, and initiates a democratic constitutional reform towards constititional monarchy.

      Conditioning security assistance to Bahrain on HR reforms benchmarks solves

      International Crisis Group 11 [POPULAR PROTEST IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST (VIII): BAHRAIN’S ROCKY ROAD TO REFORM, Middle East/North Africa Report N°111 – July 28, p. 23



      As the previous, partially successful U.


      exploring alternative options for basing the Fifth Fleet.

      Conditioning security assistance to Bahrain avoids the link to politics

      Francis, reporter based in Berlin and Washington, DC. In addition to repoting for the Fiscal Times, David is a correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, Financial Times Deutschland, and Deutsche Welle, 2011

      [David, The Financial Times, 3/16 2011, “Foreign Aid Dilemma: Dictators on our Dole,”]

      As violence rages in Libya and antigovernment protests


      governments to adopt reforms in this explosive region.


      1NC Politics

      1. Payroll tax cuts will pass now – both sides feel pressured to agree

      Washington Post 12/27 (2011, “Will the payroll tax conference committee be ‘Supercommittee 2.0’?”


      Failure is not an option (or is


      to work out an eleventh-hour deal.

      2. DA is controversial – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama has the upper hand on payroll tax cuts, but only if he doesn’t get tangled in partisan bickering over other legislation

      Washington Post 1/1 (2012, “Obama taking fight to Congress”, lexis, MV)


      After taking his lumps during the summer's bitter


      hanger" vote on Obama's domestic jobs agenda.

      4. Extension key to stop double dip

      Guardian 12/28 (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”, , DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However, research from the non-partisan


      -home pay at the worst possible time.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009, , MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.


      1NC Fem IR

      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.

      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ

      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.


      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict

      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157

      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.


      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace

      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ

       Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.



      1NC Solvency FL

      Any concession to reformists would cause hardliner backlash and instability.

      Gengler 11 [Justin Gengler, Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan, “ A Parliament Without Opposition,” 8-13-11



      The other question, of course, is


      Slogans!!" So this is a heartening development.


      Say no – radicals derail and constitutional monarchy is absolute red line

      Ghezali 11 [Rabah Ghezali, member of the Transatlantic Network 2020, and special to CNN, 9-13-2011, CNN, ]


      Inside the regime, the gap has widened




      1NC Fifth Fleet FL

      1Fifth fleet won’t leave due to unrest - their claims are based on rumors without reliable sources

      Toumi 11 (7-22, Habib, MA  Mass Communications, University of Leicester, “US Navy dismisses reports it is moving out of Bahrain,” atw


      The US Navy has denied media reports it


      the Gulf, has little desire to move.

      2. Turn - Large footprint increases terrorist recruitment - generates resentment

      Koplovsky 6 (Michael Koplovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission @ U.S. Embassy Lusaka, Career Foreign Service Office, October 23, 2006, Precipitating the Inevitable: the Surprisingly Benign Impact of Losing Basing Rights in Bahrain, precipitating-inevitable-surprisingly-benign-impact/18387)


      Forward operating bases can carry unintended risks,


      the U.S. facilities in Bahrain.


      3. Heg doesn’t solve war – no arms race or power vacuum

      Fettweis 10  Professor of national security affairs @ U.S. Naval War College.

      (Christopher J. “Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy,” Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2010 , pages 59 – 82informaworld) CMR


      One potential explanation for the growth of global


      world peace and US military expenditure are unrelated.

      4. Strong US heg in the Middle East is impossible

      Miller 11  Summer 11 public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, served for two decades as an adviser to the U.S. secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An Arab Winter”, CR


      Finally, if the tumultuous changes in the


      cannot remake and from which it cannot retreat.

      5. Fifth fleet loss is good – less Iran hostilities, cooperation on pirates, and boosts diplomatic image

      Gresh 10 [Geoffrey F Gresh, research fellow and doctoral candidate at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. “Traversing the Persian Gauntlet: U.S. Naval Projection and the Strait of Hormuz”. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. Medford: Winter 2010. Vol. 34, Iss. 1; pg. 41. ProQuest.]


      However, the United States is able to


      confront more pressing situations at home and abroad.


      6. Obama is balancing support for the opposition and the regime now – aff undermines the this strategy

      Nye 11 [former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and professor at Harvard University

      Joseph S. Jr. “Obama’s Tightrope”, 3-8, nye92/English, CMR]


      CAMBRIDGE – According to a United States State


      through banking, commercial, and cultural networks.


      7. Naval patrols fail to deter pirates and instead presents them with targets

      Pein Sept. 12, 200Corey Pein is an award-winning investigative reporter and long-form narrative journalist who writes about the military industrial complex, money, politics and violence from London, UK. “Hijacking the Pirate Menace” MM


      For a moment, though, let's take


      to get a handle on loose radioactive materials.


      8. Turn – kickout spurs a transition to better sea basing - 5th Fleet is not key to power projection

      Koplovsky 6 (PhD-Naval War College,


      Despite adamant arguments outlining the essential nature of


      improvements made to realize a flagship command posture.

      9. Terrorists won’t get nukes

      Gertz and Lake 10 (Bill and Eli, Washington Times,, dw:4-14-2010, da: 7-6-2011, lido)


      However, Brian Jenkins, author of the


      Syria and instability in nuclear-armed Pakistan.


      1NC Iran FL

      1. Previous liberalization by the kingdom has failed to reduce violence, and U.S. involvement in Bahrain has only provoked Iran to intensify its efforts against Bahrain’s leadership.

      Belfer 11 [Mitchell A. Belfer, editor of the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies at the Metropolitan University Prague, October 6, 2011, Wall Street Journal, “Iran's Bahraini Ambitions”, <>]


      Today there is an intimidating imbalance of power


      only saw the Shiite community become more militant.

      2. Saudi-Iranian conflict is empirically denied – the attempted assasination should have destroyed Saudi Arabia and Iranian relations and triggered war.

      3. A democratic Bahrain would cause Iranian dominance over the oil market, and hegemony in the Middle East.

      Maginnis 11 [Robert Maginnis, national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, Human Events, February 21, 2011, “Bahrain's No Egypt” <>]


      Whether Iran seeks to reclaim Bahrain and/


      half of the world’s seaborne oil shipments pass.

      4. Iran has a high propensity to back down and they won’t use nuclear weapons – they only want a deterrent, and U.S. conventional superiority checks aggression

      Kam 4 (Ephraim Kam, Deputy Head, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel-Aviv University, December 18, 2004, Media Monitors Network, online:, accessed March 9, 2007)


      Under these pressures Iran has backed down,


      Iran itself is deterred by overwhelming American superiority.


      5. Multiple barriers to Iranian heg

      Savyon 11 (Savyon, director – Iranian Media Project @ Middle East Media Research Institute, 7/4/’11, A, “Iran's Defeat in the Bahrain Crisis: A Seminal Event in the Sunni-Shi'ite Conflict,”


      Despite its image as a looming superpower,


      left the Iranian regime in clearly reduced circumstances.




      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."


      Cuts will pass now – Republicans are afraid of Obama

      Politico 1/5 (House GOP weakened, divided By: Jake Sherman, January 5, 2012 05:10 PM EST,


      House Republicans aren’t looking for another bloody battle


      bill GOP leaders jammed through Congress before Christmas.

      Tax cuts will pass – open meetings

      Politico 1/5 (House Dems vow to keep payroll tax talk transparent,


      House Democrats on Thursday vowed to keep the


      talking about things that are under the table."


      Opposition is just grandstanding – the sides are close together and Republicans fear completely blocking an extension will make them look bad

      CSM 12/27 ('Payroll Tax, The Sequel': Did either side learn any lessons from Part 1?; 
      The impasse over the payroll tax cut sent the public approval rating for Congress to new depths even as it gave Obama a corresponding boost. But as negotiators reopen discussions for a longer deal, all bets are off., 2011, lexis, MV)


      After a raucus caucus meeting on Tuesday,


      faith, this can be resolved rather easily."

      Obama is pushing the payroll tax cuts – it’s the top agenda item

      LA Times 1/1 (2012, “Obama's resolution? To limit dealings with Congress”,0,2595075.story, MV)


      Reporting from Honolulu— Heading into the new


      a solution for the nation's high jobless rate.



      Obama’s political capital is high now – new tactics of persuasion

      Collins 1/3 (Samuel, staff writer for News, A new presidential swagger for the new year, 2012,, MV)


      January 2012 President Obama’s recent political victory -


      and the American public believe in his vision.


      Cordray increased Obama’s political capital

      The Hill 1/6 (Obama takes advantage of GOP absence to score political points

      By Amie Parnes - 01/06/12,


      President Obama has taken advantage of a political


      he averaged in the low 40 percent range.


      Foreign policy victories don’t help Obama in battles over domestic issues

      Friedman 9/20 (George, 2011, Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities, n American political scientist and author. He is the founder, chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO of the private intelligence corporation Stratfor, weekly/20110919-obamas-dilemma-us-foreign-policy-and-electoral-realities?utm_source=freelistf&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20110920& utm_term=gweekly&utm_content=readmore&elq=5b5fbcb16ffe4179abd4ca1cdacac4b0)


      His primary victory, health-care reform


      presidency will force him away from foreign policy.

      Takes a long time to rebuild capital

      Schaller 9 (Tom, five thirty eight, 8/18/09, Is Obama Spending his Political Capital, Wasting It ... or Wuz He Robbed?


      Obama is investing now with an eye toward


      rise back to pre-Summer '09 levels.


      A longer extension of payroll tax cuts is key to the economy – increased spending and consumer confidence

      The Washington Times

       12/28 (2011, “Economists fear withdrawal symptoms if payroll-tax cut vanishes”, lexis, MV)


      It was the tax cut that nobody noticed


      lost considerable purchasing power without the tax cut.



      Dependence on US security relationship means they’ll say yes

      Al-Ahmed 11 [Director-Institute for Gulf Affairs, Ali Policy Brief: The Crisis in Bahrain, May, p. 19]


      It is important that the United States begin


      this has obstructed efforts to compel real political reform


      Conditioning military cooperation and assistance on Human rights is uncontroversial

      Admiral James G. Stavridis 2010 USN,,

      To help further develop this still-nascent


      U.S. Embassy in that country.



      New confidence building measures solve.


      AP of Pakistan, 07.

      [“Pak-India talks on CBMs are aimed at reaching resolution of Kashmir issue,” Oct. 17,]

      NEW DELHI, Oct 17 APP: Pak-India dialogue on conventional and nuclear Confidence Buildings Measures are aimed at finally reaching a resolution of Kashmir dispute.Talking to APP on arrival here on Wednesday evening to lead Pakistan delegation to the talks, Khalid Aziz Babar, Additional Secretary (UN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Pakistan wants transparency in relationship with India.Pak-India talks on conventional and nuclear CBMs will commence here on October 18-19.The progressive talks on CBMs were aimed at finally reaching the resolution of Kashmir issue which was the “biggest Confidence Building Measure,” he observed.Babar said Pakistan was confident these talks would enable both countries to resolve Kashmir issue.Two draft agreements on inadvertent crossers and preventing incidents at sea had been exchanged between both the countries and discussion would be held on them during the talks, he added Four agreements on conventional CBMs and three on nuclear CBMs have already been signed between the two countries.TheconventionalCBMs includenon-establishment of new posts on LOC,holding cease-fireand opening of crossing points on LOC while three nuclear CBMS include establishment of hotline,informing each other’s country before conducting tests on ballistic missiles and reduction of nuclear risk.


      The risk of nuclear war is low – dialogue and U.S. involvement can prevent war.


      Ahmed, 03.

      [Samina, “Avoiding an India-Pakistan Nuclear Confrontation,” March, Pugwash Conference, ]

      From December 2001 until July 2002,Indian and Pakistani forces confronted each other across the international border and along the Line of Control. Concerned about the potential for a conventional conflict that could escalate to the nuclear level,the UnitedStatesplayed a pro-active role in walking both states back from the brink of warAlthoughthe withdrawal of troopsfrom offensive positionshas reduced the prospects of imminent conflictIndia and Pakistan's cold war continues unabated. India refuses to resume a dialogue with Pakistan until it takes decisive steps to end all "cross border infiltration" into Indian Kashmir. Insisting on the centrality of the Kashmir dispute for the resolution of India-Pakistan tensions, Pakistan continues to support the anti-Indian insurgency in Kashmir. In the absence of high-level and institutionalized contacts between India and Pakistan, the risk of a conventional conflict remains high.While the potential for conflict escalation to the nuclear level might appear lowthe very fact that it cannot be ruled out underscores the importance of minimizing nuclear risks. Clearly,the resumption of an India-Pakistan dialogue is the first step towards crisis deescalation.


      No war – it didn’t happen when tensions were at their highest point –deterrence prevents it.


      Ahmed, 03.

      [Samina, “Avoiding an India-Pakistan Nuclear Confrontation,” March, Pugwash Conference, ]

      There was near unanimity among participants that tensions between India and Pakistan are at their highest since their last war in 1971. However, many believed that the current diplomatic standoff, defined by one participant as a mutually assured deadlock, would not result in armed conflict. This confidence was based on the belief that a stable nuclear deterrence is already in place. The discussion on deterrence stability focused on India and Pakistan's nuclear doctrines and controls, covering, among other issues, the advantages of doctrinal transparency versus opacity and first use over no-first use postures.


      Stability in Iraq increasing now.


      Elias, 07.

      [Diana, “Laura Bush: Signs of Progress in Iraq,” ]

      ALI AL SALEM AIR BASE, Kuwait (AP) — First lady Laura Bush told hundreds of U.S. troops Thursday that the American people stand by them in the Iraq war and the security situation in the country was improving due to their efforts."We are seeing signs of progress as thousands of Iraqis are stepping up to work with coalition soldiers," Mrs. Bush told about 700 members of the different services of the U.S. military who were either coming from the war-torn country or heading there."Iraqis are providing intelligence and information on al-Qaida and other violent groups in their neighborhoods and bringing security and stability to their communities," she said.She added that localtribes who were fighting Americans a year ago were now cooperating with them and joining the Iraqi political process.Civilian deaths from suicide bombings and sectarian Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq have dropped in recent months. Some of Iraq's tribal chiefs and former insurgents have also joined American forces against al-Qaida

      The Supreme Leader of Iran will take all steps to prevent war, including removing Ahmadinejad, and internal resistance to the president is increasing to check the president.


      Escobar, 07.

      [Pepe, “Attack Iran and you attack Russia,” 10/25,]

      The apparent internal controversy on how exactly Putin and the Supreme Leader are on the same wavelength belies a serious rift in the higher spheres of the Islamic Republic. The replacement of Larijani, a realist hawk, by Jalili, an unknown quantity with an even more hawkish background, might spell an Ahmadinejad victory. It's not that simple.The powerful Ali Akbar Velayati, the diplomatic adviser to the Supreme Leader, said he didn't like the replacement one bit. Even worse: regarding the appalling record of the Ahmadinejad presidency when it comes to the economy, all-out criticism is now the norm. Another former nuclear negotiator, Hassan Rowhani, told the Etemad-e Melli newspaper, "The effects of the [UN] sanctions are visible. Our situation gets worse day by day."Ahmadinejad for the past two months has been placing his former IRGC brothers-in-arms in key posts, like the presidency of the central bank and the Oil, Industry and Interior ministries. Internal repression is rife. On Sunday, hundreds of students protested at the Amir-KabirUniversityin Tehran, calling for "Death to the dictator".The wily, ultimate pragmatist Hashemi Rafsanjani, now leader of the Council of Experts and in practice a much more powerful figure than Ahmadinejad, took no time to publicly reflect that "we can't bend people's thoughts with dictatorial regimes".This week, the Supreme Leader himself intervened, saying, "I approve of this government, but this does not mean that I approve of everything they do." Under the currently explosive circumstances, this also amounts to a political bombshell.As if anyone needed to be reminded, the buck - or rial - stops with the Supreme Leader, whose last wish on earth is to furnish a pretext for the Bush administration to launch World War III. If Ahmadinejad now deviates from a carefully crafted strategic script, the Supreme Leader may simply get rid of him.


  • vs Yemen Federalism Aid (USC OP)

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: USC OP | Judge: Alex McVey

    • //




      Politics 1NC

      1. Payroll tax cuts will pass now – both sides feel pressured to agree

      Washington Post 12/27 (2011, “Will the payroll tax conference committee be ‘Supercommittee 2.0’?”


      Failure is not an option (or is


      to work out an eleventh-hour deal.

      2. DA is controversial – trades off with popular programs, tea partiers hate spending, history of government waste

      LA Times 11 (Los Angeles Times April 13, 2011 Wednesday Home Edition THE WORLD; Debt worries crimp aid for 'Arab Spring'; Congress has shut the door on new funds the administration says would shape change. BYLINE: Paul Richter, lexis) MV


      U.S. lawmakers not only have


      should not be shifted from their scholarship programs.

      3. Obama has the upper hand on payroll tax cuts, but only if he doesn’t get tangled in partisan bickering over other legislation

      Washington Post 1/1 (2012, “Obama taking fight to Congress”, lexis, MV)


      After taking his lumps during the summer's bitter


      hanger" vote on Obama's domestic jobs agenda.

      4. Extension key to stop double dip

      Guardian 12/28 (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”,, DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However, research from the non-partisan


      -home pay at the worst possible time.

      5. Economic decline causes nuclear war

      O’Donnell 9 (Sean Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics,, Will this recession lead to World War III?, February 26, 2009,, MS)


      One of the causes of World War I


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.


      EU 1NC

      Text: The European Union should provide substantial participatory constitutional development assistance to Yemen that focuses on the demands of the Hiraak and Houthi leaders.

      EU assistance will still model the US federal system.

      EU solves Yemen democracy assistance

      Burke 10 [Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen”]


      Unlike the US, the EU and its


      out from conflict and a deepening economic crisis.


      Fem 1NC


      The 1AC’s frame of IR Policy is inherently masculine- the plan cannot be separated from the patriarchy embedded in foreign policy.


      Tickner 2001 J. Anne, prof  of IR @ USC Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era pg 52, DJ


      Does the fact that states' national-security


      theories cannot be separated from political practice.


      Feminist resistance to masculine IR is essential for sustained peace – without the alternative, the patriarchal drive for war ensures a spiraling continuum of armed conflict


      Cockburn 10, Cynthia Department of Sociology, The City University London, UK b Centre for the Study of Women and

      Gender, University of Warwick, UK (2010) 'Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2, 139 — 157


      To summarize the argument made above – looking


      explicitly resisting the exploitation of masculinity for war.



      The alternative is to reject the masculine IR logic of the affirmative in favor of a feminist perspective. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace


      Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ


      Both in philosophy and in “western”


      their frame, and about the frame itself.






      Can’t drain the swamp – assistance doesn’t work fast enough and can’t overcome overwhelming massive structural problems in Yemen

      Cordesman 10 (Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, Anthony, "The True Lessons of Yemen and Detroit: How the US Must Expand and Redefine International Cooperation in Fighting Terrorism," Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 25,, p. 5-6]


      Yemen is a case in point. US


      any practical combination of counter terrorism and aid.

      Aff can’t overcome anti-American sentiment in Yemen – this means NO NEW INTEL

      Terrill 11 [Research Professor in National Security Affairs, Andrew, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,, p. 67-68]


      The government of Yemen has often irritated U


      pronounced benefit of the doubt in any confrontation.

      Its whack-a-mole – Al Qaeda will just go somewhere else

      Metz 10 [author on the Middle East, Steven, "Don't Mess With Yemen," The New Republic, November 4,]


      The dilemma, needless to say, hardly


      a preview of something much worse to come.

      Their tribal engagement strategy won’t work and takes YEARS to develop.

      Cilluffo and Watts 2011 [1AC author] [Frank J. Cilluffo is the director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at The George Washington University and Clinton Watts is a principal consultant at PA Consulting Group and a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute. He is a former U.S. Army Officer and former Special Agent with the FBI., Homeland Security Policy Institute, “Yemen & Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting a Window of Counterterrorism Opportunity”, June 24, 2011,, p. 4-5] What are the options?


      Yemen’s current situation makes long-term diplomatic


      one that has the most potential for success.

      Obama won’t retaliate --- he knows the costs

      Crowley 10 [Senior Editor the New Republic, Michael, January, “Obama and Nuclear Deterrence”,]


      The Los Angeles Times ran an important story


      that matter--would go through with it.

      Nuclear Terrorist failure is very probable – technology and funding

      Levi 7 (Michael, CFR Fellow for Science and Technology and ,, dw: 4-17-2007, da: 7-6-2011, lido)


      We should not, however, underestimate the


      quick to ignore small chances of terrorist failure.

      Al-Qaeda can’t buy nukes – leadership is too naive

      Gertz and Lake 10 (Bill and Eli, Washington Times,, dw:4-14-2010, da: 7-6-2011, lido)


      However, Brian Jenkinsauthor of the


      Syria and instability in nuclear-armed Pakistan.

      The government will pocket the assistance and play the US and AQAP against each other

      Metz 10 [author on the Middle East, Steven, "Don't Mess With Yemen," The New Republic, November 4,]


      The government of Ali Abdullah Saleh, who


      , prompting a direct and furious American intervention.

      TURN – Pushing democracy emboldens AQAP attacks

      Raghavan 11(Sudarsan Raghavan, Febreruary 2011, “Yemens Unrest Could Embolden Al-Qaeda or Sideline it Admid Democratic Hopes”)


      SANAA, YEMEN - The populist uprising in


      secessionist movement in the south and immense poverty.

      Civil War

      The economy can withstand oil shocks - market adaptations solve

      Gholz and Press 7 (Eugene and Daryl G., University of Texas public affairs assistant prof. and Dartmouth government associate professor "Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil”, 4-5, atw


      In the five major


      consumers to smooth risks.

      Yemen collapse is inevitable:

      1. Yemen is about to rip apart at the seams – economic collapse, population growth, oil exports collapsing, water scarcity, corruption, governance failure

      Boucek 11 (Associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2011

      [Christopher, U.S. Policy in Yemen, Written Testimony by Dr. Christopher Boucek, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, Washington, D.C., July 19, p. 2-3]


      Interrelated economic, demographic, and domestic security


      diminished state capacity, and three ongoing conflicts.

      2. It’s the economy, stupid

      Boucek 11 PhD, Middle East research associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [Christopher, Panel II of a Hearing of the Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subject: "U.S. Policy in Yemen", Capitol Hill Hearing, Federal News Service, July 19]


      I think in my testimony I go through


      key issue that the Saudis are concerned about.

      3. Water

      Glass 10 [Nicole, The Water Crisis in Yemen: Causes, Consequences and Solutions, Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, p. 28]


      The water crisis in Yemen has the potential


      regulate water use in conflict-affected areas.

      4. US action fails – Yemen’s major problems can’t be fixed

      Boucek, Associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2011

      [Christopher, U.S. Policy in Yemen, Written Testimony by Dr. Christopher Boucek, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, Washington, D.C., July 19, p. 5]


      There is little disagreement that Yemen is a


      .S. security and bolster Yemeni stability.





      GCC transition is better – giving more control to the opposition weakens anti-terrorism efforts

      VOA News 12/14 (“Yemen's Noncompetitive Presidential Election Draws Wide Support”, 2011,


      Hadi also would seem to be the preferred


      is something that remains within the Yemeni constitution."

      US assistance fails – tries to replicate Western governance structures that don’t work in Yemen

      Milroy 10 (Anthony, Former advisor to Yemen’s agricultural Minister, “We Fuelled Yemen’s

      ‘Failure’”,, 1/21)


      If Yemen is a failing state, western


      means to limit their family size through birth control


      The regime will use the aff as an excuse to tighten control in other areas.

      Phillips, Ph.D. from the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University, and lecturer at the Centre for International Security Studies at The University of Sydney, 2008

      [Sarah, Yemen: The Centrality of Process, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 231]


      Since the Republic of Yemen was created in


      for the Yemeni government, domestically and internationally.


      New regime won’t solve Yemen instability

      Ruhe 11 [a senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, Jonathan, The Horror of a post-Saleh Yemen, June 9]


      Assuming a stable successor emerges, whether from


      -bottom legitimacy that triggered the current backlash.


      US aid to Yemen historically fails

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen” Fride,

      Following the opening of a space for limited


      greatly reduced enthusiasm with regard to Yemeni participation.

      Regime backlash – Decentralization threatens the regime

      Choucair-Vizoso, as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, 2008

      [Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 250]


      The process of decentralization poses a considerable problem


      donors attempting to hold him to his word.


      Yemen Case 2NC

      Economic collapse is inevitable in Yemen, triggers instability and increased terrorism. The US has no ability to prevent it.

      Gosztola 11 [publishes his writing regularly to OpEdNews and Open Salon and he is a 2009 Young People For Fellow, Kevin, Senate Hearing on US Policy in Yemen: No Discussion of Drones or Anwar al-Awlaki, July 19, The Dissenter,]


      3:44 pm ET Perception in Yemen


      have little leverage to influence events in Yemen.

      The economy is a far bigger internal link to the aff than anything the plan solves

      Boucek 11 [PhD, Middle East research associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Christopher, Panel II of a Hearing of the Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subject: "U.S. Policy in Yemen", Capitol Hill Hearing, Federal News Service, July 19]


      And I'd like to start off by saying


      the highest growth rates anywhere in the world.


      Yemen oil collapse means no political reforms can succeed

      Choucair-Vizoso 8 [as an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project and served as deputy editor of Carnegie's e-monthly, the Arab Reform Bulletin, Julia, Movement in Lieu of Change, in Beyond the Façade, Political Reform in the Arab World, eds. Ottaway & Choucair-Vizoso, p. 252]


      The precariousness of Yemen's economic situation cannot be


      priority for the government for quite some time.

      Water crisis is the main cause of conflict in Yemen

      Glass 10 [Nicole, The Water Crisis in Yemen: Causes, Consequences and Solutions, Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, p. 25-26]


      Kasinof (2009) wrote that Yemen’s water


      peace – at least on its own grounds.


      They can’t make a dent in AQAP unless they fix the fundamental problems in Yemen – and that’s not frickin likely

      Terrill 11 [Research Professor in National Security Affairs, Andrew, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,, p. 74-75]

      The problems in Yemen defy easy answers and


      contain or manage problems rather than solve them.

      Aid can’t work faster than a decade

      Cordesman 10 [Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, Anthony, "The True Lessons of Yemen and Detroit: How the US Must Expand and Redefine International Cooperation in Fighting Terrorism," Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 25,, p. 3]


      A fourth answer is to understand that US


      a difference and are tailored to national needs.


      Politics 2NC

      Turns case - economic collapse tanks democracy

      Petrou 9 [Michael, PhD in History from Oxford, Maclean’s, March 9, Proquest]


      History suggests the results will be damaging.


      That was a terrible time for world politics."

      Opposition is just grandstanding – the sides are close together and Republicans fear completely blocking an extension will make them look bad

      CSM 12/27 ('Payroll Tax, The Sequel': Did either side learn any lessons from Part 1?; 
      The impasse over the payroll tax cut sent the public approval rating for Congress to new depths even as it gave Obama a corresponding boost. But as negotiators reopen discussions for a longer deal, all bets are off., 2011, lexis, MV)


      After a raucus caucus meeting on Tuesday,


      faith, this can be resolved rather easily."


      Payroll tax cuts will pass now

      Politico 1/5 (House GOP weakened, divided By: Jake Sherman, January 5, 2012 05:10 PM EST,


      Cantor has the first part of 2012 mapped


      asked ‘where are the jobs?’”

      Payroll will pass - GOP is weak politically

      McCarter 12/29 (Joan, Daily Kos Senior political editor, “Tea party cave-in on payroll tax extension bodes well for Democrats in next skirmish”,, DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      But there are some lessons to be learned


      , and without having to make outrageous concessions.


      Tax cuts will pass – open meetings

      Politico 1/5 (House Dems vow to keep payroll tax talk transparent,


      House Democrats on Thursday vowed to keep the


      talking about things that are under the table."


      Huffington Post 11 (5/18,


      The president’s speech will focus largely on the


      surface with similar objections to erasing Egypt's debt.


      Republicans oppose reprogramming DA – trades off with programs they like

      Rogin 11 (Josh, 4/6 “Lugar Holding Up State Department Funds for Tunisian Democracy”


      The State Department wants to shift


      ranking Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN).

      Presidential leadership is key to passage – a strong image and messaging is necessary to force Republicans into a compromise

      Collender 12/29 (Stan, worked on the federal budget and congressional budget process, including stints on the staff of the House and Senate Budget Committees; founding the Federal Budget Report, a newsletter that was published for almost two decades; and for the past 11 years writing a weekly column for and now, currently a managing director for Qorvis Communications, 2011,, MV)


      That leaves the payroll tax cut that will


      when the Bush/Obama tax cuts expire.

      Obama’s political capital is newly effective – new tactics of persuasion

      Collins 1/3 (Samuel, staff writer for News, A new presidential swagger for the new year, 2012,, MV)


      January 2012 President Obama’s recent political victory -


      and the American public believe in his vision.



      Fem 1NR

      We can’t merely add women to the affirmative’s theoretical framework- feminist scholarship requires reframing our theory of international relations. The lens of the aff and the lens of the K contradict.


      Feminist Methodologies or International Relations, edited by Brooke A. Ackerly: Assistnat Professor in the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Maria Stern: Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Peace and Development Research, Goteborg University, and Jacqui True: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies at the Univeristy of Auskland, New Zealand, 2006, Cambridge University Press p.245-6 in the same epistemological…international relations


      In the same epistemological vein, feminist scholarship


      conceptualize international relations (Crenshaw 1989; 2000).


      The “add-and-stir” method of incorporating women into IR fails. It’s not about adding women, it’s about changing the entire frame of IR.


      Warren & Cady 94 Karen & Duane, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections”, Hypatia Volume: 9. Issue: 2, pp 1, DJ


      What do feminism and peace have to do


      feminist scholarship informs mainstream philosophical discussions of peace.


      The negative views body counts as the inevitable consequence of a Middle Eastern war, but their use and abuse of these people as an impact to their disadvantage is an expression of masculine politics. The affirmative’s feminist geopolitics solves both their political damnation and their impact.


      Jennifer  Associate Professor Simon Fraser University February  Feminist Geopolitics Revisited: Body Counts in Iraq


      ConcludingWords on Concluding War In both Iraq and


      generates more epistemologically embodied ways of seeing.’


      Their economic analysis privileges context-free mathematics over empirical observations, which detaches analysis from reality.


      Nelson 95 (Author(s): Julie A. Nelson Feminism and Economics Reviewed work(s): Source: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Spring, 1995), pp. 131-148 Published by: American Economic Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/11/2011 14:12 Julie A. Nelson is Associate Professor of Economics, University of California at Davis, Davis, California. Nelson received her Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is currently on the economics faculty of the University of Massachusetts Boston and a Senior Research Fellow with the Global Development and Environment Institute.)


      While models of individual rational choice could conceivably


      in skills of richer and more substantive analysis.





      Questions of method come first – status quo empiricism constructs an image of the world that it equates with truth. This refactors women into sex objects.

      MacKinnon 82 Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory Author(s): Catharine A. MacKinnon Reviewed work(s): Source: Signs, Vol. 7, No. 3, Feminist Theory (Spring, 1982), pp. 515-544 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 10/11/2011 16:57 University of Michigan (Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law, 1989–) York University (Professor of Law, 1988–1989) various universities (Visiting Professor, 1984–1988) University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor of Law, 1982–1984)


      Through consciousness raising, women grasp the collective


      , an unreal thing with very real consequences.


      EU CP 1NR

      US involvement causes backlash and resentment - perceived as imperialist intervention

      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011,, MCL)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      Soft Power fails and is counterproductive– only military forces matter


      Hampson, professor of International Affairs @ Carleton, and Oliver, professor @ Univ of Oklahoma, June [International Journal] 98

      United Nations peacekeepers in Bosnia were repeatedly handcuffed


      bold defiance of international law and international agreements.





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