Arizona State » ASU Brasch & Nielsen Neg

ASU Brasch & Nielsen Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:17
  • vs Inverse Double Consciousness (K State)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: KSU HZ | Judge: Vega

    • Agamben K 1NC

      There is very little difference between democratic and totalitarian states – the difference lies within the State’s ability to conceal its violent biopolitical nature and legitimize atrocity in the name of life preservation.

      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, philosopher and professor of aesthetics at University of Verona Italy, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1998, p. 121-121)
      The contiguity between
      their roots here.

      AND, that puts us on the edge of extinction.

      Bernauer 90 (James, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight, 1990, p. 141-142)
      This capacity of
      our own necks.

      You should reject the aff.  Only rejecting them and their conception of democracy and politicization of bare life is the best strategy for resistance.

      Hussain and Ptacek 00 (Nasser and Melissa, Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought at Amherst University, Law & Society Review, Vol 34, No 2, JStor]
      As Agamben says:
      of bare life.

      Critical Advocacy T - “USFG Should” Requires Advocating a Government Plan

      A.  INTERPRETATION.  For this topic, “United States federal government” acts in matters relating to the entire nation.

      Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2002,
      Merriam-Webster Inc. Collegiate, Tenth Edition
      The United States federal government isthe area in
      , international relations, taxation, and trade.

      “Should” primarily expresses a duty or obligation to act.  A policy action statement meets that duty, while speculation does not.

      American Heritage® Dictionary 96
       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company,, accessed 4/2/01]
      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.
                  1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note. 

      B.  VIOLATION.  The affirmative speaks only for themselves. They take a personal moral stance and fear complicity, but don’t contemplate US federal government action directly.  Ordinary people find a distinction between them and the government when they make analogies.

      Flanagan, 11, editorial producer for, focusing on Montgomery content.  Frequently writes movie-related entertainment content and co-host a movie podcast
      Ben, “Debt ceiling process reflects U.S. need to work within budget, commenters say.”  August 2,
      Below, readers express mostly disappointment with the raising of the debt ceiling, saying the U.S. government should work within a budget and politicians should be mortified with their own behavior throughout the process.
       “If everyone in America ran their household budget like Congress runs the US, we would be in a bigger mess than we are now. What is wrong with living within your means? I have to, why can't the government? Every time I want to buy something I save for it. I can't just tell my employer that I need more money because I want to spend more. The working American people are fed up with all of the wasteful government spending.” - jawjacker

      T – DA is not Democracy Promotion

      A. Interpretation
      Democracy assistance is NOT democracy promotion – it is a distinct subset that primarily and exclusively aids groups that are already pursuing democratic projects

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10
      [Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 188-189]
      In defining democracy assistance
      democracy promotion paradigm.

      B. Violation

      The aff fits one of the other categories of democracy promotion that is distinct from democracy assistance.

      C. Reasons to Prefer

      1. Predictable Neg Ground
        2. Unlimited Aff Ground
        3. Precision is key
        D. Topicality is a Voting Issue for Fairness and Education====

      K Extensions

      They are right – we will never be able to completely understand and embrace the “Other” – but that is the point – making specific acts of solidarity to specific peoples preserves the universality of foreignness and pluralism

      Bruckner 86, Master Lecturer at the Institutd’ÉtudesPolitiques de Paris, ’86 (Pascal, “Tears of the White Man: Compassion and Contempt” p 159-160)
      I will never know all artistic or literary
      toward a land where we were not born.

      They are the flip side of imperialism – their narrative of guilt facilitates the project of domination by recentering the West as the central reference point of all suffering – we are evil but at the same time we are godlike – that’s the only way we could inflict so much damage upon others

      Bruckner ‘86, Master Lecturer at the Institutd’ÉtudesPolitiques de Paris, ’86 (Pascal “Tears of the White Man; Compassion as Contempt” p 117-118)
      A century ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote a
      the source of all the horror in the world

      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, professor of philosophy at university of Verona, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, pg. 139-140)

      3.3. It is not
      in the biological body of every living being. 

      Dumm 96 (Thomas, Professor of Political Science at Amherst College, “Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom.” P. 116-117)

      Here I am slightly ahead of myself.
      very possibility of repression in a disciplinary age.

      Compromise is a synonym for COOPTION:  The permutation damns the attempts to conceive of a new politics because it refuses to extend the “happy life” to everyone.

      Agamben 2K (Giorgio, professor of philosophy at the College International de Philosophie in Paris, Means Without End: Notes on Politics, p. 113-115)
      While the state in decline lets its empty
      sovereignty and right no longer have any hold.

      Biopolitics is a politics of otherness. Operating within this mindset does nothing but exclude and destroy the Body and human identity.

      Fassin, Professor at the University of Paris North, 01(Didier, “The Biopolitics of Otherness: Undocumented Foreigners and Racial Discrimination in French Public Debate”, Anthropology Today, Volume: 17(1), p. 7, CPG)
      According to Agnes Heller (1996), biopolitics
      the critique of the contemporary foundations of politics.

      Democracy disciplines into citizens and thus enable control

      Sauer-Thompson 05 (Gary, Professor of Philosophy at The Flinders University of South Australia, “Democracy as Governmentality,”
      Working off Foucault's essay 'The Subject and Power'
      both constrain and enable the possibilities of citizenship.

      Participation in democracy transforms the individual into a subject who is dependent upon and can be controlled by the state.

      Simons and Masschelein 10 (Maarten  and Jan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, “Governmental, Political, and Pedagogical Subjectification: Foucault with Ranciere,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Volume 42, Issue 5-6, August)
      The demos clearly no longer (or not
      regime that manages preferences, interests and opinions.

  • vs Syria Internet (Weber)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: Weber OG | Judge: Crowe

    • Biopolitics 1NC (see above)

      SAME AS ROUND 1 – 2NC ev is the same as well

      EU CP 1NC Shell

      Text: The European Union should provide open internet for Syria.


      The EU is comparatively more effective than the US at democracy promotion - Arab perception

      Abboud 2010 (NoufalAbboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)
      Finally, the Arab world desperately needs a
      Islamic traditions of tolerance, diversity and justice.

      Politics Jobs 1NC

      Jobs bill will pass but political capital is key

      The Atlantic 9/9 (
      How he can win over skeptical Republicans:
      White House would see that has a victory."

      Soft stance on Syria massively controversial

      Baenet. al 11 (“Exploring Engagement: US Policy Toward Syria and Hamas” Advisor: ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, The Woodrow Wilson School’s Graduate Policy Workshop)
      There are many challenges to compelling Syria and  
      the U.S. House of Representatives.  

      Obama’s jobs plan is critical to prevent a double dip recession

      Zandi 9/9 (Mark Zandi is chief economist of Moody's Analytics, Dr. Zandi received his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania, “An Analysis of the Obama Jobs Plan
      Why more support is critical There are compelling
      50-year low below 5.5%.

      Economic recovery key to prevent nuclear World War III

      O'Donnell 9 [2009 Baltimore Republican Examiner writer and Marine Corps Reserve squad leader, 9
      [Sean, 2-26-2009, The Baltimore Republican Examiner, "Will this recession lead to World War III?," 3108-Baltimore-Republican- Examinery2009m2d26-Will-this- recession-lead-to-World-War- III]
      Could the current economic crisis affecting this country
      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.

      US solves internet repression in the SQ

      US is invested in a diverse set of tools to get the internet into Syria and other repressive regimes. Either the SQ solves the aff or the plan fails for the same reasons the SQ fails

      Posner, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, andFeltman, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, 2011
      [Michael and Jeffrey, U.S. Human Rights Policy Toward Iran And Syria, Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, July 27,]
      As Secretary Clinton has said, “we
      the political and economic future of their countries.

      The US is already doing MORE than the aff.

      Glanz and Markoff, NYT Staff, 2011
      [James and John, U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors, June 12,]
      The Obama administration
      helped protesters mobilize.

      1NC - Creating media access for everyone pacifies protestors. Lack of communication methods encourages physical presence and protests

      Hassanpour, grad student in politics at Yale, 2011
      [Navid, “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest: Evidence from Mubarak’s Natural Experiment, p. 3-4]
      The debate on the role of the media
      to unanticipated dimensions.2

      Social media reduces ties necessary for protest

      Sutter, CNN, 2011
      [John, “When social media ‘hinders’ revolution”, CNNTech, August 31,]
      (CNN)  This has been the year of social media crackdowns.
      First there was
      case in Egypt.

      Increased connectivity undermines collective action

      Hassanpour, grad student in politics at Yale, 2011
      [Navid, “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary Unrest: Evidence from Mubarak’s Natural Experiment, p. 3]
      In the following I argue that the disruption
      underlying processes that increase the dispersion of protests.

      Obama providing internet in authoritarian regimes now

      Obama will provide internet access to Syria and Libya now

      Access will be
      towers,” recalls newspaper.

      US is fully committed to a global effort to provide internet access in closed countries

      Glanz and Markoff, NYT Staff, 2011
      [James and John, U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors, June 12,]
      Mr. Yahyanejad said
      destabilizing autocratic governments.

  • vs Bahrain (K State)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: KSU PR | Judge: Howland

    • Biopolitics (see above)

      EU CP 1NC

      Text: The European Union should increase funding for conferences for youth, media groups, and Non-Governmental organizations aimed towards political reform in Bahrain initially looking at issues of torture and unfair trials.


      The EU is uniquely able to aid in Bahrain due to a void created by failed US policy.

      E. A. Fakhr 2009 The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World IDEA international
      Having examined both the influence of Islamist actors
      term ally and partner of the Arab world.

      Politics Jobs 1NC (see above)

      Unrest makes assistance controversial

      Katzman 11 (Kenneth, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Bahrain: Reform, Security and US Policy”June 9th, 2011)
      The Obama Administration, which presented its FY2012
      .S. naval headquarters has become unstable.


      The maintaining of democracy promotion though ngos, and other organization is used to destabilize progressive movements

      GeraldSussman06,teaches urban studies and communications at Portland State University and has published widely on the international political economy of information technology, mass media, and development.  The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe,  2006, Volume 58, Issue 07 (December), MCJ
      The National Endowment for Democracy, which supports
      with a socialist or democratic-socialist bent.”

      A major obstacle to peace stability is the US in the Middle East.

      Dr. James J.Zogby 11, is the author of Arab Voices: What They Are Saying to Us, and Why it Matters(Palgrave Macmillan, October 2010) and the founder and president of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a Washington, D.C.-based organization which serves as the political and policy research arm of the Arab American-community, Posted: 7/16/11 12:27 PM ET, “America in Trouble in the Middle East: Obama Understands, But GOP Gloats”, MCJ
      What our respondents tell us is the second
      the region and are treading on dangerous ground.

      EU, china, and US will balance each other in the event of declined US supremacy

      Khanna8(Parag, expert on geopolitics and global governance, Director of the Global Governance Initiative and Senior Research Fellow in the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, "Waving Goodbye to Hegemony"., January 27)
      Would the world not be more stable if
      make itself irresistible to stay in the game.

      Vacuum after US falls will be filled by multipolarity

      Haass 8 (Richard N, 4/16, President of Council on Foreign Relations, Financial Times.
      All of this raises a critical question:
      world from becoming more disorderly and—dangerous.


      Straits Times 6-25-2000
      THE high-intensity scenario postulates a cross
      , we would see the destruction of civilisation.

      US drive is causing more Al Qaida recruits, Taliban alliances and instability

      Webster Tarpley 9 (23, December 14th, Obama Declares War On Pakistan, J)
       One elected official who has criticized this
      and motivated by US imperialist raison d'état. . 

      Afghan failure spreads to regional collapse- spills over to all of Central Asia

      Starr ‘5 [S. Frederick, Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Foreign Affairs, July/August nick]
      In relations among states, success does not
      did for years after 1917. Development will halt

      Culminates in thermo-nuclear war

      Ahrari ‘1 [Dr. Ehsan, (Prof National Security and Strategy of the Joint and Combined Warfighting School at the Armed Forces Staff College), August 2001, “Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan and the New Great Game,” Strategic Studies Institute, nick]
      Even though in the Clinton era the United
      , thus representing a gain for all concerned.

      Preeminence makes solving disease impossible – only multipolarity reduces global resentment enough to allow for responses to pandemics

      Weber et. al 7, (Steven, Professor of Political Science at UC-Berkeley and Director of the Institute of International Studies, NaazneenBarma, Matthew Kroenig, Ely Ratner, “How Globalization Went Bad”,  January-February 2007, Foreign Policy, DB)
      The same is true for global public health
      Saharan Africa. America can’t change that alone.

      Infections disease spread risks global extinction

      Steinbruner 98 – Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution
      [John D., “Biological weapons: A plague upon all houses,” Foreign Policy, Dec 22, LN]
      It is a considerable comfort and undoubtedly a
      security problem for the species as a whole. 

      Heg causes war with Iran

      Layne 7(Christopher, Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University and Research Fellow with the Center on Peace and Liberty at The Independent Institute, literary and national editor of the Atlantic, Review of International Studies (2009), "The Case Against the American Empire," American Empire: A Debate, p. 64-65, DB)
      Iran Because of the strategy of primacy and
      key question today is whether these assumptions are correct


      Jorge Hirsch (San Diego Union Tribune) January 3, 2006 “America’s nuclear ticking bomb”
      If only conventional bombs are used in an
      underground installations versus those targeting cities or armies.

      Nuclear Terrorism

      Dietrich Fischer, Academic Director of The European University Center for Peace Studies, July 10, 2005 (“The Real Threat is Nuclear Terrorism”,
      As long as the big powers insist on
      species that failed to adapt to new conditions.

  • vs Libya Governance (UNLV)

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: GE | Judge:

    • EU CP

      Text: The European Union ought to provide technical support for transparent democratic governance in Libya


      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator


      _low_1.pdf, SRM)


      It is only with knowledge of the local


      play the role of either catalyst or teacher.


      The EU is well-positioned to help Libya and already has the resources allocated.


      EuroActiv, “EU ready to support Libya transition” Published 22 August 2011 - Updated 24 August 2011


      As Muammar Gaddafi's forces scatter, NATO,


      to demanding an "immediate end to violence".

      Politics NB (Supercommitte)


      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise

      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)


      To be sure, the supercommittee still has


      , but we have to get to one.”


      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,


      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing


      State Department he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, http




      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.


      4. The impact is global nuclear war

      Thayer 6 [Bradley A., Prof of Defense and Strategic Studies @ Missouri State University, “In Defense of Primacy.,” National Interest; Nov/Dec2006 Issue 86, p32-37]


      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been


      for advancing the interests of the United States. 




      There is very little difference between democratic and totalitarian states – the difference lies within the State’s ability to conceal its violent biopolitical nature and legitimize atrocity in the name of life preservation.


      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, philosopher and professor


      , 1998, p. 121-121)


      The contiguity between mass democracy and totalitarian states


      fascism in Europe also have their roots here.



      AND, that puts us on the edge of extinction.


      Bernauer 90 (James, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight, 1990, p. 141-142)


      This capacity of power to conceal itself cannot


      has tightened around each of our own necks.



      You should reject the aff.  Only rejecting them and their conception of democracy and politicization of bare life is the best strategy for resistance.

      Hussain and Ptacek 00 (Nasser and Melissa, Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought at Amherst University, Law & Society Review, Vol 34, No 2, JStor]


      As Agamben says: If anything characterizes modern


      subjection. (1998:9-10)

      If for Agamben we stand today at the


      the West and its politicization of bare life.



      CASE - Oil

      Squo solving now – Oil companies back in Libya

      Pasadena-Star News 9/5/11 (“Business briefs: Foreign oil companies back in Libya” Pasadena-Star News August 5, 2011.

      At least five foreign oil and gas companies


      a halt during this year's insurgency against Gadhafi.


      Oil flow stabilizing now - IOCs

      Oil and Gas Eurasia ’11 (“NTC Says IOCs Return to Libya” September 7, 2011. )


      Officials from Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC


      also aid in restoring production from offshore fields.


      High oil prices key to the Russian economy

      Andrew E. Kramer 11, New York Times, “Russia Cashes In on Oil Supply Anxiety”, March 8,

      Whatever the eventual outcome of the Arab world’s


      less vulnerable to an outbreak of social unrest.


      Global nuclear conflict

      David, Prof Poli Sci – Johns Hopkins University, ‘99
       (Steven, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb)

      At no time since the civil war of


      that far), power devolves to the periphery.


      With the economy collapsing, republics feel less


      chaos that would follow a Russian civil war.



      Case - EUROZONE

      Eurozone crisis resolving now

      AFP 11 (“EU-IMF will likely clear Greek debt lifeline Oct 24: Juncker” October 6, 2011. )

      BERLIN — International creditors will likely wrap up


      come to a positive conclusion," he said.



      EU already ramping up efforts to curb crisis – Eurozone summit

      Dalton, Moen and Radowitz ’11 (Matt, Arild, Bernd [staff writers for the Wall Street Journal] “EU Ramps Up Efforts To Shield Banks, Weaker Economies From Crisis” The Wall Street Journal, October 7, 2011.

      BRUSSELS (Dow Jones)--European Union governments


      date of mid-2013, Rehn said.



      Aff can’t solve – it’s intractable

      Soros, 11
       George F'n Soros, October 2011, Does the Euro Have a Future?,

      Unfortunately the euro crisis is more intractable.


      the authorities have been trying to buy time.



      Case - Solvency


      TURN: US democracy assistance will corrupt Libyan development path making North African and West Asian instability inevitable.


      Sheng ’11 (Zhong [reporter for People’s Daily] “Libya needs development path suited to its specific conditions” People’s Daily, August 30, 2011. )


      As the Libya crisis is entering its final


      typical examples of which are Afghanistan and Iraq.




      Agamben 98 (Giorgio, professor of philosophy


      Bare Life, pg. 139-140)


      3.3.               It is not


      in the biological body of every living being.


      ANDThe perm still links- it’s an attempt at normalizing resistance- that justifies extinction


      Dumm 96 (Thomas, Professor of Political


      Freedom.” P. 116-117)

      Here I am slightly ahead of myself.


      very possibility of repression in a disciplinary age.


      Compromise is a synonym for COOPTION:  The


      extend the “happy life” to everyone.


      Agamben 2K (Giorgio, professor of philosophy


      on Politics, p. 113-115)


      While the state in decline lets its empty


      sovereignty and right no longer have any hold.



      Participation in democracy transforms the individual into a subject who is dependent upon and can be controlled by the state.


      Simons and Masschelein 10 (Maarten  and Jan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, “Governmental, Political, and Pedagogical Subjectification: Foucault with Ranciere,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Volume 42, Issue 5-6, August)


      The demos clearly no longer (or not


      regime that manages preferences, interests and opinions.


      SuperC NB

      Republicans have a fundamental opposition to US involvement in Libya

      McKelvey 11 (August 22, Tara McKelvey, a frequent contributor to The New York Times Book Review, is the author of Monstering: Inside America's Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War (Basic Books).


      Now that Libya seems to have turned out


      the joyful events in Tripoli have little impact.

  • vs Affirm the rez (Binghamton)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Critical T


      A.  INTERPRETATION.  The affirmative should have to defend the implementation of a plan that increases United States federal government democracy assistance to Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, or Tunisia.


       “Should” primarily expresses a duty


      meets that duty, while speculation does not.


      ____American Heritage® Dictionary 96

       [1996, 1992 by Houghton Mifflin


      com, accessed 4/2/01]


      should (shd)    v. aux. Past tense of shall.


                  1.Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.

      Democracy Assistance means grant-aided support for local pro-democracy initiatives, even the broadest interpretations of what this means should not include indirect consequences if we want the topic to have any meaning

      Burnell, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, 2007

      [Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion


      .pdf, p. 4-5]

      All things considered, however, there is


      public policy for things like managing the economy.

      In view of the complexity of the issue


      indirect consequences for democracy in the partner countries.

      So, development assistance could be one way


      simpler question: does direct democracy assistance work?


      B.  VIOLATION.  The 1AC only criticizes American imperialism which only has indirect consequences on democracy in the topic countries.




      1.      Preparation and education.  A common starting point

      2.      AND

      3.      their position is not thoroughly explored and deliberated.


      4.      Ground.  The majority of evidence assumes the

      5.      AND

      6.      of government action, all actor counter plans)


      7.      Clash.  The goal of debate, both

      8.      AND

      9.      and analytic skills in the effort to succeed.

      D.  IT’S A VOTER

      You must hold them accountable for the resolution – the best way to access topic specific education and all education derived from the affirmative is by having a common starting point for discussion.

      Shively, former Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, 2000

      [Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-183]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.






      We endorse the 1AC except for any references to "assistance"


      Our net benefit is that their criticism of democracy is overbroad – they conflate Democracy Promotion with Democracy Assistance which throws the baby out with the bathwater – Democracy Assistance is a very distinct subset of Democracy Promotion that is not concerned with “spreading democracy” but is exclusively focused on aiding those who are already pursuing democratic projects.


      The net benefit is two-fold:

      FIRST is topic specific education.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen



      In defining democracy assistance, it is paramount


      , economic sanctions applied, and embargoes enforced .

      On the positive side, there is the


      security guarantees, or economic and trade benefits.

      Finally, on the positive side, there


      precise instrument within a broader democracy promotion paradigm.



      AND, The impact is real –

      1.     Combined with inaction, conflation undermines the entire practice of democracy assistance, ceding it to the political making hopes of any future policy capable of solving the aff diminish.

      2.     It closes any avenue to learn about whether or not democracy assistance is a good idea and come to understand its effects within the world.

      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 10

      [Richard, participant in over a dozen



      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      likelihood of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable



      SECOND, Democracy assistance is key to women’s right’s movements – Programs like US assistance to YWU projects to stop child marriages would become a casualty in the wake of the aff.

      USAID 9, YEMEN BASIC HEALTH SERVICES (BHS) PROJECT Mid-Term Evaluation September 2009 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Joy Riggs-Perla, Nahed Matta, and Nevine Hassanein through the Global Health Technical Assistance Project.


      This is a new USAID activity started in


      post-intervention survey (see section V).

      Child marriage leads to a laundry list of impacts.

      By: Rati Bishnoi 11, Special Projects Intern at Women Deliver Celebrate Solutions: Community educators change perceptions of child marriage in Yemen May 31st, 2011


      Nearly one-half or 48 percent of


      . Now they see they can have both.


      And women’s action is key to detonate patriarchy

      Sabbagh, former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), 2005

      [Amal, “The Arab States:


      , p. 67]


      The women’s movementis the detonator


      regression, the cornerstone of future modernity.’45

      It is often the case that discussions on


      potential as the harbingers of a better future.





      Engagement with the state is critical- your aff cedes the political to the Right

      Grossberg, Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies, 1992

      [Lawrence, We gotta get out of this place, p. 381-383]


      I believe that the success of the new


      cultural and often intellectual labor, as authoritative.


      We must engage institutional structures to create social


      “outside”- your aff only sustains your impacts

      Kirsch 00, professor of comparative studies at Florida Atlantic University

      Max, Queer Theory and Social Change, 2000, page 9 AJM


      The gay and lesbian movement of the 1970s


      guarantee that a political program is in place.

           If our goal, then, is


      to consider class, race, and history.


      Generalizing the US as an empire is untrue; doing so would allow many others to be characterized similarly.

      Motyl in 6 (Alexander J., Prof


      , p. 1) MAT

      Matthew Connelly begins his contribution to the SSRC's


      draw lessons from their experiences with equal justification?



      2NC – Counter Advo


      AND, It’s their choice – Arab women want the US’s help – we have an obligation to answer this call with assistance which transcends your imperialism arguments.

      Ambassador Hoveyda, Middle East project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 2005 [Fereydoun, “Arab Women and the Future of the Middle East”, American Foreign Policy Interests No. 27,  , p. 18-20]

      Direct Aid and Cultural Exchanges


      One panelist expressed the belief that many opportunities


      of the United States would not be helpful.



      2NC Case

       (props to USC for the tag)

      Your aff is a luxury that’s hostile to lived experience.  Criticizing the relevance of the law and political freedoms from afar is easy to do when you’re already protected by the law.  Many activists in Arab countries actually want the protection of the law. Their stereotyping of capitalism and statism is no different than Islamophobia

      Kacem 11 M.B., French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. A Tunisian Renaissance. <>

      As a Tunisian, I was already tired


      now elsewhere, claim to see Islamism everywhere.

  • vs Syria Internet (USC)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU CP - same as weber debate

      China-US relations are improving but fragile. The only things that have prevented a complete collapse thus far are ongoing distractions.

      Wang 8-18

      [Honggang, Building the US-Sino



      Compared to tense relations in 2010, Sino


      shortly after the two countries established diplomatic ties.

      The summit effectively reversed the downward spiral in


      and became a guideline for their future ties.

      Also, unrest in the Middle East distracted


      sweeping wave of disturbances across the Middle East.

      Chaos in the Middle East had barely stopped


      addressing contentious issues, particularly those involving China.

      Against this backdrop, disputes between China and


      China Sea will continue to hinder bilateral relations.

      U.S.-Sino relations solves economic decline and is a prereq to solving every impact – creates the foundation for global interests

      Cohen 2009 (William S., Center for Strategic and International Studies Counselor and Trustee

       , “Smart Power in U.



      The evolution of Sino-U.S


      in the midst of the current global financial crisis


      Global economic recovery key to prevent nuclear World War III

      O'Donnell 9 [2009 Baltimore Republican Examiner writer and Marine Corps Reserve squad leader, 9

      [Sean, 2-26-2009


      -to-World-War- III]

      Could the current economic crisis affecting this country


      is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.

      Agamben - same as other debate


      US is invested in a diverse set of tools to get the internet into Syria and other repressive regimes. Either the SQ solves the aff or the plan fails for the same reasons the SQ fails

      Posner, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, andFeltman, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, 2011

      [Michael and Jeffrey, U.S


      Middle East and South Asia, July 27,



      As Secretary Clinton has said, we


      from acquiring sensitive technology to repress its citizens.

      A strong, representative government can be responsive


      the political and economic future of their countries.

      The US is already doing MORE than the aff.

      Glanz and Markoff, NYT Staff, 2011

      [James and John, U.S



      The Obama administration is leading a global effort


      them by censoring or shutting down telecommunications networks.

      The effort includes secretive projects to create independent


      into a prototype “Internet in a suitcase.”

      Financed with a $2 million State Department


      area with a link to the global Internet.

      The American effort, revealed in dozens of


      , ranges in scale, cost and sophistication.

      Some projects involve technology that the United States


      called liberation-technology movement sweeping the globe.

      The State Department, for example, is


      Libya, according to participants in the projects.

      In one of the most ambitious efforts,


      the official Afghan services, seemingly at will.

      The effort has picked up momentum since the


      country’s Internet, which had helped protesters mobilize.


      1NC - Creating media access for everyone pacifies protestors. Lack of communication methods encourages physical presence and protests.

      Hassanpour, grad student in politics at Yale, 2011

      [Navid, “Media Disruption Exacerbates Revolutionary


      Natural Experiment, p. 3-4]

      The debate on the role of the media


      social media also seems to be more difficult.

      The proponents of such arguments overlook several facts


      may make personal moves and physical presence unnecessary.

      The lack of the intermediary sources of communication


      , and perhaps realistic narration of the events.

      In the absence of the mass media,


      of events can grow to unanticipated dimensions.2


      No matter how liberatory technology can be, repressive governments still control everything – your social media revolution will be crushed in short order by the state

      De Vaney and Gance 2000

      [Ann and Stephen, Technology and Resistance: digital communications and new coalitions around the world, Ed. De Vaney, Gance, Ma, p. 2-3]

      The proliferation of digital communications and the growing presence of portable computers have placed the means of production and dissemination of news and messages in the hands of almost any political group. Resistance movements in South Africa, Namibia, Malawi, China, Russia, Indonesia, and Mexico have relied on ready access to communication technologies for promulgation of their liberatory messages. Citizens who enjoy democratic rights have joined in solidarity with members of oppressed nongovernmental organizations ( NGOS) through the use of contemporary links such as electronic mail and facsimile. Some would say that the geography of cyberspace is the new arena for conversation about political resistance. While these are hopeful events, they often take place under the gaze of oppressive governmental agencies who may yet move to redirect the flow of information away from grassroots movements, just as official Chinese censors did after the Tiananmen Square protest; that event prompted them to read, temporarily, all email messages leaving their country. The possibility that new discourses in cyberspace could address and aid in the redress of disenfranchised citizens in many countries must therefore be tempered by the political realities of ruling governments. It is the dominant state agencies and corporate organizations who still control the major flow of information around the world.

      Disrupting the State

      Decentralized electronic technologies have already caught the governments of Russia, Mexico, and China off guard. While we would not go as far as Castells ( 1998) when he writes that these governments must now share power with grassroots organizations, we would agree that they have disrupted the flow of publicity and news that their governments promote. And, such actions have lifted the mask from an element of the state's legitimating function, have thwarted some of its power to elicit normative behavior from citizens, and have hampered its ability to circulate norms for patriotic behavior. The new information technologies have contributed to a decentralization and an undermining of bureaucratic or governmental control ( Castells 1997). These decentralizing and democratizing tendencies have largely been at the expense of the state and in spite of the vast informational and technological apparatus that the state controls. Indeed, as can be seen in the case of Burma and China (and now Indonesia), information dissemination separate from the state was accomplished using the technological infrastructure created by the state.

      This is not to claim that information technologies are always liberatory or democratic. Certainly, the state can still muster considerable influence over the dissemination of information as indicated, for example, in China, where the Chinese government has been effective in controlling the flow of information in the years after the Tiananmen Square crackdown. Castells ( 1997) goes so far as to claim that oppressive societies may become more oppressive with the new information technologies, whereas open societies may become more open. We do not wish to make such a claim. Rather, the chapters here represent examples where information technologies have been effectively applied in liberatory projects, but these technologies do not guarantee democracy or democratic participation in any society, oppressive or not.


      Their faith in internet training and access means we never examine the root of the problem – US support for dictatorships. This turns the case.

      Morozov, Schwarz Fellow @ New America Foundation, 2011

      [Evgeny, “America’s Internet Freedom Agenda


      no 6, Spring, p. 63]

      And yet the toughest unacknowledged challenge to the


      forces that Washington itself has armed and trained.

      One would need to be extremely naive to


      -activists but to stop supporting their opponents.

      The danger here is that Washington’s noble and


      deeply cynical realpolitik foundations of US foreign policy.


      Tech was supposed to bring us democracy at the opening of the Industrial era – instead all we got was ingrained social classes – the opposite of democracy

      De Vaney 2000

      [Ann, Technology and Resistance: digital communications and new coalitions around the world, Ed. De Vaney, Gance, Ma, p. 4-5]p. 12]

      Political projects that combine the power of democratic concepts with the use of technology have existed since the time of the Enlightenment and, strangely enough, Enlightenment rhetoric is apparent in the resistance stories in this text and narratives from other dissidents. To understand the contemporary freedom fighters, it is helpful to explore the historical source of their rhetoric. Since technology has been so implicated in the articulation of those Enlightenment goals which eventually oppressed workers instead of freeing them, some critics tend to fault democratization itselfDuring the industrial revolution the factory system helped create a managerial class and fostered the growth of a bureaucratic (business and economic) hierarchy while automation created a class of deskilled laborers. With a critical focus on these and other social ills, it is hard for us to remember the initial connection of technology to democratic freedoms that early Enlightenment writers espoused.


      No solvency – The aff looks at the world through the lens of the internet – everything becomes a problem that the internet solves

      Morozov, Schwarz Fellow @ New American Foundation, 2011

      [Evgeny, The Net Delusion: The


      Internet Freedom, p. xv-xvi]

      To be truly effective, the West needs


      environment than it penetrates rather than vice versa.


  • vs Muslim Brohood (Wyo)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Conditions CP

      CP: The United States federal government should offer the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt a substantial amount of assistance for political party development on the condition that it doesn’t support terrorism and that if elected it would support the peace treaty with Israel and work to destroy tunnels into Gaza.

      Republicans support conditions on aid to Egypt

      Feteha 11  (Ahmed Monday 25 Jul 2011, writer for Ahram Online, Ahram Online is the English-language news web site published by Al-Ahram Establishment, Egypt’s largest news organization, and the publisher of the Middle East’s oldest newspaper, the daily Al-Ahram, in publication since 1875. ttp://


      The US House of Representatives passed a bill


      , indicating the inclination of Congress’ lower house.

      They would say yes – Solves perception of disengagement with Islamic groups

      Byman 11 (Feb 4, Egypt 2012: What If the Muslim Brotherhood Comes to Power? Egypt, The Arab Spring and Middle East Unrest, Middle East, Foreign Policy, North Africa Daniel L. Byman, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy Wall Street Journal, MV


      To encourage future moderation, the United States 


      encouraging them to adopt even more radical policies.


      1NC Condtions CP - Peace Treaty Net Benefit

      Democratic pressure will roll back the treaty in the status quo

      Newsweek 11 “Egypt Boils Over” July




      Egyptians' antipathy toward Israel was palpable. Only


      the landmark peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.

      Maintaing the treaty is key to prevent war and regional instability

      The Australian 9/12 (2011,


      GIVEN the enduring importance of the 1979 Egypt


      be a tragic replay of Tehran in 1979.

      War with Israel causes extinction

      Beres 11 (Louis, professor of political science and international law at Purdue University, chair of Project Daniel (Israel), “Israel, anarchy and global chaos”,, 8/17/2011)


      The probability of expanding Middle East chaos could


      , and until all things human are leveled.




      1NC Politics

      1. Supercommitte will reach deal – pressures will force compromise

      AP 10/10 (2011, 10/deficit_supercommittee_struggl.html)


      To be sure, the supercommittee still has


      , but we have to get to one.”


      2. Foreign aid causes GOP backlash to negotiations – trades off with defense spending

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff reporter for Foreign Policy, 8/9/11,


      The State Department, meanwhile, is preparing


      State Department he one day hopes to lead.

      3. Defense cuts triggered by the committee would kill heg, global security and the economy

      McKeon 10/14 (2011, http




      What principles should guide the congressional super committee


      , not on the protector of our prosperity.


      4. The impact is global nuclear war

      Thayer 6 [Bradley A., Prof of Defense and Strategic Studies @ Missouri State University, “In Defense of Primacy.,” National Interest; Nov/Dec2006 Issue 86, p32-37]


      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been


      for advancing the interests of the United States. 

      1NC US Credibility FL

      1. The Middle East mistrusts any US assistance – can’t improve credibility

      Lappin 10 [Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade,Richard, participant in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter center, and recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Romania, PhD Candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance,” Central European Journal ISS, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 193]


      Additionally, the consistent prioritisation of economic interests


      involved only a limited engagement in democracy promotion.


      2. Foreign assistance isn’t key to soft power – causes rising expectations which generates more resentment

      Adelman 11 (former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, now heads (with his wife) Movers & Shakespeares, which teaches executive leadership to corporations and NGOs,

      Ken, “Go ahead, Congress,




      Cutting the budgets of the State Department and


      engenders resentment, downing out any lingering gratitude.


      3. Alt causes to anti-US backlash – Turkey, Pakistan, Libya, Iran – their author

      Maginnis 8-17 [11, Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, Human Events Online, “Muslim World More Anti-American Than Ever”, lexis]


      Second, Turkey is on a glide path


      , and assume tougher political and military policies.


      5. No internal link to a power vacuum – Their Rosen evidence indicts a total US troop withdrawal from the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Plan doesn’t affect US military presence.

      6. Heg doesn’t solve war and a power vacuum wouldn’t cause an arms race

      Fettweis 10  Professor of national security affairs @ U.S. Naval War College.

      (Christopher J. “Threat and Anxiety


      April 2010 , pages 59 – 82informaworld) CMR


      One potential explanation for the growth of global


      world peace and US military expenditure are unrelated.

      7. Biological agents can’t cause extinction

      Gladwell 99 [Malcolm, The New Republic, Jul 17, “Epidemics: Opposing Viewpoints,” p. 31-2]


      Every infectious agent that has ever plagued humanity


      point out the limitations of microscopic life forms.


      8. Strong US heg in the Middle East is impossible

      Miller 11  Summer 11 public policy scholar at


      secretary of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations,

      Aaron David, “For America, An


      /article.cfm?aid=1967 CR


      Finally, if the tumultuous changes in the


      cannot remake and from which it cannot retreat.



      State department already solving

      Sennott 11 (Charles, Vice President, Executive Editor and co-founder of GlobalPost. An award-winning foreign correspondent with 25 years of experience, Sennott has reported on the front lines of wars and insurgencies in at least 15 countries, including the 2011 revolution in Cairo and the Arab Spring, “Thinking about Egypt this Fourth of July,” 7/04/2011)

      At the core of the debate in Egypt


      It’s a confident and practical thing to do.


      2NC CP cards


      Conditions on aid save money – popular with GOP

      CNN 11 (Clinton pushes back on proposed bill to curb State Dept. operations From Jill Dougherty, CNN Foreign Affairs Correspondent July 27, 2011,


      When asked about the bill by CNN,


      to undermine U.S. interests abroad."


      Republicans support conditions based on the peace treaty with Israel

      Jersusalem Post 8/23  (US: Aid to Egypt conditional on peace with Israel By HERB KEINON 08/23/2011 00:47,


      Washington’s $2 billion in annual aid to


      continued, our financial support will not continue.”

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Round 2

      Neg: ASU BN

      Round #2 Shirley

      Vs. Liberty AH

      Judge: Gabe Murillo


      Off Case Args


                  Black/White Binary


                  Civil Society PIC




      Case Args


                  Disinterest good


                  Focus on whiteness bad


      Block strategy




      2NR Strategy








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