Arizona State » ASU Marcus & Vered Aff

ASU Marcus & Vered Aff

Last modified by RyanMarcus on 2012/02/01 13:14
  • Yemen Feminist Epistemology 1AC - Gonzaga

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Whitman LaLe | Judge: JV Reed

    • 1AC

      Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase democracy assistance to civil society groups in Yemen. We reserve the right to clarify.

      Contention 1: Yemen

      Despite consensus, women’s rights in the Middle East are worst in Yemen. The U.S. should ensure women’s-rights activists in Yemen get a seat at the table.

      Serpe 11 (Lauren Serpe is a Research Officer at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). She conducts public opinion surveys and focus groups focused on issues related to democracy in the Middle East and North Africa and other regions of the world. March 8, 2011.
      WASHINGTON As people across the Middle East and
      Yemen and U.S. diplomacy efforts. 

      The Yemeni brand of feminism operates in a unique space that allows it to approach masculine hegemony effectively and from within Islamic embeddedness.

      Badran 98 (Gender & History ISSN 0953–5233 Margot Badran, ‘Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen’ Gender & History, Vol.10 No.3 November 1998, pp. 498–518. © Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen MARGOT BADRAN)
      The Republic of Yemen (ROY), which
      of the struggle to unify the new republic.

      Women’s rights must be considered—women face unique forms of oppression and generic human rights are male-centered.

      Jaggar 9 (Alison M., Professor of Philosophy and Women Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, “Abortion Rights and Gender Justice Worldwide: An Essay in Political Philosophy,” in Abortion: Three Perspectives, published January 2009)
      At first sight, this slogan may be
      inspire a more inclusive understanding of human rights.

      Violence proves that we need to investigate gendered identities because they are key to manifestations of violence.

      Peterson 2k (V. Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ the University of Arizona, SAIS REVIEW, "Rereading Public and Private: The Dichotomy that is Not One." Vol. 20, Iss. 2;  pg. 11 NMG)

      Gender-sensitive accounts go beyond this by
      the question: Is militarism without masculinism possible?

      Augmenting the societal position of women in the Middle East fights patriarchy

      Monshipouri 9 (PhD, Professor of International Relations @ SFSU, Mahmood, Muslims in Global Politics: Identities, Interests, and Human Rights, p. 68)
      In addition to reformist scholars and enlightened Islamic
      Algeria and 18 percent in Iran are married."

      Patriarchy eliminating matriarchy disrupts a balance and perpetuates war and risks the destruction of humanity

      Werlhof 7 [Claudia von, Feminist philosopher, Toronto. “Women and the Gift Economy. A Radically Different World View is Possible,” in CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY AND THE NEGATION OF MATRIARCHY: THE STRUGGLE FOR A “DEEP” ALTERNATIVE 2007 (Inanna), pp. 139-153 ]
      Patriarchal society as we know it, did
      nature and women has almost never been recognized.

      Contention 2: Epistemology

      Classical democratic theory ignores feminism – we account for the effects of social movements on the public sphere and military regimes

      Waylen 94 (Women and Democratization: Conceptualizing Gender Relations in Transition Politics Author(s): Georgina Waylen Source: World Politics, Vol. 46, No. 3 (Apr., 1994), pp. 327-354 Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 31/05/2011 22:26)
      First, the narrow concentration by analysts such
      democratization does not necessarily entail any wider changes. 

      We must discuss feminist ideologies first to prevent bias that harms future studies and endorses false values

      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 56)
      The symbolic identification of the scientific with a
      to be invested in it than in alternatives.

      Even if we don’t solve, vote aff to reject the use of a masculine mindset – this is necessary to open our minds to correct forms of knowledge.

      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 80)
      In reading the project of feminist epistemology along
      can productively transform the field of theoretical knowledge.

      The ballot is key - we must each self-endorse the idea of feminist epistemologies to promote checks and balances on masculine ideologies

      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 54)
      These are all empirical questions. By framing
      -formation mechanisms and enabling the reliable ones. 

      The personal is political – we can use the space of the debate round to contest the patriarchal base of the state

      Jarvis 2k D. S. L. Jarvis, 2000. [University of South Carolina Press, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism: Defending the Discipline, p 155].
      For feminists the most immediate remedy to masculinist
      begins the project of "ungendering world politics."" 

      Our advocacy makes power visible – our type of inquiry is essential for the progression of feminism

      Basu 6 (Marina Basu, B. Sc, University of Calcutta, A Thesis, Biopolitics or the Legislation of Life: A Foucauldian Analysis, 2006)
      And most importantly, as “power is
      in reformulating the problem as one of subjectivation.

      Adopting a critical attitude towards masculine power structures allows us to scrutinize not only those structures but governance in general, revealing the underlying practices that allow biopower and subjectification to exist in the first place

      Hamann 9 (Trent, St. John’s University, Foucault Studes no 6, Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,
      Foucault explicitly identified critique, not as a
      anti-globalization movement to local community organizing.

      Without these critical checks against biopower, allows an unstoppable sovereign force to build viruses that are universally destructive, removing all power relations from our control.

      Michel Foucault, chair at the College de France and all-American hero, 1976. Society Must Be Defended, p 253-254.
      We are, then, in a power
      , will put it beyond all human sovereignty.

      And, the state’s ability to control the body is the root of nuclear war, violence, and genocide

      Rabinow  Professor of Anthropology 84 (Paul, , Berkeley, THE FOUCAULT READER, , p. 260 KNP)
      It is as managers of life and survival
      , and the large-scale phenomena of population

  • Yemen Feminist Epistemology 1AC - Emporia

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1: The Evils of Patriarchy in Yemen
      Women in Yemen face systemic discrimination and violence. While women’s NGOs are effective, they are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the task.
      Amnesty International 9 [YEMENI WOMEN FACE VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION, November 25,]
      Women in Yemen face.... access to their human rights.

      NGOs and civil society groups could effectively change discriminatory laws, but lack resources.
      Basha 5 (Amal Basha is a human rights activist and a trainer in the fields of gender, development, and human rights. She serves as chairperson of the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) in Yemen, and is a regional coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Region for the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). She holds an MA in international development and gender and has extensive working experience with UNDP, UNIFEM, the EU, and the ICRC. October, 2005.

      South Yemen first ratified.... promoting western agendas.

      There are a variety of impacts –
      First, we must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout
      Gordon and Gordon 95  senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995
      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)

      Consider the widespread... and degrade women.
      Second, Violence
      We need to investigate gendered identities because they are key to manifestations of violence.
      Peterson 2k (V. Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ the University of Arizona, SAIS REVIEW, "Rereading Public and Private: The Dichotomy that is Not One." Vol. 20, Iss. 2;  pg. 11 NMG)

      Gender-sensitive accounts... without masculinism possible?

      Patriarchy eliminating matriarchy disrupts a balance and perpetuates war and risks the destruction of humanity
      Werlhof 7 [Claudia von, Feminist philosopher, Toronto. “Women and the Gift Economy. A Radically Different World View is Possible,” in CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY AND THE NEGATION OF MATRIARCHY: THE STRUGGLE FOR A “DEEP” ALTERNATIVE 2007 (Inanna), pp. 139-153

      Patriarchal society as we.... almost never been recognized.

      Third, Feminist Epistemology
      Vote aff to reject the use of a masculine mindset – this is necessary to open our minds to correct forms of knowledge.
      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 80)

      In reading the... theoretical knowledge.

      The ballot is key - we must each self-endorse the idea of feminist epistemologies to promote checks and balances on masculine ideologies
      Anderson 9 [Prof of women’s studies &philosophy at Michigan, “Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,” AW] (PAGE 54)

      These are all ... enabling the reliable ones.
      The personal is political – we can use the space of the debate round to contest the patriarchal base of the state
      Jarvis 2k D. S. L. Jarvis, 2000. [University of South Carolina Press, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism: Defending the Discipline, p 155].

      For feminists the... "ungendering world politics."" 

      Fourth, Biopower
      Our advocacy makes power visible – our type of inquiry is essential for the progression of feminism
      Basu 6 (Marina Basu, B. Sc, University of Calcutta, A Thesis, Biopolitics or the Legislation of Life: A Foucauldian Analysis, 2006)

      And most importantly... one of subjectivation.
      Without these critical checks against biopower an unstoppable sovereign force can build viruses that are universally destructive, removing all power relations from our control.
      Foucault 76 Michel Foucault, chair at the College de France and all-American hero, 1976. Society Must Be Defended, p 253-254.

      We are, then... human sovereignty.
      Thus, the Plan:
      The United States federal government should substantially increase support for Yemeni civil society organizations to increase women’s participation and leadership. We reserve the right to clarify.
      Now is a key time for the US to support efforts of Yemeni women to fight for political participation and gender rights.
      Serpe 11 Research Officer at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). She conducts public opinion surveys and focus groups focused on issues related to democracy in the Middle East and North Africa and other regions of the world, 2011
      [Lauren, March 8, 2011.]

      WASHINGTON As people.... diplomacy efforts. 

      US assistance to civil society organizations is uniquely positioned to make a difference – we have an obligation to act that transcends their international CP or their imperialism K
      Hoveyda 5 Ambassador Hoveyda, Middle East project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 2005 [Fereydoun, “Arab Women and the Future of the Middle East”, American Foreign Policy Interests No. 27,, p. 18-20]
      Direct Aid and Cultural Exchanges

      One panelist expressed... not be helpful.
      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy
      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005
      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 67]

      ‘The women’s movement... better future.
      We need democracy assistance to support women’s participation in politics and women’s movements to build coalitions against discrimination.
      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005
      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 65]

      The non-democratic... opportunities and challenges.
      US democracy assistance to NGOs in Yemen is comparatively better than other actors – good working relations with NGOs that defy governments as well as good relations with even the most conservative Arabic groups.
      Burke 10 “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen” Edward Burke, May 2010, Researcher at FRIDE This report is FRIDE’s contribution to a project entitled ‘Assessing Democracy Assistance’ that is being carried out by the World Movement for Democracy. The project aims to gather views on how democracy support can be improved and its impact enhanced. Other case studies and a synthesis report can be found at

      Among NGOs,... than European donors.
      Women’s movements in Yemen are unique – we don’t link to any of your imperialism or Western feminism arguments
      Badran 98 (Gender & History ISSN 0953–5233 Margot Badran, ‘Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen’ Gender & History, Vol.10 No.3 November 1998, pp. 498–518. © Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen MARGOT BADRAN)

      The Republic of Yemen.... new republic.
      Debates about the implementation of policies and strategies to improve women’s participation in Yemeni politics offers a chance to examine our own political inequalities
      Kennedy-Glans 6, the founder and executive director of Bridges Social Development, a Canadian registered charity providing capacity building in Yemen, [Donna Kennedy-Glans is “Gender Jihad: Enhancing Female Access in Politics”, Yemen Online,]

      The election outcomes... strategies that have impact.
      Empowerment of women’s collective action is the best way to challenge the patriarchal status quo – nothing else works
      Monshipouri 9, PhD, Professor of International Relations @ SFSU, 2009
      [Mahmood, Muslims in Global Politics: Identities, Interests, and Human Rights, p. 71-72]

      Strategies for promoting... among such groups.

  • Yemen Feminist Epistemology 1AC - Wake

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //




      Contention 1: Patriarchy in Yemen

      Women in Yemen face systemic discrimination and violence. While women’s NGOs are effective, they are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the task.

      Amnesty International 9 [YEMENI WOMEN FACE VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION, November 25,]


      Women in Yemen face systemic discrimination and endemic


      full and equal access to their human rights.

      NGOs and civil society groups could effectively change discriminatory laws, but lack resources.

      Basha 5 (Amal Basha is a human rights activist and a trainer in the fields of gender, development, and human rights. She serves as chairperson of the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) in Yemen, and is a regional coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Region for the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). She holds an MA in international development and gender and has extensive working experience with UNDP, UNIFEM, the EU, and the ICRC. October, 2005.


      South Yemen first ratified the United Nations Convention


      order to avoid accusations of promoting western agendas.

      There are a variety of impacts –

      First, we must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout

      Gordon and Gordon 95  senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)


      Consider the widespread oppression of women. Every


      , exploit, debase, and degrade women.

      Second, Violence

      We need to investigate gendered identities because they are key to manifestations of violence.

      Peterson 2k (V. Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ the University of Arizona, SAIS REVIEW, "Rereading Public and Private: The Dichotomy that is Not One." Vol. 20, Iss. 2;  pg. 11 NMG)


      Gender-sensitive accounts go beyond this by


      the question: Is militarism without masculinism possible?

      Patriarchy eliminating matriarchy disrupts a balance and perpetuates war and risks the destruction of humanity

      Werlhof 7 [Claudia von, Feminist philosopher, Toronto. “Women and the Gift Economy. A Radically Different World View is Possible,” in CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY AND THE NEGATION OF MATRIARCHY: THE STRUGGLE FOR A “DEEP” ALTERNATIVE 2007 (Inanna), pp. 139-153 ]


      Patriarchal society as we know it, did


      nature and women has almost never been recognized.

      Third, Feminist Epistemology

      Traditional empiricism assumes that a selection of facts is complete – feminist empiricism acknowledges that we can’t know everything and that we need to be aware of our position as knowers.

      Anderson 11, Elizabeth, "Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.


      The Basic Pragmatic Strategy. The above reflections


      determination of belief (Anderson 1995b, 2004).


      Questions of method come first – status quo empiricism constructs an image of the world that it equates with truth. This refactors women into sex objects.

      MacKinnon 82 Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory Author(s): Catharine A. MacKinnon Reviewed work(s): Source: Signs, Vol. 7, No. 3, Feminist Theory (Spring, 1982), pp. 515-544 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 10/11/2011 16:57 University of Michigan (Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law, 1989–) York University (Professor of Law, 1988–1989) various universities (Visiting Professor, 1984–1988) University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor of Law, 1982–1984)


      Through consciousness raising, women grasp the collective


      , an unreal thing with very real consequences.

      Any empirical investigation of knowledge relies on arbitrarily selected background assumptions that come from social values – feminist empiricism fights conservatism in those assumptions which is critical to good truth claims.

      Anderson 11, Elizabeth, "Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.


      The core claim of value-neutrality,


      against permitting feminist values to shape scientific judgments.


      Fourth, Biopower

      Our advocacy makes power visible – our type of inquiry is essential for the progression of feminism

      Basu 6 (Marina Basu, B. Sc, University of Calcutta, A Thesis, Biopolitics or the Legislation of Life: A Foucauldian Analysis, 2006)


      And most importantly, as “power is


      in reformulating the problem as one of subjectivation.

      Without these critical checks against biopower an unstoppable sovereign force can build viruses that are universally destructive, removing all power relations from our control.

      Foucault 76 Michel Foucault, chair at the College de France and all-American hero, 1976. Society Must Be Defended, p 253-254.


      We are, then, in a power


      will put it beyond all human sovereignty.


      Thus, the Plan:

      The United States federal government should substantially increase support for Yemeni civil society organizations to increase women’s participation and women’s rights. We reserve the right to clarify.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Now is a key time for the US to support efforts of Yemeni women to fight for political participation and gender rights.

      Serpe 11 Research Officer at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). She conducts public opinion surveys and focus groups focused on issues related to democracy in the Middle East and North Africa and other regions of the world, 2011

      [Lauren, March 8, 2011.]


      WASHINGTON As people across the Middle East and


      Yemen and U.S. diplomacy efforts.


      US assistance to civil society organizations is uniquely positioned to make a difference – we have an obligation to act that transcends their international CP or their imperialism K

      Hoveyda 5 Ambassador Hoveyda, Middle East project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 2005 [Fereydoun, “Arab Women and the Future of the Middle East”, American Foreign Policy Interests No. 27,, p. 18-20]

      Direct Aid and Cultural Exchanges


      One panelist expressed the belief that many opportunities


      of the United States would not be helpful.

      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy

      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 67]


      The women’s movement


      potential as the harbingers of a better future.

      We need democracy assistance to support women’s participation in politics and women’s movements to build coalitions against discrimination.

      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 65]


      The non-democratic systems or nascent democracies


      country’s set of priorities, opportunities and challenges.

      US democracy assistance to NGOs in Yemen is comparatively better than other actors – good working relations with NGOs that defy governments as well as good relations with even the most conservative Arabic groups.

      Burke 10 “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen” Edward Burke, May 2010, Researcher at FRIDE This report is FRIDE’s contribution to a project entitled ‘Assessing Democracy Assistance’ that is being carried out by the World Movement for Democracy. The project aims to gather views on how democracy support can be improved and its impact enhanced. Other case studies and a synthesis report can be found at


      Among NGOs, the US is regarded as


      civil society activists in Yemen than European donors.

      Women’s movements in Yemen are unique – we don’t link to any of your imperialism or Western feminism arguments

      Badran 98 (Gender & History ISSN 0953–5233 Margot Badran, ‘Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen’ Gender & History, Vol.10 No.3 November 1998, pp. 498–518. © Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen MARGOT BADRAN)


      The Republic of Yemen (ROY), which


      of the struggle to unify the new republic.

      Debates about the implementation of policies and strategies to improve women’s participation in Yemeni politics offers a chance to examine our own political inequalities

      Kennedy-Glans 6, the founder and executive director of Bridges Social Development, a Canadian registered charity providing capacity building in Yemen, [Donna Kennedy-Glans is “Gender Jihad: Enhancing Female Access in Politics”, Yemen Online,]


      The election outcomes – for both the ruling


      implement policies and implementation strategies that have impact.

      Empowerment of women’s collective action is the best way to challenge the patriarchal status quo – nothing else works

      Monshipouri 9, PhD, Professor of International Relations @ SFSU, 2009

      [Mahmood, Muslims in Global Politics: Identities, Interests, and Human Rights, p. 71-72]


      Strategies for promoting women's rights in the Muslim


      on distinct or profound differences among such groups.

  • Yemen Feminist Epistemology 1AC - Fullerton

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1: Patriarchy in Yemen

      Women in Yemen face systemic discrimination and violence. While women’s NGOs are effective, they are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the task.

      Amnesty International 9 [YEMENI WOMEN FACE VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION, November 25,]


      Women in Yemen face systemic discrimination and endemic


      full and equal access to their human rights.

      NGOs and civil society groups could effectively change discriminatory laws, but lack resources.

      Basha 5 (Amal Basha is a human rights activist and a trainer in the fields of gender, development, and human rights. She serves as chairperson of the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) in Yemen, and is a regional coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Region for the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). She holds an MA in international development and gender and has extensive working experience with UNDP, UNIFEM, the EU, and the ICRC. October, 2005.


      South Yemen first ratified the United Nations Convention


      order to avoid accusations of promoting western agendas.

      There are a variety of impacts –

      First, we must reject gender oppression at every turn – any compromise is a sellout

      Gordon and Gordon 95  senior lecturer in the Department of Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Gordon, general director of the Foundation for Education, 1995

      [Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, p. 130)


      Consider the widespread oppression of women. Every


      , exploit, debase, and degrade women.

      Second, Violence

      We need to investigate gendered identities because they are key to manifestations of violence and generating good knowledge.

      Peterson 2k (V. Spike, Professor in the School of Government and Public Policy at Arizona State University with courtesy appointments in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies Institute for LGBT Studies, Center for Latin American Studies and International Studies, “Rereading Public and Private: The Dichotomy that is Not One” SAIS Review, Volume 20, Number 2, Summer-Fall pp. 11-29, published by The Johns Hopkins University Press.)


      Gender-sensitive accounts go beyond this by


      the question: Is militarism without masculinism possible?


      Patriarchy eliminating matriarchy disrupts a balance and perpetuates war and risks the destruction of humanity

      Werlhof 7 [Claudia von, Feminist philosopher, Toronto. “Women and the Gift Economy. A Radically Different World View is Possible,” in CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY AND THE NEGATION OF MATRIARCHY: THE STRUGGLE FOR A “DEEP” ALTERNATIVE 2007 (Inanna), pp. 139-153 ]


      Patriarchal society as we know it, did


      nature and women has almost never been recognized.

      Third, Feminist Epistemology

      Traditional empiricism assumes that a selection of facts is complete – feminist empiricism acknowledges that we can’t know everything and that we need to be aware of our position as knowers.

      Anderson 11, Elizabeth, "Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.


      The Basic Pragmatic Strategy. The above reflections


      determination of belief (Anderson 1995b, 2004).


      Questions of method come first – status quo empiricism constructs an image of the world that it equates with truth. This refactors women into sex objects.

      MacKinnon 82 Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory Author(s): Catharine A. MacKinnon Reviewed work(s): Source: Signs, Vol. 7, No. 3, Feminist Theory (Spring, 1982), pp. 515-544 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 10/11/2011 16:57 University of Michigan (Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law, 1989–) York University (Professor of Law, 1988–1989) various universities (Visiting Professor, 1984–1988) University of Minnesota (Assistant Professor of Law, 1982–1984)


      Through consciousness raising, women grasp the collective


      , an unreal thing with very real consequences.

      Any empirical investigation of knowledge relies on arbitrarily selected background assumptions that come from social values – feminist empiricism fights conservatism in those assumptions which is critical to good truth claims.

      Anderson 11, Elizabeth, "Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.


      The core claim of value-neutrality,


      against permitting feminist values to shape scientific judgments.


      Fourth, Biopower

      Our advocacy makes power visible – our type of inquiry is essential for the progression of feminism

      Basu 6 (Marina Basu, B. Sc, University of Calcutta, A Thesis, Biopolitics or the Legislation of Life: A Foucauldian Analysis, 2006)


      And most importantly, as “power is


      in reformulating the problem as one of subjectivation.

      Without these checks against biopower an unstoppable sovereign force can build universally destructive viruses, removing all power relations from our control.


      Foucault 76 Michel Foucault, chair at the College de France and all-American hero, 1976. Society Must Be Defended, p 253-254.


      We are, then, in a power


      will put it beyond all human sovereignty.


      Thus, the Plan:

      The United States federal government should substantially increase support for Yemeni civil society organizations to increase women’s participation and women’s rights. We reserve the right to clarify.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Now is a key time for the US to support efforts of Yemeni women to fight for political participation and gender rights.

      Serpe 11 Research Officer at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). She conducts public opinion surveys and focus groups focused on issues related to democracy in the Middle East and North Africa and other regions of the world, 2011

      [Lauren, March 8, 2011.]


      WASHINGTON As people across the Middle East and


      Yemen and U.S. diplomacy efforts.


      US assistance to civil society organizations is uniquely positioned to make a difference – we have an obligation to act that transcends their international CP or their imperialism K

      Hoveyda 5 Ambassador Hoveyda, Middle East project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 2005 [Fereydoun, “Arab Women and the Future of the Middle East”, American Foreign Policy Interests No. 27,, p. 18-20]

      Direct Aid and Cultural Exchanges


      One panelist expressed the belief that many opportunities


      of the United States would not be helpful.

      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy

      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 67]


      The women’s movementis the detonator


      potential as the harbingers of a better future.

      We need democracy assistance to support women’s participation in politics and women’s movements to build coalitions against discrimination.

      Sabbagh 5 former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,, p. 65]


      The non-democratic systems or nascent democracies


      country’s set of priorities, opportunities and challenges.

      US democracy assistance to NGOs in Yemen is comparatively better than other actors – good working relations with NGOs that defy governments as well as good relations with even the most conservative Arabic groups.

      Burke 10 “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen” Edward Burke, May 2010, Researcher at FRIDE This report is FRIDE’s contribution to a project entitled ‘Assessing Democracy Assistance’ that is being carried out by the World Movement for Democracy. The project aims to gather views on how democracy support can be improved and its impact enhanced. Other case studies and a synthesis report can be found at


      Among NGOs, the US is regarded as


      civil society activists in Yemen than European donors.

      Women’s movements in Yemen are unique – we don’t link to any of your imperialism or Western feminism arguments

      Badran 98 (Gender & History ISSN 0953–5233 Margot Badran, ‘Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen’ Gender & History, Vol.10 No.3 November 1998, pp. 498–518. © Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen MARGOT BADRAN)


      The Republic of Yemen (ROY), which


      of the struggle to unify the new republic.

      Debates about the implementation of policies and strategies to improve women’s participation in Yemeni politics offers a chance to examine our own political inequalities

      Kennedy-Glans 6, the founder and executive director of Bridges Social Development, a Canadian registered charity providing capacity building in Yemen, [Donna Kennedy-Glans is “Gender Jihad: Enhancing Female Access in Politics”, Yemen Online,]


      The election outcomes – for both the ruling


      implement policies and implementation strategies that have impact.

      Empowerment of women’s collective action is the best way to challenge the patriarchal status quo – nothing else works

      Monshipouri 9, PhD, Professor of International Relations @ SFSU, 2009

      [Mahmood, Muslims in Global Politics: Identities, Interests, and Human Rights, p. 71-72]


      Strategies for promoting women's rights in the Muslim


      on distinct or profound differences among such groups.



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