1NC Qatar CP
Text: The United States should fully fund and guide Qatar to provide political organization assistance for Syrian opposition groups.
CP solves your aff
Matthew Mainen in 2011, Institute for Gulf Affairs, “Saudi’s Dangerous Role in Syria,” MAINEN MIDDLE EAST ANALYSIS, 7—25—11, http://mainen.blogspot.com/2011/07/saudis-dangerous-role-in-syria.html
Under U.S. guidance, Qatar, which has played
and renewed U.S. influence in the region.
1NC China DA
Relations tense now – conflicting policies could lead to potential conflict.
Shobert, Managing Director of Rubicon Strategy Group, 12-9
[Benjamin, “Sino-US relations at vulnerable juncture”, Asian Times, 12-09-11
China's government. They point, as the report notes
conflict instead of cooperation in 2012 and beyond.
China is watching the Middle East now – over-exerting US policy would terminally collapse cooperation
Paal 2011 – Douglas, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase International (2006–2008), and as unofficial U.S. representative to Taiwan as director of the American Institute in Taiwan (2002–2006). He was on the National Security Council staffs of Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush between 1986 and 1993 as director of Asian Affairs, and then as senior director and special assistant to the President. (China Reacts to Middle East Unrest, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, February 28, 2011 http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/02/28/china-reacts-to-middle-east-unrest/6yy, MCL)
Beijing is very far from Tunis, Cairo, Manama and Tripoli
could easily be tossed aside, with little prospect for an upside.
U.S.-Sino relations solves economic decline and is a prereq to solving every impact – creates the foundation for global interests
Cohen 2009 (William S., Center for Strategic and International Studies Counselor and Trustee
, “Smart Power in U.S.-China Relations,” http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/090309_mcgiffert_uschinasmartpower_web.pdf)
The evolution of Sino-U.S. relations over the next months
in the midst of the current global financial crisis.
Global economic recovery key to prevent nuclear World War III
O'Donnell 9
[Sean, 2-26-2009, The Baltimore Republican Examiner, "Will this recession lead to World War III?," http://www.examiner.com/x- 3108-Baltimore-Republican- Examiner~y2009m2d26-Will-this- recession-lead-to-World-War- III]
Could the current economic crisis, affecting this country
However sometimes history repeats itself.
2NC China DA
Syria key – China fears any overt action against Assad.
Walsh, Pentagon/DC correspondent, ‘11
[Eddie, The Diplomat, http://the-diplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2011/08/18/pressure-grows-on-assad/]
In the broader international community, analysts believe
fallout from the Arab Spring - especially Libya.
China thinks they’re winning the Arab Spring influence battle, but the plan risks an economic and political freakout.
Yuan 12-20-11
[Dr. Jingdong Yuan is an associate professor and acting director of the Center for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney, “The Arab Spring and China's Evolving Middle East Policy,” http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/10992/the-arab-spring-and-chinas-evolving-middle-east-policy]
The "Arab Spring" that started early in 2011
appear ambivalent or, worse, take the wrong stand.
China is watching US responses to the Middle East intently – impacts their global strategy
Aronson 2011 – Geoffrey, Director of Research and Publications at the Foundation for Middle East Peace and editor of the Foundation's report on Israeli Settlement Activities in the Occupied Territories. (How the Arab Spring presages a shifting world order, Foreign Policy, May 17 http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/05/17/how_the_arab_spring_presages_a_shifting_world_order, MCL)
such challenges is itself a measure of the problem.
Wong 12-23
[Gillian, “No 'Arab Spring' in Beijing, As China Sentences Rights Activist to 9 Years in Jail”, CNS News, 12-23-11
BEIJING (AP) - A Chinese court sentenced a veteran activist Friday
Chinese government's nerves are still jittery, " Wang said.
Turns case - China cooperation solves for international cooperation
Baker & Pollpeter, ‘04 - RAND Corporation [John C. Baker & Kevin L. Pollpeter, A Future for U.S.-China Space Cooperation?, RAND Co., http://www.rand.org/commentary/2004/12/13/SN.html, 12-13-04]
China could go a long way in addressing American concerns
collaborate with other countries to achieve common goals.
1NC Orientalism K
The mission of democracy assistance embodies the Orientalist logic that that both shatters the epistemological basis for the Aff, and propagates racist ideology
Strong 7
Edward Strong February 22, 2007http://edstrong.blogcity.com/orientalism_racist_attitudes_prejudice__oppression_towards_m.htm
Every anti-war activist is familiar with the
they were separate from "us" and subject to "our rule.
These racist dichotomies grant states the power to exterminate – this is the root of all war
Mendieta 2
Eduardo Mendieta, 2002, “To Make Live and to Let Die – Foucault and Racism
This is where racism intervenes, not from without, exogenously
threat and foes are biological in nature.
The alt is to vote negative
Our critique of the affirmative’s epistemological approach to the Middle East creates spaces for radical realignment.
Bilgin 2005 [Pinar, Professor IR @ Bilkent, Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective, p.58]
Emphasising the mutually interactive relationship between intellectuals
the subject of research (Wyn Jones 1999: 148-50).
1NR Orientalism K
The constructions of identity affect the way we implement policy.
Said, Palestinian Activist and Former Professor at Columbia University, 1978
[Edward, Orientalism, p. 331-2]
In the case of the Orient as a notion in currency
and is therefore anything but mere academic woolgathering.
You should reject their truth claims – institutional knowledge about the other is caught up in Orientalism
Hammerbeck April 20, 2003 David Hammerbeck PHD in Theatre Literature, Philosophy and Criticism from UCLA “Voltaire's Mahomet, the Persistence of Cultural Memory and Pre-Modern Orientalism” AgorA: Online Graduate Humanities Journal. (2.2). http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/agora/Articles.cfm@ArticleNo=154.html
Mahomet, as an example of Enlightenment strategies in theatre
commonly founded on theatre and novels than in previous centuries.
Their claims about truthful descriptions are false, the Orientalist will always claim to know what the Orient needs wants and should have but most importantly that it is incapable of representing itself.
Said, Palestinian Activist and Former Professor at Columbia University, 1978
[Edward, Orientalism, p. 20-1]
My principal methodological devices for studying authority here
Marx wrote in the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.
Orientalism is a knowledge system – this can’t be jettisoned because it was the core assumption underlying the construction of the aff
Prakash 95 Orientalism Now Author(s): Gyan Prakash Source: History and Theory, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Oct., 1995), pp. 199-212 Published by: Blackwell Publishing for Wesleyan University Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2505621 Accessed: 15/09/2009 16:05
Said's Foucauldian conception of Orientalism as a discourse
dicta of public men of affairs.
The permutation is an attempt to sever the aff’s methodology. Just because the affirmative’s future discourse may not link to the criticism, the plan and all of the assumptions of the 1AC are neocolonialist. Their move to sever method fails.
Said 85 (Edward, Prof. of English/Comparative Lit., Columbia U. Orientalism Reconsidered. Cultural Critic. Autumn 1985. p. 101)
But along with the greater capacity for dealing with
the non-European, peripheral world, on the other.
Case - Turkey Advantage
Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment
Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,
Ken, “Go ahead, Congress, cut away at U.S. foreign aid”, April 18, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/18/not_so_smart_power?page=full,CMR)
Cutting the budgets of the State Department
downing out any lingering gratitude.
U.S. has already lost leadership in Middle East over Palestine
Seale 9/20 New geopolitical map of the Middle East is being drawn Patrick Seale, Agence Global, September 20, 2011, http://www.agenceglobal.com/Article.asp?Id=2644
America's most grievous mistake, however, the source of great harm
Will Europe take up the challenge?
No world war three – no one will risk war and superpowers wouldn’t be drawn in.
Ferguson, 06.
[Niall, professor of history at Harvard, “NIALL FERGUSON; WWIII? No, but still deadly and dangerous” July 24, LA Times, LN]
Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah
to meet the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.
Oil shocks don’t cause economic collapse
Taylor, CATO senior fellow, and Van Doren, senior fellow and expert in the regulation of housing, land, energy, the environment, transportation, and labor, 2007
[Jerry Taylor & Peter Van Doren, “Be Not Afraid,” CATO Institute, September 28, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=8726]
During the last week of September, 2003, oil was selling
hostage to oil markets is, for the most part, incorrect.
Case - LFB
Involving regional allies is crucial to overcome the credibility gap—it’s not leading from behind
POMED, 9/23
Finally, Jon Altermann posited that the U.S. must not
than noisy condemnations that can be easily tuned out."
A stronger American role won’t overcome cred issues – leading from behind is key.
Lewis M. Simons, a Pulitzer Prize winner, is a member of the USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, “As Libya shows, U.S. can capably lead from behind,” 10/11/2011, http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2011-10-11/libya-lead-behind-arab-spring/50733046/1
Let's weigh the benefits of deeper consideration
gone by is now but one among equals.
Leading from behind sustains resources – key internal to prestige.
Cohen 11.
[Roger, op-ed columnist, “Leading from Behind” New York Times -- October 31]
Leading from behind - a phrase first used by a White House adviser
consistent with the facts, as it was in Libya.
Case - Solvency.
Squo solves the aff – US moving towards gradual support for opposition – aff rushes the process tanking Syrian stability, turns solvency.
Rogin 12-28.
[Josh, national security/foreign policy reporter,“Obama administration secretly preparing options for aiding the Syrian opposition” Foreign Policy -- http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/12/28/obama_administration_secretly_preparing_options_for_aiding_the_syrian_opposition]
But the administration does see the status quo
than the risks of moving too slow."
2NC - Solvency
The status quo solves but rushed action turns solvency - its perceived as meddling and delegitimizes the opposition
Rettig, 11-17
[Jessica, published by U.S. News & World Report. How U.S. Could Encourage Peace in Syria, http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2011/11/17/how-us-could-encourage-peace-in-syria?PageNr=2]
Already, according to Grand, efforts are being made to deliver technology
we're seen to be meddling. " he said.
Israel will not attack Iran – Arab Spring has changed their risk calculus.
Mozgovaya ‘11
[Natasha, 7-18, “Former State Department spokesman: Israel will not attack Iran anytime soon”, Haaretz
Former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said
show restraint in the immediate term."
Leading from behind preserves US leadership
Gause, 12/21
[Pol Sci-Vermont, Don't Just Do Something, Stand There! http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/12/21/america_arab_spring_do_nothing?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full]
Thus, the United States should approach regimes
and just stand there in the Middle East.