James Madison » JMU Brass and Waugh Neg.

JMU Brass and Waugh Neg.

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 13:40
  • 1NC Saudi Relations DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell Saudi Relations DA



      Even with Arab Spring tensions US-Saudi Arabia relations remain high

      Christopher Boucek, U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring, June 21, 2011, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

      http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/21/u.s.-saudi-relations-in-shadow-of-arab-spring/1s3, Christopher Boucek is an associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa. He is a leading authority on disengagement and rehabilitation programs for Islamist militants and extremists and a recognized expert on terrorism, security, and stability issues in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

      Tensions between the United … on areas of mutual interest.


      B. Link.

      U.S. democracy assistance crushes U.S. Saudi relations

      Vali Nasr , Bloomberg News, May 23, 2011, (Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?‖ http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html) PM

      In his speech last … of the Middle East.


      C. Impact.

      1. Weakening US-Saudi relations forces Saudi nuclearization

      Jason Burke correspondent for The Guardian, Saudi Arabia worries about stability, security and Iran In a UK speech, Prince Turki al-Faisal outlines Saudi Arabia's concerns relating to the Arab spring, its foreign policies and Iran, 29 June 2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun/29/saudi-arabia-prince-turki-arab-spring-iran

      A Saudi bomb?

      Julian Borger

      Diplomatic editor

      In the short term, Saudi Arabia could … has frayed considerably.


      2. Saudi nuclearization ensures Middle East nuclear catastrophe

      Eric S. Edelman et al 2011(ERIC S. EDELMAN is a Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; he was U.S.  Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2005-9. ANDREW F. KREPINEVICH is President of the Center for Strategic  and Budgetary Assessments. EVAN BRADEN MONTGOMERY is a Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and  Budgetary Assessments  Foreign Affairs The Dangers of NATO a Nuclear Iran  Andrew F. Krepinevich, and Evan Braden Montgomery Subtitle: The Limits of Containment January 2011 - February 2011 SECTION: Pg. 66 Vol. 90 No. 1 )

      Were Saudi Arabia to  incentives for an attack.

  • 1NC EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 111NC Shell EU CP


      Cplan text – The European Union should_____________


      It solves EU has extensive DA efforts and has the ability to utilize some of its experiences within member states recently transitioned to democratic governments

      Jeff Lovitt, (Executive Director, Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS),) and Vìra Øiháèková,( Research Fellow, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy) Is the EU ready to put democracy assistance at the heart of European foreign policy? 2008

      Policy Brief Number 1

      The EU generally can be detected.


      EU credibility down in ME- only way to revitalize is through true democracy promotion efforts

      Times of Malta February 3, 2011 Patrick Cooke “EU ‘has lost all credibility’ on democracy in Middle East”


      The European Union  region,” she said.


      EU soft power key to Israel/ Palestinian peace agreement

      Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering,(MEP, former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung) and Massimo d’Alema 2011(former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy) THE NEED OF EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS” http://www.kas.de/palaestinensische-gebiete/en/publications/21954/

      The European Union should be established.


      The Israel/Palestinian conflict poses the greatest risk for a nuclear war on earth

      Kamal Nawash 2009 Founder of Free Muslims Coalition , “Israel/Palestine Conflict May Lead to Nuclear War” http://www.freemuslims.org/blog/index.php?id=39

      The conflict between is running out.

  • 1NC Politics (SKFTA)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell Politics (SKFTA)


      SKFTA will pass but PC is key

      Palmer 9/2 Doug, Reuters Reporter, " Analysis: Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall," 2011, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902

      After a slow the trade pacts


      2. Link Congress hates the plan – seen as frivolous spending

      Gutman, The Jewish Daily, 5-17-11

      (Nathan, “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East,” http://www.forward.com/articles/137826/

      Meanwhile, facing a of U.S. aid … to elections so quickly is a mistake” to “I don’t think we can force people to accept our way of life, our way of government.”19


      Rejection of SKFTA collapses US credibility in Asia and global hegemony



      In line with

      policy influence.


      4.Failure to project regional stability undermines global hegemony, causes rapid Japan remilitarization, Taiwan conflict and instability in India-Pakistan and Korea

      Goh, 08 – Lecturer in International Relations in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the Univ of Oxford (Evelyn, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, “Hierarchy and the role of the United States in the East Asian security order,” 2008 8(3):353-377, Oxford Journals Database, _)

      The centrality be much worse


      This causes great power nuclear conflict

      Gray, 05 – Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies, and Director of the Center for Strategic Studies, at the University of Reading (Spring 2005, Colin S., Parameters, “How Has War Changed Since the End of the Cold War?” http://www.carlisle.army. mil/usawc/parameters/05spring/gray.htm)

      6. Interstate War, Down fear, honor, and interest

  • 1NC Weak Ontology

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell Weak ontology


      The affirmative employs strong ontological claims as a basis for their affirmation. Assertions about agents, subjects, others, self and the world itself are premised in an orientation which presume certainity and resolution. The difference between weak and strong ontology is how you carry yourself and your most basic commitments. Strong ontology manifests in resolution and confidence while weak ontology acknowledges doubt and skepticism. Post 9/11 speeches by Bush and Graham demonstrate the subtle but important difference.

      White 2005 (Stephen K., James Hart Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, “Weak Ontology: Genealogy and Critical Issues,” Hedgehog Review, Summer, p.14-15) PM

      From the point of view of a strict and the enemy.


      Weak ontology insists that our conceptions of self, other and the world are characterized by contingency and indeterminacy. This makes possible ethico-political practices of care. Strong ontological claims, on the other hand, assume with certainty to know they way the world is. Strong ontological orientations violently eliminate that which their claims cannot capture.

      Howe 2006 (Louis E., associate professor in the Department of Political Science & Planning at the University of West Georgia, “Enchantment, Weak Ontologies, and Administrative Ethics,” Administration & Society, September, p.427-8) PM


      In this section, … ontopolitcal interpretation (p. 1).


      The alternative is to vote negative for a weak ontological orientation. Oliver and I are not resolved but contingently affirm with hesitation that the United States Federal Government, through USAID, _________

      Mustapha 2009 (Jennifer, Department of Political Science at McMaster University, “An Analytical Survey of Critical Security Studies: Making the Case for a (Modified) Post-structuralist Approach, Paper presented at the 2009 CPSA, Ottawa, http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/papers-2009/Mustapha.pdf, p. 2-3) PM


      At the outset, … in its wake” (White 2000, 8).

  • 1NC Egypt Designation CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell Designation CP


      Counterplan text: The Obama administration should designate Egypt as a country of particular concern


      The counterplan solves better and doesn’t link to politics

      Persecution.org 2011 (Egypt Overlooked in State Department's Religious Freedom Report http://www.persecution.org/2011/09/16/egypt-overlooked-in-state-departments-religious-freedom-report/)

      – International Christian Concern (promoting religious freedom."

  • 1NC vs. Egypt Relations Advantage

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Relations Advantage


      Turn – plan tanks US-Egypt relations – empirically proven

      Chick, Christian Science Monitor, 8-12-2011

      (Kristen, “Why Egypt is angry over $65 million in US democracy grants,” http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0812/Why-Egypt-is-angry-over-65-million-in-US-democracy-grants) JDB

      The Egyptian fix for it.”


      Democratization doesn’t solve terrorism

      Gause, Associate Professor of Political Science at Vermont, 2005

      (F. Gregory Guase III, also Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Vermont, “Can Democracy Stop Terrorism?” Foreign Affairs 84:5, Sep-Oct 2005, pp63-76, JSTOR) JDB

      But this begs a important Middle East policies.


      More evidence – not only is democracy not proven to stop terrorism, but democratization may provoke terrorism

      Gause, Associate Professor of Political Science at Vermont, 2005

      (F. Gregory Guase III, also Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Vermont, “Can Democracy Stop Terrorism?” Foreign Affairs 84:5, Sep-Oct 2005, pp63-76, JSTOR) JDB

      Despite the wide as foreign domination.


      US already supporting religious freedom in egypt

      TOP MARKET NEWS 2011 (US Diplomat To Visit Countries That Fail To Protect Religious Freedom http://www.rttnews.com/Content/Policy.aspx?Id=1713625)

      (RTTNews) - US ambassador-at- International Religious Freedom.


      Turn- us promoting religious freedom is perceived as imperialst- turn their perception argument

      Prodromou  2006 (Elizabeth Legislating International Religious Freedom H. Prodromou, Boston University, author of forthcoming books on pluralism in Greece and in Russia; vice chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

      EVENT TRANSCRIPT November 20, http://pewforum.org/Government/Legislating-International-Religious-Freedom.aspx)

      Balanced against for everyone around the world.


      Egypt will reject the aid – USAID incident proves – anything that tries to bypass the government will cause backlash

      Trofimov, Wall Street Journal, June 14 2011

      (Yaroslav, “Egypt Opposes U.S.’s Democracy Funding,” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304665904576383123301579668.html, accessed 8/11/11) JDB

      In March, the through the government.

  • 1NC Liberty Round 6 vs. Yemen Aff

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC EU


      CP Text: The European Union should increase its democracy assistance for Yemen by establishing an International Counter Narcotics and Law Enforcement program for Yemen in order to support the rule of law.


      US overstreched now and goals too narrowly focused on counter terrorism effort to assist yemen, EU must step up

      Mark N. Katz 2011 (Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University) March 2011 “Yemen after Saleh” http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Yemen_after_Saleh.pdf

      While this process of shaping the … people of that country as well as the West as a whole.


      EU credibility down in ME- only way to revitalize is through true democracy promotion efforts

      Times of Malta February 3, 2011 Patrick Cooke “EU ‘has lost all credibility’ on democracy in Middle East”


      The European Union lost all credibility … to have real stability and peace in the region,” she said.


      EU soft power key to Israel/ Palestinian peace agreement

      Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering,(MEP, former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung) and Massimo d’Alema 2011(former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy) THE NEED OF EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS” http://www.kas.de/palaestinensische-gebiete/en/publications/21954/

      The European Union bears the … co-existence with Israel should be established


      1NC Trade-off


      There is a direct trade off in US foreign aid

      Clawson, 2000

      (Patrick, deputy director for research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Middle East Quarterly

      June 2000, pp. 43-53, http://www.meforum.org/63/debate-continue-us-aid-to-israel)MKD

      MEQ: It's a zero-sum game?

      Clawson: The United States is prepared to … 10-percent-sum game.


      Latin America is the lowest priority – shifting assistance towards security objectives would come by cutting Latin American programs.

      Sanchez, 06 (MARCELA SANCHEZ, 1-28-2006 , "Linking foreign aid and security," Washington Post,) KH

      Aid experts inside and outside the … on our national security objectives.”


      Perceptually impact triggers instantly

      Hyman, 2009

      (Gerald F., senior adviser and president of the Hills Program on Governance at CSIS, A Cabinet-level Development

      Agency Right Problem, Wrong Solution, January, CSIS, csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/090121_hyman_cabinet_web.pdf)MKD

      The unwarranted optimism about the … an opening for a resource grab and took it.


      USAID solves for biodiversity in Latin America

      Franco, 2007

      (Adolfo A., Assistant Administrator - Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean United States Agency for International Development, Committee on House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, March 28, 2007, CQ Congressional Testimony)MKD

      The Latin America and the Caribbean … diversity and environmental services.


      Species Loss Risks Extinction

      Diner 1994 (Major David N.; Instructor, Administrative and Civil Law Division, The Judge Advocate General's School, United States Army) "The Army and the Endangered Species Act: Who's Endangering Whom?" 143 Mil. L. Rev. 161 l/n WBW

      The prime reason is the world's survival. …, species offer many direct and indirect benefits to mankind. 68


      1NC Politics


      Boehner blocking now

      Jonathan Bernstein October 21, 2011 (Private investor and trader for fifteen years, His writing on international energy markets has appeared in such venues as The New York Times and the Baltimore Sun. “China Trade Bill: We've Met The Enemy And He Is Us” http://seekingalpha.com/article/301255-china-trade-bill-we-ve-met-the-enemy-and-he-is-us)

      The China Trade Bill sailed … the House passed the bill in 2010 but the Senate did not.)


      His PC is key

      Reuters October 13th 2011 “Analysis: Boehner stands firm against yuan bill” http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/13/us-china-usa-yuan-idUSTRE79B07M20111013

      Other tactics may yet be tried. An …, which opposes the China currency legislation


      Tea party hates foreign aid

      Harvey M. Sapolsky 2010 (Professor of Public Policy and Organization, Emeritus at MIT and was until recently the Director of the MIT Security Studies Program) “ The Tea Party’s Foreign Policy” http://www.e-ir.info/?author=647

      Foreign aid and outreach to America’s … hearts and minds in places far from home.


      Moves to compromise with Obama on issues like the plan empirically force Bohner to the right on other issues to consolidate support for his speakership- like the currency bill

      Boston Globe July 28, 2011  “Boehner can’t please Tea Party, but bipartisan deal could work” http://articles.boston.com/2011-07-28/bostonglobe/29825554_1_tea-party-michele-bachmann-debt-ceiling/2

      In Boehner’s mind, his speakership depends … that would be entirely self-inflicted


      Vote guarantees passage

      Washington Times  October 17th 2011 “Washington contemplates tougher China trade policy” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/oct/17/washington-contemplates-tougher-china-trade-policy/

      Of course, these are only the … such a bill if it got to his desk.


      New tariffs on Chinese goods trigger a trade war

      Forbes, 9-17, 10, http://blogs.forbes.com/gordonchang/2010/09/17/the-chinese-currency-weakens

      At the hearing, Senator Charles …benefit nobody and damage everybody.


      US-China trade war triggers a war

      Ben Landy, Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, publisher of the Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and Government Executive magazines. Landy served in various research and project management positions at the Brookings Institution and Center for Strategic and International Studies, two leading public policy think tanks in Washington, D.C. Ben holds a bachelor of arts degree from Yale University. April 3, 2007, http://chinaredux.com/2007/04/03/protectionism-and-war/#comments

      The greatest threat for the 21st century … military budgets and anti-satellite tests


      (STRAIT TIMES, June 25, 2K, Pg. l/n)
       THE high-intensity scenario postulates … come to pass, 
      we would see the destruction of civilization.



      1NC Feminism IR K


      U.S. led democracy assistance necessitates the exclusion of the feminine by exporting the inherent gender bias of Western political theory and naturalizing already existing patriarchal structures

      Handrahan 1 (Lori M., Prof @ American U, International Center for Gender Studies, Gendering Ethnicity: Implications for Democracy Assistance, pg. 73-74//shree)

      Moreover, feminists have argued … supported by USAID funds were 100% mean (Zairash 1998).


      Patriarchy results in structural violence

      Bunch 90 – She founded the Center for Women's Global Leadership,  recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights,  currently a member of the Advisory Committee for the Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Division,  recently served on the Advisory Committee for the Secretary General’s 2006 Report to the General Assembly on Violence against Women (Charlotte, “Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Towards a Re-Vision of Human Rights”, http://www.jstor.org/stable/762496]

      The most insidious myth about … brutal violation of their bodies.


      We instead choose to adopt a feminist curiosity that challenges traditional notions of political decision making. Only this curiosity can solve for the root causes of gendered politics

      Enloe, 2007

      (Cynthia, Research Professor, Globalization and Militarism: Feminists Make the Link, Department of International Development, Community, and Environment and Women's Studies, Clark University, p. 17)MKD

      To make sense of today's complex … world "works" the way it does.


      1NC Qat PIC


      Cp Text: The United States Federal government should increase its democracy assistance for Yemen by establishing an International Counter Narcotics and Law Enforcement program for Yemen in order to support the rule of law, but should exempt qat 


      Competition- Us law codifies qat as illegal

      Guardian 2004 (05 February http://biopsychiatry.com/methcathinone/qat-khat.html)

       In the United States, Canada and … without much difficulty.


      Qat key to stopping terrorism

      Michael Horton (Senior Analyst for Arabian Affairs at The Jamestown Foundation Mr. Horton studied Middle East History and Economics at the American University of Cairo and Arabic at the Center for Arabic Language and Eastern Studies in Yemen. )  April 27th 2011 “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Challenges and opportunities in Revolutionary Yemen” http://pakteahouse.net/2011/04/27/al-qaeda-in-the-arabian-peninsula-challenges-and-opportunities-in-revolutionary-yemen/

      There are a number of reasons why a … also has a moderating effect that should not be underestimated


      1NC Stability Advantage


      No solvency and Yemeni people say no- upset over past us actions

      Gundun, US Spokesman for Yemen’s Coordinating Council for the Youth Revolution of Change, 2011

      (James, “Commentary: Out of the fry pan,” Al Ahram Weekly, 21 - 27 July 2011 Issue No. 1057, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2011/1057/re9.htm) JDB

      The White House and State Department … their country from tyranny and foreign interference.


      Tribal law and reliance on military wages serves as a backstop preventing complete collapse of Yemen into chaos.

      Dr. Steve C. Caton August 11, 2010 (Professor of Contemporary Arab Studies in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University) “Yemen: not on the verge of collapse” http://www.pomeps.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/POMEPS_BriefBooklet3_Yemen_WEB-Rev.pdf

      The power of the tribes in Yemen is … more accurate understandings of them.


      Alt cause to instability- governmental grievances

      Harris 2010 (Alistair former diplomat and UN staff member Exploiting  Grievances Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula YEMEN: ON THE BRINK A Carnegie Paper Series  may)

      Military and law enforcement responses to the threat posed … for  actual and perceived grievances


      (   ) No impact to oil shocks
       (A)  History proves we can adapt

      Kahn 11 (2/13/11, Jeremy, Boston Globe, “Crude reality”, http://articles.boston.com/2011-02-13/news/29336191_1_crude-oil-shocks-major-oil-producers)

      Among those asking this tough …costs account for only tiny fraction of the price of oil.


      (B)  Markets will adjust

      Layne 6 (Christopher, Associate Professor of International Affairs – Texas A&M University, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, p. 178-179)

      Domestic instability in a major … naturalmarketplace level.


      (   ) Global spare capacity is huge – zero risk of serious shortages

      Gholz and Press 8 (Eugene, Professor of Public Affairs – University of Texas at Austin, and Daryl G., Professor of Government – Dartmouth College, “All the Oil We Need”, The New York Times, 8-21, Lexis)
       WHILE oil prices have declined …
       lost barrel for eight months.


      Closure of Bab-el Mandeb would have negligible effect on the world economy

      Philip Auerswald 2010 (Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University) “Pact on the United States of Closure of the Strait of Hormuz” http://www.slideshare.net/auerswald/impact-on-the-united-states-of-closure-of-the-strait-of-hormuz

      The arteries of commerce that … prices in slightly more than six months.


      Costs of transporting oil are negligible

      Philip Auerswald 2010 (Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University) “Pact on the United States of Closure of the Strait of Hormuz” http://www.slideshare.net/auerswald/impact-on-the-united-states-of-closure-of-the-strait-of-hormuz


      In today’s globalised world it is … than one U.S. cent per liter.



      1NC Saudi- Relations Advantage


      - Even with Arab Spring tensions US-Saudi Arabia relations remain high

      Christopher Boucek, U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring, June 21, 2011, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

      http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/21/u.s.-saudi-relations-in-shadow-of-arab-spring/1s3, Christopher Boucek is an associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa. He is a leading authority on disengagement and rehabilitation programs for Islamist militants and extremists and a recognized expert on terrorism, security, and stability issues in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

      Tensions between the United States … Arabia on areas of mutual interest.


      Link - Saudi Arabia will hate the plan and intervene – tanks relations and solvency

      Nasr, Professor of International Politics at Tufts, 2011

      (Vali, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?” Bloomberg News, 5/23/11, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html) JDB

      The kingdom has emerged as the leader of a … Morocco, which qualify on neither count.


      Relations resiliant

      OTTAWAY 2011 (DAVID senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a former Washington Post Middle East correspondent. Uncle Sam and the Saudi SplitWhy is the House of Saud risking its hard-won relationship with Washington over the Palestine statehood issue? SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/23/uncle_sam_and_the_saudi_split?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full)

      King Abdullah then cast about for … protect them against a nuclear-armed Iran.


      Iran proliferation unlikely – even if Iran gets nukes it won’t use them

      Waltz, Professor of International Relations at UC Berkeley, 2007

      (Kenneth,  Journal of International Affairs, "A Nuclear Iran: Promoting Stability or Courting Disaster?”, http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/21918/Sagan_Nuclear_Iran.pdf)

      First, nuclear proliferation is … the Cultural Revolution--behaves with such caution.


      Iran won’t proliferate - capability

      Fitzpatrick 2011

      (Mark Director, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme
       The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London  Thursday 3 February 2011http://www.iiss.org/publications/strategic-dossiers/irans-nuclear-chemical-and-biological-capabilities/press-statement/)

      The most pressing proliferation concern … its ability to rapidly expand uranium production.


      No impact to Iran prolif – communication networks

      Sadr 2005

      (Ehsaneh I. Sadr graduate student in the department of government and politics at the University of Maryland, College Park) SUMMER 2005 “THE IMPACT OF IRAN’S NUCLEARIZATION ON ISRAEL” MIDDLE EAST POLICY, VOL. XII, NO. 2

      The above analysis indicates …Israel into its neighborhood.


      Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program

      Press TV 2011 (IAEA Director: Iran has no arms program http://www.presstv.ir/detail/168765.html)

      The director general of the International … peaceful nuclear energy under international law.


  • 2NC/1NR Liberty Round 6 vs. Yemen Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC Stability Advantage


      No arms race from Iran prolif

      Posen, Professor of Political Science at MIT, 2006

      (Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AlterNet, March 30, http://www.alternet.org/audits/34219/)


      A Middle Eastern arms race is a frightening … would seem insufficient relative to Iran.


      B)  Markets will adjust

      Layne 6 (Christopher, Associate Professor of International Affairs – Texas A&M University, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, p. 178-179)


      Domestic instability in a major oil-producing …to their naturalmarketplace level.


      (   ) Global spare capacity is huge – zero risk of serious shortages

      Gholz and Press 8 (Eugene, Professor of Public Affairs – University of Texas at Austin, and Daryl G., Professor of Government – Dartmouth College, “All the Oil We Need”, The New York Times, 8-21, Lexis)

      WHILE oil prices have declined … every lost barrel for eight months.


      Costs of transporting oil are negligible

      Philip Auerswald 2010 (Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University) “Pact on the United States of Closure of the Strait of Hormuz” http://www.slideshare.net/auerswald/impact-on-the-united-states-of-closure-of-the-strait-of-hormuz


      In today’s globalised world it is estimated that 90 percent of global trade is carried by sea.1 These goods are carried by the world’s trading fleet which consists of over 50,000 ships of approximately 690 million gross tons (GT) of displacement.2 The massive size of this fleet offsets transport costs. For instance, the cost to a U.S. consumer at the gas pump of transporting crude oil from the Middle East is less than one U.S. cent per liter.



      2NC EU


      CP solves best – EU has the infrastructure and better engagement policies

      Tocci and Cassarino 2011

      (Nathalie, Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome. Jean-Pierre Cassarino is parttime professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, and scientific advisor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, “Rethinking the EU’s Mediterranean Policies Post-1/11,” http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp1106.pdf) JDB


      The Arab revolts do not call … societies of the neighbouring countries too.


      3. Perm fails – US image tanks assistances – CP alone solves best

      Burnell, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Warwick, 2007

      (Peter, “Relations between state, civil society and private sector,” from Democracy: Europe’s Core Value?, 2007, p20-21, accessed via Google Books)


      A third possible approach to the … more comfortable engaging with Europe.


      2NC – AT Perm – Cooperation

      US-EU cooperation fails – no joint approach

      Shapiro and Witney 2009

      (Jeremy Shapiro, former advisor to the assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia at the U.S. Department of State, and Nick Witney, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations after serving as the first Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, “Towards a Post-American Europe: a power audit of US-EU relations” European Council on Foreign Relations, October 2009, http://ecfr.3cdn.net/05b80f1a80154dfc64_x1m6bgxc2.pdf) JDB


      So Europe’s failure to shape … such closely adjacent territory as climate change.



      1NR Politics China


      Egypt contextually proves- military aid is perceived as different from civilian aid

      Gutman, The Jewish Daily, 5-17-11

      (Nathan, “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East,” http://www.forward.com/articles/137826/


      Meanwhile, facing a new reality in Egypt, lawmakers …United States, including the receipt of U.S. aid.”


      Veto takes political capital

      Andrew Lee 2005 “Invest or Spend? Political Capital and Statements of Administration Policy in the First Termof the George W. Bush Presidency” Georgia   Politic a l    Science   Association  •   C o n f e r e n c e   P r o c e e d i n g s   •   2 0 0 5 http://a-s.clayton.edu/trachtenberg/2005%20Proceedings%20Lee.pdf


      How does Congress gauge the credibility … ahead of time to be a losing battle” (2)


      No Obama PC

      Capitol Hill October 17th 2011 “Doom and gloom dominate Obama White House” http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/42228


      The Obama White House is in disarray, … Florida Obama supporter David Brooks.


      AT: Bama Veto

      Obama won’t veto causes massive backlash

      William A. Galston (former policy advisor to President Clinton and presidential candidates, Bill Galston is an expert on domestic policy, political campaigns, and elections) October 6th 2011 “How Congress’s Showdown With China Puts Obama in a Serious Bind” http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/1006_china_obama_galston.aspx


      While all of Washington fastened its … throughout America’s hard-pressed manufacturing sector


      AT: Veto( Romney Turn)

      Obama will either pass bill or lose the election to Romney

      William A. Galston (former policy advisor to President Clinton and presidential candidates, Bill Galston is an expert on domestic policy, political campaigns, and elections) October 6th 2011 “How Congress’s Showdown With China Puts Obama in a Serious Bind” http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/1006_china_obama_galston.aspx


      As for the president, he has … with only these unpalatable options.


      Romney would bash china day one

      Bloomberg Businessweek October 17, 2011, “China’s Currency Distracts From U.S.’s Policy Failings: View” http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-10-17/china-s-currency-distracts-from-u-s-s-policy-failings-view.html


      Republican presidential candidate …to appreciate against the dollar.


      Impact level

      Currency retaliation will trigger a trade war

      Xinhua, 9-17, 10, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-09/17/c_13517713.htm


      The U.S. government may spark …the proposal soars, Chen warned.


      Passage of the currency legislation crushes cooperation on Korea and Iran

      NPR, 10/11/11, http://www.npr.org/2011/10/11/141229657/new-republic-caught-between-china-and-congress


      In a lead editorial, the Wall Street …such as North Korea and Iran.


  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: JMU BW


      Round # 2 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Harvard KT
      Judge: Cameron Norris



      Off Case Args:


      T-support democratic opposition

      EU CP w/internal peace process net benefit

      Politics – china bashing (Boehner)

      Democracy assistance K



      Case Args:


      Saudi relations DA

      5th fleet bad

      -Invites Iran/causes Hormuz conflict

      Trades off w/ better stuff


      Say no/crack down


      Block Strategy:


      EU, politics, case turns, and defense



      2nr Strategy:


      EU, politics, case defense



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Created by on 2011/11/06 05:36


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